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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Bobko  27 | 2157
12 Oct 2024   #631
Now I'll be stuck with the computer all weekend :D

I asked it to make an image of Kania and Bobko, as imagined by Pawian:

  • IMG_3844.jpeg

  • IMG_3843.jpeg
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #632
I asked it to make an image of Kania and Bobko, as imagined by Pawian

Ha, ha - class :D

Another photo of us drinking together - something's wrong with the hussar's wings but you look just like in the real life. ;)

Bobko and Kania


Hey, Velund - there's a photo of you too!



He he...



Damn it... I can't generate another image in the free account - it was going to be "long haired American accountant playing an electric guitar in the city centre of PoznaƄ". :)
Bobko  27 | 2157
12 Oct 2024   #633

Oh my god - kill me...

Velund mining crypto on a tank... hahahaha.

Novi with the pistol in the Lexus... dead.

The hussar wings on your head - amazing.

I can't generate another image in the free account

Pay the $20 they ask. It's a huge multiplier for productivity. Also very fun.
mafketis  38 | 10908
12 Oct 2024   #634
I've never heard "pierzec"

Apparently it was listed in some dictionary but the definition isn't online... but it doesn't take much imagination to imagine pierze +c as a garment with pierze in it or a person wearing such a garment....

Just trying to make sense of life....
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #635

This ChatGPT thingy is amazing - I found a new toy :)

Pay the $20 they ask.

Will do :)

Just trying to make sense of life...

And doing quite well - it's poetry after all, so certain freedom with the use of language is allowed (or even encouraged).
Bobko  27 | 2157
12 Oct 2024   #636
This ChatGPT thingy is amazing - I found a new toy :)

I have been using it for two years.

Fired several people already because it's better than them.

It can do practically everything.

Just continue writing the important emails yourself and joining the important calls, but the rest it can do for you.

It can code, it can design, it can distill entire books in seconds. It's more powerful than the atom bomb.
jon357  72 | 22956
12 Oct 2024   #637
amazing - I found a new toy :)

You've got that look of someone who's just discovered it. Hours of fun, then you want to throw your computer away and buy a pencil.
Novichok  4 | 7778
12 Oct 2024   #638
Novi with the pistol in the Lexus... dead.

Dead or dead on?

Other than this small detail...can you replace that Lexus with a C7 yellow convertible Corvette with the roof down?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #639
can you replace that Lexus with a C7 yellow convertible Corvette with the roof down?


or this one...

Novi 2
mafketis  38 | 10908
12 Oct 2024   #640
or this one...

give it a blue roof....
jon357  72 | 22956
12 Oct 2024   #642
I'd visualise Maf with long dark red hair like a Spanish Conquistador and a white suit like Tom Wolfe and a cigar like a gentleman from the Deep South.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #643
I'd visualise Maf

Maf 2

OK, that was the last one for today. I'll surely get a warning for off-topic posts anyway :)
pawian  219 | 24771
12 Oct 2024   #644
get a warning

The last warnings were administered last year. :):):)

off-topic posts

All of a sudden moderating became more tolerant......
Velund  1 | 510
12 Oct 2024   #645
Hey, Velund - there's a photo of you too!

Everything in this photo is wrong, of course. ;) But let it be...

Ask AI to make image, picturing katynisation of morons. ;)
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
12 Oct 2024   #646
I'd visualise Maf with long dark red hair like a Spanish Conquistador and a white suit

I know who Mafketis is and he nowhere near fits your description!

I will never reveal his true identity......
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
13 Oct 2024   #647
katynisation of morons. ;)

Hm... as a Pole I don't especially like the term katynisation. When it comes to dealing with moronic political elements I prefer the term 'dekurvisation'. As opposed to katynisation, dekurvisation doesn't require a bullet to the back of the head but involves merely a confiscation of all stolen money and assets and lifetime ban on holding any public office. :)
cms neuf  1 | 1750
13 Oct 2024   #648
Katynization is a feature, not a bug of North Nigerian rule. It was no one off.

Anybody who thinks they can be negotiations must understand that a settlement will be followed by massacres either deliberate like Srebrenica or accidental at the hands of a few drunk officers

Anyway speaking of forests I am off to collect grzyby
jon357  72 | 22956
13 Oct 2024   #649
and he nowhere near fits your description!

I was playing around a bit with stereotypes. Plus slightly fishing on the offchance he was someone I once met a couple of decades ago. That was what the hair was about. In reality, shortish dark hair is more likely, and somewhat overweight.

Though hair can be cut and does change colour...

BTW, that leather coat still suits you.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
13 Oct 2024   #650
I am off to collect grzyby

Udanej wyprawy ...


... ;)
Crow  154 | 9249
2 days ago   #651
Fresh info from Crow to his friends here.

Poland and Serbia are two European countries that allocate greatest deal of their GNP and GNI to boosting the army. And they coordinate. Key info is that they coordinate. What is no of surprise to me. Attitude of Hungary only proves it in a bigger scheme.

Now guess what is the common enemy to both- Poland and Serbia. Germany. Yes, its Germany. When we speak of open enemies.

When NATO dissolve, it will be Poland and Serbia vs. Germany. Then, some would act on the side of Germany and Russia would act in favor of Serbia and Poland. Around this will resolves future architecture of Europe.
Crow  154 | 9249
2 days ago   #652
In case with development around Ukraine. Weakening signal to all who don`t understand >


Wide regional forum in Dubrovnik about Ukraine, rotated around stance of Serbia. Zelenski himself obeyed. Present countries were: Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Greece, Moldavia and Turkey.

Dubrovnik, Vucic and Zelenski

Here is what said Serbian President in Dubrovnik > It all resolved in documents as he said >

Hear Vucic's signature 'one chair' remarks about Serbia's stance on Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Dubrovnik, Zelenski, Vucic and Croat PM Plenkovic

As Serbia said.
Ironside  50 | 12331
2 days ago   #653
Other than this small detail..

Ditto, Torq you forgot a letter L on his forehead.
Crow  154 | 9249
2 days ago   #654
1 hour ago

Orban Accuses EU Leaders of Attempting to Overthrow His Government

Ironside  50 | 12331
2 days ago   #655
Orban Accuses EU Leaders of Attempting to Overthrow His Government

Most likely he is right.
Crow  154 | 9249
2 days ago   #656
It becoming clear why Polish Duda literary fled to Zeman`s birthday party, in a circle of proven friends and brothers of Poland. The hour of a final reckoning is near.

So Tusk also coming to Serbia one of these days. Obviously, Serbia is about to mediate and coordinate various interests.

For those who are not familiar with history..... When you look at map, you see Serbia as relatively small country, landlocked, with 8 mil people (by last info). But its a phase. Serbians aren`t landlocked people. Good to know that in the rest of former Yugoslavia there is plus 10 mil Serbs (that remained there to live after break up of Yugoslavia and also those forcible assimilated). Then, also, in other Balkan countries, at least 10 mil more Serbs (as minority and also those forcible assimilated) . Plus, solely in Turkey 10 mil of Serbian origin (descendants of back in past captives and forcefully resettled during Ottoman occupation). To all that add at least 20 mil persons of Serbian origin in Ukraine.

These all factors when combined with recent Serbia`s economic results, militarily boost, exceptional worldwide diplomacy and strategic friendship with Russia, former SU, China, Non-Aligned countries movements, even strategic ties with EU and USA, ... so all these factors puts Serbia in a very best position to take care of her own vital interest but also to provide critical mediation between powers so all major players are satisfied.

Anyway, ethnic Serbians awakening in a wide region and they all look at Serbia. With them, wide region rotate around Serbia, as I said taking in account other elements of Serbia`s consolidation, too. Have in mind, that prior to Ottoman invasion, Serbians were the most numerous Slavs.

Most likely he is right.

Crow  154 | 9249
2 days ago   #657
In a world prior to return of strong Serbia on the map of Europe, Poland was pariah country, used by Vatican, resisted to molesting of Germany and being constant victim of Drang Nach Osten and Russia`s reaction to it, which regularly resulted in the partition and agony of Poland.

With strong Serbia, unofficially, via Serbia that is also labeled as target of Germany, Poland have Russia`s support. It is so because Russia needs to support Serbia and Serbia always tend to keep balance between Poland and Russia. It means, Serbia tend to have good ties with Poland, too. In turn, Poland tend to positively respond to it, along her own interests. Via Serbia, Poland and Russia becoming normal partners. No dictate is possible. That way Poland regain full independence and look forward to a new golden age.

It automatically exclude German-Russian deals against Poland. But it also automatically exclude Polish hostility on Russia on the long run. Its all part of newly restored balance. In turn, it all exclude Vatican genocidal hostility on Serbians. In fact, Vatican will tend to be servile to Slavic world, and not to use and manipulate Slavs. It will then in turn weaken Germanic influence in Europe and Slavic, French and Spanish will grow. In that sense, Anglo world will accept new reality and accept balance of power in Europe forced by Slavs and French. Turkey and Iran will on the long run gravitate to Slavs. Iran more to Russia, Turkey more to Serbia and Poland line.

This all is good for Christianity and traditional family values.
Novichok  4 | 7778
2 days ago   #658
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has evaded Vladimir Zelensky's questions on whether Kiev will be accepted into NATO, or receive long-range missiles from Berlin, Bild reported on Saturday, describing the Ukrainian leader's trip across Europe to secure military support as a fiasco.

Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel to nowhere ... filled with dead bodies...Ignore Russia-hating stupid Polaks...they are beyond repair...

Olaf, you could be the brick that brings the wall of stupid down...Take care of your country and fvck the rest.

I am proud of you, man...
Crow  154 | 9249
2 days ago   #659
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has evaded Vladimir Zelensky's questions on whether Kiev will be accepted into NATO

Scholz isn`t that crazy as many thinks.
johnny reb  46 | 7601
2 days ago   #660
Ignore Russia-hating stupid Polaks...they are beyond repair...

You think so ?
Polish General Rajmund Andrzejczak stated at the Baltic Defense Conference that Russia must understand that an attack on Poland or the Baltic countries will also mean its end.
The Polish general pointed out that "if Russia attacks even a centimeter of Lithuanian territory, the response will come immediately.
"Not on the first day, but in the first minute.
We will strike all strategic targets within a radius of 300 kilometers (186 miles).
We will attack St. Petersburg directly," emphasized the former chief of the Polish Army, Rajmund Andrzejczak.

Looks like Poland has established some "redlines" for Russia to think about too.
Game on.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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