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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

OP cms neuf  2 | 1838
2 days ago   #91
What is it with you guys and numbers JR ? Nobody has ever agreed to 5 percent. It's a number that Golden Cow just pulled out of thin air. Like his claim the US spent 500 billion on Ukraine

US defence spending is 3.4 percent of GDP. So if Golden Cow wants 5 percent that means the meth heads of Steubenville will need to get their hands in their pockets and pony up some more taxes
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #92
I powted a thread just now on the huge diff between polish and usa culture so no the cultures unlike the interests are not aligned. in usa they re alresdy thinking of doing pornos at 14 while in polnd they play with barbies. qnd in usa youc an go to any street corner of san francisoc and hookers will approach you while in
polns its out of sight out of mind.
Paulina  19 | 4458
2 days ago   #93
@johnny reb, Barney is Irish, not Polish.

@cms neuf, I agree with your post #76. I don't think PolAm understands what is happening :(

Because by what I've seen recently I see no reason to believe it would.
And if by any chance they would I would wander what they would demand in exchange.


Polish nationalist logic: Dzerzhinsky was a rootless Bolshevik without an ethnicity

Nonsense, everybody knows he was ethnically Polish, he's simply considered a traitor.

Evidenced in Krakow yesterday as the Ukraine demonstrators were removed from Rynek.

Any link to an info about this? There was a manifestation at the end of February, but I can't find anything about any yesterday's demonstration.
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 day ago   #94
No one agreed to that though.

Nobody gives a fvck what you spend as long as no Americans are dying in Europe again.

There is a simple way to assure this:

The US leaving NATO, with both middle fingers up and a letter to the members: We don't need you, stupid parasites. Fvck you!

That was the polite version.
mafketis  38 | 11142
1 day ago   #95
Let it never be said that russian government figures don't have a sense of humor.... unfortunately they waste their comic gifts on humiliating relatives of those killed by russian governmental stupidity...

Mothers of dead soldiers from around Murmansk are presented with..... meat grinders!

In other news... russia doesn't even bother putting soldiers in coffins anymore.... they just bag 'em up and send 'em on....

Death culture in its death throes...
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 day ago   #96
- the US just turned its back on Ukraine after promising to support them

Show me a contract with "forever" in it.
we are obviously going to need to consider other options

Please do and GFY.
based on power rather than on morals.

Want morals? Go to church.
Sorry, bad example...
johnny reb  49 | 7927
1 day ago   #97
@johnny reb, Barney is Irish, not Polish.

Thank you, now I know where to direct the smack back.
Did you see where Ireland said they would send peace keepers to Ukraine and Putin replied to go ahead and his snipers would keep a body count for them.

I guess you Poles are right about Putin not wanting to end this war.
Headlines: Poland scrambles warplanes
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
1 day ago   #98
Zelensky gets into banking as a second career?

A French video is circulating alleging Zelenskys offshore company was involved in buying a French Bank
Korvinus  3 | 608
1 day ago   #99
Does the EU want to invite China (communism) into the EU in any way?

Chinese bases in Europe wouldn't be the foundation of European communism. China is too far away and doesn't have that large force projection capabilities.

They would however serve as a prize to China for cooperation with Europe on security issues (mostly keeping Russia in check). And allow China to do do some scouting and intelligence gathering on the Atlantic.
Korvinus  3 | 608
1 day ago   #100
Poland in the process to sell it down the river in case of Russian provocations

We need some time before the Winged Hussar stealth nuclear bombers are ready for deployment. To buy that time, we need arguments. The perspective of Chinese bases is one such argument.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
1 day ago   #101
The work of drone guides of the Russian 33rd regiment, Kurakhovsky direction.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1838
1 day ago   #102
They don't use proper coffins because someone didn't pay the appropriate bribe or kickback to the rapist officers

Life in North Nigeria is pitiful
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
1 day ago   #103
nasty kike and diseased homosexual spewing their lies

Putin Got EVERYTHING He Wanted from Trump (w/ Bill Kristol)
wariatisthegame  - | 37
1 day ago   #104
trump switches sides again realizing russia doesnt want to stop or quit.

Novichok  4 | 8485
1 day ago   #105
the appropriate bribe or kickback to the rapist officers

Life in North Nigeria is pitiful

I want to thank you for helping me hate people like you as hate goes well with the instinct of self-preservation.

I hope your death will be slow and painful.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
1 day ago   #106
" Life in North Nigeria is pitiful"

its not bad for guys like me tho id probably not have to live like an incel there as prostitution is common and easy to find and not out of wight out of mind or full of scams and just gogo bra like in poland. to be honest irs probably better to be poor but get laid or a bj or a rimjob more than ocne every two yrs like me in poland or even regularly and be in russia for me.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
1 day ago   #107
another jew jewing

'A mugging': Blumenthal slams Trump's attack on Zelenskyy as 'pathetic ambush'
johnny reb  49 | 7927
1 day ago   #108
What is it with you guys and numbers JR ?

Hey buddy, an egg salad sandwich is still a chicken sandwich.
Lighten up.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1838
1 day ago   #109
Sure ! It's Friday !
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 day ago   #110
trump switches sides again realizing russia doesnt want to stop or quit.

Russia would be stupid to stop.

Putin must have read my recommendation to kill them all and forever remove any possibility of NATO in Ukraine.

Especially now that Trump told Z to go to hell with his cup and hat. With Russia on the roll and the US out of the way...what an opportunity...Only a total moron would ignore it.

Anything less would be a copy of Israel - Gaza never-ending nonsense.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
1 day ago   #111
disgusting kneegrow and jewess

Senator Cory Booker Responds to Trump's Belittlement of President Zelenskyy on Rachel Maddow
johnny reb  49 | 7927
1 day ago   #112
I am certainly not here hours on end - a bit at breakfast and a bit in the evening.

Oh. o.k., we believe you. 🙄
Here are some news snippets that Americans are seeing about Poland.

This will keep cms who only posts at breakfast time busy all day today.
Very interesting stuff about Europe and Poland.
Watch and learn Eurps.
Scroll down and see Duda's interview.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
1 day ago   #113
anti-American traitor at 12:57 Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA)

Barney  19 | 1729
1 day ago   #114
Did you see where Ireland said they would send peace keepers to Ukraine

No because no such statement was made. Another fantasy from the Michigan mystic.
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 day ago   #115
Another gift from Russia:

Russia strikes foreign mercenaries in Ukraine - defense ministry
Foreign fighters have been targeted by overnight bombardment, officials in Moscow have claimed

In early 2024 the ministry said that nearly 6,000 foreign mercenaries had been confirmed killed fighting for Kiev since the escalation of the Ukraine conflict in February 2022.

Dying for freedom and democracy is the greatest pleasure for some, I am told, so I don't see a problem other than it's so few. By now, hopefully, the count is closer to 10,000.

To my great relief, no PF warriors were included. Good decision, guys. We need you here as targets.

We should make a movie to show our kids how stupid people die ahead of schedule, with a smile and the satisfaction of a job well done.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
1 day ago   #116
My wife showed me a video on facebook of the standoff. I am heading to Rynek in a few, so I will see if they are still there.

I know whats going on better than most. I work in Europe and the US, own property in Poland and the US, and pay taxes in both. People here on PF really do not understand Americans at all. You think you do, but you dont know how we think. The idea that a president who was tossed out of the election by his own party, and then his VP got her a$$ kicked, is an endorsement by the American people to fund Ukraine is simply a joke. No Americans want more forever wars, and we are tired of paying for all the worlds policing. Time to clean up the mess at home thats been created with this globalist agenda.
Paulina  19 | 4458
1 day ago   #117
I guess you Poles are right about Putin not wanting to end this war.

No sh1t...

My wife showed me a video on facebook of the standoff.

Then post a link to that video.

No Americans want more forever wars, and we are tired of paying for all the worlds policing.

I understand that, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 day ago   #118
with this globalist agenda.

Pawian likes short posts. Here we go:

Europe, GFY.

Russia, let's talk.

Korvinus  3 | 608
1 day ago   #119
Trump has not betrayed Ukraine, he has kept the faith with the American citizens who want out of the war.

The suspension of Ukrainian accounts to US military satelites is a fact. The order to NOT give Ukraine already produced existent military equipment that's currently in Europe, some just over the border in Poland, is a fact.
So far Trump is factually hurting Ukraine's military effort, and verbally hurting Russia's military effort. Wake me up when he factualizes his threats against Putin.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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