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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

Torq  8 | 1027
6 hrs ago   #331
if someone doesn't like russians, they should support putin?


If someone wants Russians to remain poor serfs and cannon fodder, then such person should definitely support Putin.
Alien  25 | 6408
6 hrs ago   #332

He supports the democrats... but as Polish Foreign Minister he should only support Poland's interests.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1854
6 hrs ago   #333
I would love a democratic Russia but I just can't see a path to get there. It will remain North Nigeria until there are enough honest people to form local governments and work in bureaucracy.

The only way to get ahead in NN or even have a moderate life, is to steal or turn a blind eye to stealing. That has got worse under Putler, not better, so a democratic transformation would be harder than it was in 1991 when there were still some idealists and true patriots.
Torq  8 | 1027
6 hrs ago   #334
The only way to get ahead in NN or even have a moderate life, is to steal or turn a blind eye to stealing.

I don't know how many Russians you know personally and if they are indeed all thiefs, but those that I know do not fit your description; like my old mate - a dentist from Klin (Moscow Oblast) - who owes everything he has to his hard and honest work. Or take even Bobko and Velund here - do they have to steal and cheat to have a decent life?

Keep it real, Neufi. Don't let the hatred get the better of you.
Alien  25 | 6408
6 hrs ago   #335
like my old mate - a dentist from Klin (Moscow Oblast) - who owes everything he has to his hard and honest work. Or take even Bobko and Velund here - do they have to steal and cheat to have a decent life?

Well, wealth does not protect from being russian. 😀
OP cms neuf  2 | 1854
5 hrs ago   #336
Torq, I have been many times but have lost contact with people who are still living there.

Fair play to your dentist friend - it's a good profession, but does he for example have special prices for local bigwigs ? pay bribes to get his equipment through customs ? A backhander to get the electric turned on in his surgery ? The kind of stuff that was common in Poland maybe 25 years ago but still a part of life in NN
mafketis  38 | 11154
5 hrs ago   #337
I would love a democratic Russia but I just can't see a path to get there

Participatory democracy requires a level of personal civic engagement that russians simply don't have as a society. People used to talk about the 'democracy threshhold'. A society has to have a certain level of income/education to be able to handle democracy. Extremely poor and/or uneducated people tend to make terrible choices at the ballot box.

Poland in the early 1990s didn't meet the income level but was saved by the educational level of the country.

There's also an intangible... that might be called 'civic engagement'... (the idea that citizens and government have rights and responsibilities toward each other).

Poland is only developing something like that now (previously the church helped guarantee some level of civic order so that Poland never really had the mafia wars that plagued former soviet countries).

Put 'em all together and russia is generally too poor and there's no idea of civic engagement so they're incapable of even understanding the idea of democracy, let alone take part in one.

Even South Korea and Taiwan took _decades_ to develop some kind of civic engagement (and SKorea isn't all the way there yet).
PolAmKrakow  2 | 875
4 hrs ago   #338
Dual citizen sweet heart.

@cms neuf
Elon Musk is not the American government. He owns Starlink. Anyone thinking he cares about 50 million from Poland cent see that being the richest man on earth or one of the richest, gives him the ability to not gaf.

Now Trumps demands are becoming clearer. No more money or weapons until the mineral deal is done, elections are agreed to, or Z steps down. That is called democracy for all the democracy defenders. Free elections, nearly a year over due will either be a part of the deal, or Ukraine will be on its own. Given the developments in Kursk with Russia surrounding Ukraine, Ukraine cannot survive without the US intelligence, money and weapons. Looking pretty good for thei war to be over by the end of June as I predicted.
mafketis  38 | 11154
4 hrs ago   #339
That is called democracy for all the democracy defenders.

constitution be damned? The call for elections is a russian psyop so they can say ukrainians don't respect their constitution why should russia?

thinking he cares about 50 million from Poland

then why does he take it at all? I'm sure Poland could find better use for it than paying the richest man in the world...
OP cms neuf  2 | 1854
3 hrs ago   #340
He certainly is the American govt - he sends emails threatening to fire govt employees, takes part in cabinet meetings and feels secure enough to turn up in Golden Cows office and not take his hat off.

In normal times he would have had to mothball his assets while he serves. But the rules don't apply to him because he has corrupted Golden Cow

If 50m is nothing to him then as a Polish taxpayer he can send 2 zloty back to me
johnny reb  49 | 7937
2 hrs ago   #341
then as a Polish taxpayer

So you are an American paying taxes in Poland too ?
Does that allow you to speak for Poland ?
amiga500  5 | 1495
2 hrs ago   #342
So you are an American paying taxes in Poland too ?

He's a brit pretending to be polish because he met a country girl at the go-go club.
jon357  72 | 23487
2 hrs ago   #343
In normal times he would have had to mothball his assets

Hard to know why he doesn't have to put his assets into a blind trust like a lot of countries insist.

elections are agreed to, or Z steps down

Not his call, and of course the Ukrainian constitution is clear on the issue.

Why would President Zelenskyy step down? He is a popular leader and has always acted correctly.

Perhaps Agent Krasnov wants a r*SSian puppet. He won't get one, and he won't get the Nobel he craves. President Zelenskyy is the prime candidate for that.

Elon Musk is not the American government

He is a tacky imitation of a Bond villain. And yes, he and Thiel pull President Vance's strings while the orange psycho mouths off at people on their instruction.
johnny reb  49 | 7937
2 hrs ago   #344
He's a brit pretending to be polish

You mean like jon, Lazarus, cms, Feniks, maf, Barns, you and the rest of the non Poles here speaking for Poland ?
This is why jon refuses to put the flag of what country that we are from besides our profile
That would let the authoritative ego air out of some of you wouldn't it. Hoot !
OP cms neuf  2 | 1854
1 hr ago   #345
Polish citizen and I will be casting my vote in the Pres Elections :)

And it won't be for the party that said our foreign minister should suck up the insults of a childish drug addict or crawl up to Little Marco to say thank you

If Musk had stepped away from his business he might be better off. after calling Carlos Slim a crook he just lost another 22bn of business. I admire you for hanging tough with your million plus Tesla holding JR and you are still up for the last 6 months but it's going to be a long escalator ride down - the people who can afford his cars now wouldn't be seen dead in one
amiga500  5 | 1495
1 hr ago   #346
If Fuhrer Trump abandoned Ukraine.

Where is the written treaty stating a military alliance between Ukraine and USA?

Surely Biden didin't forget to sign it to prevent this very thing occuring?
johnny reb  49 | 7937
52 mins ago   #347
Polish citizen

Native ?
I admire you for hanging tough with your million plus Tesla holding JR

Where do you get your information from, son or are you just throwing more diminishing b.s. out there to see if I will bite ?
Certainly not from my financial advisor who suggested that I dump most of that for tax purposes at the end of the year but then again I really don't share my personal business with jealous Dandies fishing for it like you are.
it's going to be a long escalator ride down

His investors are not happy with him to say the least
now wouldn't be seen dead in one

You are singing to the choir as I have repeatedly posted from the get go that they were a horrible investment.
The people that bought one can't get squat on a trade in and nobody wants a used one.
Told ya so two years ago.
Good old American made Jeep is the way to go now in my opinion.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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