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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

johnny reb  46 | 7394
9 Sep 2024 #391
The Crimean Bridge needs urgent repairs.
The structures are degrading after the strikes by the Ukrainian armed forces.
Time to finish it off in the name of saving young boys lives.
jon357  73 | 22626
9 Sep 2024 #392
The Crimean Bridge needs urgent repairs.

It needs destroying, and any steel girders left after the destruction need ramming up Putain's arse.
Novichok  5 | 7716
9 Sep 2024 #393
I don't recall Russians wishing destruction of any bridge in the US when the US warmongers attacked Iraq.
jon357  73 | 22626
9 Sep 2024 #394
You don't recall what you ate for breakfast either.

And you certainly don't recall any bridge leading from the Americas to territory being illegally occupied by a pariah state with one of the world's worst human rights records, which beheads and castrates prisoners of war and shoots civilians in the back of their heads.
Novichok  5 | 7716
9 Sep 2024 #395
Looks familiar?

Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal
Ukraine-Russia talks fell apart after Kiev asked foreign backers for advice, the former US deputy secretary of state has said

God, please, let me be wrong just once...and a better man...Right now, with my record, it's impossible...

The West (Globalists) don't want peace. There is no money to be made in peace.

Washington wants Ukraine's resources - US Senator
Kiev is sitting on a "trillion dollars' worth of minerals" that are "good" for the US economy, US Senator Lindsey Graham says

What??? So it's not about "freedom and democracy" for Andrey? One million U-men dead or disabled for life for "minerals"?

I am shocked...
Alien  22 | 5429
9 Sep 2024 #396
One million U-men dead or disabled for life for "minerals"?

Miloslaw  21 | 4890
9 Sep 2024 #397
And all the time, you just deflect.......Remember, it was Russia that invaded Ukraine, not the USA.
Are you really so dumb that you think Russia was not aware of Ukraine's mineral wealth before they invaded?
And do you not think that it might be possible that was one of their reasons for invading?

For someone who has been given a good life by being allowed to live in the USA, you show little gratitude, even hatred for your host nation.
Shame on you.
I would kick foreigners like you out of my country if I could.
Just worthless anti patriotic scum!

This is the truth, Russia are NOT winning this war!

Novichok  5 | 7716
9 Sep 2024 #398
Remember, it was Russia that invaded Ukraine, not the USA.

The US invaded Iraq. Russia did not invade Donbass and Crimea since both are part of Russian Federation.

You cannot invade yourself. GFY should never be taken literally, for example.

BTW, if you provide evidence that voters in both referenda were forced to vote to separate from Ukraine, I will reconsider my position.
Russia are NOT winning this war!

Great point. It is Ukraine that is winning.

Please call the White House. They didn't get your memo yet...
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
9 Sep 2024 #399

I will ignore your post because A.You ignored my questions, which was both rude and pathetic and B.Your post was like the ramblings of an angry lunatic!

Is Lithium perhaps the main reason why Putin invaded Ukraine?
This video is very compelling;

johnny reb  46 | 7394
9 Sep 2024 #400
Is Lithium perhaps the main reason why Putin invaded Ukraine?

Yup and the United States wants it too.
How many times have I posted that Ukraine has one of the biggest Lithium deposits in the world.
Good find Milo.
In fact Ukraine is very rich with resources as such that they could use to pay back the U.S. and Britain for the military aid that was given to them.
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
9 Sep 2024 #401
Yup and the United States wants it too.

But the USA did not invade Ukraine to get it.....Russians are evil bastards!
johnny reb  46 | 7394
9 Sep 2024 #402
But the USA did not invade Ukraine to get it...

Not directly but indirectly.
Who do you thin Ukraine will sell those resources to now, the U.S. or Russia ?
The U.S. wants Ukraine's natural resources and so does everyone else.
The U.S., China and Russia are in Africa for the same reason.
jon357  73 | 22626
9 Sep 2024 #403
Who do you thin Ukraine will sell those resources to now

The highest bidder, of course.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
10 Sep 2024 #404

3000 state owned companies and only 15% generate profits. Why would this give anyone confidence that the cash being sent to Ukraine is being managed wisely? This is uaually the case with state owned companies not just Ukrainian ones. But 15% is an unbelievable number.
Novichok  5 | 7716
10 Sep 2024 #405

The West Has Just Sacrificed Ukraine

Because West doesn't give a fvck about Ukainians or "freedom and democracy". Only PF naive morons do.

which was both rude and pathetic and B.Your post was like the ramblings of an angry lunatic.

Did you ever try to debate without getting personal?

BTW, I am still waiting for your evidence of me being wrong. The last incident will do fine.

Hey, Russia haters, am I going to get a link to a document issued by the US State Department claiming that Donbass and Crimea are not part of the Russian Federation?

What's taking so long?

Or are only some referenda good?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
10 Sep 2024 #406
Did you ever try to debate without getting personal?

I know I used to cross the line a lot, and initiated those attacks in some cases. PF has become as inactive as it is in part because of how personal it gets.

In Ukraine, they are getting ready to stop all gas flows from Russia to Europe through Ukraine. This will cost Ukraine some 800 million dollars. Russia says its still open to continuing to pay. So Z says no, and at the end of the year the supply is shut off. Now thats all Ukraines choice, but I believe some 800 million in aid should be canceled since Ukraine is deliberately cutting their own funding. And the EU now has to hope winter is as mild as the last few.
Novichok  5 | 7716
10 Sep 2024 #407
Russians are evil bastards!

...because the Russian army is trying to liberate Donbass - a Russian territory?

Still waiting for a link to a document issued by the US State Department claiming that Donbass and Crimea are not part of the Russian Federation................

BTW, what did the US army along with the Brits try to liberate in Iraq?
Lazarus  2 | 319
10 Sep 2024 #408
Donbass - a Russian territory

The Donbas is not Russian territory. Russia agreed that the Donbas is not Russian territory. See Art. 1 of the Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons signed in Budapest on 5 December 1994:
1. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and The United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.
Novichok  5 | 7716
10 Sep 2024 #409
The Donbas is not Russian territory.

Step 1. The citizens of Donbass voted to separate from Ukraine.

Step 2. Donbass asked Russia to join the Russian Federation.

Step 3. Russia said OK and now Donbass is part of the Russian Federation.

Case closed.

Russia agreed that the Donbas is not Russian territory.

A year ago, I agreed that my next door neighbor's dog was his, not mine. Then he asked me to take it. I agreed so the dog is mine now.

Russia didn't invade Donbass. Russia agreed to make it part of the Russian Federation AFTER Donbass petitioned Russia to join.

Is Ukraine suing Russia for Donbass?
mafketis  38 | 10861
10 Sep 2024 #410
ussia agreed that the Donbas is not Russian territory

no agreement with russia should be believed... russia _always_ breaks agreements it makes... a mafia-run garbage pit of a country.... we need a new russian wall the world stays out and they stay in....

In Ukraine, they are getting ready to stop all gas flows from Russia to Europe through Ukraine.

They should have done that on Feb 25, 2024.... to really get Europe's attention instead of weaklings like Scholz wanting Ukraine to cede territory for peace... when have we heard that before?

Or maybe they should have done that back in 2014 when russia first invaded....
Novichok  5 | 7716
10 Sep 2024 #411
no agreement with russia should be believed.

Show me where in 1994 Russia agreed to have NATO at its doorstep and reject all future petitions to join the Russian Federation.

Is every Polak a moron?
Bobko  26 | 2173
10 Sep 2024 #412
Show me where in 1994 Russia agreed to have NATO at its doorstep

Who cares what was promised to ruSSist untermenschen?

As subhuman beasts, they are owed nothing by civilized human beings.

Whatever was promised to them once, was a bone that was thrown - conditional on their good behavior.

Alas, they have gone "off the leash", and now must be shown their place in the corner.

You make me laugh, Novichok. Next you will say we must honor agreements made with domestic pets.
Lazarus  2 | 319
10 Sep 2024 #413
Step 1. The citizens of Donbass voted to separate from Ukraine.

Not in a free and fair election they didn't. And even if they had, that doesn't change the commitment that Russia gave to "respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine".

Russia didn't invade Donbass.

Now you're simply lying: Russia invaded the Donbas in 2014, the fake referendum took place in 2022.
Novichok  5 | 7716
10 Sep 2024 #414
Not in a free and fair election they didn't.

Produce the evidence that it was not free and fair or SFTU.
Now you're simply lying: Russia invaded the Donbas in 2014

Irelevant. Russia had every right to protect Russians in Donbass. 15,000 of them were killed from the shelling by the "freedom and democracy" loving Kiev thugs.

Remember the US invasion of Grenada to protect American students? How about the US invasion of Iraq to protect American ...whatever it was...

You and other azholes want to have it both ways...You called them "separatists" and then claim that the referendum was fake.

So which one was it? "Separatists" who wanted to separate or Russia threatening the good citizens of Donbass to vote "separate" or gulag...

Is Ukraine suing Russia for Donbass?
Lazarus  2 | 319
10 Sep 2024 #415
Produce the evidence that it was not free and fair or SFTU.

I'm not claiming that the population of the Donbas voted anything in a valid referendum, you are. To be valid elections need to be free and fair, so you need to prove it was free and fair. But don't take my word for it, listen to the UN Secretary-General

Irelevant. Russia had every right to protect Russians in Donbass.

Nope. Russia gave up that right when it committed to to "respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine". And if those people were Russians, they should have gone to live in Russia.
Velund  1 | 534
10 Sep 2024 #416
And if those people were Russians, they should have gone to live in Russia.

You are so fast to making conclusions where the people who lived for centuries on that land should go... Why then I can't suggest WASPs of United states to pack their belongings and to return back to britain, freeing land for Indians, who is real owners of this territory?

PS: Blacks should go to Africa too. Their relations with whites is their own problem and Indians in owe nothing to them.
jon357  73 | 22626
10 Sep 2024 #417
people who lived for centuries on that land should go

You don't always get what you want.

And r*SSia won't get what it wants.
Velund  1 | 534
10 Sep 2024 #418
To be valid elections need to be free and fair, so you need to prove it was free and fair.

And who have the legal right to decide was elections free and fair or not?

For example, I'm sure that US elections that Biden "won" was not free and not fair. What my opinion change? Why there is no any proofs that US elections was free and fair after numerous "anomalies" observed?
Crow  154 | 9178
10 Sep 2024 #419
Ukraine crisis is a joke that yet to become serious thing.

It will be interesting to see how will things with Poland and in Poland develop after Serbian army returns to Kosovo, our southern province. Kosovo situation will increase friction to the maximum. Just spot on how Poland quickly losing internal stability if Polish army as part of NATO start shooting at Serbian army. Consequences for Poland`s statehood would be cataclysmic.

Or, imagine scandal, if army of Poland refuse to fight against Serbians. That is serious option, if we take all in consideration. It would be fast end of NATO. What would then banderists in Ukraine and Poland already.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
10 Sep 2024 #420
All of those were subject to court cases. I think Trump launched about 40 court cases in 2020 and won zero.

There were international and UN observers at US (and Polish) elections. There were none in Donbass or Crimea. And don't bother with a link to some Belarusian or Iranian scum who monitored your "elections" for the prize of a bottle of vodka and a night with a North Nigerian floozy

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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