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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

jon357  73 | 22626
5 Sep 2024 #301
Lots of people dying on both sides for nothing.

Let r*SSia stop that in an instant by withdrawing their invasion force back behind their own borders. That and pay reparations and compensation for the killing and damage to infrastructure/industry.

r*SSia can't win and knows it.
5 Sep 2024 #302
Imagine if the world took the same stance when hitler invaded.

That line ''lots of people dying on both sides for nothing''' is a measly mouthed way of saying you sympathise with Russia

Is protecting your homeland and not living under Putins rule ''for nothing''?
jon357  73 | 22626
5 Sep 2024 #303
'lots of people dying on both sides for nothing''

Who said that?

protecting your homeland and not living under Putins rule

That is a given, however it looks like you're mixing up posters. That or you haven't quite grasped what a quote is,
cms neuf  1 | 1761
5 Sep 2024 #304
Let me guess - they are 8km from
Pokrovsk again

Same place the drunkarfs havd been for a fortnight.

Thousands of farm boys will die for this small town
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
5 Sep 2024 #305
Here is a video for all those fascist and communist supporters of Putin to make them feel uneasy....... I have been banging on about it on PF for ages now, but revolution in Russia is inevitable.The fact that it will happen is obvious.The only question is when?

jon357  73 | 22626
5 Sep 2024 #306
revolution in Russia is inevitable

You're not the only person to say that.

Plus of course, 97% of their army is currently in Ukraine and they're struggling badly to find new conscripts.

And China are publishing maps with Vladivostok etc shown as being in China (who have more nukes than the, and an army many times the size and far better equipped).
cms neuf  1 | 1761
5 Sep 2024 #307
It's Friday

97 percent of the North Nigerian army have already started drinking
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
5 Sep 2024 #308
You're not the only person to say that.

I am sure you are right.This is the time for Russians to rise up, follow the Poles and create their own "Solidarity".....banish Communism, Fascism and Corruption!

Discover how freedom feels!
Velund  1 | 533
5 Sep 2024 #309
Discover how freedom feels!

NYT have their own point of view about this......

PS: Right one was changed later - even NYT editors was a bit upset about publishing so much truth at once. But left one still there (at least was there yesterday). ;)


Velund  1 | 533
5 Sep 2024 #310
And again, Tg channel of Tatyana Montyan have interesting brief article...

The invasion of the Kursk Oblast yielded results, but not the desired ones

I don't know what the authorities of ukraine really wanted to achieve by attacking the Kursk region, but they achieved something that was hardly in their plans: the inflow of volunteers to the Russian Armed Forces after the invasion almost doubled.

This is reported by the publication "Verstka": however, the publication's material refers only to Moscow, but most likely a similar picture is observed in other regions. "By the way, there's no reason to suspect "Verstka" of any sympathy for the Russian government: the publication was created by Dozhd editor-in-chief Lola Tagaeva in April 2022 as, quote, "a quick response to the destruction of Russian media during the war with Ukraine," the editorial staff is abroad, and in Russia the publication is blocked and listed as a foreign agent - in short, liberdoid bingo.

Well, these people with good faces write ( that, say, "half of those who come, motivate it by the invasion of the AFU in Kursk region", and that the invasion became the last argument for those who have long thought of signing a contract with the Russian Armed Forces, but postponed for one reason or another.

And this is a rather predictable result of the AFU attack. Yes, the war was transferred to Russia's "ancestral" territory within the 1991 borders, but Russian society reacted in a completely predictable way: even many of those who before the August events treated the war in Ukraine as "Putin's special operation" now look at the events in a slightly different way.

And this is exactly what I've been trying to explain all along: you can treat the Kremlin and its inhabitants, including Putin personally and his entourage, any way you want. The war is now being fought for much more important things - literally for the future of Russia as such, regardless of political realities. And it is very much to be hoped that after the Kursk region this will become clear to everyone, including the most stubborn naysayers. Because if not, the AFU will find a way to convey this message to the Russian public even more clearly.

Alien  22 | 5429
6 Sep 2024 #311
obvious.The only question is when?

Their revolutions always occur in October.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
6 Sep 2024 #312
How are men protecting their homeland from Russia when hundreds of thousands of them are in Poland and other places because they are running from conscription? Men of fighting age are all over Poland. What does that say? When Russia controls 18% of Ukraine, and Ukraine cannot push them out, clearly another solution needs to be found.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
6 Sep 2024 #313
How is Pokrovsk going ? Still 8km away ?

Interesting that Putler has finally stated some war aims - apparently it was always about conquering Eastern Donbas. That might be achievable, even for the drunks, but it seems a small prize coming at the cost of permanent sanctions and the halving of North Nigeria's oil industry
amiga500  5 | 1479
6 Sep 2024 #314
How is Pokrovsk going ? Still 8km away ?

Do you even read the news you clown?

from the telegraph
"I've never seen such speed [in a Russian advance]," the commander of a Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance unit fighting in the area told The Telegraph this week.

"It is very rapid. And our problem is the same: we don't have infantry, we don't have enough artillery or shells. We don't have enough drones."

"They are trying to break through this flank, basically along the track to the Pokrovsk, and they are succeeding and very successfully," he added.
The Centre for Defence Strategies (CDS), a Ukrainian think tank, said in an assessment on Thursday that the Russians will probably reach the city by mid-September."

about it on PF for ages now, but revolution in Russia is inevitable.The fact that it will happen is obvious.

Sorry to be a bearer of bad tindings but i've watched many times radio interviews about russia over the last 12 months, because i thought it was a serious and reputable news source, but on this issue they present slanted rose tinted pure propaganda.

At least the telegraph has roland oliphant, who has been on the ground in ukraine on and off, since 2014 to balance things out and present a realistic perspective.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
6 Sep 2024 #315
Still 8km away.

Mid September is next week
Ironside  50 | 12380
6 Sep 2024 #316
If the world had only one great man as a statesman, nukes would have already flown towards Moscow.

Are you like 12? Cut out of whatever you are taking, is not good for you.
The US has enough power to wipe out the Russian army in like three weeks and repeat that process if need to be three times over without using any nukes.
Nukes must have hit your brain. geeez Are you really a kid?
Alien  22 | 5429
6 Sep 2024 #317
Mid September is next week

And next year.
Korvinus  2 | 550
6 Sep 2024 #318
Nukes must have hit your brain

As a proud rushit-hating Polak, I would absolutely support nuking Russia, idgaf about the consequences. I'll gladly die in a nuclear apocalypse as long as it also means removing all moskal mongoloids. Completely worth it, to ensure future generations born after the world will recover from the nuclear war, will live in a paradise not plagued by rushit subhumans anymore.

Russia is a cancer that needs to be removed, nuking these fags would be like chemotherapy, it might kill a lot of healthy cells too, but it's better than just letting the cancer grow and destroy the whole body, beyond hope of ever recovering.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
6 Sep 2024 #319
Seems the North Nigerians have again been filmed killing prisoners in Pokrovsk

RIP to the murdered soldiers. Their killers will be brought to justice
Ironside  50 | 12380
6 Sep 2024 #320
Their killers will be brought to justice

doubt it!
Paulina  15 | 4323
6 Sep 2024 #321
I'll gladly die in a nuclear apocalypse as long as it also means removing all moskal mongoloids. (...) subhumans

And that's why it's better if nationalists don't rule countries... Jesus... Maybe find yourself a reason to live? o_O
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
6 Sep 2024 #322
And that's why it's better if nationalists don't rule countries.

What about in Ukraine?
Paulina  15 | 4323
6 Sep 2024 #323
@Miloslaw, anywhere. Why are you asking about Ukraine though? Zelensky doesn't strike me as a nationalist.
Novichok  5 | 7715
6 Sep 2024 #324
I'll gladly die in a nuclear apocalypse as long as it also means removing all moskal mongoloids.

Your status as the PF Moron-in-Chief is hereby confirmed.
johnny reb  46 | 7392
6 Sep 2024 #325

Is He the same Jesus that died on the cross for your sins so you could inherit the Kingdom of Heaven ?
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
6 Sep 2024 #326
Zelensky doesn't strike me as a nationalist.

HaHaHaHa!!! I could not imagine a more nationalist leader than Zelensky, and I mean that in a good way!
Paulina  15 | 4323
6 Sep 2024 #327
@Miloslaw, Zelensky is a member of the party called Servant of the People and won presidential elections as a candidate from this party. Servant of the People is "a liberal, centrist, pro-European political party". So how is Zelensky a "nationalist"?

'At the February 2020 Party Congress, Kornienko stated that the party's ideology is "Ukrainian centrism". According to him, this is an ideology that "denies political extremes and radicalism. But it is creative centrism."

This is the opposite of nationalism, because nationalism is radical and extreme.
mafketis  38 | 10861
6 Sep 2024 #328
nationalism is radical and extreme.

Liberal leftist lies!!!!!

Nationalism comes in a lot of different flavors.... you can't have patriotism without some type of nationalism.

And whatever the origin of his party.... Zelenskyy became a hardcore nationalist (in the good sense) once russia invaded trying to infect Ukrainians with their heresy...
Paulina  15 | 4323
7 Sep 2024 #329
@mafketis, sorry, but that's what we were thaught about political views/options/parties at school and that's what I observe in reality.

Nationalism comes in a lot of different flavors....

For me nationalism is the more radical form of right-wing views. I guess it may be more or less radical within this range, but that's about it. So what kind of "flavours" are you talking about?

And what are you - a supporter of nationalism now? o_O

you can't have patriotism without some type of nationalism.

I don't see it that way. I don't know, maybe people are taught different definition of what "nationalism" is in the US. In Poland it has negative connotation due to the fact that it's a political option more radical and extreme than right-wing option.

Nationalism is nationalism and patriotism is patriotism. Nationalism is a particular world-view while people with different political views can be patriots.

Zelenskyy became a hardcore nationalist (in the good sense) once russia invaded

Um... He's simply a patriot. How defending your country against an invasion is a proof of nationalism?

Novichok  5 | 7715
7 Sep 2024 #330
Hey, azholes, I am still waiting for an official document issued by the US State Department stating that Donbass and Crimea are illegally occupied by Russia.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14
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