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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

jon357  72 | 22962
9 Oct 2024   #511
so many of them go uneducated

Most of the world is poorly educated, and in fact, r*SSians are far from the worst. In the big cities? Poverty is rife, with endemic overcrowding, poor sanitation and capitalistic exploitation.

Thats probably the best case scenario.

The best case scenario is a complete collapse in r*SSia. It is heading in that direction.

law, no free markets

If anything, having too much of a free 'market' is responsible in large part for their poverty.

r*SSians love their country so much that the richest ones are all 8n Kensington., and the ones a level down in Dubai.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 945
9 Oct 2024   #512
@cms neuf
Wealth is not determined by earnings, but by quality of life. A person making 200K pln per year in Poland lives pretty well and can buy a house anywehre. In the US thats McDonalds manager money and you cant buy a house. The same is true for a Russian making a decent wage. The problem is, outside of major cities those earnnings are not available.

First time I went to Russia I was 16 for an international event in 1983. Communisim and the KGB were very present and it was the height of the cold war. In the 2000's a lot changed, and anyone in Russia who works hard or is smart can have the life the want. Today, it can easily be argued that in the major cities, because of the war, things couldnt be better as far as making money is concerned.
mafketis  38 | 10908
9 Oct 2024   #513
because of the war, things couldnt be better as far as making money

So russia has no honest motivation for peace. And a lot of motivation to keep invading neighbors. Understood.
Paulina  16 | 4403
9 Oct 2024   #514
Democracy has zero to do with wealth. The US has more poor than people can count. Why is that?

My impression is that it's because of American mentality of the "survival of the fittest". From what I've managed to gather you have a pretty wild/ruthless version of capitalism in the US. And so those who don't manage in this ruthless environment are left behind. It seems far easier/likely to end up in the street in the US than in Europe. There's more inequality in the US than in Europe (or, at least, in the EU) and your system is more favourable towards big corpos and employers rather than towards ordinary people - employees:
Paulina  16 | 4403
9 Oct 2024   #515
quality of life

And, btw, quality of life is not only about money. It's also about work-life balance which seems to be lacking in the US. I understand better nowadays why people in the US consume so much antidepressants. Such a way of life and worrying about money all the time must take a toll on the psyche.

Poverty in the major cities? I never saw any real poverty like we have in Poland or the US.

Could you explain what you mean by that? I'm not sure what you mean by "real poverty". I don't know about the US, but I doubt there are some major differences between Poland and RuSSia in this respect considering both are post-communist countries. Also, you probably should take into account that you've lived in both the US and Poland for long periods of time and you know those countries better than RuSSia (which I'm guessing you just visited).
jon357  72 | 22962
9 Oct 2024   #516
anyone in ......who works hard or is smart can have the life the want.

Except for the ones that don't.

because of American mentality of the "survival of the fittest

Not all of them have that. There are decent ones too. Nevertheless, the income levels of their poorest counties are closer to those of the developing world. You mention inequality, and it's shocking to see.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 945
9 Oct 2024   #517
I would say you are partly correct. When it comes to economics, you are either passive or agressive. Passive people can still make a great life being on the ride. Agesssive people either make a fortune or not. Everyone has opportunity though. Some simply dont want to work hard and choose to use social services to survive. Employees never get wealthy anywhere in the world. If you want the American dream or any other dream you have to work your a$$ off for it. Want to be a slave? Get a job.

Work life balance is not something I even thought about until I moved to Poland. And honestly work life balance and success in the US do not go together. Thats life. If you cant or wont compete, then you get what you get. I was successful because I sacrificed to provide for my family. There was a price to pay, but now, I have the best balance possible.

Poverty in the US is the homeless crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people living in tent cities or cardboard boxes. In Poland, we have nothing like it. Russia, nothing like it. Germany and France are different stories for different reasons.

I visited Russia a lot for work. My business almost requires I spend time there. And I have probably spent a year total time there over the last 30 years or so. Not that I am some kind of expert, but I have seen a lot. Like I have seen a lot of Ukraine.

And those that dont work hard or smart deserve what they get. Thats life.
Paulina  16 | 4403
9 Oct 2024   #518
Not all of them have that. There are decent ones too.

I know and I wouldn't call those who have that American mentality "indecent". They simply grew up in such a society with such and such norms. Many or maybe even majority of Americans don't know what life is like outside of the US and they simply don't realise that you can do things differently and that it can work in your favour.

Work life balance is not something I even thought about until I moved to Poland.

Yes, many Americans don't seem to realise that there's such a thing until they move to Europe (for example).

And honestly work life balance and success in the US do not go together. Thats life.

It's not even about success. It's about quality of life whatever your job is.
Paulina  16 | 4403
9 Oct 2024   #519
Poverty in the US is the homeless crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people living in tent cities or cardboard boxes.

Yes, and I think it's the direct result of the mentality and the system you have in the US - the one I wrote about in my previous posts.

In Poland, we have nothing like it. Russia, nothing like it.

In a previous post you just wrote that in the major cities in RuSSia you "never saw any real poverty like we have in Poland (...)". So have you suddenly changed your mind or what are you talking about?

And those that dont work hard or smart deserve what they get. Thats life.

And thanks to such mentality you have those hundreds of thousands of people living in tent cities or cardboard boxes in the US. You think that every person who ended up living in a cardboard box in an American street "deserved" it? Veterans included? You don't know much about life then...
jon357  72 | 22962
9 Oct 2024   #520
And those that dont work hard or smart deserve what they get. Thats life.

That's simply primitive. Not everyone graduates at the top of their class, yet all have a role they can play in society; this is, as you know, one reason why advanced societies have a welfare state and economic systems that mitigate inequality. Otherwise, all we're left with is a primitive 'survival of the fittest' environment. Something only desirable to those who haven't lived in such a place.

I wouldn't call those who have that American mentality "indecent

I'd call plenty of them exactly that, especially the ones who should know better. As you say though, many don't have any real concept of life outside their own country or understanding that life in more developed places is better that what they've been tricked into tolerating.

You think that every person who ended up living in a cardboard box in an American street "deserved" it? Veterans

Sadly, some of them think exactly that. A toxic mix of Calvinistic Protestantism and antisocial attitudes. I've heard people in Poland (usually the ones with those appalling 'ayn rand' books on their shelves and/or a tendency to believe propaganda say much the same.
Velund  1 | 510
9 Oct 2024   #521
Yes, many Americans don't seem to realise that there's such a thing until they move to Europe (for example).

You need to look at face of some American who come to Spain for the first time (and probably it was first visit abroad in their life). ;) The place where people do not want to postpone their meeting with friends for a half hour to make extra money... ;)
Novichok  4 | 7784
9 Oct 2024   #522
So russia has no honest motivation for peace.

Yes, just as in any country where morons believe wars are good for the economy.

Additionally, based on my interviews with them, Russians love dying, having their towns bombed, and placing flowers on their kids' graves...Stupid Russians...
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
9 Oct 2024   #523
Russians and Russian &rse lickers need to watch this;

Crow  154 | 9249
9 Oct 2024   #524
Russians say that Serbians lick Poles and Poles says that Serbians lick Russians.

You are only jealous that Serbia enjoy in sex.
Alien  23 | 5533
9 Oct 2024   #525
Russians say that Serbians lick Poles and Poles says that Serbians lick Russians.

In a word, Serbs lick everyone. 🤭
Crow  154 | 9249
9 Oct 2024   #526
No. Only seduction of Poland and Russia is in order. All for Slavdom and Sarmatia.

Today in Dubrovnik, on Serbian insistence regarding joint declaration, even Zelenski agree that Crimea isn`t under Russian occupation
Crow  154 | 9249
9 Oct 2024   #527
From last year, Brussels, Zelenski

Zelenski yells at the President of Serbia Vucic and argues with him. Even the Germans had to calm down Zelenki.

Local newspapers comment that Zelenski is under pressure from the Serbian lobby in Ukraine (more then half of the population is of Serbian origin - a number of natives and refugees from Serbia after the Turkish attack in the Middle Ages) and that he is not in a position to resist Serbia's views. This situation becoming more important after Russia annexed purely Russian regions, so in rest of Ukraine Serbian ethnicity now dominate. Element that was greatly underestimated by NATO and EU.

In essence, western most parts of Ukraine are nazified and pushing (supported by the NATO and EU) rest of Ukraine (mostly ethnic Serbian) into death. That is hidden reality. What is horror in itself is that even in Galicia we have strong Serbian element that was exposed to papal influence- like local version of Croats. Like that Civil War from former Yugoslavia moved to Ukraine.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
9 Oct 2024   #528
In a word, Serbs lick everyone. 🤭

That's the truth....

Anyway, instead of Crow's Russian propaganda, this is what is really happening;

Crow  154 | 9249
9 Oct 2024   #529
Great part of Ukraine to become Serbia and then we have peace.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
9 Oct 2024   #530
Great part of Ukraine to become Serbia and then we have peace.

Hahahahaha!! I can't tell if you are joking,which I hope you are, or are truly demented, in which case you need to be restrained under insanity laws......
PolAmKrakow  2 | 945
10 Oct 2024   #531
I havent changed my mind. Living in Krakow I see a lot of homeless people in Planty and around the city. Never saw that in Moscow, St Petersburg, Sochi or other places. The mentality in the US is not what created the homeless problem. Rising costs due to inflation and a whole host of other problems create homelessness. The illegal migrants contribute greatly to that because there is a housing shortage in many cities. The corporate buy up of residential real estate is a big problem as well.

You mention veterans. Excellent example. Why do the democrats in the US ignore the veteran crisis and spend more on funding wifi projects that do not even get started than they do on assisting veterans? Its government that creates, builds and maintains these problems because they want to fight wars and cater to special interests.

That's simply primitive.

Maybe its primitive, but thats how it is. I didnt make the system, I only livewith it. Social welfare in the US is not designed to mitigate deficiencies. It is designed to perpetuate bad descion making, and keep minorities down. So they created DEI and other programs, but they didnt change the social welfare programs to go along with the new ones. This is why you have so much pushback. All these great ideas do not create or equatre to equality, they only contribute to and create new problems.

These are examples of why the "idea" in peoples heads concerning "equality" and "democracy" are just ideas that will continue to be poorly implemented. The EU traveled down this slippery slope and now countries are back tracking.

Back to the war though. Z now saying the war must end in 2025 through decisive action. He still has not said how he intends on finding 200K more men to actually take these actions. Meanwhile its reported Russia has now lost 600K men and Vlad just conscripting more.
jon357  72 | 22962
10 Oct 2024   #532
Maybe its primitive, but thats how it is. I didnt make the system, I only livewith it

And we can work to change it. Universal healthcare free at the point of use, very strong employment rights, access to education, a robust welfare state, publicly owned infrastructure. These are all basics. Sure there are people at the bottom of the tree that contribute little however the same people exist in all societies and it's better to give them a few quid than have them robbing people

The EU traveled down this slippery slope and now countries are back tracking.

It's very hard to know what you mean by those two points.

He still has not said how he intends on finding 200K more men to actually take these actions

Yet they're holding r*SSia off, and Putler is having troule conscripting people. He's killed off a whole generation.
jon357  72 | 22962
10 Oct 2024   #533
Here's some strange news. Perhaps the guy's just an oddball but worrying all the same. There are echoes of those r*SSians and their paid stooges awaiting trial in London for trying to burn down Ukrainian-owned businesses.

With this guy, it's not a block in Philadelphia I'd worry about. More driving it to the weakest part of the Yellowstone caldera and detonating his bomb to cause a giant ash cloud.

"A man reported to be a Russian national has been charged with manufacturing weapons of mass destruction at his home in Philadelphia.
More than 50lbs worth of explosives were seized from a property belonging to Evgenii Sadrislamov, which authorities said could have "levelled a whole block" and ended in a "major tragedy".
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
10 Oct 2024   #534
These are all basics.

These are no new ideas...they have been around for about 200 years....and there have been many tries to realize them over the decades...they sound always nice but they NEVER worked, it all ended in tears and often enough in blood.

Wouldn't it be time to throw these "basics" into the bin of history where they belong? Must we still repeat the same errors, again and again?
Velund  1 | 510
10 Oct 2024   #535
50lbs worth of explosives ... which authorities said could have "levelled a whole block"

Looks like your authorities think that you are complete idiots. Or you already have single layer cardboard homes everywhere.

50 lbs is just a bit more than explosive load of two 155MM M795 HE shells. That was shot to residental blocks of Donetsk regularily by AFU and not leveled whole blocks.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 945
10 Oct 2024   #536
Universal health care will never happen in the US. Insurance companies will never allow it, and neither will for profit hospitals. Everyone gets treatment no matter what, it has always been this way when you go to a hospital. They cant turn you away. Employment rights like not being able to fire a bad employee? Never happen and never should happen. Access to education? Agree completely, but in the US it will never be like Europe because of the professors making profits on the text books they write, and the huge retirement packages they receive after tenure. Welfare state in the US will never happen, because the US is not a socialist country, but the democrats are trying. Infrastructure in the US is publicly owned already, and poorly managed by the public servants.

What I meant by slippery slope and backtracking is that the EU is now trending toward reversing immigration policies that have destroyed cities, and are now causing people to be deported for not blending into society. The idea that Europeans know more about islamic refugee's than the islam experts is hilarious. Every expert from an islamic nation has said the EU policies will fail and they have. Modern governments have too many idealists at the top who have no idea about actual implementation of policy and how it will impact real populations.

Z has also killed off a generation. Isnt it time to stop this on both sides? Ukraine will be decimated in another year if men keep dying and women dont return to their country. Survival is not only about teritorial integrity. It is actually about survival.
Velund  1 | 510
10 Oct 2024   #537
It is actually about survival.

Looks like blackrock and other "bargain purchasers" of ukrainian agricultural lands interested in lands only. Survival of population that later can pretend to it on a historical basis and due to questionnable status of seller who sold that lands is not a priority question.
jon357  72 | 22962
10 Oct 2024   #538
Insurance companies will never allow it, and neither will for profit hospitals

Ours didn't want it but we made them. You have to man up and make sure you get the best, not what profiteers want to let you have.

You talk about people making money who won't let something happen; that's just a recipe for a vicious circle. You have to force through what you want and do it ruthlessly. After all, profiteers do that when people let them.

immigration policies that have destroyed cities, and are now causing people to be deported for not blending into society

No cities have been destroyed and it's best not to let the fascistic and reactionary minority dictate policy according to their prejudices. If you let the most conservative elements in society dictate to you, all you get is chaos and stasis. Lii is me r*SSia...

And no, President Zelenskyy hasn't destroyed a generation. Every death in this war is the fault of r*SSia who after all started it.

Looks like blackrock and other "bargain purchasers" of ukrainian agricultural lands interested in lands only

Crow  154 | 9249
10 Oct 2024   #539
So spoke Saddam, in a world of international disorder created by the Vatican, NATO and EU

Saddam Hussein Humiliates the Judges Of His Trial | English Subtitles

Saddam Executed

Miloslaw  21 | 5012
10 Oct 2024   #540
in a world of international disorder created by the Vatican, NATO and EU

HaHaHaHa! You really are so wrong...... who is causing international disorder?
I'll tell you who, Russia,Iran and to a degree China and North Korea.

So spoke Saddam

Just showing what a raving lunatic he was.He got what he deserved in the end.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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