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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Vesko Vukovic  - | 243
19 hrs ago   #1171
This is why Russia is going to have to take Odessa

Putin unleashes Iskander-M missile attack to 'sink container ship in Odesa carrying cargo of British weapons for Ukraine'
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
19 hrs ago   #1172
BTW, U is not winning.

Would you say that Russia was winning then? HaHaHaHa!
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
18 hrs ago   #1173
The backlash against Trump is beginning......

Przelotnyptak1  - | 527
18 hrs ago   #1174
Now, back to reality, I was born and for decades lived in Poland, and not once did I witness such respect for the less fortunate.Sick patronizing yeas, but respect,
you must be kidding me. Not in Europe, but I see it in the USA every day
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
18 hrs ago   #1175
You Yanks need to listen to the words of the greatest president you ever had.

Paulina  17 | 4537
18 hrs ago   #1176
We prefere to watch NFL and p0rn

No wonder you're so ignorant and retarded lol

and not once did I witness such respect for the less fortunate

Well, I did - I know what Torq is talking about as far as cleaning ladies are concerned, for example. I've seen it at school, at work places, in the neighbourhoods where people live. People are, for example, chatting up in a friendly way the cleaning lady in our neighbourhood when she's sweeping the pavement.

I remember our English teacher (a guy) at high school complaining that after 5 years of university education he was earning less than a cleaning lady at our school:

"82% of people are capable to tell the name and surname of the person cleaning at their workplace and 53% clean up after themselves to make the cleaning personel's job easier."
pawian  226 | 27498
18 hrs ago   #1177
Yanks need to listen to the words

It seems Pres Zelenski and heroic Ukrainians have learnt these words by heart and act accordingly.
Pity that MASA Golden Cow gangsters so easily forget their noble heritage.
Paulina  17 | 4537
17 hrs ago   #1178
You Yanks need to listen to the words of the greatest president you ever had.

Judging by his words - it's crazy how liberals and conservatives in the US switched places in this regard...

That speech is perfection, btw, wow...

and heroic Ukrainians have learnt these words by heart and act accordingly

Only yesterday I read a comment by a Ukrainian that he'd rather die standing than beg on his knees... ;( 😢
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
16 hrs ago   #1179
German ex-spy involved?

Spectacular turnaround in Nord Stream 2 is looming

........A former East German spy could be involved in the revival of Nord Stream 2. The Trump administration also plays a major role in the restart plans.


Now the spectacular turnaround is to take place. As the "Financial Times" reports, a consortium led by American companies is apparently working on reviving the project. Those involved are hoping for support from the White House, from Donald Trump of all people. He had already warned in 2019 that Nord Stream 2 could turn Germany into "a hostage of the Kremlin". The prediction turned out to be prescient. It was only three years later that Germany withdrew from the agreement to operate the pipeline and from then on desperately sought a replacement for the cheap Russian gas.

A former GDR spy could once again be involved in the revival of Nord Stream 2. According to the "Financial Times", Matthias Warnig, a former Stasi officer, is said to be in charge of the talks. Warnig is considered a long-time confidant of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. The business (and private) relationships between the two go back to the 1980s. At that time, Putin was stationed in Dresden as a KGB officer, and the young Warnig worked for the Stasi.....

Wow 😮

What now? Earlier Trump didn't want Germany as the Kremlins hostage, but now it's okay?
Novichok  4 | 8972
16 hrs ago   #1180
Z won't get a penny with his crappy attitude.

I wouldn't give him a penny if he begged on his knees based on a simple relationship between money and deaths:

Z got 500B and 500k men are dead now. This means that each billion killed 1000 men. Zero billions given to Z means zero men dead.

It's really that simple.
Novichok  4 | 8972
15 hrs ago   #1181
That speech is perfection, btw, wow...

I agree. That's why Ukrainians should fight for freedom and democracy until they run out of Ukrainians.

How do you like my proposal?

In the meantime...From financialpost:

Europe's nightmare is here: They have to fight Putin without the U.S.

Good luck, azzholes...
Novichok  4 | 8972
14 hrs ago   #1182
To the extent that the US and Russia do not want WW3, the US should join Russia in a coordinated attack on Kiev and end this BS once and for all.

Think Berlin 1945.
Novichok  4 | 8972
14 hrs ago   #1183
The minerals deal reportedly involves no security guarantees by the US to Ukraine, which has been a key demand by the war-torn country so far.

1. A war-torn shlthole is in no position to "demand" anything.
2. Russia is so weak that Ukraine can get all the security guarantees it needs from the Baltics, Denmark, and Poland.
3. Involvimg the US is an invitation to WW3, a nuke war with Russia, or both. No fvcking way!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
14 hrs ago   #1184
The minerals deal reportedly involves no security guarantees

Then there will be no deal....right?
Novichok  4 | 8972
14 hrs ago   #1185
The US will get the minerals. Europe will provide security guarantees.

You have been getting those from us since 1945. Your turn.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
13 hrs ago   #1186
Europe will provide security guarantees.


That will be a popcorn moment....
Novichok  4 | 8972
12 hrs ago   #1187
How to get thrown out of the White House:

Tell Trump that he cannot trust Putin.
amiga500  5 | 1520
12 hrs ago   #1188
is some kind of security guarantees that would stop RuSSia from invading again

At the moment they want security guarantees before negotiations with russia start, so they can use that as one of their.. ahem, trump cards to demand the impossible and keep fighting if needed.

Btw why do you think 73 percent of poles are against being in the 'coalition of the willing' and sending peacekeeping troops to Ukraine, much less fighting for Ukraine? What does TVN24 say?

his head is still spinning after the U-turn.

the irony.. you went from gleefull snickering that Ukraine's turbo-diplomacy was out-turboed by Fuhrer Trump, to slobbering over Zelenskys circumcised penis in a matter of days, because yanks said mean words.

Your awe and admiration will be repaid in full 20 to 30 years from now, when the banderite hordes sweep across Poland and disembowel your grandchildren.
Torq  8 | 1059
12 hrs ago   #1189
not once did I witness such respect for the less fortunate


Sorry to hear that, Ptak, but it was exactly as I described at every single workplace in my life: an electronic components factory, all the schools, the university. Come to think of it, it was exactly like that when I worked abroad too. So perhaps it's not a Polish-American thing, but a general European-American cultural difference. I don't know - maybe it's different in corporations, but corpos are in general sick places and best avoided.

I see it in the USA every day

But what PolAm described to us earlier, when it comes to "pecking order" and "knowing your fvcking place" in America, is completely opposite.

after 5 years of university education he was earning less than a cleaning lady at our school

Well, he must have been a very lazy person then. Most teachers (guys) I know work 2 full-time jobs (at 2 schools, or a school/uni combo), conduct matura courses at the weekends, are engaged in private tutoring, work for educational publishing houses, conduct trainings of various kinds for private companies etc. The only situation in which this could have been possible is a guy at the very beginning of his career, working a single job (probably part-time) at a single school and not doing anything on the side. Normally, in a big city (and Kielce is not that small), a teacher who is diligent and self-disciplined can earn as much as an engineer/programmer. Actually, when I switched from engineering to teaching (mostly Physics these days), I started earning more than I did as an engineer.

you went from gleefull snickering that Ukraine's turbo-diplomacy was out-turboed by Fuhrer Trump

That was a single post and provoked by rumours (which I mentioned in the very same post) that the banderite Zaluzhny was considered a hot presidential prospect for Ukraine. In general my views on the whole affair haven't changed at all: I still support Ukraine in their war against Russia, still am a huge Russophile anti-Putinist, and still don't like banderites/crypto-banderites.

Your awe and admiration will be repaid in full 20 to 30 years from now, when the banderite hordes sweep across Poland and disembowel your grandchildren.

Do you remember what Duda said to Putin? "Nie strasz, nie strasz..." :) :) :)
amiga500  5 | 1520
12 hrs ago   #1190
The only situation in which this could have been possible

It's true about teacher wage it was in Dzień Świra :)

Torq  8 | 1059
11 hrs ago   #1191
it was in Dzień Świra :)


Late 90s/early 00s - a different world. I was a student myself back then. And Miauczyński is a polonista--not the most profitable of subjects to teach (and horribly time consuming with all the written assignments to check, so hard to do two full-time jobs). ;)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 950
11 hrs ago   #1192
Being nice to people that are beneath you at work or in society is what successful people do. Successful people, leaders, do not allow someone to com into their office and talk loudly or try to dictate terms. Zelensky was loud, rude and his body language was closed. Watch the video. If you need a loan from the bank you get a loan on the banks terms, not yours. No different when asking for help from any country. Leaders, and people who are successful dont have to try to dominate anyone below them, but people below them also know not to fvck around or they can be fired.

Trump and Vance dont have to control their mouths in their office. Zelensky went off the rails when asked a question about his not wearing a suit by a reporter, and then it was all down hill. He was warned by congressmen and his own people to stfu and stay on topic about the mineral deal, and he didnt. He wants to try to dictate terms or tell the US it will have problems? That is simply a stupid man talking with his emotions, and not dealing in common sense. That is the kind of leader that gets people killed. That is the kind of leader who was manipulated by Boris and Biden and lead to believe that he was somehow an equal on the world stage when he and Ukraine are pawns for the west against Russia.

So glad that the EU is now saying they have to spend more on defense. Ursula Vandekunt finally saying the EU has to spend more and do more. One of the dumbest leaders in history now wants to see the EU better armed and admits it has been not living up to its commitments for thirty years. This from the woman, and leader of the EU who cares about placing fines on Poland for any thing they can. Starmer and the rest are now realizing the absolute stupidity of Zelensky and the results they are now left with.
Novichok  4 | 8972
11 hrs ago   #1193
Trump and Vance dont have to control their mouths in their office.

She thinks that Trump and Z are equals...President X and President Y...Simple...
Starmer and the rest are now realizing the absolute stupidity of Zelensky

...but not the war strategists on PF. They always know what's better for Russia, the US, and the rest of the universe.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 243
11 hrs ago   #1194

Ukrainian Ambassador CAN'T WATCH As Trump Dismantles Zelensky!
Vesko Vukovic  - | 243
10 hrs ago   #1195
That speech is perfection, btw, wow...

Here's another excellent inspiring quote by a former US president:

"Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people"
Joe Biden (2 March 2022)
cms neuf  1 | 1897
10 hrs ago   #1196
I wouldn't care whose office I an sitting in - I'm not going to sign a deal that sells me out or accept some arrogant pricks lying about me

But anyway Zelensky has come out of this very well and the scale of the backlash must be worrying for Putler

I think what is needed now is much more discussion of North Nigerian war crimes - that will appall the American public that Vance and Trump are supporting it
Vesko Vukovic  - | 243
10 hrs ago   #1197
You Don't Have the Cards
Vesko Vukovic  - | 243
10 hrs ago   #1198
Funeral of a US Marine Corps soldier Ethan Hertweck in Kiev

Zelensky's massacre of his own people continues on as he faces political extinction
PolAmKrakow  2 | 950
9 hrs ago   #1199
@cms neuf
Good thing your opinion doesnt count on anything.

Zelensky is a dead man walking. Saying yesterday that he would run again for president if elections are held. Hilarious. Trump and Vance are supporting an end to the war, and not supporting anything Russian. So, now all funding for Ukraine can come from Europe, good luck with that. The American public care about Americans befor Ukraine, and if you dont understand that by now I suggest you step away from the bong.
amiga500  5 | 1520
9 hrs ago   #1200
Zelensky has come out of this very well and the scale of the backlash must be worrying for Putler

I didn't know you did gallows humour. Well done.

Zelensky is a dead man walking

Yep. If he gives up Ukranian land in a peace deal, some ukri faction will get rid of him, if he is responsible for stopping US military aid another ukri faction will get rid of him, if he impedes the the us-russian reproachment the Americans or Russians will get rid of him.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19
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