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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Paulina  17 | 4498
7 hrs ago   #781
Unless Poland plans on getting 5,000 nukes too.

I think having any nukes is enough of a detterent for RuSSia against doing stupid things. The threat of nuking a few RuSSian cities would be enough.

But really both Trump and Vance are unprepared, unprofessional, like small children

I agree, it did look like a PF argument and not a diplomatic meeting that was supposed help to end a war. It was retarded, completely unnecessary and irresponsible. These two shouldn't be allowed to attend such meetings - they're just not fit for it. They should send experienced, responsible professionals to make deals on their behalf...

I have never seen anything like this... Unbelievable...

There are two things that stand out to me - why do this crap in front of camera? Have a meeting behind closed door and go out with either yes or no.

I think it was Trump's and Vance's performance for their voters, unfortunately. They care more about their political ratings than ending this war it seems ;(((
Bobko  27 | 2171
7 hrs ago   #782
So... European as*holes...

Who was right all these years? Bobko or you?

Happy to continue sucking American penis? Yes?

I've been telling you they are hyenas. Not just them, but their British mothership too.

Witness their ugly ways. Only with us, with Russia, can you bring them back to their senses so they behave more normally as in 1945-1991.
pawian  225 | 27395
7 hrs ago   #783
Only with us, with Russia,

That was the only reasonable reply. :):):)
Lenka  5 | 3541
7 hrs ago   #784
Only with us, with Russia,

We tried that. Didn't like it much.

USA may be a crappy ally but they still didn't stoop to the Russian level.
Torq  8 | 983
7 hrs ago   #785
Who was right all these years? Bobko or you?

You were.

Happy to continue sucking American penis?


Only with us, with Russia, can you bring them back to their senses

So what's the plan? You have our attention. We're listening.
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 hrs ago   #786
European as*holes...

With such a post you prevent those Europeans who are not a,,holes to address your post.
pawian  225 | 27395
7 hrs ago   #787
USA may be a crappy ally

It is temporary. Until Golden Cow Trump is removed.
Paulina  17 | 4498
7 hrs ago   #788
What were Trump and this other half-wit thinking?

It was so shocking that it makes me think that maybe they they didn't really want to make this deal? I don't know...

Surely they can't be THAT retarded.

I wouldn't be so sure... But honestly I have no idea...

There was simply no need to treat him like that in front of the world's press.

Exactly... WTF was that...
Torq  8 | 983
7 hrs ago   #789
With such a post you prevent those Europeans who are not a,,holes to address your post.

Don't be so touchy, Iron. Let's listen to the plan.
Paulina  17 | 4498
7 hrs ago   #790
Witness their ugly ways. Only with us, with Russia

My dude, but RuSSia is worse... Your country is the epitome of machiavellianism and sociopathy. RuSSia can be trusted even less... And you don't have proper elections... Trump can at least be booted out.
Bobko  27 | 2171
7 hrs ago   #791
I want to invade America now. That's how I think many people in Russia and Ukraine feel.

It is unusual. Maybe the reaction is not the same if you read text and did not watch the video...

I hate Zelensky. I think he is a fool, and a puppet.

But the way they humiliated him, and him responding in his Russian accent... that made my blood boil.

They have lost all fear, or they are clueless.

Ukraine can keep fighting on for a long time after America abandons it - this is the truth. If they ever make a deal with us, it will be for different reasons.
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 hrs ago   #792
Let's listen to the plan.

What plan? He has no plan, Russia has the same old plan, which means no serious offer for Poland. That is an eternal problem with our dealing with Russia.
So, the only option is to build up the Polish military as needed, including nukes, get closer cooperation with key countries of the region like Sweden, Romania and Turkey. Need to be implemented, simple.
Bobko  27 | 2171
7 hrs ago   #793
What plan? He has no plan


The plan was always the same.

Russian and Polish troops marching in the same column.
Paulina  17 | 4498
7 hrs ago   #794
But the way they humiliated him

Yes... And we all know they did that, because they knew they could allow themselves to do that - because his country is at their mercy... Which made it even more disgusting...
Bobko  27 | 2171
7 hrs ago   #795
Which made it even more disgusting...

Wow I am agreeing with Paulina!

Soon the asteroid must hit.
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 hrs ago   #796
Russian and Polish troops marching in the same column.

We need nukes for that as well. Otherwise, it's more than certain that Poland will become a target of the western nukes.
Bobko  27 | 2171
7 hrs ago   #797
Otherwise, it's more than certain that Poland will become a target

If Poland is allied with Russia... the minute the first nukes fall on your territory - there will be a nuclear retaliation.

I think this is obvious.

It just means you cannot use nukes first.
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 hrs ago   #798
because his country is at their mercy... Which made it even more disgusting...

That is the way the cookie crumbles. In the same way the US sold down the river, a large part of the world because it wasn't theirs to sell. Another day, another deal.
If Poland is allied with Russia... the minute the first nukes fall on your territory - there will be a nuclear retaliation.

It is not necessarily true. It all depends on circumstances, only nukes in Poland's hands, guarantee that if some nukes hit Poland, someone will be hit by the Polish nukes
Torq  8 | 983
7 hrs ago   #799
But the way they humiliated him... that made my blood boil.

A natural reaction of any decent man after watching this.

What plan? He has no plan

Maybe he has. Let's see.

The plan was always the same. Russian and Polish troops marching in the same column.

We would probably need some more details. What with Ukraine? Will Russia join the EU? Will the EU join BRICS? How exactly will it work? What with Putin? Can we count on you in terms of nuclear sharing program or preferential energy deals? Details, Bobi.

After this Trump-Vance sh*tshow on the telly, you have 5 minutes of Europe's attention. We're listening.
Feniks  1 | 796
7 hrs ago   #800
It was so shocking that it makes me think that maybe they they didn't really want to make this deal? I

I think they did but they wanted to completely humiliate Zelensky in the process because he dared to put his own views across. They don't like people that talk back.
pawian  225 | 27395
7 hrs ago   #801
humiliate Zelensky

And he stood up to golden cow bullies. How Polish!!! Simply utterly amasing!
Torq  8 | 983
7 hrs ago   #802

He's a Volhyn genocide denier and probably a crypto-banderist too, but at the moment I don't care about it. I am willing to let this one grudge, so deeply ingrained in my heart, go and kiss my brother, Włodzimierz Zieliński, on both cheeks after today.

0_0... I can't believe I've just said that... but I really mean it.
Paulina  17 | 4498
7 hrs ago   #803
It is temporary. Until Golden Cow Trump is removed.

Is it temporary though? Trump's voters won't be going anywhere... So the US may be a volatile ally even in the long run...

because he dared to put his own views across. They don't like people that talk back.

It would be insane if that was the reason...
Bobko  27 | 2171
7 hrs ago   #804
Maybe he has. Let's see

I have no plan of course, or if I did - it would scarcely have a chance of being executed.

However, what I think is that:

1) Trump is bluffing

2) He's backed himself into a corner with cost savings. Even if Zelensky agrees to a mineral deal, and then Russia escalates - America's guarantees will promptly get tested and found lacking. Because Trump will not authorize new hundreds of billions to resist Russia's offensive after he made so much noise about saving money.

3) Russia has been raising 300-400K men annually during the last 2 years. Many went to replenishing losses in frontline units. Some say up to 70-80%. But the remaining numbers have been kept in Russia's rear and undergoing proper, "regular training times and are being equipped with fresh equipment while frontline units are forced to improvise. This force is not being created "for no reason".

4) Finally - there is NO WAY ANYONE CAN WIN AGAINST US. You tried 40 countries and draining all your stockpiles under Biden. Trump has a really sh*tty hand to play now, unless he wants to send US troops and start a war with Russia. A war we will also win.
pawian  225 | 27395
7 hrs ago   #805
Trump's voters won't be going anywhere..

Exactly. Tell us what happened to PIS voters in 2023. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8887
7 hrs ago   #806
When the little Jew crossed the line...From Drudge Report:


The White House said the Ukrainians wanted to start the talks again, but they were told no.

Hey, Vlad, don't worry...You have a friend in the US.

I am so proud of Trump.
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 hrs ago   #807
. but I really mean it.

yuck, are you into man Torq? I'm not sorry for Z. He's a mayor ah-ole and had it coming.
Feniks  1 | 796
6 hrs ago   #808
It would be insane if that was the reason...

To normal people yes, but Zelensky hadn't been quite grateful enough or said 'thank you' enough for those two. They didn't want to listen to his viewpoints full stop. I think they expected him to be completely acquiescent and didn't like it when he wasn't.

go and kiss my brother, Włodzimierz Zieliński, on both cheeks after today.

I think many others will be feeling the same.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
6 hrs ago   #809
There is no way anyone can win against North Nigeria ?

Well except the Japanese, Finns, Afghans, Poles, Kaisers Germany.

Who cares how many men you have lined up - drug addicted alkie farm boys and pensioners.

Speaking of which what happened to the battle hardened elite North Koreans ?
Velund  1 | 500
6 hrs ago   #810
my brother, Włodzimierz Zieliński

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Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

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