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Anti-Defamation League want Macierewicz (Poland defense minister) appointment withdrawn - GW

Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Nov 2015   #1
GW reporting that the Jewish Anti-Defamation League has called on PM Szydło to withdraw her appointment of Antoni Macierewicz to the post of defence minister for his allegedly anti-Semitic remarks.

Let's see whether someone will say they shouldn't stick their big nose in Poland's internal affairs or whether the PF's pro-Zionist wing will be quicker on the draw?,114871,19180002,zydowska-liga-przeciw-znieslawieniom-wzywa-do-cofniecia-nominacji.html
13 Nov 2015   #2
they shouldn't stick their big nose

Ah, casual racism: the current hallmark of PF.
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Nov 2015   #3
their big nose

A tawdry comment which says far more about you than any group who have a perfect right to criticise a seedy politician.

You really do come across as a foul individual with no redeeming features whatsoever. I sincerely hope all that vileness is just for show. Nevertheless, it begs the question why...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Nov 2015   #4
GW reporting that the Jewish Anti-Defamation League has called on PM Szydło to withdraw her appointment of Antoni Macierewicz to the post of defence minister for his allegedly anti-Semitic remarks.

Don't worry, he'll soon make a fool out of himself when he tries to scare Russia and Russia replies by sticking some nice missiles in Kaliningrad pointed straight at Warsaw.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Nov 2015   #5

Indeed, why were you among the first to jump on the Zionist-defending bandwagon. One can't help but wodner: R U 1 2?
13 Nov 2015   #6
One can't help but wodner: R U 1 2?

One would have to wonder why you are so interested in who is and who isn't a Jew. We know that you consider yourself to be superior to other people, actually, to be more exact, one of the many reasons that you consider yourself to be superior to other people, is your supposed Polish heritage (claimed heritage not supported by your ineligibility for a Polish passport by descent), but do you consider Jews to be untermenschen in the same way that you consider Poles to be ubermenschen?

But then one would also be very confused by your views on Jews in general, for example why you proudly boast of never having even applied for a job with a newspaper that is edited by a Jew, and you never fail to mention that it is edited by a Jew, while you also boast about your claim to have worked for decades at a certain company but always overlook the fact that that company was at that time owned by a Jewish family.

Macierewicz and his racist newspaper

It's an absolute disgrace that Poland is represented internationally by such a vile creature. I'm not sure which is worse: his open anti-semitism or the Smolensk Death Cult.

Fortunately copies of the newspaper he used to edit and write for are still out there, so he is condemned by his own words. Recently an analysis was made of that newspaper and what it wrote:

In February 1996, Macierewicz wrote under his own byline about Dariusz Rosati - Polish, formerly communist politician who asked Jews to forgive Poland for the 1946 Kielce pogrom that took place after the Nazis themselves had surrendered. Historians have found that non-Jewish Poles there killed more than 40 Holocaust survivors.

More examples of this disgusting piece of work can be read in the article:
Ironside  51 | 13104
28 Jul 2016   #7
Well, he is right. On two counts, Rossati doesn't represents Poles and in the case of Kielce provocation.

It make no sense to talk about anti-Semitism. However I'm used to your usual drivel and I'll not ask.
29 Jul 2016   #8
Anti Defamation League is a useless NGO owned by Soros.

Anti Defamation League labeled Daryush Roosh Valizadeh who lives in Poznan Poland, to be an

antisemite misogynist who has links to extremism terrorism

and Daryush Roosh Valizadeh is still well and fine and not locked up, so that's that all you need to know about ADL
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2017   #9

Polish League Against Defamation

You can now report any anti Polish defamation or slander to the people below.

There have been many posts here that would fall into that category.

co-financed by the Polish Foreign Ministry
mafketis  38 | 11267
4 Dec 2017   #10
You can now report any anti Polish defamation or slander to the people below

I never figured you for a kapuś but hey, guess I was wrong.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2017   #11
figured you for a kapuś

Just a patriot who's family shed blood for for a free Polish Republic, cowards who defame Poland deserve their day in court where they can try and justify their untruths.
mafketis  38 | 11267
4 Dec 2017   #12
a patriot who's family shed blood for for a free Polish Republic

They must be ashamed of having a donosiciel in the family....

cowards who defame Poland

commie kapuś talk, there were other ways of letting people know about the organization in question without encouraging people to become tajni współpracownicy

do you wanna report me?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Dec 2017   #13
There have been many posts here that would fall into that category.

I wonder what these are? If there are many of them, can you provide just one example?

I also wonder whether they have something similar in America (the US). If the US is the most developed and the richest country in the world and also is a kind of a role model for Poland as far as democracy is concerned, they would have something like that, surely.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2017   #14
do you wanna report me?

If someone feels offended by your postings and feel that you are deliberately posting defamatory remarks about Poland then yes there is now a organisation that will look at the case.

As for you personally I don't really follow any of your postings, so I can't comment.
cms  9 | 1253
4 Dec 2017   #15
So you probably need to look at Sigs post about how offending peeople is an essential part of free speech.

If this Ruritanian organisation is paid for our tax zloties then that is an abominable waste of public money.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Dec 2017   #16
do you wanna report me?

Shall I report the Defence Minister then who had promised to unveil the plot behind the crash in Smoleńsk and nothing whatsover has come out of it so far. It's clearly some defamation of Poland and a stain on the reputation of the country...

Anyway, it seems to be more serious that reporting Mafketis and his silly games on this forum, for example ...
mafketis  38 | 11267
4 Dec 2017   #17
I don't really follow any of your postings

Mafketis and his silly games

Wow, I am feeling the burrrrrnnnnn today.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2017   #18
Shall I report

Email your index cards as you see fit, they have an email address and there are examples of current lawsuits on their website.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Dec 2017   #19
They must be ashamed of having a donosiciel in the family....

Indeed. Nobody likes a squealer.

If this Ruritanian organisation is paid for our tax zloties

As far as I know, it is just some private club.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2017   #20
Indeed. Nobody likes a squealer.

Well this was very true of the old PRL days, but In the new III Polish republic , people are free to report wrong doing to the authorities as they see it.

Sadly I note there are Marxists leftists who still use old PRL terms such as squealer and kapus in a hope to deter patriot citizens of the free republic, who wish to protect the good name of Poland, If law is broken it is the right of every citizen to report it to the authorities.
mafketis  38 | 11267
4 Dec 2017   #21
, If law is broken it is the right of every citizen to report it to the authorities

Soo.... the new third (shouldn't that be Fourth?) Polish Republic there is no freedom of speech? That's the kind of country you want to live in?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2017   #22
there is no freedom of speech?

Not for Communists,Nazis, Traitors or sinister outside political forces who try to corrupt and undermine the democratic republic of Poland.

The people of Poland are able to speak and choose their leadership at the elections.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Dec 2017   #23
Well this was very true of the old PRL days, but In the new III Polish republic

More the opposite. Poles denounced each other back in the PRL, just as some (even many) denounced other Poles to the German occupiers - there's a very good book that compiles some of the thousands of wartime denunciation letters that survived.

And nobody likes a squealer.

there is no freedom of speech? That's the kind of country you want to live in?

Basically yes...
mafketis  38 | 11267
4 Dec 2017   #24
Not for Communists,Nazis, Traitors or sinister outside political forces who try to corrupt and undermine the democratic republic of Poland

Drop the word communist (change it to capitalist or speculator) and that could come straight of the of mouth of a PRL government spokesperson....

people of Poland are able to speak and choose their leadership at the elections.

Who says they shouldn't? But winning an election does not give a government carte blanche to subvert the rule of law and back out of signed agreements.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2017   #25
Why has my new thread about the new website for the POLISH LEAGUE AGAINST DEFAMATION Website been merged with something to do with a thread about some random politician I was trying to highlight this new initiative for report slander against Poland an now you mods are trying to bury it , are you worried there may be some reports about this forum?.

I appeal that my thread is reconsidered to stand in its own right
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Dec 2017   #26
my new thread about the new website for the POLISH LEAGUE AGAINST DEFAMATION Website been merged with something

Because "anti-defamation league" is the same as "league against defamation".

But winning an election does not give a government carte blanche to subvert the rule of law and back out of signed agreements

Yes, 'democracy' and 'rule of law' are the keywords. Otherwise, those who win the election may feel free to do whatever they want and thus democracy quickly vanishes from their agenda.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Dec 2017   #27
Because "anti-defamation league" is the same as "league against defamation".

Is that a official answer are you a moderator.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Dec 2017   #28
allegedly anti-Semitic remarks.

So he revealed the truth basically...

'rule of law'

Funny how the EU blasts Poland about 'rule of law' while in France Muslims are free to torch entire neighborhoods, police stations, cars, etc everytime they feel like having a demonstration - especially when it relates to Palestine. They don't care about Palestinians - it's just an excuse to riot and destroy their gracious hosts' country.

France has been in a state of emergency for over 2 years - now that's a real rule of law issue.

Otherwise, those who win the election may feel free to do whatever they want and thus democracy quickly vanishes from their agenda.

Poland is still a democracy, don't be silly and PiS isn't trying to change that. They are re-Polonizing the country due to all the Germans, Zionists, EUphiles, etc. who have taken advantage of the situation under PO to take control of key sectors of the country like banks and media.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Dec 2017   #29
Muslims are free to

Is anyone 'free to' do that?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Dec 2017   #30
No no one is free to torch neighborhoods, police stations, cars, etc and create a 2+ year state of emergency. In this case, Muslims and other migrants are the clearly ones who are mainly causing this unrest. Even worse, they rarely face consequences for doing so. Many police officers have gone on record stating theyll arrest the same migrant 20 30 times even for things like sexual assualt, pick pocketing, selling drugs and they're let out the next day. French people especially women living around Calais are scared to even leave their homes thanks to them. Due to the ridiculous PC far left culture that has pervaded western Europe, the French refuse to stand up for their country like the Poles and V4 have and do something about it. Western Europeans scared to even say that Muslims are the ones committing the vast majority of crimes, rapes, terror attacks, etc even though its obvious. Certain police forces have even been caught lying about crime statistics caused by migrants.

That is why 3/4 of Poles reject turd world migration. If these people came to these countries, assimilated, worked, didn't cause thousands of sexual assaults, didn't need to be told that it's not okay to grope women, and weren't living in council houses (UK), cruise ships (Sweden), four star hotels (Germany) and simply collecting benefits, then maybe people would have a better opinion of them. They need to improve their image if they want to be accepted into European society - stop challenging liberal laws of gender equality, stop stabbing people who buy beer during Ramadan, stop running people over with trucks, beheading soldiers, and killing dozens of café and concert goers, and get a damn job... then maybe, just maybe Europeans including Poles would be more welcoming.

Its worth noting that numerous Jewish organization are calling on the French government to do a better job protecting Jewish French citizens against the muslims who constantly harass and assault them. That's why thousands are now making aliyah to Israel.

Home / News / Anti-Defamation League want Macierewicz (Poland defense minister) appointment withdrawn - GW
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