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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12

Korvinus 3 | 581
2 days ago #571
Russia liberating itself from EU (western European) colonial grip on itself.

The Soviet Union was THE largest and one of the nastiest colonial empires in history.
Korvinus 3 | 581
2 days ago #572
kinda absurd to expect soviet empire to be any less imperial than the russian empire and even dumber to think today's srus federation won't be an empire
they literally killed off like two million circassians way ahead of anyone inventing the notion of gulags or centrally planned economy
Vesko Vukovic - | 108
2 days ago #573

Prof dr Branko Nadoveza - "Poland is an unusual, strange country, the Russians brought it out of the Middle Ages"

(starting from 4th minute)

"If it wasn't for the Russians, Poland would not even have access to the sea"
jon357 74 | 23019
2 days ago #574
Branko Nadoveza

He should be called Bronco Nadwaga. And he's speaking complete rubbish, by the way.
OP cms neuf 2 | 1823
2 days ago #575
What is it about medieval history that fascinates Serbs and North Nigerians ?

Wouldn't you rather be free and healthy and rich now, instead of worrying what Noggin the Nog did in 1345 ?
Miloslaw 20 | 4939
2 days ago #576
@Vesko Vukovic

What is the point of posting a video in a language most of us can't understand?
Slavonic stupidity?

What is it about medieval history that fascinates Serbs and North Nigerians ?

Great question!
Crow 161 | 9386
2 days ago #577
The Soviet Union was THE largest and one of the nastiest colonial empires in history.

But not worse then British Empire or Roman Empire or Western Roman Empire or Frankia or Eastern Roman Empire or German reich or USA or EU or Vatican or Han Emprire or Mongol Empire or Persian Empire or, etc, etc, etc.

Just remember that!

Only Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was better then Soviet Union. Because we Serbians were military elite there. We made it better!
Crow 161 | 9386
2 days ago #578
"If it wasn't for the Russians, Poland would not even have access to the sea"

Pardon. Its Serbs who married Poland with the Baltic sea. Kashubian Serbs.

Alright, after Russian penis fell on manic Germanics.
Crow 161 | 9386
1 day ago #579
A News, very much in the context of this thread, so that Poles knows where conflict on Europe goes > Poles! Brothers! If you cant help us, then remove yourself from our path!

Enormous wrath arising allover the Serbian lands on Balkan, after great Serbian diplomatic victory in UN, during adoption of resolution on supposed genocide in Srebrenica. Serbians awakening and responding to the challenge of Rome, Constantinople and western Europe.

Yesterday, Parliament of Crna Gora adopted resolution on WW2 genocide on Serbians in Jasenovac death camp, in nazi pro-German puppet state of Croatia, sponsored by the Vatican and Germany. Serbians finally dare openly to challenge Rome itself and we are just step from openly adopting resolution on Vatican`s genocidal actions against Serbians. That, and also step from suing Vatican for genocide crimes. Then, its just another step from suing Vatican for aggressive meddling in Ukraine, via AH Empire where again main victims of those schemes were Serbians. So criminals pay for made our people suffer, for their selfish interests. Also to pay for genocidal crimes against Serbs at Arkona. We shall arise our voice against the tyrants in Rome. Then also against deformed Constantinople. For they both betrayed Christ himself and declared war on us Serbians. We shall hit in the hearts of the beasts!

Slavery was rejected with disgust! Serbians are in the move.

God, give us strength! In the name of Christ, His Mother and God father. In the name of our ancestors.

Ezekiel 25:17.

``The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.``

Crow 161 | 9386
1 day ago #580
How did THEY dare thinking we shall forget. That we won`t follow traces, for 1000 years if need be, of blood left behind the bast that mutilated our kin. How they dared thinking they shall confuse us. How did the dared thinking we shall forgive. We are not God. We are not God to forgive! We are avengers of the fallen, mutilated and crucified. We are Serbians!
Crow 161 | 9386
1 day ago #581
And finally, how did they dare speaking in the name of Christ, while they were scheming and killing, to grab more and more and never enough. How they dared! To insult Him!
Miloslaw 20 | 4939
1 day ago #582
We are Serbians!

Yes, and therefore irrelevant.Sorry Crow, but in the global sphere, Serbs don't matter.

This is what matters and yet again Serbs are supporting the losing side!

Crow 161 | 9386
1 day ago #583
Just you wait. Its coming. Coming for THEM.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
1 day ago #584
Korvinus 3 | 581
15 hrs ago #585
But not worse then British Empire or Roman Empire

Russia had made it impossible to be seen as a responsible and trustworthy member of the international community by invading Ukraine. Dont forget that the ICJ ruled that Russia must immediately end its invasion a month after its crossed the border into Ukraine

"The Russian Federation shall immediately suspend the special military operations it commenced on 24 February 2022," said court president Joan E. Donoghue, looking directly into the camera live streaming the hearing from the Peace Palace in The Hague.

Its impossible to trust a country that literally says "we doing a training exercise, we not going to invade anyone " and they invade the next day
mafketis 37 | 10948
14 hrs ago #586
ussia had made it impossible to be seen as a responsible and trustworthy member of the international community

russia cannot hope to compete in any kind of field requiring responsibility or trustworthiness.... it's only hope is deception and fraud which is why so much of russian foreign policy is devoted to trying to undermine established protocols....

russia doesn't care about trust because it knows it cannot earn trust because it would have to completely restructure its domestic system...
Crow 161 | 9386
13 hrs ago #587
Its impossible to trust a country that literally says "we

Plemeniti brate, the moment EU interfered in Yugoslavian crisis and pushed for Civil War there and the moment NATO bombed Yugoslavia and partitioned Serbia, Russia knew that can do whatever want to protect local Russians in Ukraine. Plus, by the peace treaty after WW2, Russia have right to intervene against nazi regime anywhere in Europe and world. Go, check it.

Now, dobri brate, please stop to mock us Serbians on this forum. Because, you never accept a single argument and react like a programmed robot.
Novichok 4 | 8220
11 hrs ago #588
This is what matters and yet again Serbs are supporting the losing side!

On April 1, 1945, Hitler was sure he was winning WW2. Then this happened...

That flag is red because the blood of 25 million dead Soviets was about the same color. No, Russia is not going to lose this one, either.

Losing wars with a 100 to 1 advantage is our specialty. See Vietnam...

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12