"The Age of Berezovsky" is available to download for free...
Well, the author - Aven - is a billionaire. Russian Forbes estimates his worth at around $5B, and his senior partner Mikhail Friedman at $14B.
I think he can afford to give his book away for free.
That book is a treasure trove. It really is the very best book for someone who is trying to get an understanding of how Russia got to where it is now, from the starting point of 1991.
Besides being a billionaire, Aven was also Minister of Foreign Economic Relations in the period between 1991-1992. He worked closely with the young cabinet of Boris Yeltsin under the helm of Yegor Gaidar, on implementing market reforms after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
It was him that introduced Boris Berezovsky to the Yeltsin family, and he blames himself for playing a role in this to this very day. He thinks that this character had a singular negative effect on Russia's subsequent trajectory.
Had Berezovsky not committed suicide in London, after losing a court case to Roman Abramovich - this book would likely not be written.
One of the things from the book that shocked me most, is how nonchalantly everyone agrees that - had Putin retained Berezovsky in his circle - that Ukraine would almost certainly be a part of Russia by now.
They discuss how a mad and embittered Berezovsky spends his last billions on financing revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine in a bid to shake the throne under Putin. It includes stories of him fielding calls from Yuliya Timoshenko and Viktor Yuschenko during the peak of the Maidan - and handing out orders on how to capture government offices.
It shows how interwoven are the lives of the Russian and Ukrainian elites.
Just like post-Soviet organized crime continues to behave as if the new borders do not exist, in the same way these big movers don't view Russia and Ukraine as separate entities.
Quite literally - Berezovsky felt that making a mess in Ukraine would be damaging to Putin politically. In the same way some Democratic National Committee operator might feel that poor disaster relief in hurricane-struck Louisiana might hurt George Bush's chances in the midterms. I hope I am making my meaning clear.