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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

johnny reb  46 | 7392
11 Sep 2024 #451
Putin knows what I want, before I ever realized it for myself.

A home in the Great United States of America where you are safe from the war.
Bobko  26 | 2173
11 Sep 2024 #452
...thats stuff for a new hymn!

Before I go to sleep - I pray to Putin.

You should too!

Like Santa Claus, he knows who has been naughty and who has been good.

Today, he surprised the UKR Schweinehunds by erasing 20% of their Kursk conquest from August. Their tears in comments under news articles and on social media are delicious.

Putin protects. Putin defends.
Alien  22 | 5429
11 Sep 2024 #453
Putin protects. Putin defends.

Does he also want to return Crimea to its rightful owners?
jon357  73 | 22626
11 Sep 2024 #454
Does he also want to return

They're bitter because they know the storm shadows are coming.

The paid trolls are following the same official line across the internet today..

At least he didn't write 10 facts about BMW....
Alien  22 | 5429
11 Sep 2024 #455
10 facts about BMW.

What facts? Did I miss anything?
johnny reb  46 | 7392
11 Sep 2024 #456
Ukrainian soldiers reports indicate that many of the PzH 2000 units supplied by Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy are currently out of service in the Ukrainian military due to advanced component degradation.
Despite being a sophisticated artillery system, the PzH 2000 has been reported to be less reliable than the Polish Krab, with issues particularly arising from its loading mechanisms and overheating barrels.
Quality from Poland again. 😏
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
11 Sep 2024 #457
he surprised the UKR Schweinehunds by erasing 20% of their Kursk conquest

Meh... Stalin would have surprised the world by sending Zhukov with three c*ntillion soldiers and one c*ntillion tanks, and erasing 100% of Ukraine. ;)
Bobko  26 | 2173
11 Sep 2024 #458
the PzH 2000 has been reported to be less reliable than the Polish Krab

Where did you find this Polish propaganda?

Zhukov with three c*ntillion soldiers and one c*ntillion tanks

This is what our man Girkin (AKA Strelkov) says too - from his jail cell.

Problem is, if millions get recruited, then Russian moms and dads will march on the Kremlin.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
11 Sep 2024 #459
Russian moms and dads will march on the Kremlin

Hmm... we wouldn't want that, would we?
Ironside  50 | 12380
11 Sep 2024 #460
then Russian moms and dads will march on the Kremlin.

but would they?That is a question.
Bobko  26 | 2173
11 Sep 2024 #461
but would they?

Well, many paid large amounts, to send their sons to live in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan at the mere mention of a mobilization involving 300,000.

If there were a mobilization of millions, I think even those parents that had strong nerves during the first mobilization, would try to organize an escape for their children.

Those that could not afford an "escape", would march on the government. It's not 1941 anymore.

That's why Putin is careful, and why this war is so slow.
mafketis  38 | 10861
11 Sep 2024 #462
Girkin (AKA Strelkov) says too - from his jail cell.

I thought he was sent to the front... or has that not happened yet?

then Russian moms and dads will march on the Kremlin.

To lobby for more coffin money pay outs?
Bobko  26 | 2173
11 Sep 2024 #463
thought he was sent to the front..

I read a rumor a week ago to that effect - I have no idea if he is at the front yet.
Ironside  50 | 12380
11 Sep 2024 #464
I have no idea if he is at the front yet.
@ Bobko

Well, if they just want to kill him that sad. He should at least get a bridge to lead.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
11 Sep 2024 #465
It is 1941 as far as the behavior of NN troops is concerned. Vile Nazis are invading their peaceful neighbors, targeting civilians and committing atrocities.

Good news on the sanctions front with more action against NN's shadow fleet, combined with a falling oil price, it should squeeze the NN's finance even more to the point when you would rather have actual Nigerian Naira rather than North Nigerian roubles.
Novichok  5 | 7715
11 Sep 2024 #466
It is 1941 as far as the behavior of NN troops is concerned.

Nigeria was not in WW2. Moronia was.
Vile Nazis are invading their peaceful neighbors,

Memo to Moronians: Poland was invaded by Germans who were just as patriotic as the Poles in 1939 and the Americans who invaded K, V, I, and A.

Soldiers are never asked if they approve the orders.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
11 Sep 2024 #467
In 1939 Poland was also invaded by the UNNR. Of course they would never have succeeded without their German Nazi allies
Novichok  5 | 7715
11 Sep 2024 #468
Of course they would never have succeeded without their German Nazi allies

Nazi party didn't have the weapons necessary to invade Poland and later the Soviet Union.

Germany did.

Who dropped nukes on Japs? Americans or American Democrats?

Is every Moronian a moron?
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
11 Sep 2024 #469
Ukrainaians are outwitting the stupid Russians almost every day!

Novichok  5 | 7715
11 Sep 2024 #470
Especially the 500,000 dead ones. They are still giggling...hahahahahaha...

And that Z-P is still zero.
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
11 Sep 2024 #471
Especially the 500,000 dead ones.

What? The Russian ones?Estimates put that at 616,000...... Ukrainian losses, if you discount all the civilians the barbaric Russians have killed, are much lower.
Bobko  26 | 2173
12 Sep 2024 #472
Estimates put that at 616,000...

Do you think, before you write?

According to the US Marine Corps University Press, this was the size of the initial invasion force:

"At the start of 2022, the Ukrainian military had 196,600 active-duty personnel, which, according to the 3:1 force ratio rule, would have required an invasion of 590,000 Russian personnel. Instead, the Russians planned an invasion with 190,000 personnel, actually smaller than the combined Ukrainian armed forces."

Then, throughout the winter of '22-'23, Russia mobilized a further 300,000 men. This was the first and last mobilization on the Russian side throughout this entire war.


Further, Wagner was allowed to recruit up to 40,000 convicts from Russian prisons.


Beginning roughly in the Spring of 2023, Russia shifted its efforts to recruiting volunteers through economic incentives. The rate of recruitment since April of last year has been roughly 30,000 men per month.


So... a rough picture of how many men have gone into the Russian army since the war began:

1) 190,000 initial invasion force (this was retarded)
2) 300,000 Winter mobilization of '22-'23
3) 40,000 convict recruitment
4) 16 months X 30,000 = 480,000 volunteer recruitment

This gives us a rough total of 1,010,000 men that have gone through the army.

If 600K Russian soldiers have died, as you say Milo, then we can assume at least double that amount have been wounded, or a further 1.2 million people.

That's about 50% more than the entire amount of soldiers that have gone through the Russian army over the last three years.

It means, either Ukrainians are lying - as they always do - or they are telling the truth, and they are somehow managing to routinely lose territory and men to an army of ghosts.

In the real word, and not in the world of Ukrainian fantasy that you live in - the highest estimate for Russian dead is 145,000.

Nobody knows how many Ukrainians died, because when they're "our sons of b*tches" it's ok to withhold information that in the UK or US would have long been disclosed.
mafketis  38 | 10861
12 Sep 2024 #473
Pure gold from Denis Zakharov (who has a moral compass so putainites hate him).

Who's fighting in Ukraine and what life/death is like for them....

Make sure you read to the end, the last line is fire.....
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
12 Sep 2024 #474
In Kursk region, Russia has begun counter attacks and have taken back ten settlements so far. This is not good news for Ukraine. If these troops are over run at any point this will be a disaster. I think then you will see a lot more people voicing their opinion in a negative way about Z.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
12 Sep 2024 #475
That doesn't make sense - when Ukraine took over those villages the North Nigerians said they were worthless, badly defended hamlets and only a tiny percentage of NN territory.

The Orcs get 2 villages back and suddenly we can expect a new 1812 overture.

How is the advance on Pokrovsk going ? Still 8km away at a guess.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
12 Sep 2024 #476
@cms neuf
Well Pokrovsk just had is water and gas supply knocked out. And Ukraine is urging everyone to evacuate. And Forbes is reporting that Ukraine has run out of modern vehicles for the new Brigades its forming. All the name calling in the world does not solve those Ukrainian problems today.
Crow  154 | 9178
12 Sep 2024 #477
In order to prevent more killing among Slavs, Serbia`s counterespionage agent Dejan Lucic warned Russia of plans for Ukrainian attack on incoming BRICS summit in Kazan. By the info tracking on terrain in USA, third side have interest to intensify rate of the conflict.

Crow  154 | 9178
12 Sep 2024 #478
By the same (above) counterespionage agent, circles in USA wants to prevent BRICS from escaping US dollar domination. Also, all players are set and ready to ruin Poland. Same as during Napoleon.
Novichok  5 | 7715
12 Sep 2024 #479
All the name calling in the world does not solve those Ukrainian problems today.

It does here on PF.

When out of adjectives and nouns, misspelling Russia works so well. Especially if one is a fakot or a male cvnt.
pawian  219 | 24570
12 Sep 2024 #480
It does here on PF

Darling, stop complaining about name calling which you greatly contribute to. Are you demented or what???? :):):)

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14
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