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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

Novichok  4 | 8538
21 hrs ago   #391
Why should they?

Washington is often crazy but not stupid to rely on Ukraine's drones. How about Mongolian?

Plus, why would we need drones other than to spy on drug smugglers? We don't tanks and artillery, either...

That post of yours, btw, tells me that you were never an American. Only a stupid Euro would suggest to the US to import drones from Ukraine - a place within an easy range of Russian things that go boom.
Novichok  4 | 8538
20 hrs ago   #392
Anyone supporting U now is a war criminal.

That war is over and the dead U men still walking know it. See the last days of WW2 in Berlin.

  • flag.jpg
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
20 hrs ago   #393
Putin has made a huge miscalculation!

Not only have Sweden and Finland joined NATO.

The rest of Europe is arming up, especially Poland.

And now Poland is considering getting it's own Nuclear defence.....

Putin has shot himself in the foot!
Novichok  4 | 8538
19 hrs ago   #394
Putin has made a huge miscalculation!

OK. Rewind this tape back to 2008 and tell us what Putin should have done after he heard Merkle say:

We lied for time.

...and belonging to NATO became Ukraine's objective...

Go ahead...

Since you like music and pretty girls...

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
19 hrs ago   #395

You like that pic, don't you Novi! :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
19 hrs ago   #396
OK. Rewind this tape back to 2008 and tell us what Putin should have done after he heard Merkle say:

We lied for time.

He should have done nothing!

The fact that he didn't just proves that he is a complete azzhole!
Novichok  4 | 8538
17 hrs ago   #397
You like that pic, don't you Novi! :)

You should like it, too...It symbolizes the end of Germans' suffering, too...

I am mindful of the fact the war had victims on both sides. Just like this one.
He should have done nothing!

Should he let NATO take over the Sevastopol base?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
17 hrs ago   #398
It symbolizes the end of Germans' suffering, too...

....not with the Front-Russians, surely not. They got a free pass from their superiors for awhile, and they behaved that way....

Hopefully the modern russian soldiers don't see/treat the defeated Ukrainians the same!
Torq  8 | 1041
14 hrs ago   #399
bye bye international arms sale.

Bye bye international arms sales, bye bye Starlink for Europe (Eutelsat will take over), bye bye political stability, bye bye international credibility. That's what happens when you elect cheap demagogues to high offices.

Oh, and Maf... just some food for thought for you:

Look what a bit of economic crisis - Covid-19, job loss, inflation - did to majority (Trump won the democratic elections after all) of modern-day Americans. Even Republican politicians often feel intimidated by the MAGA crowd. Of course this crisis is nothing compared to what Russians suffered in the 90s (and many millions still suffer today). Imagine now that it hadn't been the Soviet Union but the USA losing the Cold War and experiencing total economic collapse and abject poverty on a mass scale - comparable to that of Russia in the 1990s. Imagine the MAGA crowd's behaviour in such conditions and a politician like Trump appearing then. They would have gone full-blown total-nazi. They would have made Hitler look like Mother Teresa.

Consider this next time you muse on collective narcissistic wounds of evil orcs.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 877
13 hrs ago   #400
I agree, and expect orders for US weapons to decline. But, every NATO country would have to completely re-arm itself to get rid of US made weapons, and this would take decades. It might happen, but it is a long time off, and by then this war will be a distant memory.

Of course, every government has some mob flavor to it. Biden's sure did with all the mass firings over vaccine refusals, and the censorship to name two. Plenty of that mob mentality in the UK with its censorship, and arresting people for saying things others disagree with. Taxation itself in many countries is a mob like scheme of paying for protection.

Catching up on the arguments presented by people each morning really is quite facinating. On one side you have arguments from rational people trying to make rational and well thought out points, and on the other side you have irrational emotional name calling. Calling Putin, Trump or Russia names just makes the arguments trying to be made laughable. Can Putin be Trusted? No. Can Trump? No. Can Zelensky? No. No politician or leader of a country can be trusted, and none should be. Will Putin and Trump make a deal? More than likely. Will zelensky accept the deal? More than likely. Will Russia at some point break the deal? Who knows. The bottom line is the dying needs to end. A deal is the only thing that makes it happen. And it doesnt matter if anyone here on PF or in the EU likes the deal because Ukraine is not part of NATO or the EU.
Alien  25 | 6424
13 hrs ago   #401
Will Russia at some point break the deal? Who knows.

Everyone knows.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1865
13 hrs ago   #402
But the answer to "will NN break a deal" is not "who knows". It is almost certain to do so.

And a fake ass deal (in fact a surrender) is not the only option to stop the dying. There are plenty of others

- Ukrainian victory
- regime change in North Lagos
- military coup in North Nigeria
- free elections in North Nigeria
- total sanctions, cut off purchase of NN oil, cut off banking - the same severity as North Korea (their allies) have

But Golden Cow and Little Marco have their heart set on a Ukrainian surrender.
amiga500  5 | 1501
13 hrs ago   #403
Your options look more like the delusions of a fantasist.

Did Finland 'surrender' when it gave away lots of land in peace deal with USSR?
Alien  25 | 6424
13 hrs ago   #404
delusions of a fantasist.

So all that's left is to raise white flags. 🤔
OP cms neuf  2 | 1865
13 hrs ago   #405
Why are they fantasies ?

Many countries have defeated NN or the UNNR in wars, with appropriate support
There has already been a coup attempt in 2023 and revolutions in NN have happened before
Total sanctions are easily achievable

It is more of a fantasy to think that the NNs will respect any "deal".
amiga500  5 | 1501
13 hrs ago   #406
Total sanctions are easily achievable

If by sanctions you mean buying Russian stuff from Turkey and India instead, which is what is happening with the current sanctions then yes. If you mean by real sanctions, Nyet. If it was possible it would have been done by now for oil and gas, the proof is in the pudding.

I remember news stories that russian airplanes would be falling out of the sky or grounded because buying spare parts and servicing them was sanctioned.

That's why your post is dangerous fantasy because by promoting the impossible it negates the realistic.
amiga500  5 | 1501
12 hrs ago   #407
europes imports

Sanctions working, Now let's deliver the killing bow with total sanctions!!! LOLZO

"Despite a range of sanctions and the threat posed by dependence on Russian energy, in the third year of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EU imports of Russian fossil fuels in particular remain largely unchanged, totalling EUR 21.9 bn, a 6% year-on-year drop in value but merely a 1% year-on-year drop in volumes."

"Despite a host of sanctions, Russian revenues in the third year have dropped by a mere 8% compared to the year prior to the invasion of Ukraine. Since the invasion, Russia has earned an estimated EUR 847 bn from fossil fuels exports globally. "
OP cms neuf  2 | 1865
12 hrs ago   #408
They are working. They will work better if there are more sanctions, properly enforced.
Velund  1 | 491
11 hrs ago   #409
Everyone knows.

Your mr Everyone is well known m0r0n...
jon357  72 | 23490
10 hrs ago   #410
Many countries have defeated NN or the UNNR in wars, with appropriate support

It was a lovely drone attack last night, on Moscow too.

Hopefully there will be more to come and more dead r*SSian civilians.

Good that the r*SSian fuel depots are destroyed.
Time for the orcs to get out of Ukraine and stay behind their borders.
Novichok  4 | 8538
5 hrs ago   #411
Good that the r*SSian fuel depots are destroyed.

...but the bars for assfucking cuntdodgers are still there...I am so happy for you...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 563
4 hrs ago   #412
the MAGA crowd

What MEGA crowd you are describing is a woke crowd; the crowd and mega exist only in your imagination; on the other hand, destructive crowds are on display daily. Crazed , unreasonable, hateful, and primarily ignorant, anty American, like libs on PF
Przelotnyptak1  - | 563
4 hrs ago   #413
But the answer to "will NN break a deal" is not "who knows". It is almost certain to do so.

I say at the first opportune moment, considering recent history, it is written in stone.
Novichok  4 | 8538
3 hrs ago   #414
like libs on PF

Here is a short summary of PF posters and their dominant characteristics:

Americans - perfect
Euros - scared bootlicking subjects
Poles - annoying clowns
Russians - way too polite
Bobko  27 | 2098
3 hrs ago   #415
"The Age of Berezovsky" is available to download for free...

Well, the author - Aven - is a billionaire. Russian Forbes estimates his worth at around $5B, and his senior partner Mikhail Friedman at $14B.

I think he can afford to give his book away for free.

That book is a treasure trove. It really is the very best book for someone who is trying to get an understanding of how Russia got to where it is now, from the starting point of 1991.

Besides being a billionaire, Aven was also Minister of Foreign Economic Relations in the period between 1991-1992. He worked closely with the young cabinet of Boris Yeltsin under the helm of Yegor Gaidar, on implementing market reforms after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

It was him that introduced Boris Berezovsky to the Yeltsin family, and he blames himself for playing a role in this to this very day. He thinks that this character had a singular negative effect on Russia's subsequent trajectory.

Had Berezovsky not committed suicide in London, after losing a court case to Roman Abramovich - this book would likely not be written.

One of the things from the book that shocked me most, is how nonchalantly everyone agrees that - had Putin retained Berezovsky in his circle - that Ukraine would almost certainly be a part of Russia by now.

They discuss how a mad and embittered Berezovsky spends his last billions on financing revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine in a bid to shake the throne under Putin. It includes stories of him fielding calls from Yuliya Timoshenko and Viktor Yuschenko during the peak of the Maidan - and handing out orders on how to capture government offices.

It shows how interwoven are the lives of the Russian and Ukrainian elites.

Just like post-Soviet organized crime continues to behave as if the new borders do not exist, in the same way these big movers don't view Russia and Ukraine as separate entities.

Quite literally - Berezovsky felt that making a mess in Ukraine would be damaging to Putin politically. In the same way some Democratic National Committee operator might feel that poor disaster relief in hurricane-struck Louisiana might hurt George Bush's chances in the midterms. I hope I am making my meaning clear.
Novichok  4 | 8538
3 hrs ago   #416
I hope I am making my meaning clear.

...and more nuanced than helpful to Russia.

99% read only headlines. To them, you might just as well read your PhD thesis on quantum physics.

The only thing they can understand are four-word slogans. Anything longer and you lose them.

That's why "Russia is evil" and "Putin is a tyrant" is all they need. See Russia-hating azzholes here...

Fvck you, azzholes is all they deserve.

Or: We are done supporting Ukraine - if one is a US president. Fvck off is implied.
amiga500  5 | 1501
3 hrs ago   #417
best book for someone who is trying to get an understanding of how Russia

The only book one needs to understand russia is;
Coleen Lucy "Love For Sale" -2021, especially the chapter "Sex Work from the Imperial Period to Today"
Bobko  27 | 2098
2 hrs ago   #418
Anything longer and you lose them.

It's why I like PolishForums.

Sometimes I feel like I am writing to myself, but every now and then someone will react and say something interesting.

I have a lot of acquaintances that write professionally or often speak publicly. Every single one of them makes a point to completely ignore the comment sections. This always sort of irritated me, because I am a huge comments section lover.

Oftentimes, on the FT or NYTimes - I don't bother to read the article and go straight for the comments. If some questions arise from reading the comments, I go and read the actual article.

With big papers like the FT or NYTimes you never know who you will get in the comments. It could be a retired general, could be the ceo of a rival company, could be an disgruntled employee, or the person's ex-spouse. To be so arrogant, as a writer, that you do not ever concern yourself with the discussion that your piece has started - seems... wrong to me.
Novichok  4 | 8538
2 hrs ago   #419
because I am a huge comments section lover.

My experience is that no comment equals a leftist paper. That's why I read RT and never AP or Reuters.

Which leads me to my favorite definition of a moron:

Moron - one who claims that RT lies but never reads it.
Korvinus  3 | 610
2 hrs ago   #420
- total sanctions

There is very little trade happening now between Russia and the US, so Trump can stick his tariffs up his bum, they will not work.

If he actually wanted to hurt Russia, he'd go after the shadow fleet that carries Russian oil around the world. But he's a one trick pony and tariffs are all he knows.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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