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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

johnny reb  46 | 7667
1 day ago   #901
Ukraine has found recently made Western parts in N. Korean missiles that were supplied to Russia and fired into Ukraine.
Anyone want to take a guess on which Western country is getting rich from selling these parts to N. Korea to kill Ukrainians ?
mafketis  38 | 10947
23 hrs ago   #902
russian murderer (aka pilot responsible for missile strikes against Ukrainian civilians) meets a very just end as he attacks a hammer with his head....

On January 14, 2023, this human filth struck a residential building in Dnipro killing 46 civilians including 6 children.....

I hope he suffered...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
22 hrs ago   #903

Even the leftist press not painting a pretty picture of Ukraine now. No way Ukraine gets an invitation to NATO as Z states is required for his victory plan. And once again, the press talks about manpower being a huge advantage for Russia. All the munitions in the world wont help Ukraine if there is no one to operate systems and fire weapons.
cms neuf  1 | 1782
22 hrs ago   #904
Maybe they should get some poor bastards from Africa to sign fake contracts to fight for Ukraine ?

Of course this lying is the reason one can never sign any agreement with North Nigerian fascists
mafketis  38 | 10947
21 hrs ago   #905
russia attacks a kindergarten... not for the first time.....

Meanwhile, pro-russia shills claim 'sanctions aren't woooorrrkinng! pleeeeeeease lift them!!!!!'... but talk to ordinary russians and what do you hear about prices?

Velund  1 | 513
18 hrs ago   #906
russia attacks a kindergarten...

This one?

mafketis  38 | 10947
18 hrs ago   #907
This one?

No, the one your mom teaches at... go make up more stuff....

What military target is involved here?

you proud of your country attacking random civilians?
Novichok  4 | 7859
16 hrs ago   #908
you proud of your country attacking random civilians?

How many civilians did Russia attack since Feb 2022, azhole?
cms neuf  1 | 1782
15 hrs ago   #909
Well the ones in the video for a start. Walking to their cars, standing on their balconies

Plus this weekend the ones in the shopping centres, and the the ones in the kindergarten

This war is all about attacking civilians - for the North Nigerians, unable to make progress against fighting men, this terrorism is the only tactic they have left
Novichok  4 | 7859
15 hrs ago   #910
Killing civilians is how you win wars. Especially women and children.

See Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
mafketis  38 | 10947
15 hrs ago   #911
unable to make progress against fighting men, this terrorism is the only tactic they have left

Yep, note that russian pows being returned to russia are uniformly healthy while those being returned from russian captivity look like victims from a concentration camp...

Note that Ukraine has gone out of its way to not harm russian civilians while russia targets them, presumably because they are easy kills....
Bobko  27 | 2184
15 hrs ago   #912
Killing civilians is how you win wars

I asked ChatGPT about the advantages and disadvantages of killing civilians:

  • AI about killing civilians
Bobko  27 | 2184
15 hrs ago   #913
ChatGPT brought up Sherman, who's considered the father of modern "total war".

In trying to convince Lincoln to authorize his methods of "total war", Sherman wrote: "War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."

Lincoln was convinced, and so Sherman went - first through Georgia, and then next through South Carolina - burning everything in his way. By all accounts, it did grievous damage to Southern morale, and hastened the war's end.

But was it worth it? Did it sow a deep resentment at the North, which hasn't disappeared to this day? Did it lay the seeds of America's future implosion?

Alternatively, does the benefit of hindsight allow us to say that it was in fact completely justified - and that America would not be the great country it is today, had some people decided not to get their hands dirty?
mafketis  38 | 10947
14 hrs ago   #914
about the advantages and disadvantages of killing civilians:

So... Ukraine should start killing as may russian civilians as possible?
Bobko  27 | 2184
14 hrs ago   #915
Ukraine should start killing as may russian civilians as possible?

It says, right there, that killing as many civilians as possible is likely to cause a backlash where people are instead further motivated to resist.

Case in point - Gaza.

Israel killed more Gazans (population 2 million), than Russia killed Ukrainians (prewar population of 43 million)... and in a shorter period of time. Mentally healthy people call what Israel is doing a genocide, and that's the reason why Israel is facing an inevitable strategic defeat and international isolation.

Western acrobats such as yourself, meanwhile, claim that Russia is engaged in its own genocide - though all the facts point to the contrary.

Russia is deliberately attempting to minimize casualties among the civilian population. It even refrained from bombing the Ukrainian electrical grid until the second year of the war. My little ChatGPT copy-paste was supposed to show why this is the way to go in modern wars, without explaining it myself.
cms neuf  1 | 1782
13 hrs ago   #916
No they are not trying to minimize casualties, quite the opposite - footage shows them targeting individuals, launching missiles at shopping malls, slamming glide bombs into residential buildings.

I don't know what Gaza has to do with this - most people in the west oppose Israel's heavy handed approach and disregard for civilian casualties

That's because after 1945 it has been widely recognized as illegal and the countries that do this - Syria, North Nigeria for example, are pariah states.

Speaking of pariahs, I see Lula has faked a head injury so he doesn't have to be seen shaking hands with Putler. brazil wants nothing to do with the tinpot BRICS organization, They have only one thing in common with North Nigeria, a really large amateur **** industry.
Bobko  27 | 2184
13 hrs ago   #917
They have only one thing in common with North Nigeria, a really large amateur **** industry.

You bring p0rn up quite frequently - an avid consumer I guess?

targeting individuals, launching missiles at shopping malls, slamming glide bombs into residential buildings.

Killing innocent people on the other side of the river in Kherson using FPV drones is the work of some especial sadists. I see absolutely no return on that for the Russian state at large.

The shopping mall strikes I'm aware of, targeted equipment hidden inside the mall (Kiev '22, and Kharkov '24). The hidden equipment is well visible on reconnaissance footage.

The residential buildings, hotels, dormitories, etc - how do you know who was staying there? How come, when a hotel is struck, Ukraine always comes up with some ridiculously low casualty figure like 2-4 people dead? Is it because the people staying at the hotel were foreigners? Is it because they were instructors or spies? How can an entire building collapse on itself in the middle of the night, and only a few people are hurt?

Friendly Ukrainians report to us the movement of suspicious peoples, and where they gather. The information is confirmed, and then a missile is sent there.
cms neuf  1 | 1782
13 hrs ago   #918
Why not strike those malls at night ? The opening hours are freely available on the internet.

Or ask some friendly Ukrainians when the mall is empty of civilians ?
Bobko  27 | 2184
13 hrs ago   #919
when the mall is empty of civilians

The strike on the "Retroville" shopping mall in Kiev was recorded in real time.

A group of Ukrainian self propelled artillery systems executed several strikes against Russian positions in the suburbs of Kiev. Then they did a "shoot and scoot", and started moving away. Their movement was tracked, all the way back to "Retroville", where they parked under the awning of the loading dock area. Photo attached below.

Waiting until night time, provides no guarantee that the vehicles will still be there.

The strike on the "Target" shopping mall in Kharkov is an especially interesting story. It was not the result of Russian aerial surveillance, but of a small-time scandal amongst Ukrainians. Several business people, but most prominently among them a certain woman, took to social media to complain about the Azov brigade billeting its soldiers in the "Target" mall. On the video, she complained that this could only mean a Russian strike would occur, sooner or later, resulting in massive property damage.

Literally within 24 hrs a missile arrived at the shopping mall.

The bodies being extracted from the rubble all wore military fatigues.

cms neuf  1 | 1782
13 hrs ago   #920
This is all nonsense - the pictures from this weekend showed civilians running from a mall. Anyway, the people who fired them can answer for their murders at the Hague.

The guy who was killed last night with a hammer was someone who bombed a shopping mall BTW.

On the one hand you say murder of civilians is a valid tactic, on the other you say that North Nigeria doesn't do that.
Bobko  27 | 2184
12 hrs ago   #921
murder of civilians is a valid tactic.

I'm not saying it's a valid tactic - I'm inviting a discussion - however grotesque.

I stand by my position that Russia has no "tactic" of killing civilians, and instead has numerous checks to prevent that from occurring.

In fact... I do have a position on the question. All my historical training, and what I've read on the subject of war, tells me that the killing of civilians is a symptom of low morale and low discipline. In every war, commanders try to minimize the amount of abuse dished out at civilians. Even Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh probably did not want their men raping women and abusing elders on Oct. 7th.

Atrocities make the job of any military much harder. The enemy is interested in you perpetrating the most horrific possible scandals.
mafketis  38 | 10947
12 hrs ago   #922
I'm inviting a discussion

Yes, Mr. Pozner, anything you say, Mr. Pozner.
cms neuf  1 | 1782
11 hrs ago   #923
Well on this we agree Bobko. These kind of incidents remain in the collective memory for 4-5 generations - that os what happened when the British put Boer civilians in prison. They also destroy any credibility with the wider world - Abu Graib is a great example, the US never recovered from that in western european opinion.
Bobko  27 | 2184
11 hrs ago   #924
Yes, Mr. Pozner, anything you say, Mr. Pozner.

Not sure if you use this nickname because you know how much I hate Pozner, but the only thing in common between me and Pozner is New York.
jon357  72 | 23022
10 hrs ago   #925
The guy who was killed last night with a hammer was someone who bombed a shopping mall BTW.

Lovely news. The orcs can run but they can't hide.
mafketis  38 | 10947
10 hrs ago   #926
the only thing in common between me

you both try to make russia/ussr seem less like the dysfunctional mess than it is, and in your case try to justify unmotivated military aggression against a sovereign country that was no threat to russia

your cheerleaders for the worst
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
1 hrs ago   #927
US never recovered from that in western european opinion

You say that like most Americans even care what Europeans think. There is a real disconnect here on PF as to what PF member think is meaningful to Americans, and what is actually meaningful to Americans.

Now Vlad is going to meet with UN secretary general Guterres in Russia on Thursday to discuss the war. This seems to be a good step toward an internation effort to end the war. Yet Z is being critical of the meeting. Why would any leader be critical of the UN wanting to talk to one side involved in a war to help try to resolve it? This makes no sense. Especially to the families who are having their loved ones killed in the war.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11707
1 hrs ago   #928
Especially if said side is known to support the Hamas terrorists....yuck!

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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