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Communist era 'newspeak' appeals the most to Poland PiS supporters (what a surprise)

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Jan 2012   #1
I saw this very interesting article on thenews -

Elements of public language resembling the propaganda used during the communist era are most attractive to voters of the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party in Poland.. Their findings, Baran said, supported Glowinski's assertion that PiS and Samobrona supporters were better disposed to 'news speak' than other voters.


It's what I (and others) have been saying all along - that PiS supporters, brainwashed by years of Communism, are seduced by such language. When you look at the socio-economic level of PiS supporters too - then you can clearly see that such language is resonating with the uneducated in Poland. And as I've said elsewhere - the Communists did a fantastic job of infiltrating the minds of the stupid. They might still have opposed Communism, but their demands nowadays shows how totally and thoroughly brainwashed they actually were. The fact that they repeat Communist mythology as if it was fact nowadays also confirms this.
25 Jan 2012   #2
Interesting article. Also interesting that Polonia so strongly supports PiS, presumably they also swallow 'newspeak' unquestioningly.
Ironside  50 | 12954
25 Jan 2012   #3
PiS is often accused of a rather divisive style of political discourse, evoking a certain kind of 'Poland' and a certain version of the nation's history, one that tends to be dominated by dichotomies between 'us' and 'them,' in various aspects of public life.

Right ! :D
What a travesty? Commies are accusing others of being commies well, totalitarian minded !
What next? these experts in a need of dough ! low
rybnik  18 | 1444
25 Jan 2012   #4
Also interesting that Polonia so strongly supports PiS, presumably they also swallow 'newspeak' unquestioningly.

Here in New Jersey there is a Polsat news program that comes on "free TV" every night at 11 pm. There lead-off stories are usually chruch and/or Kaczynski-related and their interview piece is always with a member of PiS..........I'm unclear as to how the non-Polish speaking Polonia gets influenced.
xzqbq7  2 | 100
25 Jan 2012   #5
Of course you all realize that Mr. Michnik and his Gazeta Wyborcza are not impartial observers in this study, do you?

Mr. Michnik calls Gen. Jaruzelski his friend and an honorable man. For your information Jaruzelski is a former communist
leader and responsible for thousands of deaths and broken lives during his rule that included declaring war on 'his' nation,
so called martial law. Mr. Michnik is staunchly anti-PiS and therefore his studies on the subject are to be taken with a lot of salt.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
25 Jan 2012   #6
What's trully Orwellian is the government controlled media spreading such nonsense.
gwiazdeczka  - | 4
25 Jan 2012   #7
Ironic, considering the far right are often the ones so eager to call any left-wing party or person a communist.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Jan 2012   #8
Of course you all realize that Mr. Michnik and his Gazeta Wyborcza are not impartial observers in this study, do you?

Of course, we all realise how utterly brainwashed you guys are - all it takes is the mention of "Gazeta Wyborcza" and you're drooling at the mouth.

Mr. Michnik is staunchly anti-PiS and therefore his studies on the subject are to be taken with a lot of salt.

It's not his studies. Then again, it's no surprise that the average PiS supporter wouldn't understand the difference between "journalist" and "academic".

What's trully Orwellian is the government controlled media spreading such nonsense.

Defending PiS again? ;)

Ironic, considering the far right are often the ones so eager to call any left-wing party or person a communist.

It's what we all know here - that PiS are really just Communists under a different flag. The language, the tone - much of it is borrowed from the PZPR way of doing things.
pip  10 | 1658
25 Jan 2012   #9
my husband is a PiS supporter. educated in Canada, lives in Poland and a staunch anti communist. I don't really follow politics but I don't understand why hunting down corruption is such a bad thing.
Gustav  1 | 50
25 Jan 2012   #10
It's what I (and others) have been saying all along - that PiS supporters, brainwashed by years of Communism, are seduced by such languag

Your crusade against anyone who disagrees with your neo-liberal agenda is extraordinary and slightly comedic.

I mean 'anything-goes' liberalism has been such a success in Britain, right?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Jan 2012   #11
my husband is a PiS supporter. educated in Canada, lives in Poland and a staunch anti communist. I don't really follow politics but I don't understand why hunting down corruption is such a bad thing.

The simple answer is that they weren't hunting down corruption, but rather hunting down political opponents. The way that Kaczynski boasted about spying on his coalition partners - well...what can you say?

The other answer is that they pretend to be anti-Communist, but anyone who actually takes time to look at their platform sees that they're about as socialist as it gets. These days, they're definitely more left-wing economically than the SLD - much of what they propose amounts to huge amounts of direct interference in the economy. They are very much in favour of huge social transfers - and worse still, they're in favour of transferring the money to people like miners. I still remember Kaczynski's refusal to support nurses, too.

That, and they've been seducing football hooligans.

Your crusade against anyone who disagrees with your neo-liberal agenda is extraordinary and slightly comedic.

What's even more amusing is watching all the PiS supporters go on the attack instead of talking about the topic. Par for the course, and nothing surprising.

I mean 'anything-goes' liberalism has been such a success in Britain, right?

It's certainly far more of a success than a Government which spied on everyone, including their own coalition partners and who led Poland to international ridicule.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
25 Jan 2012   #12
Defending PiS again? ;)

Perhaps... but better that than being useful idiot of the regime.
25 Jan 2012   #13
" Mr. Michnik calls Gen. Jaruzelski his friend and an honorable man. For your information Jaruzelski is a former communist leader and responsible for thousands of deaths and broken lives during his rule that included declaring war on 'his' nation, so called martial law. Mr. Michnik is staunchly anti-PiS and therefore his studies on the subject are to be taken with a lot of salt."

The general is an honourable man.
And he managed what few Polish leaders have managed: preventing Poland from being invaded.

BTW, you forgot to mention who is a Jew, do that again and you'll have your mohair beret taken away!
Gustav  1 | 50
25 Jan 2012   #14
What's even more amusing is watching all the PiS supporters go on the attack instead of talking about the topic. Par for the course, and nothing surprising.

Who did you vote for in last year's general election?

Oops that's right your a opinionated Brit who can't even debate with any politician in the language of our country :)
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Jan 2012   #15
Who did you vote for in last year's general election?

Not PiS, that much is for sure ;)

Oops that's right your a opinionated Brit who can't even debate with any politician in the language of our country :)

That's right - you're showing everyone why PiS must be kept firmly in opposition.

The topic is -

Communist era 'newspeak' appeals the most to PiS supporters

Ironside  50 | 12954
25 Jan 2012   #16
The topic is -
Communist era 'newspeak' appeals the most to PiS supporters

Which it is actually hoax! Which you have taken at face value ! Whereas it is yet another BULL in a long series of propaganda articles.

Would you like to present any evidence to support your claim that he was hunting down his political opponents?
As for "spying" by Kaczynski on his coalition partners - would you like to point out the way he was doing that spying ? Was he hiding under their table or in their wardrobe? Maybe he was using a glass pressed against a wall to listen to their conversations ?

all it takes is the mention of "Gazeta Wyborcza" and you're drooling at the mouth.

Everybody knows that rag and what it stands for. If anyone is dividing people and is totalitarian at heart that them - self-admiring poisonous circle of haters and professional liars !A Good company for you.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jan 2012   #17
Which it is actually hoax! Which you have taken at face value ! Whereas it is yet another BULL in a long series of propaganda articles.

Actually, you just prove the point. PiS supporters instantly denounce anything that doesn't agree with them as lies - which is exactly what the Communists did. Again - Western propoganda was often denounced on Soviet Bloc TV - the infamous "black channel" in East Germany was probably the best example, though it went on elsewhere too.

Would you like to present any evidence to support your claim that he was hunting down his political opponents? might start with his boasting about how they spied on his coalition partners.

As for "spying" by Kaczynski on his coalition partners - would you like to point out the way he was doing that spying ? Was he hiding under their table or in their wardrobe? Maybe he was using a glass pressed against a wall to listen to their conversations ?

He already boasted about how he used the ABW.

Everybody knows that rag and what it stands for. If anyone is dividing people and is totalitarian at heart that them - self-admiring poisonous circle of haters and professional liars !A Good company for you.

Newspeak through and through.
rybnik  18 | 1444
26 Jan 2012   #18
you're showing everyone why PiS must be kept firmly in opposition.

I was in Poland during the last election (actually went to a polling station with my family and fed the ballot into the box). My cousin was so worried that PiS might win. He's a business owner. When PO won he was ecstatic! I'll never forget the look of sheer relief on is face. He told me that PiS would make it very hard for him to do business. I never asked him how PiS would do that.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jan 2012   #19
Basically, PiS are hard left economically - they are very much socialists. It's denied, of course (socialism is a dirty word here - but it's almost certain that they would hurt small/medium businesses in order to help the huge state-owned businesses. They're also very pro worker-rights - so depending on his business, he might very well be in a bad place if PiS won. Generally speaking, they stand for all sorts of benefits for workers and little rights for employers - which is why most business owners are against them.
rybnik  18 | 1444
26 Jan 2012   #20
very interesting
Ironside  50 | 12954
27 Jan 2012   #21
Actually, you just prove the point. PiS supporters instantly denounce anything that doesn't agree with them as lies - which is exactly what the Communists did.

Wether Communist did or didn't is not an issue here. Nor am i a PiS supporter, recognising lies as lies has no political connotation's. Well maybe for you it has. might start with his boasting about how they spied on his coalition partners

Boasting of what ? spying ?
Are you calling the actions of anti-corruptions government organization - spying ? hilarious

He already boasted about how he used the ABW.

Did he ? There was parliamentary comity to check all alleged "crimes" of his government. What are the conclusions ? No law has been broken/!

smoking pot much ?

Newspeak through and through.

Yeah you would know one wouldn't you.
Your posts are BS through and through

Basically, PiS are hard left economically - they are very much socialists. It's denied, of course (socialism is a dirty word here - but it's almost certain that they would hurt small/medium businesses in order to help the huge state-owned businesses. They're also very pro worker-rights - so depending on his business, he might very well be in a bad place if PiS won. Generally speaking, they stand for all sorts of benefits for workers and little rights for employers - which is why most business owners are against them.

and new-speak too, and nonsense and boring !

I never asked him how PiS would do that.

Implementing anti-corruption measures !
gumishu  15 | 6228
27 Jan 2012   #22
Mr. Michnik calls Gen. Jaruzelski his friend and an honorable man.

forget Jaruzelski - Michnik calls Kiszczak an honorable man (the former head of the Ministry of Interior - as such he was running communist secret services (SB))

all it takes it to say Gazeta Wyborcza is an objective medium and a good source of information on Polish politics and I raise my eyebrows in disbelief :)
JonnyM  11 | 2607
27 Jan 2012   #23
forget Jaruzelski - Michnik calls Kiszczak an honorable man

Perhaps he is an honourable man. And isn't that so much better than the mudslinging, constant internecine sniping and lack of basic decency and dignity that is the lifeblood of the PiSuarzy?
gumishu  15 | 6228
27 Jan 2012   #24
Perhapshe is an honourable man

I don't call people personally responsible for murders of political opponents (ks. Popiełuszko - just the most prominent example) honourable
JonnyM  11 | 2607
27 Jan 2012   #25
Personally I do. He did his job for what he believed were the right reasons and in the right way.
hythorn  3 | 580
27 Jan 2012   #26
with regards to Jaruzelski I have always been of the belief that the poor bastard could not have done much else

it was either a case of declare martial law and result in a few thousand protestors getting a good kicking or
do nothing and have the Russians wade in and indulge in a spot of bayonet practice using the local populace as a target

It is all well and good now to sit in the comfort of one's armchair and criticise Jaruzelski however I am sure that
at the time, he genuinely believed that Poland was going to be invaded by the Russian army and had to choose
the lesser of two evils
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
27 Jan 2012   #27
I have always been of the belief that the poor bastard could not have done much else

No matter how you slice it a Bastard that declares war on his own people is a traitor period, those who excuse such action as somehow being the lesser of two evils are simply naïve at best easily manipulated by propaganda machine designed to protect the losers ass from justice if not outright supporters themselves.
hythorn  3 | 580
27 Jan 2012   #28
now hold on now a cotton pickin minute, you do not live in Poland however that seems to give you the God given right to condemn someone who was forced to choose the lesser of two evils when the intelligence that he was receiving was unlikely to be impartial

anyone can appear to be wise in hindsight

ironically, you could argue that he was a great patriot for not letting the Ruskies in

one thing is for sure, if the Russians had invaded you would not have been hurt
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
27 Jan 2012   #29
Now let’s be honest and show me anything in his past deeds or background of this traitor you defend here that would support your argument. Patriot to whom?, and stop taking God’s name in vain this traitor does not believe in God either. He's a cotton picking slave to his masters!
hythorn  3 | 580
27 Jan 2012   #30
Now let’s be honest and show me anything in his past deeds or background of this traitor you defend here that would support your argument

erm... Martial law?

Home / News / Communist era 'newspeak' appeals the most to Poland PiS supporters (what a surprise)

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