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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

OP cms neuf  2 | 1957
2 days ago   #1261
What ? That American beer is crap ?

Of course it is much better than it was but I thought the craft beer industry was all centered in the kind of places Trump hates - Portland, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco etc ?

But the real issue is that Hegseth is an alcoholic and we do not want our military intelligence shared with unreliable pissheads
Novichok  4 | 8723
2 days ago   #1262
The emotional morons in need of supervision...

...are the azzholes who don't have a single nuclear reactor, make no fighter planes, have no ICBMs, no place to test nukes and still think that the Warsaw Uprising was a good idea and a great military achievement...

Did you, Polish azzholes, consider Denmark? Do they need nukes, too? How about Moldova?

God have mercy on us all...
Torq  10 | 1238
2 days ago   #1263
don't have a single nuclear reactor


make no fighter planes

So what? We can always buy them.

have no ICBMs

Will have them soon, plus we are buying those Scorpène submarines from France which will add to our long range missile strike capability.

no place to test nukes

We agreed that Pawian's vegetable garden will be a suitable place.
mafketis  38 | 11271
2 days ago   #1264
conversation brings Ukraine and Russia together on a deal for safe passage in the Black Sea.

That Trump is a fvcking moron right?

No. Trump is on russia's side, just like Orban..

Why on earth was this needed? Ukraine long ago de-fanged the russian navy in the Black Sea and exported more than ever last year itself.

And supposedly this is to correspond with lifting some sanctions on russia?

How on earth does this promote peace? It makes it easier for russia to arm up and attack Ukraine while keeping Trump on the hook for more talks because putin wants 'peace'...

Amateur hour.
Crow  155 | 9713
2 days ago   #1265
Those schizmatics and heretics should bow their heads down in shame and go back to Rome. God is good--He will forgive them.

Actually, they are on the way to Rome. And good riddance to them. Vermin with vermin. Both are haters and users of Slavs.

They speak nonsense then.

I know. Brate. They all speak nonsense. We know what is good for us Slavs. Especially for us Sarmatians. Non need to control our love for Christ. And Svetovid.

Do you think Catholic Church in Poland doesn't include various ancestral folk traditions?

Glad to me if tradition in Poland live. I know that live. We Serbians know what was role of Catholic Church in Poland and what was role of Catholic Church in former Yugoslavia during WWII.

Still, this what happened here, telling to Poles and Serbians that Poles have to have their national Catholic Church. Same as Poles can be happy that Constantinople does not control their Serbian brethren, we would be happy to see Rome deprived of direct control over Poland.

We would work together brate.

Have no fear.
Crow  155 | 9713
2 days ago   #1266
Vucic`s interview for DIE WELTWOCHE /eng subs/ - «Nur über meine Leiche»: Präsident Vucic über die Forderung nach einem Regierungswechsel ohne Wahlen

NATO has written an article in The Daily Mail today that suggests that the West will be at war with Russia in about 2 years.

NATO is at war with Russia since German-Vatican destruction of Yugoslavia in 1991. It was opening stage of conflict. Direct conflict started 1999 when NATO attacked Serbia and Crna Gora. Putin came to power. Then was ceasefire which was broken with Maiden in Ukraine and rest is history.
Novichok  4 | 8723
2 days ago   #1267
Euro paranoia on display...

It is true that to some extent, all of the above is simply a local variant of a general EU-plus-UK frenzy: With Brussels, London, and Paris as agitators-in-chief, the whole shabby, stagnating bloc is dreaming big about going into massive debt, perhaps even, in essence, confiscating private savings, to confront Russia. With or without the US.

That is just another application of the key current governing principle of Western elites:

Rule by permanent emergency.

And if there is no real emergency around, they just make one up.

Sick morons...
OP cms neuf  2 | 1957
2 days ago   #1268
So it turns out the NN Nazis will not take part in this Black Sea ceasefire until a bunch of other conditions have been met. They have lied

Bloody Boris and Biden again
Korvinus  3 | 631
2 days ago   #1269
Euro paranoia on display...

Now that USA's bucking out of the defensive alliance which has only ever been called in once specifically to serve American interests after 9/11
Bobko  27 | 2228
2 days ago   #1270
Spending time since last weekend reading about the diplomatic negotiations surrounding the American-North Vietnamese peace deal.

I'm shocked - absolutely stupefied - by the parallels with today.

The first conversations about peace were started already in the times of LBJ, but they didn't become serious until Nixon was elected in November of 1968. By that time, the idea of "Peace through Victory" was no longer in vogue, and instead it was "Peace with Honor". Already on the campaign trail, Nixon had been hinting that he has a "secret" plan to bring about the end of that war.

In the event, peace was not so easy to achieve as Nixon may have thought.

Already in his second term, Kissinger and the President are exasperated with the leader of South Vietnam. The man in Saigon, continues making "insane" demands that the North withdraw all forces from South Vietnam before a ceasefire can be discussed.

Meanwhile, Kissinger's negotiation partner is the North Vietnamese Le Duc Tho - nicknamed "The Hammer" - and he is driving an extremely tough line, knowing that America wants out of this endless war.

Kissinger argues to Nixon that the ruling clique in Saigon is interested in nothing but a continuation of the war. That the war itself has become Saigon's raison d'etre.

Nixon is worried it might make America look weak if it abandons South Vietnam. Kissinger replies that it's a question of timing. If South Vietnam falls in some months, or half a year - then that is bad for America. If it falls in 2-3 years - however - then America can easily argue that the corrupt and compromise-avoidant government in Saigon had brought it all upon themselves.

In 1973 - the Paris Peace Accords are signed. A ceasefire begins, and the US withdraws all American troops from Vietnam.

During the next year the ceasefire is violated numerous times, but the North Vietnamese avoid large offensive actions in accordance with the pledge made before Nixon.

As the Watergate scandal deepens, North Vietnam begins making bolder moves. At a certain point, they make the political calculation that American decision making will be paralyzed as the Nixon administration collapses.

After Nixon resigns in disgrace, the North begins a full scale offensive. By April, South Vietnam ceased to exist and American embassy workers were evacuated from the embassy roof by helicopter.
Bobko  27 | 2228
2 days ago   #1271
After Vietnam, America invaded a bunch more countries, and had a fantastically prosperous 1990s and 2000s. Nobody turned away from America - even though France was incredibly pissed.

Lesson for all the people here who say "America just flushed its future down the drain with this betrayal."

America doesn't need anyone. It can backstab, and betray - and still the only thing that can hurt it is if it begins to eat itself from the inside.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 727
2 days ago   #1272
Trump hates - Portland, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco etc ?

You are off the rails. What does Trump have to do with beer? He religiously abstains from any form of alcohol.
Bobko  27 | 2228
2 days ago   #1273
He religiously abstains from any form of alcohol.

His brother scared the sh*t out of him.

He talked about it in a rare interview with the Washington Post:

Him and his dad ganged up on the older brother, making him feel like a loser for being a pilot.
Novichok  4 | 8723
2 days ago   #1274
it is if it begins to eat itself from the inside.

Exactly my point, if not the words.

That's why all those stupid tanks, artillery, and the navy ships are so damn useless.

When a 2 million dollar rocket can take out a 10 billion dollar aircraft carrier, it's time to think things through and chop that obscene 900B mil budget by 75%.

But that's what these damn Polaks here don't want to hear. To these mother fvckers, 900B is just fine because it's for their and other Euro parasites' defense.

Or at least that's what they think, azzholes...The fact that the US is going broke means shlt to them.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
2 days ago   #1275
Meanwhile, Russia and the US are talking about territory in Ukraine peace talks.

You talk a lot of sense in that post, something that is sadly lacking on PF.

And russia is still attacking civilians and the US is trying to pretend it isn't and slobbering about how putin wants peace...

Yeah, that's the way I see it too.USA is bending the knee to Russia..... it is pathetic to see.

So when will West Nigerians, commonly known as Poles, get nukes to end life on Earth

Now you are just making a fool of yourself....

Are you and your Russia worthy to live on Earth?

We are talking about the hypocrite that is Novichok/Rich Mazur.He said that his upbringing in Russian controlled Communist Poland was superb and yet he was impelled to go to America in his youth!The sheer, brazen hypocrisy is unbelievable! Move to Russia Rich, if you really love it so much and hate America!
Novichok  4 | 8723
2 days ago   #1276
From the world's best news source, RT:

The Putin-Trump call was a resounding success - whatever was said
Imagine the Russian and American leaders having a productive 2.5-hour-long conversation just two months ago

Imagine a Putin-Biden call longer than 2 minutes...hahahahahahahaha....

Russian evening news has reported that Moscow has agreed to continue and extend the bilateral process. "Bilateral" is, of course, the word that matters: As predicted by some, the times of "nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine" - always a hypocritical and silly slogan - are over, forever. And NATO-EU Europe remains locked out, too. That's good news.


Long live Russia. Long live the US. Fvck you, Euros....No, we will not send American men to die for you, morons, again...
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
2 days ago   #1277
constantly crying about Russian conspiracy, Russian, Russian, Russian,

Oh, another Russian bum licker I see!

From the world's best news source, RT:

HaHaHaHa!!! You just have to be joking now Rich, don't you???

Long live Russia. Long live the US.

Your position is clear, if you are right and that is a very big IF,the USA is now our enemy.

Fvck you, Euros

That says it all.......I don't think that is what the majority of Americans think.They just want Euro's to pay their way.
Novichok  4 | 8723
2 days ago   #1278
They just want Euros to pay ...

...250 billion dollars for the 250,000 Americans who needlessly died in WW2 in Europ, plus interest of 5% per year - compounded since 1945.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
2 days ago   #1279
250 billion dollars which the UK had to pay back over decades!
250,000 Americans who died in Europe in WW2, you lost nearly the same number in your American Civil War!

Rich. please grow up, you are beginning to sound like a Russian propagandist and liar!
Novichok  4 | 8723
2 days ago   #1280
250 billion dollars which the UK had to pay back over decades!

You are lying. Quoting:

The total amount repaid, including interest, was $7.5bn to the US.

I still want 1 million for every dead American soldier - or 250 billion - from Euro parasites.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 727
2 days ago   #1281
250,000 Americans who died in Europe in WW2, you lost nearly the same number in your American Civil War!

So what is your point?
Novichok  4 | 8723
2 days ago   #1282
I guess that 250,000 dead American soldiers is a negligible number so we should get used to it and not fret about it...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
2 days ago   #1283
While PF members here continue to make unsubstantiated claims of new energy infrastructure strikes in the last 72 hours since a deal was made, Trump is making more deals.

Ukraine has not previously figured out Black Sea transit. Ukraine has had to make use of older shipping lanes in order to get some of its agriculture through. Opening the Black Sea to safe shipping, and removal of mines, would be a big step forward for peace. While I dont like the idea of Trump pushing for an easing of sanctions on Russia to make it happen, everyone has to give a little to get a little.

And now for the chiming in on how Russia will break the deal....... But the facts are that Trump is making attempts to get things done, attempts no one else was thinking of making. That is exactly what the world needs, conversations on many subjects. But carryon with the name calling, it has accomplished so much.
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 261
2 days ago   #1284
Prince William sends strong message from tank near Russian border
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 261
2 days ago   #1285

'We are on an imminent path to war' | Philip Ingram

Asking Brits if the UK should go to war with Russia

What would happen if Putin nukes Britain - minute-by-agonising-minute
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 261
2 days ago   #1286

UK Parliamentarian DESTROYS Western War Propaganda | Lord Robert Skidelsky
mafketis  38 | 11271
2 days ago   #1287
everyone has to give a little to get a little.

I'm still waiting to see what Ukraine gets... so far the Trump administration's attitude toward Ukraine has been 'give us your resources with no guarantees' 'give in to russian demands' and toward russia it's been 'you guys sure are great! so glad you want peace! want us to lift more sanctions?'

These are well known russian tactics... tentatively agree to something pending blah blah blah concerns blah blah blah peace blah blah blah while continuing attacks.... the question is how long will idiots like Witkoff fall for it?

My bet... indefinitely.
Ironside  51 | 13104
2 days ago   #1288
Did you, Polish azzholes, consider Denmark?

Have you been in hiding during human evolution together with pawian? You missed everything.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1957
2 days ago   #1289
The NN Nazis continue to strike homes and hospitals - not sure about energy. But clear they have zero interest in peace

Respect to Novi - the first NN spokesperson person to mention Boris for a few weeks

Side note but this Witkoff is absolutely clueless - has no more knowledge or skill than a random dude in the street
mafketis  38 | 11271
2 days ago   #1290
since a deal was made,

really? cause russia attacked the port at Odesa last night....

russia will test trump to see what they can get away with... so far..... a lot. And Ukrainians are the ones paying for his fecklessness....

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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