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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

Bobko  27 | 2119
5 hrs ago   #511
he will put sanctions on all countries trading anything with Russia and right now

Sure go ahead.

We will feel very bad in front of our trading partners, and apologize profusely for causing them trouble - of course.

Secretly, we will be very happy however :) It's not everyday that your opponent pushes more allies into your camp.

People in India and in China are already not huge fans of America - but that'll be the nail in the coffin.
Torq  8 | 1050
5 hrs ago   #512
The man wants a Nobel Peace Prize like Obama.

A Nobel Prize? Do they give them out for whining, all-caps tweeting, and dodging taxes these days?

He wants to do a reverse Nixon on China.

Don't know about reverse Nixon, but he surely tried a full Nelson on Zelensky. :)
Novichok  4 | 8559
5 hrs ago   #513
dodging taxes these days?

Do you pay more than the law requires?
jon357  72 | 23519
4 hrs ago   #514
Now it appears the captain of the Solong and most of the crew are...... (gasp) ...... (shock) ..... russians.

The captain has been arrested by the UK.

Although the narrowest part of the channel is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, it's still pretty hard, if not impossible. to ram a container ship right into the middle of a petrochemicals tanker.

You don't even need to have people on the bridge (though there always are). Most large ships can be controlled from the ship owners' server rooms, and routes through/manoeuvres in the Channel always follow strict procedures.

desperately' or 'desperate' in relation to Trum

He's clearly on the back foot since pretty well nothing he's done in this or any other area has worked.
Bobko  27 | 2119
4 hrs ago   #515
A Nobel Prize?

He haaaaaates Obama.

A lot of people say that the only reason he ran for President as a Republican, is because Obama mocked him mercilessly at a White House Correspondent's Dinner. By the way - worth a watch for a good laugh.

Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing. Even Obama admitted as much. He was pretty dumbfounded by being awarded it, just for being the first Black president.

Nonetheless, even though Obama himself is confused at why he got the prize, Trump wants it. Why does he want it? Because Obama has it.

Trump and his circle talk about the Nobel Peace Prize all the f*cking time. Here's him in the Oval Office, after a meeting with Netanyahu:

"They will never give me a Nobel Peace Prize," Trump said in response to a reporter's question about the award. "It's too bad. I deserve it, but they will never give it to me."

His National Security Adviser, at CPAC a few weeks ago:

"He is going to end the war in Europe. He is going to end the wars in the Middle East," Waltz told the audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

"And you know what?" he added. "By the end of this, we're going to have the Nobel Peace Prize sitting next to the name of Donald J. Trump."

Again, in Indianopolis in 2018, Trump started talking about the American winner of the Peace Prize, Norman Borlaug (who got it for combating famine):

"They probably will never give it to me, even what I'm doing in Korea, and in Idlib province and all of these places," Trump added. "They probably will never give it to me. You know why? Because they don't want to."

Like I said - the dude is obsessed with Obama.
Torq  8 | 1050
4 hrs ago   #516
Did you read any more of Aven's book?

No, but I definitely will. The Age of Berezovsky is a page-turner.

Like I said - the dude is obsessed with Obama.

He probably secretely fancies him, like Novi secretely fancies Jon.
Bobko  27 | 2119
4 hrs ago   #517
The Age of Berezovsky is a page-turner.

I'm surprised it is the work of a billionaire.

Appreciation for the book slowly grows as you read it. In the beginning it can have a bit of a belletristic flavor, but as it goes on the subject matter becomes meatier.

By the end of the book, I was left scratching my head at how I feel about Aven.

As any businessman, he is hard headed in some regards, but he is still much more of a humanitarian than any of the other characters involved. He's able to think deeply about the things he's seen, and come up with some unexpected conclusions. Not what you would expect from a post-Soviet billionaire.

I intend to meet him soon, and am preparing a long list of questions I have. He's surprisingly available these days.

Britain put a freeze on all his assets, and has forced him to live on an allowance. I think the allowance is $2K a day, or $60K a month - but he still complains constantly that this is not enough money to run his household.

Anyway, he sits in London without anything to do, and replies to people from the internet all day.
Torq  8 | 1050
4 hrs ago   #518
I intend to meet him soon

Wow. Do you always move in such exalted circles? If one day you're in Gdańsk and feel like descending to unwashed masses, let me know.

I think the allowance is $2K a day, or $60K a month

Utterly inhumane treatment.

But I suppose he only has himself to blame if he put all his assets within Britain's reach. Perhaps he should charge something for his books to supplement the measly allowance.
Bobko  27 | 2119
4 hrs ago   #519
Do you always move in such exalted circles

Nope, I'm helping someone write a book about the 1920s, and am interviewing lots of people. Aven came up as an interesting person because it's his period of interest as well, and he was already working on a parallel effort.

supplement the measly allowance.

I looked it up, and his allowance is actually £60,000, so Sterling not USD. He's also allowed to withdraw $400,000 in one tranche, once a year.

Torq  8 | 1050
4 hrs ago   #520
a book about the 1920s

Ah, roaring 20s - bright young things, vile bodies and all that. One of my favourite periods, but I suppose your research is connected with Russia rather than Britain.
Bobko  27 | 2119
3 hrs ago   #521
One of my favourite periods, but I suppose your research is connected with Russia rather than Britain

Our research is focused on НЭП, or the New Economic Policy - implemented by Lenin. It was a period when War Communism had proven to be a dead end, and the country was on the brink of collapse. Lenin reintroduced some market economy reforms to rejuvenate the economy - and it produced spectacular results. You had wealthy Soviet "entrepreneurs" living alongside workers and peasants. Later, these reforms were are all voided, and hardcore collectivization was begun under Stalin.

Aven is a trained economist, and alongside his old mentor Gaidar - kind of a specialist on the NEP period. He's been dedicating funds to research in this field and lobbying for declassification of a lot of necessary archives.

Also, like I said - he's free now and he's bored.
Torq  8 | 1050
3 hrs ago   #522
Well, good luck in your research and I hope the book will be a success. *thumbs up*

But... getting back on topic: Ukraine will certainly need a new economic policy to rebuild after the war and ensure long-term stability.
Bobko  27 | 2119
2 hrs ago   #523
Well, good luck in your research and I hope the book will be a success

Don't think the book will ever be published, or if it will - no one will read it. It's sort of a hobby project for all involved.

It's just a glaring blind spot in Russian historiography. It's one of the most interesting periods in our history, and the events of that decade shaped many subsequent processes - and yet nobody cares about it and nobody writes about it. As if history began with Stalin only.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1871
2 hrs ago   #524
Putler claims to have been in Kursk today

I am sure that is a lie and will be quickly debunked by Bellingcat
Novichok  4 | 8559
1 hr ago   #525
Russia launches air attacks on Kyiv and Kharkiv hours after Ukraine says it is ready to accept ceasefire

Finally, Russia does what I told Russia to do:

Don't stop now! They already hate you so there is no upside to it when time is on your side.

A reminder...The US did not accept a ceasefire in 1945, either.

In fact, it fried 200,000 Japs in August. Good. Something for these bastards to remember what happens when you fvck with the wrong opponent.
Korvinus  3 | 612
41 mins ago   #526
Don't stop now!

Hell yeah! Hopefully we'll get WW3 out of it yet. If only Trump had balls to nuke Moscow now...
johnny reb  49 | 7990
38 mins ago   #527
nuke Moscow now...

To messy.
Better to just take out the head off the little shot, one kill.
Korvinus  3 | 612
10 mins ago   #528
implemented by Lenin
Lenin did not burn down the Russian capitalist system by being the biggest capitalist of them all. He actively worked to destroy it.

Lenin would hold a guy like you in utter contempt and send you in front of a firing squad for being a hypocrite and a fake commie.
when War Communism had proven to be a dead end

Come on, Lenin was not pro-peace. It was a tactical choice in 1917 because Russia was weak and people demanded the end of war. Bolsheviks posed as a pro-peace party to gather support and differentiate from other factions.

In 1919, when their grasp on power was stronger Lenin was already pro-war, seeing it as a way towards world revolution. It was Lenin who sent the Bolshevik army against Poland. Only our victories from 1920-21 finally sated his appetite for war and forced communists to negotiation table.

However peace of 1921 was not the final goal, neither for Lenin nor Trotsky and the other elite party members. Since the 20s Soviet Russia was preparing for the next war, though those preparations got accelerated under Stalin.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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