lost their job or lost their home because of idiotic vaccination
Yes, I know many healthcare workers especially who lost there jobs knowing the dangers of the Covid poke (and refused them) and many who lost their businesses especially restaurants because of the useless Covid mandates.
And wasn't it just amazing how big box stores stayed open, like Wal-mart, with employees checking out hundreds of people with their groceries per day. (Red Flag)
Or how about petro station workers that came in contact with hundreds of people per day.
Or how about churches that congregated on Sundays to worship with hundreds of people sitting side by side that refused to get the poke.
Anyone with a brain could see that that the Covid scam was way over blown.
Finally after two years when society saw what was going on they took matters into their own hands and said, "F your masks, they are useless ! and my older relatives have died because of ventilators, blood clots and strokes related to the Covid poke as the cause of death.
They may have been
Administered safely (twist of words) but they were far from safe themselves which we have since found out.