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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

Novichok  4 | 8784
27 Jun 2024   #271
from Covid is a rhetorical question

No, it's not.

Hospitals were paid more by the feds if it was Covid.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
27 Jun 2024   #272
Hospitals were paid more by the feds if it was Covid.

johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jun 2024   #273
You don't die from Covid, you die from complications,

Oh, so now you do a 180 and agree with us.
Of course these people did not die from Covid however their death certificates said they did. (Cause of Death, Covid)
Did ya get it this time around ?
You are right Novi, it's like arm wrestling little 10-year-old girls with these people.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
27 Jun 2024   #274
so now you do a 180 and agree with us.
Of course these people did not die from Covid

I haven't changed my mind, compare my entry #15.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jun 2024   #275
compare my entry #15.

1. I don't have time today
2. I don't care
3. Fauci should be in prison for life for all the people he killed
OP Alien  26 | 6565
28 Jun 2024   #276
people he killed

Novichok  4 | 8784
28 Jun 2024   #277
If Fauci didn't kill anyone, neither did Hitler.

BB, deport this idiot...
OP Alien  26 | 6565
28 Jun 2024   #278
BB, deport this idiot

BB cannot deport you.🤭
Novichok  4 | 8784
28 Jun 2024   #279
If Fauci didn't kill anyone, neither did Hitler.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
28 Jun 2024   #280
If Fauci didn't kill anyone

Then accuse him and give him a trial. I wonder who will win in court.
Novichok  4 | 8784
28 Jun 2024   #281
If Fauci didn't kill anyone, neither did Hitler.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jun 2024   #282
Then accuse him and give him a trial.

As soon as they can prove Covid came from one of his labs.
I wonder who will win in court.

He already lost as he and his family get death threads on a regular basis.
Live with that the rest of your life.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
28 Jun 2024   #283
Covid came from one of his labs.

I thought Covid escaped from the Chinese secret laboratory in Wuchan.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jun 2024   #284
Who do you think financed that lab ?
It wasn't the only secret lab that he financed.
He had one in the U.S. and Ukraine and more around the world too developing this shet for you tell me why.
What useful purpose does this stuff serve besides in warfare.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
28 Jun 2024   #285
What useful purpose does this stuff serve besides in warfare.

Various types of biological weapons, more or less dangerous, are certainly being developed in secret laboratories. Why should an American have a say in a secret Chinese laboratory?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jun 2024   #286
Why should an American have a say in a secret Chinese laboratory?

Alien, go read the story about Fauci financing that lab and what he had to do with it and quit pestering.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
29 Jun 2024   #287
quit pestering

deport this idiot...

Can you Americans even hold discussions without insulting your discussion partners?
Feniks  2 | 863
29 Jun 2024   #288
They usually do that as a way of avoiding answering the question. Especially if they're wrong. Plus, they don't appear to have any manners.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jun 2024   #289
Can you Americans even hold discussions without insulting your discussion partners?

Sorry that you took it as an insult, son.
Your stupid question has been answered many times in this thread making it a rhetorical question just so you would have someone to challenge because you are bored and don't work for a living.
It gets to be annoying to have members beat a dead horse like you Europeans like to do by challenging the obvious.
Did that help ?
Plus, they don't appear to have any manners.

Americans have manners, it just our patience runs out for people like you who just want to provoke, argue and challenge to diminish and shame.
We have no problem telling immature gamey people like you to get F'ed.
You like to poke but when you get poked back with a zinger you cry foul.
Now stay on topic and get lost, Karen.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Jun 2024   #290
Plus, they don't appear to have any manners.

The ones here don't. Really quite unsavoury people.

I doubt they care about the amount of damage that anti-vax conspiracy theories do.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jun 2024   #291
The only damage we do is blow your propaganda conspiracies out of the water.
And boy does that steam you when we do.
We educate the people to the truth of the matter with facts.
Like why were they giving six month old babies the Poke of Poison when no one under 20 ever died from Covid ?
Now they have finally admitted to our "conspiracy" and are not recommending it for healthy people under 20 years old.
Why you ask, because the Covid vaccine is linked to blood clot, heart attacks and strokes and many deaths. 😮
We are running out of conspiracies because they all have come true and they are no longer conspiracies leaving only YOU with the conspiracies, jon.
To late now for you bootlickers because that vaccine (that they can't tell you what is in it) is already in your DNA and those babies DNA and their babies for life.
So rebut all you want to jon, and let the people decide who they want to believe since I have proven you wrong over and over in this thread. 😉
Deny it as you may, and will, because Liberals NEVER admit when they are wrong, never.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Jun 2024   #292
I doubt Jim cares one little bit that children die because of 'vaccine hesitancy' encouraged by appalling people on the internet.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jun 2024   #293
I doubt

Doubt all you want to.
We noticed how you skirted the "Covid vaccine" and re - worded it "vaccine hesitancy" to project that I was referring to all vaccines to diminish me.
What a clever lie.
You are such a nuisance here jon, and ever so annoying.
Novichok  4 | 8784
29 Jun 2024   #294
They usually do that as a way of avoiding answering the question. Especially if they're wrong.

Avoiding answering questions is the specialty of Euro bootlickers like Barney and Nazitus, woke leftists like Lyzko, and that Polish-German moron.

How many times did I ask for the definition of a woman? Or how many dead Ukrainians are too many? Or how many fagots can a country have and still be viable?
The same goes for abortions and migrants...How many is too many? Those were not trivial questions as they must be answered before a country can form a coherent and sustainable policy.

Back to Covid. JR was correct. The idiotic Nazi-grade response to it was NOT SUSTAINABLE. Humanity must deal with such things in a manner that can repeated as often as such plagues happen. Lockdowns and printing money to keep people at home cannot last or be repeated with any regularity and that's why this last BS was the last BS,

There was one benefit...We have finally realized that we gave our governments too much power - with the best example being Australia - a fascist "democracy" at its very worst.

What a clever lie.
You are such a nuisance here jon, and ever so annoying.

That's what these azholes do here. Your patience and restraint are admirable. I have none left...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jun 2024   #295
Your patience and restraint are admirable. I have none left...

Like I told you weeks ago Novi, I will be going on vacation soon.
And when I go this is the last place I want to be in contact with so I won't be posting again.
You will have to hold the fort down.
But of course, like always, the trolls will post that I am either dead or in prison. 🙄
jon & Harry love to start rumors and create lies.
Lockdowns and printing money to keep people at home cannot last or be repeated with any regularity and that's why this last BS was the last BS,

Spot on !
I couldn't have said it better, Novi.
These bootlickers love drama and suck it right up though do to the lack of any substantial happenings in Europe.
They lock onto a topic and beat it like a dead horse to get all the drama they can out of it to have someone to argue, diminish and shame.
Sorry to hear that they finally pushed you over the edge but I do fully understand.
Be like me and just consider it cheap entertainment. 🤠
Novichok  4 | 8784
29 Jun 2024   #296
These bootlickers love drama and suck...

...up to the man.

They never, ever question what they are told.

We do just the opposite under the rule: My body, my mask..Fvck off! This is not a Soviet gulag ...
Feniks  2 | 863
29 Jun 2024   #297
I doubt they care about the amount of damage that anti-vax conspiracy theories do.

Of course they don't which is why potentially fatal diseases like measles are on the increase again:

How many times did I ask how many dead Ukrainians are too many?

Probably as many times as I asked how many kids dead from gunshot wounds are too many. Where's my answer?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jun 2024   #298
Of course they don't which is why potentially fatal diseases like measles are on the increase again:

Oh stop it !
Didn't you read what I posted about jons clever projecting of what I never implied or said.
We noticed how you skirted the "Covid vaccine" and re - worded it "vaccine hesitancy" to project that I was referring to all vaccines to diminish me.

We are talking about the COVID vaccine, not the measle, mumps and rubella vaccines
You two are piece of work and you are no doubt the owner of this forum, jons new Mod.
Now there is a conspiracy, or is it.😋
Feniks  2 | 863
29 Jun 2024   #299
We are talking about the COVID vaccine, not the measle, mumps and rubella vaccines

From the article I linked to:

Online anti-vaxxers, conflating Covid and MMR theories, are convincing parents against immunising their children.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jun 2024   #300
Feniks, when I was a kid my mother made me play with other kids to intentionally catch the measles to build up my immunity against them.
I caught the measles and lived to be a cantankerous old man.
I caught the mumps too and have never had those two diseases again so what can I say.

Home / News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

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