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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

jon357  72 | 23022
1 day ago   #331
google it and educate

'Google' and 'educate' don't belong in the same sentence.

Your critical thinking skills are lacking as badly as those of Poloniusz/bieggger/shitnyabrits/many others. He stalks a private Facebook group for British people with his fake and now (wrongly) thinks I work in a place due to him seeing an advert I am looking for staff for one site.. He missed the other three adverts for other countries the month before.

And if your vaccine is "NOT a vaccine', what is it?
johnny reb  46 | 7667
1 day ago   #332
And if your vaccine is "NOT a vaccine', what is it?

Polio, MMR and the like which sounded so safe and we trusted (which I do also) the pretty word "Vaccine" so they used it with Covid to sell it.
Those vaccines I trust but certainly not an experimental injection that was used on us guinea pigs without testing first.
That is why they called the Covid injection a vaccine but it really is not a vaccine.
And if your vaccine is "NOT a vaccine', what is it?

Mr. Twister, I never said it was my vaccine, it is your version of a vaccine.
what is it?

We don't really know yet but the truth always comes out eventually after the fact.
It has just come out this month that the Covid injection is not categorized as a vaccine.
So if you disagree with me then I am really not surprised because everything I stand for, you stand against.
Toodly Doodly Doo
jon357  72 | 23022
1 day ago   #333
Polio, MMR and

Those are words, and they're in some sort of order; just not a good one.

You still don't say why you think a vaccine isn't a vaccine.

It has just come out this month that the Covid injection is not categorized as a vaccine.

By whom? Which of the several vaccines.
johnny reb  46 | 7667
21 hrs ago   #334
You still don't say why you think a vaccine isn't a vaccine.

Simple - just for you jon357

"Vaccine used to be defined as a substances that provides 'immunity' to a specific disease".
"Now, Merriam Webster has literally changed the definition of 'vaccine' and removed the 'immunity' portion in order to possibly cover for the fact that the COVID 'vaccines' don't actually provide immunity from COVID."

See how the Enemy has tricked you Sheeple again.
You need to start paying closer attention jon.
jon357  72 | 23022
20 hrs ago   #335
So that's a no

You still can't say why you think the various covid vaccines aren't vaccines

You picked an argument, and as always you lost

You may as well apologise and weep.
5 hrs ago   #336
"The COVID-19 vaccine is available at no cost through most insurance plans, including Medicare Part B."

That's all you need to know. They will give you free vaccines to "safe your life," but when you ask them to give you free food or drink to save your life, that will not be that easy. I wonder why?
jon357  72 | 23022
34 mins ago   #337
insurance plans, including Medicare

Nobody cares about weirdness like that in developed countries.

They will give you


but when you ask them to give you free food or drink to save your life

So you do that often?

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