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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Crow  154 | 9207
1 day ago   #391
I like Luka. He`s not slimy like Duda.
mafketis  38 | 10869
1 day ago   #392
He'll always promise whatever level of integration with Russia that Putin wants

A couple of years ago your favorite countryman, Galeev, wrote about that. Pointing out that Lukashenka is far more intelligent than putain and that the potato moose act is just that - an act and that he knows how to get whatever he wants from putain without really every holding up his end of the bargain.

I despise him for his tyrannical destruction of his country (driving away or imprisoning young people with three digit IQs is not a road that leads anywhere good) but I enjoy how he constantly sabotages putain in public.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
1 day ago   #393
He's a clever old fox, even if he cultivates this image of a clown.

I guess he has to be to stay in power for so long!

Interesting guy though.....
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #394
but I enjoy how he constantly sabotages putain in public.

I will not be surprised at all, if he's still around long after Putin is gone... playing tricks with the next Russian president.

Putin was born in 1952, and Lukashenko in 1954 - so it's possible.

I don't think Lukashenko will ever be president of a combined Russia + Belarus state, however, which is clearly his wet dream. If not himself, then he wants this for his son Kolya - to sit on the combined throne.

As much as people "like" him, he doesn't have what it takes to lead Russia. That would be a joke... a very bad joke.
Alien  22 | 5460
1 day ago   #395
he doesn't have what it takes to lead Russia.

What's this?
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #396
What's this?

To lead Russia, you need to be a traumatized and brutalized person.

Let's look at two prominent examples:

1) Lenin - the Tsar killed his brother, and exiled Lenin himself.

2) Stalin - grew up as a crippled child in an abusive family, and spent his youth in prisons.

Russians will not accept you, if you did not suffer on the Cross for 1,000 years of sinful Russian history.

This is why Navalny was starting to be a good candidate, before he was cut short.

Putin himself, grew up in a family of Leningrad Blockade survivors. His eldest brother Albert died from hunger in the late 30s. His other brother, Viktor, starved to death during the siege of Leningrad in 1942.

Putin grew up a short and skinny boy, in a communal apartment where he said there were rats as big as cats. At school he was beat, and he had few friends.

His parents put him into a judo class so he could stand up for himself. Later he got a law degree, and went to work for the KGB.

It's hard to imagine, but Yeltsin's background was even more hardcore.

So... to be president of Russia, you need to go through fire and ice. A normal, mentally healthy person cannot be president of Russia.
Alien  22 | 5460
1 day ago   #397
A normal, mentally healthy person cannot be president of Russia.

Bobko, you finally wrote something true.
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #398
Bobko, you finally wrote something true.

Everything I write is true, even when it is not correct.

Russia is a magical country, with a soul the width of the universe. Once you begin to understand Russia, you can never compare it to another country - even to Poland or Ukraine.

There is nothing rational or logical about Russia. It's a mystical place. That's why Maf, though he isn't willing to admit it, is so obsessed with the place.

No one gets that angry about something, if they're not intimate with it at the same time.
AntV  4 | 669
1 day ago   #399
The Lukashenko quotes are 🤣🤣🤣
Crow  154 | 9207
1 day ago   #400
Better days are coming for us all.
Novichok  4 | 7630
1 day ago   #401
There is nothing rational or logical about Russia.

Russia maybe irrational and illogical but I would not ignore what they say. See Putin and nukes.

It's not worth doing something really stupid to find out if he is bluffing. Just like kissing a tiger on the ass...Small pleasure, high risk...

Hey, dumb Polaks, did you get what I just wrote?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
1 day ago   #402
There is nothing rational or logical about Russia. It's a mystical place

That's why Germans love it so much....the "mysterious russian soul"....its true! *nods*
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #403
That's why Germans love it so much

There is space enough for everyone in Russia's heart.

But also, we have as much appreciation for the cold German genius, as you do for Russia's mystical qualities.

Consider Putin himself, who lost siblings to Germans - and grew up in a city reeling from the aftermath of a German siege (one of the worst in the history of our kind). He studied German throughout his education, was sent to Dresden as a KGB agent, and later befriended Gerhard Schroeder to such a level - that now they spend family holidays together with Schroder's adopted child.

Putin is a living example that nothing can break the bonds between our two great countries :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
1 day ago   #404
Did I mention already that he got honored like only very few people with speaking in front of the Bundestag? He did it in perfect German, to all our amazement and awe....what times that were....hach ja...*sighs*

Putin is a living example that nothing can break the bonds between our two great countries :)

Well...he did it!

I would like to ask him now if Ukraine has been all that worth it.....
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #405
I would like to ask him if Ukraine has been all that worth it.....

Unfortunately, Ukraine is even more dear to us than Germany - so yes, any price is worth it. We risk the extinguishment of our state, for Ukraine.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 day ago   #406
There is space enough for everyone in Russia's heart.

Or in Russia's gulags. ;)


nothing can break the bonds between our two great countries

... don't ever say such things - it freaks us out.

Here's an idea, end this damn war, let's get back to our Lisbon-to-Vladivostok plan, and let peace reign in Mordor, Angmar and Ettinsmoor.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
1 day ago   #407
We risk the extinguishment of our state, for Ukraine.

pawian  219 | 24592
1 day ago   #408
We risk the extinguishment of our state

Down with one Russia!!!
Novichok  4 | 7630
1 day ago   #409
Putin is a living example that nothing can break the bonds between our two great countries :)

...except obedience to the US MICC...
pawian  219 | 24592
1 day ago   #410
Long live 15 Russistans, Moscow General Gouvernement among them!!!

We love Russians so much we would like to have more of them than now. hahahaha
Crow  154 | 9207
1 day ago   #411
like kissing a tiger on the ass

Only unimaginable morons tackling ass of the tiger. But, that is a world we live in.
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #412
Only unimaginable morons tackling ass of the tiger.

To quote the Russian author Pelevin:

«В Париже часто кажется, что России нет. А уж с Богом там все решили еще в восемнадцатом веке. Но Бог, Россия и царь умеют подкрасться незаметно.»

"In Paris it often seems that Russia does not exist. And as for God, everything was decided there back in the eighteenth century. But God, Russia and the Tsar know how to sneak up unnoticed."
Crow  154 | 9207
1 day ago   #413
True. Russia saved Poland from perverse Napoleon.
Korvinus  2 | 558
1 day ago   #414
True. Russia saved Poland

Serbs. No matter the odds, always willing to suck this wimpy Muscovite cock.

I guess that's how loyalty looks like :)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
1 day ago   #415
Serbs. No matter the odds, always willing to suck this wimpy Muscovite cock.

So true.Serbs are just Russian "*******".....
Crow  154 | 9207
1 day ago   #416

Veliki Župan, reclaimer, will return to Belgrade and he will show the path to the lost.


Serbowie, Sarmaci bez kompromisów.
mafketis  38 | 10869
1 day ago   #417
"mysterious russian soul"....its true!

the 'mysterious russian soul' is all rationalization.... most russians live in poverty that a dog in Germany would think of as degrading but they accept it (and the lash against their backs) because they think their tsar makes them great....

pathetic, not mysterious.....
Novichok  4 | 7630
1 day ago   #418

Divine Justice! Fires That Break Out in Russia Cannot Be Extinguished!

Yes, they can be if Putin decides to learn from the US.

Say what you want but the US would have that war done and finished in less than four weeks. After the US army was done, the civilians would fvck up big time but that is a different subject.

The US would attack Kiev and every building with a chimney on it. After that, we would form a US-friendly government that would promptly execute Z and his loved ones.

That's how you win wars.

I love America and its military. The corrupt DC scum that can't make wars profitable for the entire country is a different matter.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
1 day ago   #419
the "mysterious russian soul".

There is nothing mysterious about the Russian soul.They are corrupt people who mainly try to enrich themselves.They care nothing about ordinary Russians and even less about people living in their neighbouring countries.If they can overrun and kill their neighbours and profit from it, they will do it!
Crow  154 | 9207
1 day ago   #420
I would believe Russia won if Pope is raped.

I can imagine title in the news.. Pope didn`t resist but asks for more.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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