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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

mafketis  38 | 10860
12 Sep 2024 #481

Maybe some sources? I always try to include sources when making claims about what's happening on the ground....
Miloslaw  21 | 4880
12 Sep 2024 #482
Maybe some sources? I always try to include sources when making claims about what's happening on the ground....

What sources?They all seem to be biased or full of propaganda that I wouldn't trust any of them.

Who do you recommend as a reliable source?
Bobko  26 | 2173
12 Sep 2024 #483
They all seem to be biased or full of propaganda

Yes, like the United States Marine Corps and the RAND Corporation, which I cited. These are totally Russian propaganda outlets... right.

I thought this nature of sources might shut you up, but I suppose anything that you don't like to hear qualifies as propaganda.

If it happens to be a report about some Ukrainian "win", whatever dubious source it comes from (Twitter, YouTube, TikTok) - you will gladly gobble it up - because it suits your prejudices.

People like you are pathetic, and not much better than amoebas or funguses.

Use your brain. Open your eyes.

Ukraine is in a desperate position, and any manner of deceit is fair game for them. Them I can understand, but you consuming these things unquestioningly is much more difficult to excuse.

Are you capable of divorcing your animal hatred of Russia from your use of the faculties of reason God has given you?
Miloslaw  21 | 4880
12 Sep 2024 #484
Are you capable of divorcing your animal hatred of Russia from your use of the faculties of reason

Certainly, when you stop being brainwashed by Russian propaganda and patriotic pride!

If you can't see that Russia is losing this war then you must be completely blind...... how on earth did this "10 Day Operation" get to two and a half years and thousands of deaths???

Now Ukrainian troops are in Russia and I suspect that they will soon be given permission by the USA and UK to fire their long range missiles from Ukraine into changer or what?
Bobko  26 | 2173
12 Sep 2024 #485
Certainly, when you stop being brainwashed by Russian propaganda and patriotic pride!

Great. So you will only be able to adequately process facts, once Bobko admits something. Jesus Christ...

I didn't expect more from you in terms of debating skills, or basic decency.

When one runs out of facts, it always works to lie down flat on the ground and start kicking your legs and screaming loudly.

You've just confirmed everything I wrote.

Go cry more, maybe it will make you feel better.
Novichok  5 | 7704
12 Sep 2024 #486
Putin protects. Putin defends.

Can you imgaine THAT! Putin for Russia...Shocking...

Say "Trump for America" and you are an instant NAZI.

That's why I want to be Russian in my next life.
Miloslaw  21 | 4880
12 Sep 2024 #487
So you will only be able to adequately process facts, once Bobko admits something.

Why should I waste my time debating with a brainwashed moron?

Until you see sense, I see no point.


Your insane rant has just confirmed my opinion of you.

Let others be the judge of your sanity.
Bobko  26 | 2173
12 Sep 2024 #488
Why should I waste my time debating with a brainwashed moron?

Let the record show that Milo slinked away like a turd down the toilet.
Novichok  5 | 7704
12 Sep 2024 #489
Certainly, when you stop being brainwashed by Russian propaganda and patriotic pride!

How would he know when that moment has come?

When he agrees with you or some other way?

Milo, the more yous in a post, the wronger the post.

My advice: Pick better targets. Bobko and Velund aren't good targets.
Miloslaw  21 | 4880
12 Sep 2024 #490
How would he know when that moment has come?

He never will, far too brainwashed for that!
Novichok  5 | 7704
12 Sep 2024 #491
Why then do you give advice that will never produce the desired results?
Miloslaw  21 | 4880
12 Sep 2024 #492
Why then do you give advice that will never produce the desired results?

Because, unlike you, I am an optimist.
Novichok  5 | 7704
12 Sep 2024 #493
He never will,

"He never will" is low on optimism.

BTW, he doesn't have to...but that's a different subject.

My optimism comes from the fact that there is a country somewhere out there where...

1. They are not scared of NATO and proxies and can give their enemies the middle finger.
2. They are willing and ready protect their homeland from Western warmongers.
3. They keep LGBT crap away from the kids.
4. They know that men don't menstruate and women don't have dicks.
5. The metro is as clean as the Buckingham Palace.

I could go on like this for a long time but I think you already got the idea...

6. People sing their national anthem like nobody else.
Novichok  5 | 7704
13 Sep 2024 #494
Ukrainian diplomat claims peace was possible in 2022
Moscow and Kiev could have settled the conflict at talks in Istanbul, but have since lost that opportunity, Aleksandr Chaly has said

The document reportedly included clauses on Kiev formally adopting neutral status, limiting its armed forces and vowing not to discriminate against ethnic Russians. Moscow, in return, was willing to withdraw troops from Ukrainian territories and offer Kiev security guarantees.

The document had one fatal flaw: It didn't explain how the US MICC will be able to rip off US taxpayers without a war where men would be diying in large numbers.

Lack of war is bad for the warmongers and "peace" is hate speech.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
13 Sep 2024 #495
Google is a source. Then sort through the news yourself and see what you believe. But here is a source for what I have been saying for months:

And now, Vlad has said if the UK and US give Z permission to use long range missiles inside of Russia that it mean war between us and Russia. Another leftist source confirms this.

Now Sikorski, who I usually like, supports the idea of the US allowing Ukraine to use long range missiles in Russia. This is wreckless. All the war mongering pays no attention to what Poles or Americans want. And I dont believe for one second that Poles want to be pushed into a war with Russia, especially when the military is nowhere near ready. There will come a point when Vlad says fvck it, and drops a small nuke on Ukraine, and this may be the tipping point for him to do just that. Instead of taking Pokrovsk pull the Russian soldiers back and then a small nuke will remove it from the equation.

All these politicians are not paying attention to what their people want, and that is an end to the war. I have yet to speak to a Pole, Ukrainian, American or a Russian since the war started that wants it to continue, or escalate. The Ukraine people I know just want it to end, and while they would like their land back they all know they cant get it back because they dont have enough men. Millions of Ukraine men escaped the country, or are in hiding because they dont want to fight. Russia has the advantage in manpower, weapons, and the ability to source more weapons and manpower. Ukraine may get more and better weapons, but they dont have the volume, or the manpower. These are just facts. Someone with a brain needs to end this.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
13 Sep 2024 #496
North Nigeria will nuke Pokrovsk ?


Putler can't do anything if Ukraine is able to use these missiles. Why ? Because there is an instant deterrent possessed by Ukraine.

All Putler will do is pay a few more trolls and steal as much money as possible for his quick exit
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
13 Sep 2024 #497
@cms neuf
I cant even take you seriously any more. Pokrovsk or any other city will do. Ukraine is no deterent, and neither are NATO longer range weapons. NATO is not going to fight for Ukraine and anything like this could bring a real escalation. This is what the experts are saying. And its politically motivated. In the US, elections when the country is at war, or involved in a war, almost always re-elect the current administration for continuity of government position.

This escalation, if it happens, could be the thing that triggers WW3. Fvcking stupid people in positions of power doing stupid things. I hope everyone in Poland has an escape plan for them and their families.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
13 Sep 2024 #498
You have been telling us for over a year that the NNs would be in Kiev in a few months. In fact they have moved about 10km forward in the last year.

What is going to provide the sudden breakthrough for the Orcs ? They have worse weapons, worse tactics, no air force, an economy going down the toilet. They only thing they have going for them is Putler is obstinate and with a complete disregard for North Nigerian lives. But they will not launch nukes or even get their joke air force out of the hanger
Bobko  26 | 2173
13 Sep 2024 #499
if Ukraine is able to use these missiles

Lloyd Austin, the American Secretary of Defense, has publicly stated that even the entire stockpile of ATACMS possessed by the United States, wouldn't be enough to make a dent in Russia's capability to wage war.

Even a child could understand this, because of the very simple reason that Russia has already struck the much weaker Ukraine with many multiples of long range missiles that the US could provide... and Ukraine is still standing.

Thousands of Russian missiles have not fatally disabled Ukraine's ability to fight. Why would a much smaller quantity of potential Ukrainian long range missiles break Russia?

Unfortunately, CMS Neuf is stupider than a child, so this fact escapes him.

no air force

Flying hundreds of sorties a day, for three years straight... equals "no air force" for the Down Syndrome brigade.

I honestly don't know why I engage with you... I must be retarded or mentally ill myself.

PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
13 Sep 2024 #500
@cms neuf
I never said anything of the kind. Sudden breakthrough? You mean like the regained ground in Kursk, or the continuing gaining of ground in Ukraine?

It appears as though feelings once again outweigh facts here on PF.
Bobko  26 | 2173
13 Sep 2024 #501
It appears as though feelings once again outweigh facts here on PF.

Not sure you can even call it "feelings"...

Ukraine gets hit by cruise missiles and glide bombs, launched by Russian strategic and tactical aviation, on a daily basis. Russian helicopters burn Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles on a daily basis. Russian close air support hammers Ukrainian trenches daily with rocket barrages.

The same CMS Neuf comes here and complains about these bombings, almost on a daily basis.

Then he turns around and says "Russia has no Air Force".

I think he may be schizophrenic.


Zelensky whines and moans every day that the number one threat to Ukraine is Russian aviation. He begs everyone for more Patriot systems, and also for long range missiles to be able to strike Russian air fields.

But CMS Neuf knows better! A real Napoleon...

He is a genuine retard - I think it's safe to say this now. He thinks if he admits to some unpleasant fact here on this forum that no one reads, he will concede some kind of a personal moral defeat - just like Miloslaw. He doesn't realize that the only thing he achieves is looking like a total fool himself.

A true victim of propaganda.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
13 Sep 2024 #502
We are not talking about a few dusty hamlets in Kursk LOL ! More like when will the NN's reach the Dnipr ?. Or even Pokrovsk (newsflash - they are still 8km away)

Everyone knows the North Nigerian command don't want to use their supposed world class fighters anymore because it will quickly become evident that they are rusty junk and that whatever money was allocated to the Air Force now sits in some Cyprus bank account, ready to be spent on footballers or crappy handbags
Bobko  26 | 2173
13 Sep 2024 #503
the North Nigerian command don't want to use their supposed world class fighters anymore

Ok I think I understand.

Zelensky is a scammer, and he only wants Patriots so he can resell them to Burkina Faso.

Everyone can go home - CMS Neuf says Russian aviation is a non-issue.

Thanks genius!
Ironside  50 | 12380
13 Sep 2024 #504
We are

Dude either explain yourself or give up. Unless you are a Russian troll aiming to make Australians look bad.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
13 Sep 2024 #505
Let others be the judge of your sanity.

In all fairness, Milo, I am more concerned about your sanity. You are swallowing propaganda like a young pelican swallows fish.

Russia has no Air Force

Russia also has no tanks and no missiles, Russian frontline units suffer heavily from desertion (practically from day one of the war), and elite forces are occupied primarily with collecting household appliances. We know all this from the very beginning.

But still it does annoy.

It is boring. It is tedious. It has exactly the opposite effect to the one intended. Even the language is repulsive; e.g. I read today about old Polish 2S1 "Gożdzik" self-propelled howitzers being used in Ukraine. The author wrote that they are "efficiently destroying the occupant" causing horrible losses to the invaders blah blah blah. It read almost as Ukrainians were riding right into Moscow on those old Гвоздикa howitzers. :-/ They really do think we are idiots.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
13 Sep 2024 #506
Vlad just expelled six British diplomats. Thats before the US gives an ok for long range weapons use in Russia. Plenty of talk already of Putin taking out the military base in Rzeszow to prove his point if the green light is given by the US. Seems like it would be a legitimate target since its the weapons hub for Ukraine. All you idiots hoping for escalation might just get it.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
13 Sep 2024 #507
Wow - he expelled a few spies. That's probably as much as he can do. Remember that those crooks have got their kids and mistresses and money in the west. They won't do anything.

Even if they wanted to strike a base they probably don't have reliable enough weapons to do that
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
13 Sep 2024 #508
Even if they wanted to strike a base they probably don't have reliable enough weapons to do that

Say that to all the Ukraine bases they have hit and all the families of dead Ukraine soldiers. Thats just an ignorant statement.
mafketis  38 | 10860
13 Sep 2024 #509
Plenty of talk already of Putin taking out the military base in Rzeszow to prove his point

At that point, either.... NATO responds and russia ceases to exist in its current form...

NATO chickens out and Germany and everything East of it ends up as russian vassal states.

Only one way to find out.

Say that to all the Ukraine bases they have hit and all the families of dead Ukraine soldiers.

You tell all the families of dead Ukrainian soldiers that you're sorry but they have to be russian now.

Either deal with russia all the way now or wait a few years for them to rearm and try again.

There is no third option.

russia has pressed the 'ultimate conflict with the west' button and it can't be unpressed.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
13 Sep 2024 #510
No it's not - the majority of their missiles are intercepted, fail to launch, miss or in some cases kill their own troops

If they are going to fire a missile what are the chances it will hit the target ? Less than 40 percent - not good odds for a move that would start a major NATO respinss

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14
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