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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

jon357  72 | 22778
29 Sep 2024   #151
SS-Galizien veterans

They weren't all right wing. They were kids, drafted into the army, ones who knew little of politics and who certainly didn't have the choices that you and I have now.

proper Christian burial

There's no such requirement within Christianity and bodies are best left buried, rather than nasty bits of bone and dried sinew being dragged out of their grave.

It's better to remember life, not fetishise corpses. If people want to remember the dead, make a monument.

'banderites' running amok in Ukraine...

Most Ukrainans dislike Banderysci as much as decent Poles dislike Mlodziez Wszechpolska and similar crazies.
mafketis  38 | 10869
29 Sep 2024   #152
Russian-speaking population was harassed by nationalists

Ukraine was implementing pretty normal changes in language policy that caused tensions.... RT and the like tried to turn this into the moral equivalent of nazi persecution.... and you fell for it.

I see a lot of glorification of genocide perpetrators, including a Waffen-SS formation, that's not that far away.

So you don't see calls for genocide from Ukrainians.

I don't care about Romanowska or her association .... nazism can only be fully destroyed with fire and brutal force

So you support russia's 'denazification' program?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #153
They were kids, drafted into the army, ones who knew little of politics

In Germany also kids who knew little of politics - or were indoctrinated from their youngest years - were drafted into SS, but somehow you don't see Waffen-SS formations being glorified in modern Germany or Bundeswehr units taking part in SS celebrations. Seriously, guys, it's as if you were trying with all your might to be blind and not see certain things.

There's no such requirement within Christianity

Of course there is. The families of slaughtered genocide victims have been demanding the proper burial of their beloved for decades. Those who want to leave them where they are, in mass graves or in the fields and forests like dogs, are almost as bad as the perpetrators themselves.


Oh, yes... what the world would see in the exhumations would be very nasty indeed.

So you support russia's 'denazification' program?

Russia doesn't have a "denazification program". If they ever hah had one, they would have eradicated banderism to the last grain during USSR times. Instead, USSR gifted Ukraine more lands, built heavy industry there, did nothing or very little about Ukrainian nationalism (there was nothing comparable to Akcja Wisła in USSR), and even encouraged the use of Ukrainian language.
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Sep 2024   #154
glorified in modern Germany

Nobody 'glorifies' the bad things of the past. The sacrifices made by Ukrainians to defend their country against r*ssian filth are however worthy of respect.

Of course there is.

There isn't. There is no such requirement.

very nasty indeed.

Corpses. There's a reason people don't dig them up and why decent people cremate them asap rather than move them around or dress them up.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #155
If people want to remember the dead, make a monument.

There already is one...

Volyn Genocide Monument

... but the families still want to bury their dead, and they won't give up for the sake of current slimy politics.

r*ssian filth

"Russian filth"? You sound a bit like a nazi yourself.

There is no such requirement.

But there is a centuries' old custom. Even Hutu don't oppose the burial of Tutsi. But then again Hutu are not nazi, so maybe that's the reason.
Crow  154 | 9207
29 Sep 2024   #156
r*ssian filth

Poland won`t be free as long as Poland avoid to face facts about those innumerable killed on the territory of Poland in the name of Rome. Feeling tribal grudges on Russians and avoiding to face crimes of Rome on Poland itself is even sin in the face of God, total subjugation of Polish manhood and humiliation of Polish man.

We Serbians ourselves faces this humiliation in defeat as a man, in front of our woman, elderly and children. But, at least, on the contrary to Poles, we are still able to point finger at a those who killed us. At the Rome, Athens and all others in a long line.

This is not good Poles. It reeks of the broken spirit, not just defeat by the outside foe.
mafketis  38 | 10869
29 Sep 2024   #157
"Russian filth"? You sound a bit like a nazi yourself.

You accept the modern russian definition of 'nazi' then.... anyone who opposes russian imperialism.
Crow  154 | 9207
29 Sep 2024   #158
You accept the modern russian definition of 'nazi' then.... anyone who opposes russian imperialism.

Don`t impose Polish and Serbian standards on Russians. Poles and Serbians, in just a different degree, learned to tolerate injustice done to us by our mortal foes and enemies. We are forced to serve them, listen, and even respect. Bottom line is that Poles and Serbs live in subjugation and learned to live in it. Russians make war when enemy threaten to subjugate them.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #159
You accept the modern russian definition of 'nazi' then.... anyone who opposes russian imperialism.

In such case I would have to consider myself a nazi as I have always opposed putinist imperialism, even recently in this very thread, and you know that.

This is hopeless, guys. You simply choose not to see certain things or purposefully omit them in your considerations to keep your worldview intact. The world, however, is not black and white and you will one day learn it (hopefully not the hard way).

And "Russian filth" is simply an ugly racial slur. I have no idea why Jon, who most of the time appears to be a sane individual, insists on using such language.
Crow  154 | 9207
29 Sep 2024   #160
And "Russian filth" is simply an ugly racial slur. I have no idea why Jon

Its easier that way. Its the mentality of subjugated one.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #161
Its easier that way.

I don't know about that, Crow. Sometimes it's hard to be the lonely voice of reason on this board.

The pro-Russian camp doesn't like that I don't support Putin's regime and his invasion of Ukraine, and pro-Ukrainian camp doesn't like that I remind them about the ugly and still alive heritage of Ukrainian nationalism. But the truth is where it is; it will not move according to venal political interests or personal sympathies/antipathies, so I stand for the truth.
Bobko  27 | 2124
29 Sep 2024   #162
anyone who opposes russian imperialism.

I am sure, that if we were to abstract away from the specific Russo-Ukrainian conflict, to a generic "Side A vs Side B" framework - you could be able to see Russia's perspective more clearly.

Hate for Russia blinds you, however.

That being said - time is on Russia's side. For thirty years Ukraine lived in relative obscurity, and this benefited it. Everybody in the West could carry on looking at it through rose tinted glasses, while Russia was always a well known entity and easy to hate.

Now during these last three years, Ukraine has been front and center, and people are finally getting to learn about it. Even people like PolAmKrakow, who used to end each post with "Happy Gulag, B*tches!".

The truth is that Ukraine has largely itself to blame for its problems. What got it into a war with Russia, was its mistaken belief that you could achieve your aims, by constantly berating and insulting the other side.

1) Long before Milo and CMS Neuf, Ukrainians "invented" orcs, slaves, filth, and a million other creative terms to describe Russians.

2) They would call us every name in the book, and blame us for every sin under the sky... and then come slinking around extorting another billion dollar handout. "Give us this billion dollars, or else... we will leave your orc ass and join the EU." Alternatively, "Give us this next billion dollars, you orc b*tch, or we will kick your navy out of Crimea."

3) At some point, Russia got tired of being repeatedly insulted and then simultaneously harassed for aid. For real, at some point, there was just no more patience left.

4) Instead of 30 years, the West was only able to last three years of these insults. The first domino to fall was Poland. Now it's America discovering what it means to be a friend of Ukraine.

5) One could almost feel sorry for Ukraine. They are now a bit disoriented and reeling. Their classic game of humiliate/extort that worked so well with dull-minded Russia, seems to have run its course rather quickly when deployed in the West. Biden, Scholz, Tusk have all been made to feel a little bit stupid, but they seem to understand how Ukraine operates now.

So as I say Maf, if we used a generic example - I am sure you would have agreed - it's always best not to insult or humiliate your neighbors, your allies, or whoever it may be. Especially when you know you're gonna need something from them soon.

Ukraine's game of playing two sides off each other, to make some profit in the middle is coming to a predictable end, where they get gangbanged by everyone.
Korvinus  2 | 558
29 Sep 2024   #163
Ukraine has largely itself to blame for its problems.

War Is Peace.
Freedom Is Slavery.
Ignorance Is Strength.
Self defense is imperialism.
Occupation is liberation.
mafketis  38 | 10869
29 Sep 2024   #164
I am sure

Yes Mr Pozner.....
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #165
it's always best not to insult or humiliate your neighbors, your allies, or whoever it may be

Common Sense 101.

War Is Peace.
Freedom Is Slavery.

Yes Mr Pozner...

See what I mean, guys? Hopeless...
Bobko  27 | 2124
29 Sep 2024   #166
Yes Mr Pozner.....

You think it makes sense to:

1) Suck hundreds of billions of dollars out of Russia in the form of handouts and theft of pipeline gas, while simultaneously reminding them that they are primitive orcs whom you will dump at the first opportune moment?

2) Benefit tremendously from Polish largesse, and then turn around and say "If you don't shut up about grain exports or Wolyn, we're going to humiliate you on the entire Western stage as Putin's stooges, and another reincarnation of the Sczlachta"?

3) Owe their entire current existence to Biden and Scholz, but then seek to routinely embarrass them when they seek deescalatory paths within the conflict. It doesn't matter how many times Biden and Scholz say, "My dearest ones, everything except long range strikes - please! I don't want nuclear war with Russia." These monkeys will just turn around and throw Biden or Scholz under the bus, and start screaming loudly - "They are abandoning the Shield of Europe! Killing, the Beacon of Democracy".

I am very happy that these racketeers are approaching the end of their career.

Soon they will be left with a ruined country, no EU, no NATO, and no friends.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #167
My dearest ones, everything except long range strikes - please! I don't want nuclear war with Russia.

... and this is a genuine concern. No matter if we are brave or cowardly, ready to die or willing to continue our existence on this vale of tears for a couple of more years, we should all realise that one misidentified rocket, one erroneous move, one faulty radar display etc. can very quickly trigger an irreversible chain of events. It's a matter of minutes (72, I believe, is the recent estimate) before we revert to ice age. The "filthy orcs", "dog meat" and "r*SSians" camp would be well advised to remember this in their avid lemming-like rush towards further escalation of the conflict.
mafketis  38 | 10869
29 Sep 2024   #168
You think it makes sense to:

I might take anything you say more seriously if not for stuff like this...

I eagerly await Kania's justification
Korvinus  2 | 558
29 Sep 2024   #169
before we revert to ice age

Nuclear exchanges are incapable of doing that, they lack the firepower to do so. Always have.

The term 'nuclear winter' was concocted as a scare tactic back in the day, and was disproven not ten years later.

Since then both Russia and the US have halved their number of nuclear warheads and reduced their sizes, so that they can be used in a wider range of combat scenarios.
The Russians have created hypersonic missiles that are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, and currently cannot be countered. IIRC their range is 500 km, which if fired from Königsberg (known today as Kaliningrad) they can reach almost all of Europe. Terrifying, but not the end of the world.

Meanwhile the Americans have taken the 'bunker buster'-concept further and atomized it; nuclear missiles that burrow under the target and explode underground, causing untold seismic upheaval and destroying virtually all infrastructure in a wide radius. Also, contains the radiation within the area. Even more terrifying, but not the end of the world.

The risk of a full nuclear war is greater than ever, but as pointed out, it won't be the end of the world. If Ukraine gets nuked it will harm food supplies worldwide, but as we all know the global elite is perfectly fine with that outcome.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #170
I eagerly await Kania's justification

When have I ever justified what Solovyov or other TV muppets said?

Nuclear exchanges are incapable of doing that

I think scientists are divided on the topic - one of the recent books (Nuclear War: a Scenario by Annie Jacobsen) warns precisely against nuclear winter. And if there is even a distant possibility that it might happen, then it's definitely not worth taking the chance.
Korvinus  2 | 558
29 Sep 2024   #171
their range is 500 km, which if fired from Königsberg (known today as Kaliningrad) they can reach almost all of Europe.

Sorry, I lost a digit somewhere in that number. After posting I realized that range is barely enough to reach Germany (still enough to nuke Berlin I guess).
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Sep 2024   #172
There already is one...

That's fine then. It looks dignified.

"Russian filth"? You sound a bit like a nazi yourself.

So you think the peoplke who were starving Ukrainians to death in their homes or freezing them to death in Kolyma weren't filth? Interesting.

But there is a centuries' old custom

Footbinding is a centuries' old custom. No need for it now, just as there's no need for corpses to be covered by soil rather than cleanly burnt.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #173
peoplke who were starving Ukrainians to death in their homes or freezing them to death in Kolyma

You mean communists? Apart from Russians there were Georgians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks and Ukrainians themselves among them. Why single out only one nationality?

No need for it now, just as there's no need for corpses to be covered by soil

It is not for you to tell the families of the genocide victims in what way they can bury their dead.

cleanly burnt

Oh, we do realise that it's exactly what Ukronazis would want - to hide the bestiality of their "heroes" by burning the bodies. Not gonna happen, sick f*cks.
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Sep 2024   #174
You mean communists?


Oh, we do realise that it's exactly

It is however a matter for those who have custody of the sites. Insn't a dignified memorial enough?

burning the bodies

No, they'll be left in peace since it's too late to remove them. It's fresh corpses that should be burnt and not left to seep into the water table.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
29 Sep 2024   #175
Russians have created hypersonic missiles that are capable of carrying nuclear warheads

So has the United States
and currently cannot be countered.

Unless NATO jams Russian launch sites to stop all launches and if they do get lucky to launch one, NATO has satellites orbiting above you right now with powerful laser's that are capable of melting a hypersonic missile in mid flight.
but as we all know the global elite is perfectly fine with that outcome.

The global elite are certainly not the Russian civilians.
NATO was surprised how weak and inexperienced Russian troops turned out to be while on the ground in Ukraine after all the years of propaganda how tuff they were only to have them rape Ukrainian women at gun point.
Then you have Russian super rockets exploding a minute after launch. (Garbage quality)
Now more propaganda how Russia's hypersonic missiles are unstoppable and that NATO doesn't have defense against them.
Gees, Korvinus, roll up a fatty and mellow out because there isn't jack shlt you can do about it.
And I promise you that you will never even see the flash or hear the boom.
Learn to trust in the Lord and your Savior.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #176
Insn't a dignified memorial enough?

What is or isn't enough is only for the families of the bestially murdered to decide, and they have been demanding proper burial of their dead for decades. End of.

Russia's hypersonic missiles are unstoppable and that NATO doesn't have defense against them

Trying to shoot down an ICBM is a bit like trying to shoot a bullet with a bullet, a rather difficult thing to do, and there's not nearly enough defensive missiles compared to the number of ICBMs.

Learn to trust in the Lord and your Savior.

That's actually good advice.
mafketis  38 | 10869
29 Sep 2024   #177
have been demanding proper burial of their dead for decades

And some have been doing the work to try to get that done.... (Karolina Romanowska, for example)

What are you doing besides hyperventilating and feeling self-righteous?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #178
What are you doing

I am waiting for Ukrainians to do a bare minimum that any human being should do - allow the proper burial of people who have been rotting in mass graves, in the fields and forests like dogs, for decades.

I have lost hope that they will ever show even a tiny bit of remorse for what they did. I don't want their remorse; I don't want their apologies; I don't want their friendship, and I don't want reconciliation. Actually, I want as little to do with them as possible. All I want is for people slaughtered by those genocidal animals to be given proper burial. Apparently that's too much to ask.
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Sep 2024   #179
bare minimum that any human being should

The bare minimum is to allow people to have a memorial. Scratching up mouldy human remains is inappropriate.

If the burial sites are known, make a garden of remembrance there. Secular since we don't know how religious the individuals were or weren't. Religious people can of course go there to pray if they choose.

In a decade, nobody alive will have known even one of those buried there, and any who ever met one would be well in their 80s.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #180
The bare minimum is (...) is inappropriate.

Again, it is not for you to decide what the minimum is and what is or isn't appropriate. Somehow, allowing Germans the exhumations of Wehrmacht soldiers - from the same time period - was OK, but allowing the exhumations of Polish civilians is "inappropriate". Ja pierdolę, to już jest wyższa szkoła kurewstwa... :-/

I've had it with this f*cking board. Too many genocide justifiers, racists and nazi sympathisers here.

Żegnam ozięble.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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