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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Novichok  4 | 7787
7 Oct 2024   #481
russians still believe slavery is okay....

Americans don't have to believe they are slaves. They are by being taxed to support the invading mob of migrants.

Nobody at the plantation HQ in DC asked them for their consent.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
7 Oct 2024   #482
This is the truth about Russia.
From a Russian......

mafketis  38 | 10908
8 Oct 2024   #483

Ukraine hit a marine oil terminal in Feodosia, the largest oil depot occupied Crimea, yesterday and it's still on fire...

In other news, russians decided to skip the Ukrainian middlemen drones and tore down one of putain's palaces themselves....

putain, a notorious cowardly b(otch hadn't been there in a number of months...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
8 Oct 2024   #484
Ukraine hit a marine oil terminal in Feodosia,

...still wild pics! That will take awhile to quiet down....Ukraine should chose more of these targets, that hurts!
Novichok  4 | 7787
8 Oct 2024   #485
...still wild pics!

That's all they are...Stalingrad was on fire, too, and then came Berlin.

So let's stop taking pictures and place bets.

What is the probability that Russia will return Donbass and Crimea to Ukraine in the next 5 years?

I will go first: One round fvcking ZERO.

Anybody else?


And that brings us to the third option.

What if they don't wait for better terms and start negotiations now? The West will certainly support such a decision - its leaders are increasingly coming around to the idea that it is time to close up shop, and have even conjured up a formula of "territory in exchange for NATO." exchange for NATO? ...hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...after thousands of dead Russians and billions of spent rubles...sure...

Putin would have to first move to the most secret location in the US...
mafketis  38 | 10908
8 Oct 2024   #486
In other news... russian state media is talking about issuing war bonds... and the need to 'borrow money' from the russian people....

So..... not going great... rumors have been rife about the russian government eventually confiscating private bank accounts.... which is what 'borrow money from the people' means.

related russian economic stuff...
Novichok  4 | 7787
8 Oct 2024   #487
confiscating private bank accounts

...or do it the American way by printing and inflating the crap out of the dollar.
Velund  1 | 510
8 Oct 2024   #488
A memorial to the victims of communism was built in the capital of Canada

It turned out that 330 names out of 553 are Nazi war criminals. The rest were mostly Hitler's collaborators from OUN, UPA and Latvian SS members.

Miloslaw  21 | 5012
8 Oct 2024   #489
It turned out that 330 names out of 553 are Nazi war criminals.

That may well be true but that makes you a Communist sympathiser.
For me, the Communists were just as bad as the Fascists.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
8 Oct 2024   #490
Russia accusing Ukraine of being a Nazi state is just laughable.
Russia IS a Nazi state.One party, racist, money grubbing, murderous,land grabbing and power hungry.

This video, by a Russian, explains it better....

Miloslaw  21 | 5012
8 Oct 2024   #491
Russia has lost this war.

The invasion of Ukraine was a huge tactical mistake by Putin.

It is only a matter of time till Putin is deposed......

Velund  1 | 510
8 Oct 2024   #492
I'm mildly perplexed. Milo, either you're an idiot, or you're trying to convince others of something you have little faith in.

A normal person, with a retired man income and reliable sources of information, would be quietly making a stockpile of champagne and canned delicacies to celebrate the victory right now. ;) Then they will skyrocket in price due to the explosive demand.

I, for example, stocked a bottle of Biscuit cognac and put "Soros" on the label. Guess when it will be opened? ;)
Novichok  4 | 7787
9 Oct 2024   #493
Guess when it will be opened? ;)

When the azhole croaks and the world is relieved of one slimy globalist mother fvcker.

Did I get it right?
johnny reb  46 | 7605
9 Oct 2024   #494
When the azhole croaks

His son is just as bad.
jon357  72 | 22968
9 Oct 2024   #495
Russia has lost this war

And they're unable to publicly admit it.

The long term consequences for them are devastating. No more oil and gas sales to major European economies without war crimes trials, regime change and demilitarisation. They have decades of poverty to look forward to.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
9 Oct 2024   #496
No more oil and gas sales

They will always find a buyer for oil and gas.

They have decades of poverty to look forward to.

Why would a country with every imaginable natural resource be poor? Russia has a huge potential to be an economic superpower. If they root our corruption and reform the government, things look bright for them. Everything in the future will be about resources (ever more scarce), and Russia has plenty.
mafketis  38 | 10908
9 Oct 2024   #497
Why would a country with every imaginable natural resource be poor?

and yet.... a large majority of russians have always been poor....

ussia has a huge potential to be an economic superpower. If they

what on earth makes you think a majority of russians wants to root out corruption and reform the government? Those are 20th century ideas and russians are stuck in an 18th/19th century mindset that doesn't admit the possibility of challenging authority.

ussia has plenty.

Lindy principle.... the longer something lasts the more likely it is to last.... violent authoritarianism and corruption are too embedded in russian society to change quickly (and a temporary violent eruption will probably fizzle out before returning to violent authoritarian corruption....
jon357  72 | 22968
9 Oct 2024   #498
They will always find a buyer for oil and gas.

At fire sale prices to pariah states.

Russia has a huge potential to be an economic superpower

Yet it's mired in poverty. Surely you agree that r*SSia should not be allowed to trade with the free world until we have seen war crimes trials, regime change and demilitarisation.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 945
9 Oct 2024   #499
The emotional debating here while not using facts that can be argued with other facts is really out of hand. The fact is, Russia has 75 Trillion worth of natural resources, the US has about 45 Trillion. Russia is not going to go under financially, and the cost of oil can go down to ten dollars and they will still just pump more.

The war is not going the way Ukraine wants. They are now trying to conscript 200K men, but in doing so just uncovered another corruption case worth millions. Many doctors involved in giving medical exemptions and then the men leave the country. Again, Ukraine does not have the men to push Russia out. Biden isnt going to give permission to use US weapons in Russia until after the election. And if Harris wins the war will escalate and all of us in Poland need to be worried. In the mean time, more men die for nothing on both sides.
jon357  72 | 22968
9 Oct 2024   #500
ussia is not going to go under financially,

So why are poverty levels there so startospherically high?

The war is not going the way Ukraine wants.

It certainly isn't going the way r*SSia wants.

1300 dead orcs per day now.

debating here

This is a discussion forum, not some sort of american-style 'debating' club.

And no, r*SSia cannot win. They realise that themselves.
cms neuf  1 | 1750
9 Oct 2024   #501
North Nigeria has plenty of valuable minerals but they need western technology to extract it, western capital to refine it and western customers to buy it

The last two years all their customers have found alternative suppliers or developed new technology. Whatever happens in the war, that is a long term and permanent disaster for the NNs.

If they weren't such pussy losers they would have Putler in the courtroom now instead of some bumbling old English teacher who just wanted somewhere cheap to retire
jon357  72 | 22968
9 Oct 2024   #502
instead of some bumbling old English teacher

Have they arrested one?

No surprises there. Some of the orc paid trolls that infest the internet are washed up individuals (I'll not call them Teachers since they don't know how to teach; spooling out worsa from a textbook page by page isn't teaching) who are stuck there because they're paying child maintenance and won't see their kids if they leave.

Most of them are living in one room or in a tiny fly, scratching bits of work from private language schools or online stuff and because they're bitter at why life is done to them, they're also right wing.

So many work in the troll factories however their names are all known by the authorities in Europe.
Velund  1 | 510
9 Oct 2024   #503
Did I get it right?

Rich, I know that you are genius.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 945
9 Oct 2024   #504
My theory on why so many Russians remain poor is that so many of them go uneducated, and the vast majority of the population is not within cities. Poverty in the major cities? I never saw any real poverty like we have in Poland or the US.

Russia has already won. If the war stops today, Ukraine wont be getting all its land back. Crimea will never return to Ukraine. The best outcome for Ukraine is now having Donetsk and Luhansk declared demilitarized zones and no NATO in Ukraine. Vlad will pay reparations and rebuild what he has destroyed. Thats probably the best case scenario.
cms neuf  1 | 1750
9 Oct 2024   #505
What had North Nigeria "already won" ? The World Cup of Amateur **** ? Steroid Assisted gymnastics ? The all Asia vodka consumption league ?

Reasons they are poor ? Refusal to reform, no democracy, no rule of law, no free markets, corruption, money wasted on dumb wars, declining demographics and most of all a population who expect to be spoon fed by the Tsar
Novichok  4 | 7787
9 Oct 2024   #506
Rich, I know that you are genius.

I am not the only one.

Read 504.
Russia has already won.

I said it so many times I lost count.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 945
9 Oct 2024   #507
@cms neuf
Have you ever been to Russia? Serious question. The cities I have been to are not poor. Democracy has zero to do with wealth. The US has more poor than people can count. Why is that? As much as I dont like most of the Russians I have had to deal with in work, I would never say they are not industrious, or motivated people. But these are people with work ethic, and education to go with it in most cases. Plenty of big money in Russia.
cms neuf  1 | 1750
9 Oct 2024   #508
Yes, many times. I enjoyed it. It was in the last years of Yeltsin and the early years of Putler.

I met many hard working and intelligent people there. Few of them made good careers because the only way to do that is to steal or help other people steal. Most of the honest smart people eventually realize that and try to exit to US Germany or London.

Poor Americans are wealthier than middle class North Nigerians.
Lazarus  2 | 363
9 Oct 2024   #509
the only way to do that is to steal or help other people steal.

Maybe people who steal anyway find Russia an attractive place to live.?
Velund  1 | 510
9 Oct 2024   #510
Maybe people who steal anyway find Russia an attractive place to live.?

In the past, most people who steal really big money, preferred to live in London or Nice, controlling processes remotely. Now most of them have problems there.

At start of SMO, many "intellectuals" (with jewish roots and/or with jewish wifes) cried that they cannot live in country that attack neighbours, and moved to Israel. LOL ;) ;) We all ROTFL looking how they run from there once their "new peaceful motherland" started to genocide neighbours and look for new soldiers.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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