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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
2 days ago   #61
Russians With Attitude

Polish nationalist logic: Dzerzhinsky was a rootless Bolshevik without an ethnicity, but Stalin was Russian

Russians With Attitude

Stanislav Redens? Stanislav Kosior? Clearly random people with no ethnicity attributable to them. Yagoda, Kaganovich and Beria? Obviously Russian!

That's how all historiography works in Butthurt Belt nations

Russians With Attitude

E.g. there were more Latvians and Poles in the leadership of the Ukrainian SSR during the great famine than ethnic Russians (latter, about 0)

But for some reason Latvians don't consider themselves one of the prime engines of Bolshevism, even though they were
johnny reb  49 | 7927
2 days ago   #62
We haven't done anything about it because

Even after the past eight years of Trump telling you to pony up and to start paying the 5% you agreed to ?
The Golden Cow has your attention now though doesn't he.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1839
2 days ago   #63
It was never 5 percent.

It was 2 percent and many countries achieved that, including Poland

Yes he has our attention - we are wondering why he trashed global trust in the US by supporting drunk rapist murderers.
Ironside  50 | 12946
2 days ago   #64
Polish nationalist logic

Do not talk about issues you have no idea about. All right? Good boy, go back to your roasted cat.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 872
2 days ago   #65
@cms neuf
And now Duda wants to make it 3% for everyone in NATO. Amazing how he has found his own voice in the last months of his presidency. More nukes? LMAO Not a chance. Poland with nukes? Not going to happen, the US will stick with Poland and that will be Polands guarantee of safety. Fort Trump is coming.

Meanwhile in Poland, people are tiring of the Ukraine demonstrations. Evidenced in Krakow yesterday as the Ukraine demonstrators were removed from Rynek. I dont think all the war mongering PF members have any clue about how tired Poles on the street are with the Ukraine problems.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
2 days ago   #66
It was never 5 percent.

I beg to differ on that my friend.
Google Trump's Five percent doctrine and NATO defense spending.
Then come back and tell us what you found.
Yes he has our attention -

I thought so with the panic in Europe right now about how France can't protect the EU with its nukes.
by supporting drunk rapist murderers.

And who would that be or is that just another one of your dirt ball diminishments.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1839
2 days ago   #67

It took 30 seconds and it's on NATOs website. 2 percent

Explain now why the US is on the side of North Nigeria - the drunk rapist murderers
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
2 days ago   #68

European Globalists just DECLARED a forever war against Russia using Ukraine as their proxy
Ironside  50 | 12946
2 days ago   #69
Poland with nukes? Not going to happen

Not for you to decide!!!
PF members have any clue about how tired Poles on the street

They are detached from reality and often they are biased and delusional, or like pawian liberals.
mafketis  38 | 11142
2 days ago   #70
, the US will stick with Poland and that will be Polands guarantee of safety

So trusting.....
Ironside  50 | 12946
2 days ago   #71
So trusting.....

You reminded me to state the obvious. The best guarantee of safety for Poland would be our nukes.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
2 days ago   #72
Ukrainian 'refugee' prefers Germany over China because she says refugees shouldn't have to "work"

I am sure there is a brothel with her name on it to receive German Frankenfurter for plenty of euros!
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
2 days ago   #73
British mercenary James Anderson, who fought in Kursk region, was sentenced to 19 years in prison

PolAmKrakow  2 | 872
2 days ago   #74
Not for you to decide!!!

Correct. It would have happened under PiS if it was going to happen in my opinion. I dont see Poland developing a nuke on their own for one big reason. There is no place to test it. There is also a lack of Uranium due to USSR taking almost everything in the 40's and 50's for their own nukes. Dont underestimate the US loyalty to Poland. As fvcked up as the US is on a lot of things, Poland has always been respected, and the number of Americans with Polish ancestry is pretty large. The Solidarity movement was a serious thing in the US when it came about, and no one born in that time would ever be ok with the US not protecting Poland. That is the largest voting block in the country and the group with the most wealth.
Lenka  5 | 3530
2 days ago   #75
Would you be OK in betting your loved ones life on it? Because by what I've seen recently I see no reason to believe it would.
And if by any chance they would I would wander what they would demand in exchange.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1839
2 days ago   #76
PolAm one year ago I would have agreed with you but three things happened

- the US just turned its back on Ukraine after promising to support them

- it's become clear that Polish Americans will vote on taxes, inflation, jobs or woke issues and that is fine, it's their right. They care a little about Poland , it's a distant country where their great granddad comes from. US support during the solidarity years was immense, but more than half of US voters weren't even born then.

- Trump is just so unpredictable, changes his mind week to week, pretends, that things that he ordered have never happened, and most of all seems to manage based on power rather than on morals.

Polands friendship with the US has been based on common values - democracy, free markets, rule of law, personal freedoms. But when we no longer share those values, then we are obviously going to need to consider other options to protect the lifestyle that we have just spent 35 years building up from nothing.
Korvinus  3 | 608
2 days ago   #77
I'd raise the stakes a bit. Having a choice between China and US, Western World always chose USA. But that was before Trump, his betrayal of Ukraine and trade wars waged against his closest allies.
Europe should act as the British Empire in the 19th Century, having no permanent friends, only permanent interests. If US no longer wants to work with us, we'll search for other partners.

US want to leave Europe to its own devices? Okay. We can put our real estate to good use, by leasing it to say... to China. I'm sure they'll be interested in acquiring land for long range radars in Spain. Or perhaps land for a submarine base on the coast of western France? Be our guest. Also, while we're at it, why not work with China to improve the defenses of Greenland? There is a country nearby that declares its will to take it from Denmark by force.

Because of NATO, US enjoyed a pretty peaceful Atlantic backyard. But this may not always be the case. Besides, China has more leverage on Russia anyway, so we can work with them to end the war in Ukraine. And we have a lot to offer the Chinese in return - that is once they keep their part of the bargain.
Torq  8 | 1018
2 days ago   #78

Good thinking, Korvinus. :)
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #79
" And now Duda wants to make it 3% for everyone in NATO. Amazing how he has found his own voice in the last months of his presidency. More nukes? LMAO Not a chance. Poland with nukes? Not going to happen, the US will stick with Poland and that will be Polands guarantee of safety. Fort Trump is coming."

but they wont with ukriane how come? how come such a fort wasnt ever built prior to invasion in ukraine?
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #80
well this is interetsing russia dares nato to send troops guys:
OP cms neuf  2 | 1839
2 days ago   #81
Meanwhile on the ground, the NN Nazis are no longer 6km from Pokrovsk - they have been pushed back several km.

Salute to all those in the trenches who have been abandoned by their allies.

I think if someone can get Musk out of Trump's earshot, the Ukrainians will get a better hearing
johnny reb  49 | 7927
2 days ago   #82
It took 30 seconds and it's on NATOs website. 2 percent

You didn't Google the latest though like I suggested.
Trump's Five percent doctrine and NATO defense spending.

More than a decade ago, NATO agreed on the 2 percent spending goal.
Trump has argued that NATO countries should spend 5 percent of GDP on defense

Explain now why the US is on the side of North Nigeria

I didn't know they were so can't help you out with your dillema.

the US just turned its back on Ukraine after promising to support them

Paleeeeze !
The U.S. did support them until they ran out of cards to play.
Ukraine has run out of man power to fight Russia.
So instead of letting more kids die in vein Trump is going to stop this war one way or another which takes working with both sides.
Z wants to play tuff guy and Trump gave him a tune-up is all.
What happened when Z came with his hand out to Europe last week ?
Z & T will be back talking again once it sinks into Z's head that its time to sit down and negotiate understanding that he isn't going to have his cake and ice cream too.
Z is going to have to make some major concessions weather he likes it or not.
That's the way I see it anyways.
Barney  19 | 1729
2 days ago   #83
5 percent

No one agreed to that though.

Trump's Five percent proposal is Fat Tony changing the vig.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #84
" Z is going to have to make some major concessions weather he likes it or not.
That's the way I see it anyways"

but u know deep down it wont work and hes between a rock and a hard spor. it wont work the bullets will keep flying st hospitals and hotels overhead over those so called american peace keepers or diggers into the ground. because putin doenst want peace.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
2 days ago   #85
No one agreed to that though.

(You keep going in circles Barns.)
And that is why Trump is done supporting Europe until they do.
How many times before it sinks into your Polish head.

Trump's Five percent proposal is Fat Tony changing the vig.

Understand that then because the U.S. has given you eight years now to shlt or get off the pot.

In a few minutes though my buddy is picking me up and we are going to go to Rico's cafe in Grawn Michigan to have a Polish breakfast.
They celebrate the month of March with a Polish menu.

Americans love you stubborn Polacks.
We'll be there for you in a time of need, Father Trump likes you.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 872
2 days ago   #86
I am betting on it. I live in Poland with my family and invest in Poland.

@cms neuf
This is where I dont think you understand Americans. The American people did not, not once, promise to stand by Ukraine forever. In fact, as soon as Biden made these statements his ratings went in the toilet. I believe as someone who has concerns in both countries, that if Z would have been a little more polite and ask a little less of the American people that he would have gotten more support and more sympathy. As an American he rubs me the wrong way and he has a poor attitude. I completely disagree with how he has run his country for the last 2.5 years.

Trump has not betrayed Ukraine, he has kept the faith with the American citizens who want out of the war. They is the only people he needs to be concerned with. You dont have to like him, but you have to respect that he is keeping his promises. Trump doesnt want to leave Europe, he just doesnt want the US to be the main protector of Europe. Even Tusk said that the EU with 500 million people asking the US with 350 million people to protect it from Russia with 140 million people is not even reasonable. And Tusk is an EU mouthpiece.

But for argument sake, say the US does leave the EU. Who does it effect? Not the US. The EU will still want to trade. Does the EU want to invite China (communism) into the EU in any way? I dont think so. Remember that 90% of Americans will never leave the United States, and less than 5% will ever travel to Europe. The 5% that do come will still come because they can afford it, the rest will go to Mexico. People forget the US is a very big country with different climates, and lots of things to see. I can see most of Poland in two weeks, you cant even cover the north east effectively in two weeks in the US.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #87
dude i grew up in california bro i remember the pollck joke and how rough as a kid with funny pollack name it was there.. No in liberal american states they do not like poland or respect them and their rightwing ways bro. even being white is like something to be ashamed of in California as a teen or kid growing up there much more a pollck. so speka for urself and ur state johnny boi.
Ironside  50 | 12946
2 days ago   #88
Polands friendship with the US has been based on common values -

Rather on common interests.
Europe should act

Should have could have that is not realistic.
I told you it is easy to put out there some fantastic scenarios.
They play out nicely in your living room.
The German EU is not able nor willing to act as you say it should.
They will go for centralization and F Poland in the process to sell it down the river in case of Russian provocations.
Your script is a recipe for disaster.
the US just turned its back on Ukraine after promising to support them

As I wrote somewhere on PF verbal promises and politics are connected like leaves and the wind. The wind scatters leaves.
Barney  19 | 1729
2 days ago   #89
You keep going in circles Barns.

Going in circles would be arguing with your pathetic attempt at a rebuttal after your claim was disproven.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #90
" Rather on common interests."

nah id say rather on having a good base there. russia doesnt care about poland enough unlike ukriane to take it as toilet paper of its empire it used be and usa needs some intel some presence some power in this region.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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