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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

Novichok  4 | 8506
9 hrs ago   #301
giving them everything they want.

Because Russia didn't sanction the US in any way when the US was sniffing for WMDs Iraq always had the right to have.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 550
9 hrs ago   #302
Biden (who unlike Golden Cow didn't change his mind every day and consulted with experts).

Yeah right. Changing diapers is a rather complicated procedure, hie wife refused to get involved.
Bobko  27 | 2081
8 hrs ago   #303
It's good also that America does not have a Central or Eastern European as head of foreign policy right now.

The Cuban Marco Rubio is great, from a Russian point of view, in comparison to the Secretaries of State and National Security Advisors that came from the East.

Henry Kissinger - born in Bavaria.

Madeleine Albright (born Maria Korbelova) - Czechoslovakia.

Zbiegnew Brzezinski - Poland.

I guess it shows where American priorities are headed.
Alien  25 | 6399
8 hrs ago   #304
guess it shows where American priorities are headed.

Havana cigars and Cuba Libre. 😆
Torq  8 | 1023
8 hrs ago   #305
We have eyewitness testimony (...) he USSR would leave East Germany knowing that Western warmongers would expand NATO all the way to the USSR's border

What eyewitness? Gorbachev? Gorbachev himself admitted that NATO expansion wasn't discussed in detail during the Germany reunification negotiations, for a very simple reason - there was no need. Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact still existed back then and nobody predicted the incoming dissolution of the two.

So I assume you cannot provide anything concrete, anything substantial - like a legally binding document (or any document really) saying that NATO promised not to expand eastwards? Surprise, surprise.

We didn't do anything.

If even a quarter of what Felshtinsky writes in his book is true, then you most emphatically did something.

Russia could not have done this - this is beyond its capability.

You could have recruited Trump though (and quite likely did).

the West was not to be trusted

Good Marshall Piłsudski said to his generals before he died - "The West is rotten. Don't trust them" ("Zachód jest parszywieńki. Nie dowierzajcie im."). How right he was! And it wasn't the first time that he called the West "parszywieńki" ("parszywy" can mean 'rotten' or 'lousy' but the diminutive shows extra disdain).

But still, the lousy rotten West is better than chaos, violence and total disregard for anything resembling international law (invading a country, Hitler-style, without declaring war, on the basis of denazifying it - really?). That's why the West - being rotten and lousy as it is - rose against Putin.

Are Euros here stupid or evil or both?

Both. But no more stupid and evil than either Russians or Americans. It is not about character traits - we are all scoundrels - but a clash of different visions of the world: freedom vs serfdom, individualism vs hive, free enterprise vs omnipotent state, power-based international policies vs international institutions and global cooperation. Crow is right that the border between Russia and the EU... or more generally Russkiy Mir and the West, is the border between very different civilisations, and every now and then - as we know from history - civilisations clash.
mafketis  38 | 11149
8 hrs ago   #306
Gorbachev himself admitted that NATO expansion wasn't discussed

Don't waste your time arguing with russian shills... they never engage with anything you say and ignore any contradictory evidence you have and just keep repeating the same lies over and over and over like parrots enacting their own St. Vitus Dance.

the lousy rotten West is better than chaos, violence and total disregard for anything

russia craves respect but all its successes are due to the west bending over backwards to help it and treating it like feeble minded but unstable paranoid lunatic. So rather than gratitude (for lend lease, food aid around 1990, purchase of hydrocarbons) they just seethe in ever greater hatred and resentment.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 874
8 hrs ago   #307
@cms neuf
I do business in Canada every day. The CAD is down 20% on USD since May of 2021. Canadian inflation makes it much much worse because their PM is a fvcking idiot.

Trumps job is to give Americans what they want, and they want an end to the war and to stop financing it. If Russia gets anything out of it Americans dont care because it wont effect them.

Now our brilliant Minister Sikorski had to get in a spat with Musk and Rubio and be told where to fall in line. If he think Musk gaves one fvck about what Poland pays for Starlink in Ukraine then he understands how Musk thinks about as much as how PF Poles understand Americans. Stupid people with mouths should learn when to keep them closed. An I liked this guy too until he showed his lack of intelligence.
Torq  8 | 1023
8 hrs ago   #308
just keep repeating the same lies over and over and over like parrots

That's precisely why they have to be contradicted; otherwise it would be only their lies posted here, so a chance passer-by might read them and think it's true.

unstable paranoid lunatic (...) they just seethe in ever greater hatred and resentment

I would strongly advise against attempts at conducting psychoanalysis on Russians. This way madness lies.

All the Russians I've ever met were warm, kind-hearted, generous people. How can these kind of people elect the likes of Putin to power and support aggressive wars? Beats me. I have been trying to figure it out myself for years and failed miserably but I know one thing - it's most certainly not because they are bad people, psychopaths or whatnot. They're an immensely likeable bunch all in all (unless they're in large, uniformed groups - proceed with caution then haha :)).
OP cms neuf  2 | 1848
8 hrs ago   #309
No. 16% even showing the very worst data.

since Golden Cow took over it hasn't moved. If it does move it will be in the favor of the CAD.

Why would you support Musk insulting Poland ? Two days ago you were saying Poland would get better treatment, but for once today you said something correct - that Poland should "fall into line" . Which line ?
Paulina  19 | 4464
7 hrs ago   #310
Sikorski had to get in a spat with Musk and Rubio and be told where to fall in line.

It wasn't a "spat" on Sikorski's part - he stated facts. It was Musk who spat on Sikorski. Who behaves like that towards people and in public at that?? I mean towards anyone - let alone a Minister of Foreign Affairs of an allied country that Americans "looove" so much, according to you? *epic eye roll*

Now our brilliant Minister

He's not "yours", American.

Which line ?

Bottom line, apparently lol

you were saying Poland would get better treatment


All I can say is that it wasn't only Sikorski who read the way Musk talked to him - Poles did too and we watch, observe and draw conclusions.

I'm going to show you Trumpists how normal people behave and how you earn people's respect - watch and learn:

Novichok  4 | 8506
7 hrs ago   #311
Let's keep it simple and out of Paulina's childish sandbox of right and wrong.

The US decided to keep nukes out of Iraq and invaded Iraq to assure this outcome.

Russia decided to keep NATO out of Ukraine and invaded Ukraine to assure this outcome.

Any questions?
pawian  226 | 27509
7 hrs ago   #312
Any questions?

Yes. Who decided about the invasion? Rep or Dem gov???
Vesko Vukovic  - | 195
7 hrs ago   #313
I'm going to show you Trumpists how normal people behave and how you earn people's respect - watch and learn:

Paulina  19 | 4464
7 hrs ago   #314
@Vesko Vukovic, the US didn't send Ukraine 380 billion dollars. You're repeating Trump's lies the way you repeat Putin's lies and that's very telling. 🧐
Novichok  4 | 8506
7 hrs ago   #315
Who decided about the invasion? Rep or Dem gov???

Russia doesn't care.
Novichok  4 | 8506
7 hrs ago   #317 long as our assed are safe...


Russia-hating PF morons
Paulina  19 | 4464
7 hrs ago   #318
@Vesko Vukovic, Novichok, RuSSia can withdraw from Ukraine and stop this war ANYTIME, but RuSSia clearly DOESN'T WANT TO end this war and stop the killing.
mafketis  38 | 11149
6 hrs ago   #319
Nice quick video of the bipartisan US policy of dearming and weakening Ukraine while mostly ignoring bad things russia does in order to 'reset' relations.
Crow  154 | 9541
6 hrs ago   #320
True. This definitely best avoided.

Beware. Some may say you are pro-Russian because saying this.

Too bad you support the wrong Slavic magnates,

When Italian and Greek meets they tell to each other: ``Una faca, una rasa.``

Throughout history it helped to us Serbians see the situation. So we understand they are both, Rome and Constantinople high-priests, strangers with interests they share. For them, we Slavs are milking cow.

Dude stop annoying me with your endless pro-Russian propaganda. Go and eat

Belgrade is Belgrade. We Serbs have our own approach.
mafketis  38 | 11149
6 hrs ago   #321
ussians I've ever met were warm, kind-hearted, generous people


elect the likes of Putin to power and support aggressive wars? Beats me.

Because while they might be nice in interpersonal relations they're utterly apathetic about politics. They're large infants who want to be fed, taken care of and told what to do. They're obedient to (russian) authority and don't mind repression of the kind that Polish and Ukrainian citizens bridle under and resist.

repeating Trump's lies the way you repeat Putin's lies

What do expect from a pro-russian serb..... truth? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Now russian shills are trying to re-cast the story of the US citizen who fought for russia (and was sodomized and killed by his russian 'comrades)
Novichok  4 | 8506
4 hrs ago   #322
Vesko Vukovic, Novichok, RuSSia can withdraw from Ukraine and stop this war ANYTIME

The Russian army is in Russia, not Ukraine.

Try to go to Donbass and you will find out whose visa you will need. It will be Russian, not Ukrainian.

If Tusk wanted to go to Donbass, he, too, would need a visa from Russia.

This case is closed and non-negotiable.
johnny reb  49 | 7930
2 hrs ago   #323
All I can say is that it wasn't only Sikorski who read the way Musk talked to him

It wasn't only Musk, Rubio set Sikorski straight too.
U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio accused Poland's foreign minister Sikorski of "making things up" and suggested on Sunday he was ungrateful, in a strong rebuke after Sikorski said Ukraine may need an alternative to the Starlink satellite service.
Poland pays for Kyiv to use the services of Musk's Starlink, which provides crucial internet connectivity to Ukraine and its military.
Novichok  4 | 8506
1 hr ago   #324
A question to Polish warriors:

How much more is Poland ready to spend on this war and Ukrainians?

Whatever it is takes is not a number so shove it before you post it.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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