Think something of your own man :/
I try.
Why shouldn`t PiS rule Poland again?
`Cause they love using stalinist methods which cost innocent people their lives.
Let`s start the review of stalinist methods used by PiS with the case of Mirosław Garlicki which exploded in 2007 and finished a few days ago:
Warsaw- A respected surgeon specialising in heart transplants has been arrested on charges of murder and corruption, the head of Poland's Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) said Wednesday in Warsaw. The evidence against the physician, identified only as Dr. Miroslaw G., head of the cardio-surgery department in Warsaw's elite Interior Ministry Hospital, is "shocking," CBA head Mariusz Kaminski said.
The doctor`s arrest was broadcast on national TV.
Also undercover films showing the doctor taking bribes were released. The doctor accepts a book with money inside from a grateful woman whose husband had been successfully operated on.
Justice Minister, Ziobro, says memorable words: No-one else will ever again be deprived of life by this man'
Mirosław Garlicki was a well regarded surgeon at Warsaw's interior ministry hospital. In what the young and ambitious justice minister, Zbigniew Ziobro, hoped would be a coup in his attempt to root out corruption in Polish public life, Garlicki was arrested in February while at work, and led out in handcuffs past stunned co-workers. The whole scene was filmed and broadcasted on national television."
A few days ago Warsaw court ruled that M. G., the head of open-heart surgery ward in one of best clinics in this country is guilty of accepting 17,000 Polish zlotys bribe and sentenced him for one year imprisonment suspended for two years. The parties may appeal.,3/sedzia-tuleya-wskazywal-na-patologie-w-dzialaniach-cba-juz-od-2007-r,299100.html
Before that sentence, the doctor had sued the PiS Justice Minister, Ziobro, who had publicly accused him of murder in 2007, and he won.
[i]On 25 August 2008 the Kraków Regional Court gave judgment. It ordered the defendant to publish an apology directly after the main evening news programmes on the three national television stations (TVP, Polsat and TVN). The apology read: "I, Zbigniew Ziobro apologise to Dr Mirosław Garlicki for having said about him that 'no-one else will ever again be deprived of life by this man', which tarnished the reputation of Dr Mirosław Garlicki." "(Ja Zbigniew Ziobro przepraszam Pana dr Mirosława Garlickiego za wypowiedzenie pod jego adresem słów - już nikt nigdy przez tego Pana życia pozbawiony nie będzie - które naruszyły cześć Pana dr Mirosława Garlickiego)."{%22itemid%22
The number of heart transplantations dropped by 60%. How many lives were lost thanks to PiS stalinist methods?