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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Novichok  4 | 7778
2 days ago   #661
Looks like Poland has established some "redlines" for Russia to think about too.

Everybody is entitled to draw his own red lines.

Russia drew one in Ukraine. You drew yours in Cuba in 1960.

As far as Poland ... Russia reads PF every day and wants Poland back as much as I want wasps on my porch or rats in my basement.

Let's call it Polish poison pill...PPP...

Did you ever see a video with a snake spitting out a venomous frog?
cms neuf  1 | 1750
2 days ago   #662
North Nigeria's red line is currently 8km outside Pokrovsk

Though to be fair they did claim to have taken some village yesterday, probably paid for by 50 or so farm boys lives.
pawian  219 | 24771
2 days ago   #663
You drew yours

AmaSSing how you call your American fellows you.... :):):)
Crow  154 | 9248
2 days ago   #664
Everybody is entitled to draw his own red lines.

Poland`s red line are Galicia, Lithuania and half of Eastern Germany.
johnny reb  46 | 7601
2 days ago   #665
Russia drew one in Ukraine.

Russia has drawn several red lines in Ukraine and Russia both that have been ignored.
And for good reason.
The US could eliminate Russia and China's nuclear capabilities in 2 hours:
The U.S. and its allies possess enough conventional weapons to neutralize all of Russia and China's nuclear capabilities in two hours.
Google it and then fear it as Putin is very aware of this.
The humane way to end this war is to have the Russian people themselves remove this egocentric dictator.
Novichok  4 | 7778
2 days ago   #666
The US could eliminate Russia and China's nuclear capabilities in 2 hours:

Why the wait?

I think you are forgetting Russian subs all over the globe. Just sitting there to end the US in less than 2 hours.


Russia has one of the largest submarine fleets in the world, with an estimated 64-66 vessels:

Ballistic missile submarines: 12
Cruise missile submarines: 10
Nuclear attack submarines: 14
Diesel attack submarines: 22
Special-purpose submarines: 8

Russia has drawn several red lines in Ukraine and Russia both that have been ignored.

How many Ukrainians died so far? How many die every day for overstaying their welcome in Russian Donbass?
johnny reb  46 | 7601
2 days ago   #667
Russia has one of the largest submarine fleets in the world,

Yes, Russia has 65 and the U.S. has 64 positioned all over the world on stand bye.

Russia has 14 nuclear attack submarines.

The U.S. has 49 nuclear attack submarines.
Did I google wrong ?
cms neuf  1 | 1750
2 days ago   #668
Aren't those crappy old subs being supplied by a 111 year old Tsarist ship ?
Novichok  4 | 7778
2 days ago   #669
Did I google wrong ?


"Nuclear" means: What makes them move, not the nukes they carry.

What counts is the nukes they have and how fast they can be delivered.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
2 days ago   #670

I know that you have blocked me Rich, but I don't care.
Your support of Russia is illogical.
Russia controlled Ukraine for about 100 years.They also controlled Alaska for a similar period.
How would you feel if Russia invaded Alaska?
For the same reasons as they invaded Ukraine?
Would you let Russia take Alaska?
Velund  1 | 510
2 days ago   #671
Russia controlled Ukraine for about 100 years.

Where you read this crap?
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
2 days ago   #672
Where you read this crap?

Prove me wrong....... ancient history does not count!

Anyway, Russia if £ucked!

Velund  1 | 510
2 days ago   #673
Prove me wrong.......

Easy... Pereyaslavl Rada (oath of cossacks to Tsar of Russia) dated January 8 (18), 1654.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
2 days ago   #674
Pereyaslavl Rada (oath of cossacks to Tsar of Russia) dated January 8 (18), 1654.

And? Cossaks were nomadic people that were mainly Russian!
johnny reb  46 | 7601
2 days ago   #675
"Nuclear" means: What makes them move,

Then in that case the U.S. has 79 nuclear powered war ships.
Russia has less than half that at around 30 nuclear powered submarines that the U.S is capable of shutting down from our satellites from outer space.
Would you let Russia take Alaska?

Very good point Milo.
Would you let Russia invade Britain ?
NATO has hypersonic missiles that actually work and Russia knows it.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 942
2 days ago   #676
Z now accuses NK of sending troops to Russia. Just after his European tour for support is being deemed a failure. At the same time stupid Joe Biden is sending another missile defense system to Israel along with American troops to operate it. This after Iran warned the US that they are not done sending missiles into Israel. Now China responds with more threats over Taiwan. And most PF posters want to argue with name calling and other emotional items, while WW3 inches closer and closer every day.

"if Russia attacks even a centimeter of Lithuanian territory, the response will come immediately.

And this statement is one of the dumbest of recent memory. WTF is Poland going to do to Russia? Nothing. No nukes. Small army with not enough equipment to make a difference. And if he is speaking for NATO, he better not include the US in that. No fvcking way the US goes to war over Lithuania.
Velund  1 | 510
2 days ago   #677
And? Cossaks were nomadic people that were mainly Russian!

Sorry, no other ukraine for you... ;) And modern ukrainian anthem contains words about "cossack blood", if you dare to hear them. ;)

while WW3 inches closer and closer every day.

Horrible end is way better than endless horror. If globalists think that it is cheaper to destroy and rebuild civilisation by their plans, someone may dare to think that it is time to exterminate globalists...
cms neuf  1 | 1750
2 days ago   #678
Who cares about North Koreans ? they are obviously being paid by the NNs since they have run out of convicts, farm boys and alcoholics to use as cannon fodder.

Not that their families will ever see any money- it will go straight from the North Nigerian taxpayer into Kim's pocket, to fund another really big home cinema or limo (Putler actually gave him a North Nigerian limo, but surprisingly enough he never uses that PoS as he prefers German models)

You think they will start WW3 when they can't even take a tiny market town, Pokrovsk, and literally move inches per week ?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 942
2 days ago   #679
@cms neuf
I think "they" will start WW3, and "they" are the EU and/or the US. Remember Ukraine is using prisoners, farm boys, and men found in night clubs taken out by force to fight their war as well. Pot meet kettle.

Joe Biden is igniting war everywhere. He is throwing gasoline onto every fire there is.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
2 days ago   #680
and "they" are the EU

"The EU and what army?" Never the EU as organisation, PolAm...we just lack the means and structures for a military goal!

Doesn't mean one or two european allies won't join Biden when he can convince, why not NATO from the start?
jon357  72 | 22955
2 days ago   #681
That's just a load of tripe. All armies use what you call "farm boys" and no, people aren't being dragged out of nightclubs despite orc propaganda.

If WW3 starts, it's r*SSia's fault. They started this war with zero provocation.
amiga500  5 | 1475
1 day ago   #682
and no, people aren't being dragged out of nightclubs despite orc propaganda.

It's in the telegraph and the daily mail.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 942
1 day ago   #683 Of course its tripe. Only being reported by every news agency out there.

@Bratwurst Boy
Politicians need to learn how to control themselves and their speech. Joe Biden is clearly incompetent and anyone following his lead is incompetent as well. Americans will revolt against the government if Biden succeeds in starting a global conflict.
jon357  72 | 22955
1 day ago   #684
Of course its tripe

If it's in the Daily Heil, that confirms it.

And even the Daily Heil aren't saying that civilians are being dragged out of nightclubs. People evading military service are being arrested; that happens everywhere including Poland. The US used to do it too under Nixon.

Americans will revolt against the government

Don't be silly.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
1 day ago   #685
Americans will revolt against the government if Biden succeeds in starting a global conflict.

Will they? Biden will have good arguments to present NATO-US as righteous defender of an attacked, invaded country....nobody would see the US as starting anything, right?
Korvinus  2 | 564
1 day ago   #686
Americans will revolt against the government if Biden succeeds in starting a global conflict

Well, if Russia attacks Baltic countries, the countries more interested in the alliance not becoming worthless will send troops. Only with the Slavic countries + Finland helping the Baltics is more than enough to stop Russia.
cms neuf  1 | 1750
1 day ago   #687
I doubt Biden can think straight - certainly he's not staying up at night wondering how to ignite conflicts. He can scarcely remember how to put his shoes on

Whoever wins, the world will be a better place once we get this **** show of an election behind us
jon357  72 | 22955
1 day ago   #688
Only with the Slavic countries + Finland helping the Baltics is more than enough to stop Russia.

And major western European countries, including one of Europe's two nuclear states.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 942
1 day ago   #689
So the hundreds of other reports are not credible either? Under Nixon, people were not forcibly sent to the front lines, they were taken to jail. We can only hope these men are given the same option.

Anyone thinking the US will go to war over the Baltics or Ukraine is delusional. It would take an attack on Poland, France, Germany or some place where American soldiers are stationed in good numbers. And then, it would not be the response some here think it would be.

@Bratwurst Boy
I think a lot of people are putting too much hope into their thinking. The average American does not want to fight another war in Europe. They demanded pulling out of the middle east. Half of the country doesnt want to support Ukraine at all. The US doesnt need NATO, NATO needs the US.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
1 day ago   #690
I think a lot of people are putting too much hope into their thinking.

I always wondered how the majority of the USians could be convinced to defend (part of) Germany after go to war, risk life and everything to defend a former much hated enemy against a former much respected ally...if that wasn't all a big lie and a huge misconception it showed that this thinking is deeply ingrained and can be counted on...I would think.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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