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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

mafketis  38 | 11260
1 day ago   #1171
North Koreans have found that out

Wasn't it wise of the collective West to give china, iran and north korea so much experience in beta testing their products? When they turn on the west they'll be so much better prepared...... at least the West didn't 'escalate'....
Torq  10 | 1236
1 day ago   #1172
Wasn't it wise of the collective West

... to move almost entire industrial production to China and give the Chinese "the rope on which they will hang the West"?
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 day ago   #1173
move almost entire industrial production to China

Such wonderful foresight!!!!!!

And now Trump is trying the 4th.... (or is it 5th) 'reset' with russia! What brave new policy!!! It's not like Bush, Clinton, Obama (and Germany) thought that if they're nice to russia that russia would start to act like a normal country and not sink into ever greater rage until they invade somewhere!!! This time, it's completely different!!!!
Torq  10 | 1236
1 day ago   #1174

It wasn't about foresight or lack of it but about greed. If a Chinese 11-year-old girl can do the same job for a friction of the price, then why not move all the industry to China? Profit, profit uber alles!
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 day ago   #1175
wasn't about foresight

I see I forgot to hold up my 'sarcasm' sign again...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
1 day ago   #1176
(and Germany) thought that if they're nice to russia that russia would start to act like a normal country

And we had such a nice mantra for that policy: "Wandel durch Annäherung" (Change through rapproachement?)

Hach ja....but yeah.....from a certain difference it looks like pure business greed nicely packed in faked idealism...but to invent that was admittedly a smart move. It took it's time to blow up and made alot of people meanwhile quite rich!
Torq  10 | 1236
1 day ago   #1177
I forgot to hold up my 'sarcasm' sign again

Well, obviously you meant 'lack of insight' and not 'insight'. However, it wasn't about lack of insight but about greed; all about profit - the Golden Cow of modern world.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
1 day ago   #1178
Trump worshipper. No point arguing with you.
@ Torq

Not worshiping, simply acknowledging political genius, brilliant leader, thinker, and visionary, not to mention American president for Americans.

Then stop arguing.

I posted links to the articles. I also listed 10 of Trumps lies and I could list more,

When you let the articles or links talk for you, you can find publications supporting the most idiotic point of view.

then why not move all the industry to China? Profit, profit uber alles!

At least a sensible conclusion, post without wild fantasies from Torq
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 day ago   #1179
but about greed; all about profit - the Golden Cow of modern world.

Neoliberalism (in its first incarnation) which was about profits uber alles.... modern neoliberalism doesn't care so much about profits as such (the richest men in the world run companies that lose massive amounts of money) but rather the destruction of anything fixed or stable. There is also a point blank refusal to think in terms of systems... everything is cut off from everything else.

That part hasn't really reached Poland yet though some of the side effects have.

DOGE is an example of modern neoliberalism - destroying vast swathes of government without having any real idea what they're destroying or what the secondary knock on effects will be.
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 day ago   #1180
It wasn't about foresight or lack of it but about greed

It was about simple, banal racism.

Economists agree - the triggering point for China's explosive growth was its admittance into the World Trade Organization in 2001. Since 2001 its GDP has grown 11-fold. The percentage of the population that lives below the poverty line went from above 50% to less than 1%.

China - admitted in 2001. Following 15 years of negotiations.

Russia admitted in 2012 - following 18 years of negotiations! Just as in China's case, the final and most arduous stumbling block to accession was the United States.

How does Communist China get admitted into the WTO, faster and earlier than free market and capitalist Russia?

I'll tell you why - because back then nobody believed China could ever present a real threat, while at the same time no one was in a rush to help Russia rise up from its knees.

Western racism towards China blinded them towards the rising threat. They thought the Chinese would be happy sewing t-shirts and selling trinkets - and were not capable of anything more. In fact - the thinking still persists in Western brains - until some new and unpleasant reality again and again slaps them in the face.

I see it everyday in the business press. Off the top of my head, from just these past two years:

1) We'll send China back into the Stone Age by cutting off access to modern lithographic machines used in manufacturing chips. Result - China is already approaching having its own home grown capability.

2) ChatGPT - HOORAY! Now we'll dominate the nearest 10,000 years of human development! Let's pass a bunch of laws to ensure superintelligence can only be created in the United States! Result - a small Chinese hedge fund releases Deepseek-R1, a large language model comparable to ChatGPT - but available to everyone for free.

3) Electric cars - ditto

4) Quantum computing - ditto

Western people suffer from some Orientalist curved lens, which makes them underestimate the Chinese, and be overly paranoid of the Russians.

Petr Aven's book does a good job illustrating how shocked he and his colleagues in the Russian government were, when they understood that the West still viewed Russia as an enemy and was not prepared to provide even a fraction of the aid it provided to Eastern Europe or China.

All the hippy talk of universal love after the end of the Cold War ended up being a lie. You did a great job keeping Russia down, but lost your focus on China through your rabid racism and unfounded sense of superiority.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1943
1 day ago   #1181
What I don't understand is how US politicians always talk about the Chip war or the AI war etc when talking about China - as if they think only one country can invent tech

The other crutch they use is that anything made in China that is good was only made by ripping off American tech - that is totally untrue
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 day ago   #1182
The other crutch they use is that anything made in China that is good was only made by ripping off American tech

So tired of this.

I call it racism, but maybe that's not the correct way of describing it....

The people espousing these views inevitably belong to very certain type. Usually it's someone who:

1) Calls himself a red blooded American
2) Has never created a company
3) Has never travelled further than the Sands Resort in the Dominican Republic
4) Has diabetes
5) Has a failed marriage
6) Has lost all contact with their kids

Samuel Johnson had written that "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel". I'm not exactly sure what he meant to say by this, but I do find that the biggest patriots in America and in Russia are also the biggest scoundrels.

When fearful and confusing things are happening around - you can always calm yourself down with the assurance that you are AN AMERICAN - and by this simple fact inherently better than 95% of people in the world.
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 day ago   #1183
More the russian culture that so many here are fond of....

russia hits the center of Sumy....

But... yeah.... putin wants peace...
Torq  10 | 1236
1 day ago   #1184
So tired of this. I call it racism

Alas. It's a recurring pattern in the world's history, and it looks like we might have the Anschluss of Greenland after all...

... I wonder how long before they go full-Nazi.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
1 day ago   #1185
destroying vast swathes of government without having any real idea what they're destroying or what the secondary knock on effects will be.

.Nothing but good, Smaler less intrusive, more efficient, leaner government, I consider a gift from above
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 day ago   #1186
I consider a gift from above

I'll hold you to that.
Torq  10 | 1236
1 day ago   #1187
I wonder how long before they go full-Nazi.

Because, unfortunately, as history taught us over and over again - you cannot adopt certain elements of nazism--admiration for authoritarianism and totalitarian dictators, aversion and distrust towards foreigners, cult of leadership (see what some Americans here write about Trump--notice the level of worship), anti-modernism and nationalist ideology, persecution of minorities (first only verbal, then legal, then physical), tendency towards violence in relations with weaker countries--you cannot do all that without eventually going full-nazi.

Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
1 day ago   #1188
Petr Aven's book does a good job illustrating how shocked he and his colleagues in the Russian government were,

In an attempt to improve Russia's reputation, they decided that invasion of Ukraine was the way to do it:::)))
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 day ago   #1189
without eventually going full-nazi.

I don't know how useful it is to attempt to draw historical parallels here.

Trumpism is undoubtedly xenophobic, atavistic, and authoritarian. But those are not the defining characteristics - not the load bearing structures.

Trumpism is at its core anti-elitist.

Everything Trump is doing now - is a war on the elites. Daily, he is ducking their heads into their own excrement - and this earns him enormous plaudits from the lumpenproletariat.

He is attacking the press. Ivy league universities. Prestigious law firms and consultancies. He is gutting funding for research, often conducted by snooty foreigners with funny accents. He attacks the rules of English grammar. He attacks etiquette and pedigree.

As I mentioned before - many people argue that Trump ran for the presidency because of the merciless mocking received from Obama. I think this is true, but also that it runs deeper.

Trump was never accepted into the world of the American elite. Lacking the manners, the pedigree, or the sensibilities requisite - he came across to everyone he sought to impress as the vulgar son of a Queens real estate developer. His psychological complex of being "not good enough" is apparent for all to see. It's why he constantly talks about the fact that he attended an Ivy League university (after cheating on the exam - and only for his masters. For bachelors he went to pedestrian Fordham). While everyone might have had the odd Slavic model as a love interest - nobody in polite American society marries an Ivanka or a Melania. But Trump did - because for someone as insecure as him, it's more important than anything else that other men want to f*ck your wife.

While others enjoyed their wealth in tranquil satisfaction - Trump had to play the clown on national television - pretending to be a competent CEO as he sent celebrity contestants to search Manhattan for the perfect pizza or best cheesecake. This must have been humiliating to him.

Basically - Trump spent an entire lifetime growing his hatred for the American elite - which shunned him.

This is great and fertile ground to make a political career in the United States. Approximately 80% of the country is called by some not very nice people "flyover country". The coastal elites from the East and West do not really consider people from the South or the middle of the country as real people. Snobby New Yorkers and Angelenos consider those people dumb, poor, boring, and dangerously religious. The "deplorables" (as Hillary called them), reply to these sentiments in kind - with a mirroring hatred.

Trump tapped into this very potent feeling of being made to feel "second class" by a bunch of nerds from the coasts.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
1 day ago   #1190
I'll hold you to that.

Please do it Maf.

Trump--notice the level of worship),

Recently, fat zero. What you are mistaking for worship is the ability to see the truth through the fog of misleading, liberal propaganda and the cloud of lies.
Take, for instance, your glee about the shortage of egge, where there was never a shortage but a narrower selection. Some of the libs on PF were elated triumphant, proclaiming European superiority. Some were exhilarated waiting for American demise and applauding Danish refusal to sell, not realizing how hypocritical
they are. Those allies who were
(in their minds) helping America so much
but failed the most simple test.It was the stupid eggs from Denmark; how can Americans expect European help in case of military conflict if the eggs are an unsurmountable obstacle. Such is the parasitic alliance
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 day ago   #1191

Just to add to my post...

The reason Trump loves Russians so much, and Russians love him - is also rooted in the anti-elitism.

Our elites, in Russia, are no elites at all. They arrived on the scene yesterday, and rely on people in London and New York to show them the ropes.

However, other than broke freaks like Prince Andrew or Prince Michael - nobody in Britain that truly represents the British elite - would be very happy to spend time in the company of a Russian oligarch. That's why these Prince Andrews and others are so important to Russian billionaires - because of the picture it creates back home, and how it makes you feel inside.

Similarly, even if you are a very rich Russian, it's rather difficult to become cozy with the American elites. Sure you might have dinner on occasion - but you will not vacation together, and you will not be invited to intimate gatherings. The good news - however - is that Donald Trump's doors are always open.

It's a two way street. You get to feel like you met a true-to-life American billionaire, and developed something resembling a human relationship with him. Now you have your own Donald in New York. For Trump its marvelous too, because instead of being treated like a diseased housepet, he is treated to all the reverence and praise his own peers have never afforded him.

A Russian nouveau riche sees in Trump, what he imagines a billionaire should be. In the respect he gets from Russians, Trump sees the respect he feels he should have been getting from others.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
1 day ago   #1192
exam - and only for his masters. For bachelors he went to pedestrian Fordham).

Boby, the bachelors, comes first, followed by the master's. As for cheating on the exams, you had Biden in mind. No one with 156 IQ needs to cheat. Your post contains numerous assumptions I could easily challenge. But what is the point? You are 1000% better informed and closer to the truth than most.
Alien  26 | 6527
1 day ago   #1193
No one with 156 IQ needs to cheat

This is obvious nonsense, because only intelligent people know how not to get caught.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
1 day ago   #1194
You are right. He is a billionaire with comen person's heart,that is the reason he relates to everyday people. the reason he won the presidency, with government press and the elites,trying every dirty trick against him.
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 day ago   #1195
Boby, the bachelors, comes first, followed by the master's.

Yes I wrote for Bachelor's he went to Fordham. For his MBA he went to Wharton - there he cheated on the entrance exam. The source is his elder sister - Maryanne Trump Barry. He paid his friend to sit the exam for him, which was still possible then.

She was secretly recorded by her niece - Mary Trump, who later leaked the recording, and also featured the bit in her book. When Trump's sister found out her niece surreptitiously recorded her she was upset, but did not deny the information.

Also in that recording she said about Donald that he "has no values", "is cruel", "does not read", "and is a total phony".

When Trump was asked about her comments during a press conference, he simply replied "Everyday its something else - who cares." I think you have to be a true degenerate not to care when your older sisters says you are a cruel phony. But of course the man is a degenerate - he led his own older brother to suicide through alcohol. Thankfully he has expressed some regrets about his role in that.

Anyway, I've never heard anybody else that attended an Ivy League school, mention it as many times as Trump. The guy really has self worth issues.
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 day ago   #1196
Also - just FYI - IQ means nothing.

The man with supposedly the highest IQ in the world is an unemployed retard that believes in conspiracy theories.

Without training, and guidance - raw horsepower can take you somewhere where you do not want to go.
Alien  26 | 6527
1 day ago   #1197
The man with supposedly the highest IQ in the world is an unemployed retard that believes in conspiracy theories.

Apparently only he knows the truth.
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 day ago   #1198
Apparently only he knows the truth.

Funny enough, he wrote a thesis titled: "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe".

The guy is no slouch - went from publishing nothing at all, to an explanation of the entire universe.

Malcolm Gladwell discussed his case in his book "Outliers". The question was obvious - "If Langan is so incredibly intelligent, why does success elude him?".

Gladwell compared him to Oppenheimer, and contrasted the nurture and guidance Oppenheimer received with the wilderness in which Langan lived.
Torq  10 | 1236
1 day ago   #1199
Everything Trump is doing now - is a war on the elites.

Spot on. That's why he wants to divide Europe. He knows his war on American elites won't be fully successful if he doesn't also weaken the European liberal elites.

Our elites, in Russia, are no elites at all.

I know what you mean. It's similar in Poland, I suppose, with one notable difference in social approach to elites - Poles don't treat their ruling elites with reverence. We generally consider them thieves and retards, and we make no secret of it. Russians tend to approach those in power with much more admiration.

No one with 156 IQ needs to cheat.

As far as I know Trump has never publicly released an official IQ test score, so I don't know where you got this number from. Some people say 73, which I also doubt. It's probably somewhere around the arithmetic average of this and your number.
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 day ago   #1200
generally consider them thieves and retards, and we make no secret of it. Russians tend to approach those in power with much more admiration

Not true. It's the same in Russia. Maybe even more hypertrophied.

Russians hate wealth in principle. If you are wealthy - it means you are a thief or "connected".

If you are poorer than me - it means you are an idiot.

I think you might be getting this sense from me.

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