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Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 10

Alien 21 | 5,145
18 Apr 2024 #1,621
, what do you do to a country that cannot be stopped by sanctions

If it is a dictatorship, you can eliminate the dictator. The alternative is a guerrilla war like in Afghanistan. And there is support for the opposition, which, however, does not work as well in russia as, for example, Solidarity functioned in Poland.
Novichok 4 | 8,251
18 Apr 2024 #1,622
If it is a dictatorship, you can eliminate the dictator.

Dictatorship - a country where one moron can give everybody the middle finger, open the border, and allow 10 million scum in he needs to support his fascist party...

For $100, name that country. A hint: that country has maternity wards for pregnant men.
Alien 21 | 5,145
18 Apr 2024 #1,623
name that country

USA, which, however, is not a dictatorship.
cms neuf 1 | 1,826
18 Apr 2024 #1,624
How can North Nigeria be a dictatorship when they literally just had free elections ?
Bobko 25 | 2,153
18 Apr 2024 #1,625
The alternative is a guerrilla war like in Afghanistan

You are saying you will finance an insurgency in Russia? Really?

If you really believe we control the AfD, the Republican Party, Konfa, Front Nationale, etc - then it is very foolish of you to even think about such things.

You'll get a civil war in Germany before you get one in Russia. God knows there are enough divisions in German society that one could exploit.
cms neuf 1 | 1,826
18 Apr 2024 #1,626
Gruss Gott v Guten Tag
Bayern v Dortmund
Bier v Appelwoi
Mercedes v BMW
Beethoven v Bach
Sussersenf v Senf

The possibilities are endless
Bobko 25 | 2,153
18 Apr 2024 #1,627
@cms neuf

East - West
Poor - Rich
Immigrant - Native
Far Left - Far Right
Brussels - Berlin
Doves - Hawks

And so on, and so forth.
mafketis 37 | 10,957
18 Apr 2024 #1,628
divisions in German society that one could exploit.

whereas russian society is full of bovinely apathetic npcs that don't dare have an opinion on anything....
Bobko 25 | 2,153
18 Apr 2024 #1,630
russian society is full of bovinely apathetic npcs that don't dare have an opinion

Look at this forum!

Velund, Kostya and I could not be more different.

At the same time, amongst the Germans and British it's an amen chorus. Not a millimeter of daylight between these fellas.

Russians are among the most astute political observers in the world :)

Just because we don't have much of domestic politics for the moment (there is a war going on), doesn't mean we're not able to parse the goings on in other countries.

As John Donne said:

"No man is an island,
Entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main."

That is, every man carries within himself the same blueprint that exists within every other man. This allows us to understand your hearts) Orcs though we may be.
mafketis 37 | 10,957
18 Apr 2024 #1,631
ussians are among the most astute political observers in the world :)

cause that's all they're allowed to do.... you mistake powerlessness for acumen

places with loud public disagreements can also talk through differences while places with enforced public unity.... can't.

The biggest reason russia failed so spectacularly in the 1990s.... no history of publicly working through issues, russia's like a dysfunctional family with an abusive father who goes bezerk at unpredictable times, no one knows what will set him off they walk on eggshells all the time...

while Poland took some economic and social hits in the 1990s and it was a long tiring slog but it's about 100 times better off than when it was a soviet client state and a big art of that is people airing differences in public
Bobko 25 | 2,153
18 Apr 2024 #1,632
no history of publicly working through issues, russia's like a dysfunctional family with an abusive father who goes bezerk at unpredictable times

Again - not bad.

You do seem to understand Russia somewhat better than the average civilian. Which makes me all the more puzzled at why you give us so much grief?
mafketis 37 | 10,957
18 Apr 2024 #1,633
hy you give us so much grief?

Abused children often fiercely defend the abusive parent.... I'm not going to play along with that.
Bobko 25 | 2,153
18 Apr 2024 #1,634

Russia is a traumatized country, almost more than any other.

My generation was raised by a generation of parents who grew up with completely autistic war-era parents. Most of our parents had either one parent missing, or were total orphans.

Civil War, Collectivization, purges, and world wars have raped my country. Add to this revolutions. Then abject poverty, and post-1991 social turmoil.

When you stop to appreciate the fact that we are still here - it's nothing short of a miracle, and testament to our innate strength.

The West never engaged with us as equals, and instead treated us beggars (but without ever offering meaningful help as it did to others).

Everything Russia does, can be understood - if you wanted to.

You seem to understand Russia, but at the same time spew toxic vitriol. What gives?
mafketis 37 | 10,957
18 Apr 2024 #1,635
Russia is a traumatized country, almost more than any other.

Not necessarily more than any other.... Ukraine's history is pretty traumatizing as is Poland's

But lots of traumatized countries aren't trying to invade their neighbors...

The West never engaged with us as equals,

When was russia equal? Never... you need to be honest about the past and russian seem allergic to the truth like an abused kid who _swears_ his dad is really great and his broken arm is his own fault when he fell down the stairs....

One of russia's tragedies is it's continued belief that it _deserves_ western style prosperity and power and prestiage without ever actually doing anything that the western countries did to achieve what they did.

That's how you managed to combine industrialization and famine (which the Chinese copied but without real industrialization...)

Everything Russia does, can be understood - if you wanted to.

I understand it fine... abuse + sense of entitlement - therapy = bad - many of the worst criminals were horribly traumatized and abused as children, that doesn't jusifty their crimes.

And.... harship doesn't _create_ character.... it _reveals_ it.

The cure is that russia needs a national story to tell itself and it doesn't have one and so it makes things up (we can repeat! russkij mir! multipolarity!) but it's all fake and has no emotional resonance.... that's why russian invaders in 2022 were using soviet flags and symbolism... at least that meant something to them.
Bobko 25 | 2,153
18 Apr 2024 #1,636
And.... harship doesn't _create_ character.... it _reveals_ it.

This is profound. Have to think on this.

The cure is that russia needs a national story to tell itself

What do you think we have been in search for since 1991?

We had not been successful through our own efforts, until our enemies started helping us define who we are.
Novichok 4 | 8,251
18 Apr 2024 #1,637
USA, which, however, is not a dictatorship.

Yes, it is. One moron is currently destroying the US and we are powerless to stop this POS. That's dictatorship.
Bobko 25 | 2,153
18 Apr 2024 #1,638

Rest assured dearest Mafketis... we will extract ourselves from the current morass.

If you refuse to treat us as equals, claiming we did not do the homework of the West, then we will show you who has work left to be done.

Our souls are more pure, our intentions more clear.
Torq 6 | 784
18 Apr 2024 #1,639
Russians are among the most astute political observers in the world :)

I still can't collect myself after you said "we will have to wait for the alliance with Poland until PiS comes back to power again" (or something along those lines) a couple of months ago.

It was like a slap in the face - this Russian guy reads Polish politics better than most Poles here (and better than about 30% of Polish voters), ha ha :)

And this statement after all the ostensibly anti-Russian actions of PiS government and all the anti-Russian rhetoric! Of course, I realise too that PiS are, by and large, Russian marionettes who had to play the sad theatre for retards, forced by certain circumstances of the long chess game that is currently being played, but I live here, talk to people, read newspapers, observe it all first-hand, whilst you sit somewhere in the US and read internet news and boards!

You are either incredibly smart for a random civilian or you are not a civilian in the strict sense of the word, Bobi... or should I say, major Bobko?
Bobko 25 | 2,153
18 Apr 2024 #1,640
incredibly smart for a random civilian or you are not a civilian in the strict sense of the word

I suppose I would not be hurting myself too much if I said "not a civilian in the strict sense of the word".

No affiliation with state security. No affiliation with any kind of security of any kind, in fact, governmental or commercial.

Rather, a more bird's eye view. This experience in understanding Russia, I suppose, has equipped me to understand other places. Like I said - we all carry the same blueprint within. North Nigeria/Udmurtia and God's Own Country are not as different as people may think.
Torq 6 | 784
18 Apr 2024 #1,641
North Nigeria/Udmurtia and God's Own Country are not as different as people may think.

Hear, hear. :)
Velund 1 | 659
18 Apr 2024 #1,642
One of russia's tragedies is it's continued belief that it _deserves_ western style prosperity and power and prestiage without ever actually doing anything that the western countries did to achieve what they did.

Yes... We weren't the ones who smuggled millions of slaves out of Africa, feeding sharks along the way with the bodies of those who didn't survive the "journey" in the hold. We weren't the ones who experimented with crossbreeding blacks with Irish to produce strong, hardy, but dumb and docile human cattle. We were not the ones who destroyed millions of buffalo and left them to rot on the prairie so that the American Indian tribes would be forced to leave or die out and vacate the land. We didn't "gift" them the blankets of dead smallpox patients. We didn't chop off hands for failing to meet raw rubber harvesting standards in the Belgian Congo. We didn't treat blacks and Latinos as second-class humans and exploit them from birth to death. We weren't the ones who formally granted former colonies independence while funding terrorist groups that ensured that governments not prone to slavish submission or who wanted to take advantage of natural resources in their territory without the permission of yesterday's owners of that land got to host perpetual war in their territories.

So we are not the ones who will be getting the bills for all this now, and the bills will be terrible. But we may well help collect on those bills, simply by being friends with yesterday's "sources of prosperity" of the West. France has already begun to realize what this means, and has gotten so nervous that it has jumped far beyond the bounds of decency in international relations.

OP Bratwurst Boy 12 | 11,892
18 Apr 2024 #1,643 you have blue hair by any chance?

You sound mightily like a hardcore leftist nutter....
mafketis 37 | 10,957
18 Apr 2024 #1,644
fter all the ostensibly anti-Russian actions of PiS government and all the anti-Russian rhetoric!

You never realized the large pro-russian element in PiS before? What country have you been living in again?

KaczyƄski's fanatical anti-Germanism and just barely tolerating the US are pretty obvious reads (not to mention the ties of Macierewicz and Morawiecki's father)

We weren't the ones who

Here's what you don't get.... yes, western countries have done terrible things..... and we admit it and try to do better while russia has done terrible things and keeps trying to do them without learning a thing...

And what russia has never bothered doing

-system of rule of law (rather than rule of dictator)

-transparent fair elections

-property rights

-develop infrastructure for the population

-use the vast amounts of money generated by your resources to improve living standards and education of your population

-try to build some kind of civil society

instead those at the top steal and everybody else convinces themselves that it doesn't matter because you're a great power....

As a Ukrainian told me "they invade countries because they think it makes them like the west and that the west will accept them because they invade countries"

So much effort for.... nothing....
Torq 6 | 784
18 Apr 2024 #1,645
You never realized the large pro-russian element in PiS before?

You misread my post. Of course I realised it, but I was surprised that a Russian guy from US realised it too. Especially that majority of PiS voters don't seem to notice it, and PiS themselves are trying to pretend to be the most anti-Russian party in Poland - ever read "Gazeta Polska" and their regular "Horror from Real Mordor" column? :D

PiS managed to fool millions of Poles but they didn't fool Bobko - that's impressive. Gotta give credit where credit is due, Maf.
OP Bratwurst Boy 12 | 11,892
18 Apr 2024 #1,646
I always liked to think that Poles don't like Germans and Russians equally, because of our shared bad history...

To learn now that they like Russians better....*feels rejected* :(
pawian 224 | 24,663
18 Apr 2024 #1,647
that Poles don't like Germans

Where did you get that stupidity from?? We love Germans. We only dislike them when they support the nazi gov of Israel.
pawian 224 | 24,663
18 Apr 2024 #1,649
France has already begun to realize what this means, and has gotten so nervous t.

Yes, French Pres suggested sending NATO troops to Ukraine. And the Kremlin regime got extremely nervous in result. hahahaha Amassing!!! :):):)
Alien 21 | 5,145
18 Apr 2024 #1,650
We only dislike them when they support the nazi gov of Israel.

That means always.

Home / News / Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 10