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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Crow  154 | 9485
1 day ago   #691
EU cares and only to the extent that it is a buffer country from Russia.

In the process EU turned to be buffer zone from the USA.

Even more. EU turned to be buffer zone to both, to the USA and to Russia.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1521
1 day ago   #692
EU turned to be buffer zone to both, to the USA and to Russia.

Well, it was always Putin's aim to cause a rift between the EU and the USA and now he has exactly what he wanted. But maybe it's all for the best - waking the sleeping giant and all that.
Crow  154 | 9485
1 day ago   #693
No. It is that Protestant and Orthodox global elite deal with the Vatican`s black nobility- old, and sick, Roman families that rule for two thousand years.

That is the bottom line.

But understand it correctly. Its not the war against Catholicism. No. Its war against domination of certain financial circles.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1521
1 day ago   #694
Its war against domination of certain financial circles.

The question is, dobri brate: why in the war against domination of financial circles it is only Slavic people that die?
Bobko  27 | 2171
1 day ago   #695
Its war against domination of certain financial circles.

Hahaha Crow...

"Domination of certain financial circles".

What happened to you? Are you scared? Cannot name names?
Crow  154 | 9485
1 day ago   #696
The question is, dobri brate: why in the war against domination of financial circles it is only Slavic people that die?

Few reasons.

1. Who else?
2. Slavs suffered the most due to Rome`s dominance.
3. This is only the opening phase of the conflict. War will move to western Europe and other non-Slavic regions of Europe, and not only Europe.

What happened to you? Are you scared? Cannot name names?

I told, didn`t I. I said black nobility of the Rome.
Bobko  27 | 2171
1 day ago   #697
Who else?

Somebody else? Not us?

Slavs suffered the most due to Rome`s dominance

I think that would be the Incas and the Maya. At least Slavs are still around to tell the story.

War will move to western Europe

Be assured that if and when it does move to the West, this will in no way mean a reduction of Slavic casualties. If anything, we'll probably die even more. Some as*holes like France will surrender immediately, and it will be our job to liberate them. Why? Because some other rich as*holes will say - "Hey look, we gave you the funds - you supply the manpower."
GefreiterKania  33 | 1521
1 day ago   #698
War will move to western Europe (...) and not only Europe.

No newspapers in Novi Sad? Haven't you read the news? Zelensky's giving Trump rare earth metals, Trump is giving Putin 20% of Ukraine, USA and Russia are best pals now and the doves of peace are already weaving their nests everywhere. Do keep up.
Crow  154 | 9485
1 day ago   #699
What you think what was September 11?

It was preparing phase of the conflict. It was decapitation of the snake.

It is obvious.

Now all is clear.

Pope? He fell ill these days.

Be assured that if and when it does move to the West, this will in no way mean a reduction of Slavic casualties.

Wrong. Number of Slavs will increase in short period of time.

Many would seek to return to their Slavic self.
Bobko  27 | 2171
1 day ago   #700

America is a Protestant nation.

In 300 years they had two Catholics, and zero Jews.

The first Catholic was JFK. When he got elected, people in the Heartland were worried that now the Pope in Rome controls their country. Don't know if you are a history buff - but that president... he got killed.

Then many other Catholic people tried to get elected, like John Kerry - but it didn't work.

The next Catholic to be elected was Joseph Robinette Biden. Similarly, all sorts of Baptists and Pentecostalists decided this was the arrival of the Antichrist.

I'm just trying to explain... that the Pope holds no power over America.

Hating Catholics was kind of a national sport in America, until approximately 1950.

Certainly none over Russia.
Crow  154 | 9485
1 day ago   #701
Money hold power in America. Who is behind money he rule. We never know who is behind money. Never. Only by the effects we can guess. Even then, we can only guess.

So think again.

But, world changed. It came to the glitch in the matrix. New players managed to take the power. Among them some old families that were/are traditional foe to the Rome`s elites. See, many old families waited in the shadows. Waited their moment.
Bobko  27 | 2171
1 day ago   #702
Who is behind money he rule.

Yes and who is behind money?

Which country gets weapons, and money, and diplomatic cover - and is asked nothing in return?

Which country gets weapons, and money, and diplomatic cover - but is asked to sell its soul in return?
OP Korvinus  4 | 607
1 day ago   #703
Zelensky's giving Trump rare earth metal

We've already see how Trump tries to plunder mineral wealth of Ukraine, without granting it any security guarantees. Even the Chinese aren't as greedy and they usually offer something in return.

Clinics around the world providing basic healthcare were being sponsored by USAID. It was part of the development support provided to third world countries.

Sure, USA is not required to provide this aid, but it once chose to do so. Deals were signed, funds allocated. Pacta sunt servanda, agreements that were already signed should have been fulfilled, not broken in a day, leaving patients worldwide without support. The credibility of America relied on that.

At this point USA is being globally compromised. It's no longer fulfilling its promises so why should anyone trust it in the future? With such volatility of the US China seems a more credible partner to many countries around the world. Which will come back to bite US in the butt, when they try to make new deals abroad.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1521
1 day ago   #704
USAID. It was part of the development support provided to third world countries.

Yip, pure idiocy to give this up. It was a part of American soft power, of immense indirect and not-so-indirect influence all over the world. The Chinese are already taking over the financing of many projects that the US gave up, and you are quite right - it will increase their credibility globally.
Crow  154 | 9485
1 day ago   #705
Yes and who is behind money?

Sarmatian elite. That elite in the shadows. Them first. Old enemies of the Rome.

Its clear.

Even when you look at the Trump`s son, how tall he is. His facial features. You know that marriage was a deal. That child was conceived in the deal. The child was learned the certain language since birth. The mother knows that language, too. She spoke it in Trump`s inauguration.

They even publicly shows it. All to see. All who are not lost in moronism.
Bobko  27 | 2171
1 day ago   #706
The mother

The mother is a wh0re, and there is information about this in the press.

I'm not going to defend some wh0re, just because she is Slavic.

The child

The child is a poor autist.

The father is a criminal.

All to see

Let's not embarrass ourselves in front of our Western colleagues, for all to see.

We have our own line. It does not depend on Trump.
Crow  154 | 9485
1 day ago   #707
You don`t believe in deals among old families?

But its only thing that is certain. I mean, beside the death and the tax.

All the rest is theater.
Velund  1 | 500
1 day ago   #708
This also means that we all have to get nukes. ASAP.

Nukes, means of delivery that can pass modern missile defences, plutonium breader reactors, uranium enrichment and radiochemical facilities to get fissionable material for nukes and be able to "refresh" them as materials of core aging and become dangerous in handling, radioactive waste storage facilities to hold by-products of everything mentioned above, and hundreds and thousands of square kilometers of "no-go" zones, contaminated with radionuclides in nuclear incidents. And fcukilions of dollars of money to build and support all the above...
Novichok  4 | 8887
1 day ago   #709
Nukes, means of delivery that can pass modern missile defences,

Your post demonstrates the reasons why I respect PF Russian and have nothing but contempt for PF Poles - all feelings, zero logic, and no common sense.

Thank you, Velund.
At this point USA is being globally compromised.

And I love it! Never, ever rely on the US to do your dirty work.

Your war. Deal with it. Enjoy your refugees and fvck off.
Velund  1 | 500
1 day ago   #710
PF Poles

Still way smarter than PF Bandar-logs...
Novichok  4 | 8887
1 day ago   #711
Still way smarter than PF Bandar-logs

Smart enough to be more annoying than a toilet that never shuts off...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 931
22 hrs ago   #712
Is it a 180 degree turn to want the country where most of my children and grandchildren to stop paying for a war that has zero effect on them except to increase taxes? My statements on what the general thoughts are on Ukraine reflect what the average American thinks. Most Americans cant find Ukraine on a map. All Europe has done is say that the US has to defend democracy, when in fact the US only has to defend its own democracy and no one elses. Respectfully, how much time have you spent in Ukraine? I have spent a lot of time there, and my opinions are also based on personal observations and interactions with people.

Trump will sign a deal with Z today. He will likely do a deal with Russia on rare earths in the land they have captured in Ukraine. The US will get paid back long term, and because the US will be involved with Russia and Ukraine financially it can help control and keep the peace. Europe will have to step up and build their own military. Trump wants to pull 100K military out of Europe and prepare to face China, and that is in the US best interests.
pawian  225 | 27395
21 hrs ago   #713
want the country where most of my children and grandchildren

You are still torn between two locations. And in result tossed into a mid Atlantic position. We pity you coz you are quite lost in life.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
21 hrs ago   #714
We will build our own nukes and leave you to fight China in your own ?

Good luck with that - last few wars the US hasn't been able to beat Iraq and Afghanistan
Torq  8 | 983
21 hrs ago   #715
plutonium breader reactors, uranium enrichment and radiochemical facilities (...) radioactive waste storage facilities (...) hundreds and thousands of square kilometers of "no-go" zones (...) fcukilions of dollars

All that you mention, tankist, is a very small price to pay for making sure that we will never again be enslaved by foreign invaders, that our civilians will never again be slaughtered by millions, and that we will never again be closed in concentration camps and called Untermenschen.

Times are difficult, Veli. In Germany, neo-nazis are doing better and better in every elections - are you sure that they will never come back to their old ideas of Lebensraum, Slav Untermenschen and Generalplan Ost? In Russia, the bald "Peter the Great" still holds power and it looks like he is going to be rewarded for going on a rampage in the middle of Europe in the 21st century (and totally destroying the principles of international legal order in the process) with a lot of conquered lands and hugs and kisses from America on top of that. In the USA, the orange skinned man is openly talking about US pulling out of Europe, perhaps even leaving NATO, which would leave Poland between potentially neo-nazi run Germany and imperial-mode Russia. This scenario - ever more possible - is raising every hair on Polish heads and we are not known for being cowards.

That's why - despite the need of the radioactive facilities, no-go zones, and c*ntillions in hard currency - we will get nuclear weapons. We have no other choice.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 931
20 hrs ago   #716
Being loyal to Poland and the United States is the best position I can have. It is not being torn at all. Ukraine has zero impact on the US, and only serves as a buffer for Poland. I dont gaf about Germany, France and the others because they have fvcked themselves. Poland has a long way to go to be able to defend itself, and it wont be getting any nukes from the US or any other nuke that contains US components or designed by the US. Not going to happen. Poland should have developed, or purchased a nuke a long time ago, but Poland also has not enough defense for incoming nukes or regular missiles. Being a realist is easier than living off hope, you should try it sometime.

@cms neuf
The US didnt win in Iraq? Tell that to the Iragi people who have their own government now because of the US. Afghanistan was never a fully committed effort, and terrible withdrawl execution. They should have just turned the country into glass.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
19 hrs ago   #718
No they didn't win in Iraq - it I'd a basket case, with far lower living standards, probably less safe than under Saddam, Isis took a large chunk of the country soon after the US trained army ran away.

The war was a disaster for the US and the west and most of all for Iraq
Ironside  50 | 12999
18 hrs ago   #719
I can see Poles "preemptively" firing such a weapon.
Well, we have nukes and we won't afraid to use them - is a good warning signal for all those who are too ambitious.
jon357  72 | 23451
17 hrs ago   #720
and hundreds and thousands of square kilometers of "no-go" zones, contaminated with radionuclides in nuclear incidents

Perhaps when the cack-handed r*SSians get near them.

Unless you can think of any " hundreds and thousands of square kilometres of "no-go" zones, contaminated with radionuclides in nuclear incidents " in France, Britain, America, Pakistan, India, Israel or China.

As for r*SSia and " hundreds and thousands of square kilometers of "no-go" zones, contaminated with radionuclides in nuclear incidents", is there something you're not telling us?

You are still torn between two locations. And in result tossed into a mid Atlantic position. We

Pretty well everything the new yank leader has said, he had to back down on. And the r*SSian regime is clearly unhappy and terrified now they can see the direction in which things are going and cannot be changed from. Their worst fears are becoming reality.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

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