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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11981
5 hrs ago   #841 much for my nice theory yesterday.....
Ironside  50 | 12999
5 hrs ago   #842
That's why we need nukes. Nothing is certain anymore.

You have a good instinct. I like it about you. If you would forget about all that redundant nonsense.
OP Korvinus  4 | 607
5 hrs ago   #843
If Russia stands by it allies

Syria? Armenia ?
Azerbaijan was getting stronger and stronger, with 3 times more population than Armenia and revenues from natural resources invested into the army. Turkey was steadfast in support of Azerbaijan, Russia was not willing to sacrifice its broader interests to protect Armenian ones.
Barney  19 | 1766
5 hrs ago   #844
@cms neuf
Don't let your hatred blind you. Russia has always stuck with its allies

I could take a very easy blow pointing out how your PM was sucking US dick yesterday or helping facilitate genocide in Palestine. A united front from European countries is required to disengage from the gangsters in America.

@Torq and @Korvinus
Armenia started sucking US cock and as a result were screwed.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 197
5 hrs ago   #845

He doesn't give a damn for Ukrainians and soldiers.

But obviously his ego is more important to him than his own people, the actor thought he was a great leader.

If the Ukrainians were his first priority, he would crawl on his knees if he needed to save the lives of his soldiers.

There are no more young men in a town in western Ukraine...

This is the result of Zelensky as a president.
jon357  72 | 23451
5 hrs ago   #846
He doesn't give a damn for Ukrainians and soldiers.

I think that on balance we can very much say that he does.

There are no

Orc propaganda.

This is the result of

This is the result of r*SSia's illegal and unprovoked invasion. And Putler must be terrified now the peace negotiations aren't going r*SSia's way.
pawian  225 | 27395
5 hrs ago   #847
Zelensky as a president.

Hero!!! Kneel down and kiss his boots!
Vesko Vukovic  - | 197
5 hrs ago   #848

to this should be added - if I stay alive I will return to cities without women, because they have all emigrated to the West.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
5 hrs ago   #849
Russia needs to stop the war in Ukraine ASAP because things are going wrong within Russia.
And now Putin is making offerings to the USA because he is desperate.
The West must not back down and stand firm against Putin.

Vesko Vukovic  - | 197
5 hrs ago   #850
Russia is already much stronger now than at the beginning of the war. A more numerous army, a better quality army, a more capable army, a more experienced army, an army steeled in the most modern warfare. Corrupt officers and generals dismissed. Russia currently has the most experienced and capable military on the planet. That's what all Western military analysts outside of CNN, BBC and Polsat say. Not to mention the production capacity of military equipment, which is more than 20x times stronger than before the war.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
5 hrs ago   #851
Corrupt officers dismissed and replaced with more corrupt officers

They are the most experienced army when it comes to sexually abusing conscripts. The most capable when required to turn potato peel into white spirit.

Drunk, incompetent, venal, poorly equipped losers who are still stuck 6km outside Pokrovsk
jon357  72 | 23451
5 hrs ago   #852
ssia is already much stronger now than at the beginning of the war

Which of course they very much are not.

ssia currently has the most experienced and capable military on the planet

Experienced? Half a million are dead and the rest are drunk.

A three day "special operation" that's lasted three years and not succeeded...
Paulina  17 | 4498
4 hrs ago   #853
Zelensky may be morally right

I had na interesting watch about this disastrous meeting on Polish news channel TVN24. There were three experts giving their take on what happened - I don't know who the first lady was, but probably an expert on diplomacy, the second was a historian and the third - a retired military man.

1. The diplomacy aspect - that lady said what more or less I was thinking - that Zelensky was talking with the language of morality and Trump was talking with the language of strength/power and those are two completely different worlds that won't have anything in common. So for the Zelensky to succeed - he would have to talk to Trump with the language of business, because Trump doesn't and won't care about morality. He only cares about what the US can get out of this. And he wants his ego to be stroked. That's the brutal truth. And so, she said, Zelensky was morally right, but his behaviour was a mistake from the tactical point of view - he let himself get provoked.

2. The historian was talking about similarities to Yalta and Chamberlain's appeasement policy and that Poles were treated by the West in the same way. He hopes that won't be the fate of Ukraine.

3. The retired military guy's take was interesting. Actually he made a few interesting points and I don't know if I remember everything:

- So, his guess is that maybe RuSSia didn't agree to negotiations or maybe RuSSia wants too much - so much that even Trump couldn't agree to such conditions. And for this reason Trump and Vance decided to provoke Zelensky, so it would look like to the American public that it's Zelensky's fault that the peace negotiations aren't succeeding.

- He was saying that Ukraine is buying us time - the longer they fight, the longer there are sanctions put on RuSSia the more time we have to prepare for potential RuSSian invasion.

- He said that RuSSia is in a difficult situation too and a ceasefire and lifting up sactions would just give RuSSia a breather to regain strength.

- He was also talking about US military equipment. If the EU starts developing, producing and using their own military stuff it's going to be, of course, a blow to the US military industry.
And another important thing that he said, I think, is that the conclusion that should be drawn from this war is that if Poland continues to buy American military equipment we should have it written down in contracts that we will be allowed to use these weapons when and how we deem necessary - that it shouldn't be for Washington to decide.

And, of course, he said that Europe has to help Ukraine - Ukraine can't fall - it is essential.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 197
4 hrs ago   #854
They are not at war against just Ukraine itself, but against the West. The West sent 500 billion euros in money and even more in the value of Western technology, weapons and ammunition.
jon357  72 | 23451
4 hrs ago   #855
And for this reason Trump and Vance decided to provoke Zelensky, so it would look like to the American public

Some commentators have said that America has never looked so weak in 200 years and that the appalling display on TV today was basically the Americans handing over power then being bitter about it.

And China must really be laughing.

The people on TVN24 were true talking heads, in the finest style of Polish (and not only) TV politics shows. They make some good points however they're reading a lot into it. The obvious conclusion is that trump (who promised repeatedly to sort this on day one) has now, 43 days into it, failed in his attempts.and is raging about it.

The next few weeks are likely to be interesting. The American state department are probably panicking right now, trying to figure out a way to mitigate the damage done by trump's and vance's outburst and how to minimise the amount of face they lose.

I'll be interested to hear the statement after Monday's talks.
Paulina  17 | 4498
4 hrs ago   #856
If Trump was in Zelensky's position in 2022 he would sh*t himself i spierdalałby z Kijowa pierwszą taksówką ha ha

I was thinking the same when I was watching them berating him... It's just Trump wouldn't take a taxi, but a private jet like those oligarchs fleeing RuSSia lol

there is a general consensus that he gained immense sympathy all over the world (even in Russia). I bet that's not what Trump wanted to achieve.

I doubt that Trump cares about that. I mean, he has shown that he doesn't care. It looks like the only thing he cares about is what his voters think...
pawian  225 | 27395
4 hrs ago   #857
the only thing he cares about is what his voters think..

No, he shyts on his voters coz he realises they are morons. The only thing he cares about is his superinflated ego.
Tomorrow, after reading all the negative comments in the media, he will twitter: Did I really act so??? Impossible!!! It wasn`t me! Vance provoked me!
Paulina  17 | 4498
4 hrs ago   #858
@pawian, if the only thing Trump cared about was his ego he wouldn't be lying so much. He clearly wants his voters to think that he's right and orhers are wrong. I'm not saying that he cares about his voters, I'm saying that he cares what they think, because he needs them.
4 hrs ago   #859
And China must really be laughing.

Want to see the Chinese laughing out loud? Close all American bases in Europe, then join BRICS+ and use the Euro as the world's reserve currency. If the Americans complain, tax their banking services as well as the likes of Google, Amazon, Meta and Tesla into oblivion.
Novichok  4 | 8887
4 hrs ago   #860
He said that RuSSia

Is every Polish bit*ch as annoying as you?

The only thing he cares about is his superinflated ego.

And that's why - illegally and without Congress - he doubled his WH salary to 900k.

Did you know that?

Ukraine can't fall - it is essential.

How many Ukrainian men have to die for you to say enough?
Paulina  17 | 4498
3 hrs ago   #861


Is every Polish bit*ch as annoying as you?

Ask your wife, psycho :D

How many Ukrainian men have to die for you to say enough?

It is not for me to say, but for the Ukrainian people to decide. For me personally though - it is enough already. Why? What do you care what I think?
johnny reb  49 | 8011
3 hrs ago   #862
I can't watch it. I really can't!

Here, watch it.

See the difference between Teflon Trump and limp wristed obama and pussy biden.
Trump has had enough.
Time for Zelenski to chit or get off the pot.
I think Zelenski wants to start WW3 by the looks of things.
Trump is doing everything he can to avoid that.
Paulina  17 | 4498
3 hrs ago   #863
See the difference between Teflon Trump and limp wristed obama and pussy biden.

Yes, Trump clearly doesn't know how to do diplomacy and diplomacy is essential in peace negotiations.

I think Zelenski wants to start WW3 by the looks of things.

Of course not lol Don't get fooled by your Donny.

Trump is doing everything he can to avoid that.

No, that's just what Trump wants you to think :)
Novichok  4 | 8887
3 hrs ago   #864
Yes, Trump clearly doesn't know how to do diplomacy

He does. It goes like this:

So you don't want to take back your migrants? OK, there will be a 25% tariff on your exports to the US. Next week, 50%.

OK, OK...we will take them. That plane can land now.

That's how he did diplomacy with Colombia recently ...hahahahahahahaha....I love that American big fist.
Paulina  17 | 4498
3 hrs ago   #865
He does.

We'll see.

I can't watch it. I really can't!

I know what you mean...

This is a meme that a Polish journalist who was a war correspondent in Ukraine shared on his social media:

  • ChristofEurope.jpg
Tlum  12 | 308
3 hrs ago   #866
The Polish president Duda and Kaczynski had the same feeling about Zelensky as Trump. They said Zel is ungrateful and demands more and more no matter how much he's got. Now Putin's propaganda machine will take advantage of it saying that Putin tried to be as reasonable to end the war as possible, but Zel is too hard headed and Trump/US proved it today.

It seems Trump has finally realized that the minerals deal is not as good for the US as originally thought. Ukraine has surprisingly quickly agreed to make the deal, but once it is in place it means the strategic territories where the minerals are found would sort of have to be protected by US / Nato troops which could only escalate the situation. So in the end the deal is not that great for the US, so Trump doesn't care to close it as much as he used to.
johnny reb  49 | 8011
3 hrs ago   #867
Some commentators have said

Which commentators, names would be helpful.
The American state department are probably panicking right now,

"Probably" is the key word. lol
Why would you project something so stupid, do you hate America that much ?
I doubt that Trump cares about that. I mean, he has shown that he doesn't care.

Trump repeatedly made statements about saving millions of lives if this war goes on or did you miss that.
No, that's just what Trump wants you to think

No, that's what you want us to think Trump thinks. Hoot !
jon357  72 | 23451
3 hrs ago   #868
demands more and more no

Good. His country is being invaded and the 'demands' are in behalf of the people who elected him.

It seems ...... has finally realised that the minerals deal is not as good for the US as originally thought

Either that, or there are even more ways that he's not got what he wanted.

That or the conditions necessary for a mineral deal are ones he can't meet.
Tlum  12 | 308
2 hrs ago   #869
Ukraine is not in NATO. What would have happened if, let's say, China invaded Mexico - would Europe care to help the US fight China? Probably not, but that would be understandable since Mexico is not in NATO and EU has no business to protect it.

As I've mentioned, I don't like this mineral deal because 90% of the beneficiaries would be the tech billionaire and their corporations, not common people.
Paulina  17 | 4498
2 hrs ago   #870
Ukraine has surprisingly quickly agreed to make the deal

Yes and Zelensky still wanted to talk after that dreadful meeting, apparently, but was thrown out of the White House... So this is strange... 🤔

did you miss that.

I wrote that Trump doesn't care what people around the world think about him, he only cares what his voters think. Read more carefully.

No, thats what you want us to think.

No, that's just pure logic and historical experience. If World War III broke out RuSSia would be free to either obliterate Ukraine or do whatever it wants with that country justifying it with "existential threat" - that's what the Soviet Union did to Poland, among others, during World War II. So it's most definitely not in the interest of Ukraine for World War III to start. I'm serious, this is not a joking matter, especially for a Polish person :( That's why Poland doesn't want World War III either.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

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