This war was started by North Nigeria and I think it is about the 10th they have started in the last century
At least our wars are fought for the right reasons. Not to screw someone out of their mineral wealth, or otherwise f*ck them.
The reason the so called "Global South" supports Russia, and not Ukraine and the West is because they possess the objectivity and the historic memory to recognize who is who. Nobody in Asia, or Africa, or Latin America seems to buy the nonsense narrative being sold by the West.
Russia was seen, and is still seen by many - as taking the right historical side in many of those conflicts you are alluding to.
In Korea, in Vietnam, in Angola, in Ethiopia, in Afghanistan - the Soviet Union stood on the side of people fighting for control over their own destiny.
The wars modern Russia has participated in were largely thrust upon it.
1) A secessionist war was started by Islamist radicals in Chechnya. Show me what country would tolerate this? How did America deal with the rebels, when it had its own little Civil War?
2) Georgia invaded two breakaway republics in a surprise operation, seemingly forgetting about the laws of physics and where it was situated geographically. Many of the people in South Ossetia have family members living on the other side of the border in Russian North Ossetia. Most of the population of Abkhazia hold Russian passports, a necessity after they were practically ethnically cleansed by the Georgians under Gamsakhurdia in 1990-91.
3) A coalition of ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hizbut i Tahrir, and the Islamic Movement of Turkistan - containing within its ranks many thousands of Russian citizens from the North Caucasus - attacks a Russian ally of 50 years. We were friends already with his father Hafez, after he came to power in a coup in the 1960s. How could we not protect him? How could we not use this opportunity to kill so many Islamists on Syrian ground, before they had a chance to return to Russia?
Ukraine is debatable.
But I don't accept that we fight as many frivolous wars as America does. Only those that matter.