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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Korvinus  2 | 561
3 Oct 2024   #301
Great interview with a drone operator.

GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
3 Oct 2024   #302
a drone operator

Why is he making a satanic hand gesture? Is he a satanist or a banderist? Or both?
Vesko Vukovic  - | 117
3 Oct 2024   #303

The Russians have used for the first time in Ukraine ODAB-9000, a high-powered aviation vacuum bomb, the video has been published by pro-Kremlin telegram channels It is claimed that the footage was shot in Vovchansk, Kharkiv Region. The media say that this type of bomb is one of the most powerful non-nuclear weapons in the world.
Velund  1 | 498
3 Oct 2024   #304
They've not had a peaceful regime change in 900 years of history.

Lie. Yeltsin to Putin change was completely peaceful.

Russia and China are dream allies for Europe

US cannot afford such competition. Competition is good only if US benefits in a result. ;) Other kinds of competition is anathema. ;) ;)

We are defending the most corrupt shithole on eart with nothing that concerns us.

How? What about billions that your shitrocks/blackrocks invested into nice ukrainian lands? Someone must die to protect their investments.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
3 Oct 2024   #305

He was a good guy. Maybe he should have gone a bit easier on the booze but otherwise a great statesman. With someone like Yeltsin at helm Russia would eventually have become a member of the EU. That is, of course, if she wanted too. I remember a Danish professor telling me once that Russia doesn't want to be a part of any larger alliance that they wouldn't run/dominate, because they consider themselves a separate civilization to everyone else. Don't know where he got it from.
mafketis  38 | 10869
3 Oct 2024   #306
Lie. Yeltsin to Putin change was completely peaceful.

Palace coup....
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Oct 2024   #307
because they consider themselves a separate civilization to everyone else. Don't know where he got it from

He got it from RuSSians.
mafketis  38 | 10869
3 Oct 2024   #308
In other news, Ukraine captured a Nepali mercenary "fighting" for russia....

A familiar story, he was supposedly recruited for work away from the front but was then sent straight to the front and in general treated 'like an animal' not given food...

Apparently he was happy to be captured by Ukraine as his chances of survival are infinitely better than with the side he signed up for....
Bobko  27 | 2124
3 Oct 2024   #309
Russia doesn't want to be a part of any larger alliance that they wouldn't run/dominate, because they consider themselves a separate civilization

Russians were first part of a little thing called the Russian Empire, and then a part of something called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

In the first instance, we were ruled by Germans for the last 200 years or so. Tsar Nicholas II, for example, had practically zero Russian blood. His mother, Empress Maria Fedorovna, was born Princess Dagmar of Denmark. Through his father, Tsar Alexander III, Nicholas had Frederick William III of Prussia as grandfather, and Princess Marie of Hesse as grandmother.

In that same empire, Finns and Poles had liberties which Russians could not even dream of. Also strange.

Now, let's discuss the USSR.

1) Lenin had a Chuvash father, and a Jewish mother (Maria Alexandrovna Blank).

2) Joseph Stalin was a pure Georgian.

3) Khrushchev's father was Russian, and his mother Ukrainian. He rose to prominence as the first secretary of the communist party of Ukraine, during the 1930s.

4) Brezhnev was a Ukrainian from Dnipropetrovsk. When he came into power, he brought with himself the so called "Dnipropetrovsk Mafia", where pretty much every important position in the Soviet Union became occupied by a Ukrainian.

5) Andropov, had a Russian father and Jewish mother (Yevheniya Fyodorovna Fleckelstein).

6) Chernenko had a Ukrainian father, and a Russian mother.

7) Gorbachev had a Russian father, and. Ukrainian mother.

Oh those Russian xenophobes!!!

In the 1990s, Russian opposition politicians were:

1) Boris Nemtsov - Russian/Jewish
2) Irina Hakamada - Russian/Japanese
3) Sergei Yastrezhembsky - a pure Pole
4) Gregory Yavlinsky - Russian/Jewish

Right now, our main opposition politicians are:

1) Mikhail Khodorkovksky - Jewish
2) Gary Kasparov - Armenian/Jewish
3) Maxim Katz - Jewish
4) Ilya Yashin - Russian/Jewish
5) Vladimir Kara-Murza - Russian/Jewish

The only guy that seemed purely Russian was Navalny.
Bobko  27 | 2124
3 Oct 2024   #310
In Ireland, they say about the Anglo-Norman invaders that arrived in the 12th century, that they eventually became "more Irish than the Irish themselves".

They embraced Irish custom and dress, law (Brehon Law), and language (Irish Gaelic). When later English invaders arrived, these former English Normans were among the staunchest defenders of Irish independence.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

In the same way, we have all these non-Russian people in Russia that are more Russian than Russians themselves. That's where there may be some truth to what you say, Paulina and Kania.

It's not unusual for me to listen to lessons from my Jewish friends on what it means to love Russia. Haha!
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
3 Oct 2024   #311
Oh those Russian xenophobes!!!

Yes, I thought the guy was talking nonsense. Danes, what do they know? Maybe he read (misread?) some of early Dugin and got the wrong idea. People often get wrong ideas about Russia. Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's ignorance, sometimes it's reading too much PF!

Ukraine captured a Nepali mercenary

The article says he enlisted and went to the front because he wanted to pay off his debt. What did he think the job would look like? Mercenaries are scum of the earth.

Nepalczyk apeluje do mieszkańców Indii i Nepalu, aby nie przyjeżdżali na front. Podkreśla, że to bardzo niebezpieczne dla ich zdrowia i życia.

No! Well I never...
Alien  22 | 5460
3 Oct 2024   #312
Now, let's discuss the USSR

Don't you have any real russians left in this russia who are still available for use?
Bobko  27 | 2124
3 Oct 2024   #313
No! Well I never...

This has to be one of the more funny things I have read today. Who knew?!

Don't you have any real russians left in this russia who are still available for use?

I'm sorry, did you not receive the memo? We are orcs and slaves - we steal toilets.

Russians can be trusted as much with power, as a monkey can be trusted with a grenade.

If you gave a Russian power, he wouldn't know what to do with it. You know... because we cannot think for ourselves and always need to be told what to do.

We are the negr0s of Europe - not for nothing did Hitler call us untermenschen.
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Oct 2024   #314
Yes, I thought the guy was talking nonsense.

Kania, I'm telling you - he got this idea from RuSSians. The Putinist RuSSians I've discussed with shared that sentiment.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
3 Oct 2024   #315
We are the negr0s of Europe - not for nothing did Hitler call us untermenschen.

Poles are Mexicans of Europe, so not that far away. ;) Aaah... sense of humour, it does make life easier.

The Putinist RuSSians I've discussed with shared that sentiment.

On the internet you can't hear the tone of voice, you don't see your interlocutor's face - hence many misunderstandings. Can you imagine me writing something similar about Poland? The Holiest Rzeczpospolita, 'jak powiedział stary góral, Polska będzie aż po Ural', and all that? Sure you can. Would I be 100% serious saying that? Exactly. Russians have sense of humour too (see above).
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Oct 2024   #316
@GefreiterKania, I've discussed with them long enough to know when they're being serious and when they're being sarcastic. Whether they were right - that's another matter.
Alien  22 | 5460
3 Oct 2024   #317
Poles are Mexicans of Europe

They were once the Cubans of Europe.
Bobko  27 | 2124
3 Oct 2024   #318
I've discussed with them long enough to know when they're being serious.

What is there to be serious about?

By any normal historian's standard, Russia is a European country. Specifically, Eastern European, belonging to the cultural grouping of Eastern Slavs - together with Belarus and Ukraine - with whom they share an Orthodox faith.

Ancient Greeks built trading posts along the Black Sea, and with them we traded. We served as bodyguards to the Byzantine Emperor. Cyrill and Methodius gave us an alphabet, and other Greek priests baptized our leaders. Our princesses and princes were married to the children of other European heads of state, as early as the 10th century AD. Russian literature and music forms a significant part of the canon of Western civilization.

Yes, we have a unique role as a bridge between Asia and Europe, but any serious person will understand Russia is more European than anything else it could be. I'm not even going to say it's racist, because I don't think it's racist to compare us with Asians. We simply are more European than Asian.

If Albanians and Bulgarians are European, then we certainly can claim it too.
Paulina  16 | 4384
3 Oct 2024   #319
By any normal historian's standard

Well, I wouldn't call Putinist RuSSians entirely normal people lol

Russia is a European country

From what I've noticed that was the sentiment of liberal Russians I've discussed with - pro-democratic, anti-Putinist. You know - normal people...

We simply are more European than Asian.

Well, that's also what I thought when I started discussing with RuSSians, so I was pretty shocked by that sentiment of theirs.
Bobko  27 | 2124
2 days ago   #320
sentiment of liberal Russians

They worship Europe, as people worship the international prototype of a meter stored in some facility in France. That is, they worship a model stored in a spherical vacuum.

Real Russians love the idea of Europe, but seek to remake it in their own vision.

America or China would never dare to even breathe dangerously in the direction of Europe, if it was Russian.

A Russian Europe, would mean a return to Europe as the center of global affairs, as it had been for a thousand years.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
2 days ago   #321
They worship Europe,

Why? 🤔

Okay.....I can understand the meter and centimeter and °Grad thing and of course normal people drive right....but else?
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #322
@Bobko, those liberal Russians I've discussed with didn't "worship" Europe. They didn't hate it though and didn't see it as some kind of eternal enemy. They were simply normal people.

And they were as much "real Russians" as you, Velund and ConstantineK.

If you gave a Russian power, he wouldn't know what to do with it. You know... because we cannot think for ourselves and always need to be told what to do.

I'm afraid you summed up RuSSians pretty well. Putin and state TV are doing all the thinking for the RuSSian society :)

Real Russians love the idea of Europe, but seek to remake it in their own vision.
if it was Russian.

A Russian Europe

You see, Kania, the Dutch guy was right.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #323
Putin and state TV are doing all the thinking for you :)

Does Bobko really strike you as someone incapable of independent thinking?

the Dutch guy was right

The Danish guy was talking nonsense.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
2 days ago   #324
A Russian Europe, would mean a return to Europe

Why not a european Russia? You know, you had already a few centuries european monarchs and stuff....wasn't so bad, was it?
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #325
@GefreiterKania, I'd like to remind you what the Dutch guy said:

a Danish professor telling me once that Russia doesn't want to be a part of any larger alliance that they wouldn't run/dominate

And as if to confirm his words - here you have Bobko daydreaming about "Russian Europe". He's more messed up and megalomaniac than I thought o_O
Bobko  27 | 2124
2 days ago   #326
Why? 🤔

Because they hate that they are Russian. They would prefer it that nobody knew where they come from. They want to eat from the hand of their European master, and receive gentle pats on the head for being a good doggie. Same as your German leaders are willing to debase themselves to any level, so long as they can be accepted as fluffy and harmless Germans.

Russia is not fluffy or harmless, and we don't agree that the homosexuals from France and Britain are allowed to define what it means to be European.

Russian liberals that worship Europe, do it because they hate Russia. Just like Maf, they hate it for being backwards, brutal, and strange. As if they came from Mars... as if this land is not theirs...

Russia needs to be loved, and understood. We don't need such fair weather passengers as them, ready to sell their country for a penny.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #327
Because they hate that they are Russian. They would prefer it that nobody knew where they come from.

You are talking utter bollocks lol Not the first time and not the last time, I'm afraid.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
2 days ago   #328
Same as your German leaders are willing to debase themselves to any level, so long as they can be accepted as fluffy and harmless Germans.

Yeah....but we lost two World Wars....we have reasons.....but Russians?

As if they came from Mars... as if this land is not theirs...

Yeah....we have those types to....but we lost two World Wars, they have reasons!

Russia needs to be loved, and understood.

Yeah....we too....but we lost two World Wars, we have reasons!
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #329

He was Danish - from Denmark (lego blocks, Bornholm, Brondby).

"Russian Europe"

A figure of speech. He obviously meant Europe allied to Russia.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #330
@GefreiterKania, Danish, sorry.

A figure of speech. He obviously meant Europe allied to Russia.

Pfhahaha... Sure... The way PRL was "allied" to the Soviet Union :D Come on...

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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