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How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

jon357  72 | 23490
16 Apr 2024   #391
everything from WWI to the end of the Cold War as a single conflict

In a thousand years time, they'll be taught together.


We're moving towards that, and it is a good thing. It does allow for elements of capitalism.
Novichok  4 | 8538
16 Apr 2024   #392
(fluid no borders

When all vessels are connected, the levels are identical no matter how hard anyone tries to make his higher.
Communism at its very worst.
Making one country out of Sweden and Somalia would be the ultimate in insanity. Yet, white Swedish morons brought Somalia to Sweden because white woke pussies can't think.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
18 Apr 2024   #393
Why Israel's failure to strike back at Iran could lead to nuclear war
Poland seems to be focused on Ukraine (the lost war) instead of what's coming next.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
25 Apr 2024   #394
Russia threatens to strike Poland if NATO nukes are deployed there.
Are you sure you want those nukes Poland ?
pawian  226 | 27546
25 Apr 2024   #395
Russia threatens to strike Polan

Yes, we want to check out how Jesus King of Poland protective shield works. There is no other way. Simple.
Korvinus  3 | 610
25 Apr 2024   #396
Are you sure you want those nukes Poland ?

At the beginning of the war, how did you anticipate it would unfold? I assumed that Russia would quickly conquer Ukraine, besiege Kyiv, and despite militarily defeating Ukraine, they would encounter a huge problem establishing a pro-Russian government or achieving full-blown annexation. Dozens of millions of Ukrainians would flee to the west, with Poland and the Baltic states becoming full of extremely long refugee camps. Most of the remaining population would engage in guerrilla warfare at this moment. They would make Russian occupation very costly but wouldn't be able to defeat Russia.

If someone had said that, despite adopting mobilizations, Russia using thermobaric weapons, hypersonic missiles, and only avoiding nukes due to the fear of the end of the NPT, which is not in the interest of other nuclear-armed countries, they would only conquer about 15% of Ukrainian territory even after Ukraine stopped receiving US aid for months, I would call that person crazy optimistic.

And here we are.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
25 Apr 2024   #397

A very good summary.With increased aid, especially from the USA but from other countries too, Ukraine can win this war and avoid WW3..... if Russia wins, they will not stop at the Ukrainian border with Poland but carry on into Poland and that will be WW3.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
22 May 2024   #398
And here we are.

And here we are with the war beginning to show up in Poland now.
Poland has been infiltrated with Russian saboteurs, so the Polish public now has to be vigilant..
Poland has arrested sabotage suspects and warns of potential hostile acts by Russia.
Poland arrests nine operatives accused of working for Putin
Tusk said, as he praised the efficiency of Poland's national security services which brings the number of those under arrest to 12.
jon357  72 | 23490
22 May 2024   #399
Poland has been infiltrated with Russian saboteurs

This is nothing new, sadly. r*SSia is pernicious and expends a lot of resources on things like this.

the Polish public now has to be vigilant

They can decide for themselves how vigilant they want to be and if you'd ever been to Poland, you'd know how suspicious people are. Unfortunately there is a lot of countryside in PL and it is easy to hide.

the efficiency of Poland's national security services

There are a lot of personnel (at least one reading this right now) and they know how to do their job well and have a lot of experience doing it.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
22 May 2024   #400
Ukraine can win this 10 to 15 years maybe. I doubt the USA voters are up for that though.....Terrible thing no one wants to set aside Pride for peace. Given the offensive operations by Ukraine into Russia; Russia is now certainly going to keep a buffer zone. Those pushing for strikes into Russia ignore the ramification of Russophobia. Yes Putin is a bad dude; we all agree. Yes Russia suffers a strange national lust for might and prestige.

They have always featured that self insecurity. But they utterly lack the ability to project that power. Good lawd folks; they are reduced to providing their line troops golf carts, atv's and motorcycles now. They are deeply in the hole on APC/IFV's. Their fleets of trucks are gone mostly. But they are also extremely capable. Did you see their drones using counter battery radar to find and destroy 17 Ukie artillery pieces yesterday? The carnage of the fuel trucks and M1 Abrams they found on the highway to Lipsky? Or the Patriot Radar their ELINT has monitored for weeks; which got Iskander'ed southwest of Sumy yesterday.

They can not be underestimated either. The very rare M1150 assault breacher destroyed by a single shot from a T-72B3 too. All yesterday. Then the Russians finally figured out that Ukie Sea Drones are easy to destroy by Helicopter. Even taking out the silly drone with heat seeking anti-aircraft missiles. It will not be long before the KA-27's with a machine gun rigged on them are replaced by genuine and much deadlier Gunship Helos protecting harbors and bridges. I saw the EU has chunked the idea of restarting production of outrageously expensive Storm Shadow/Scalp, As it appears now with updates even older S-300's are shooting them down.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
22 May 2024   #401
It's one of the weirdest arguments Toro - people should not attack North Nigeria in case it upsets the North Nigerians ?

They started this conflict but don't seem to have the military means to finish it. So time to focus their minds into the need for a withdrawal. That means more strikes on legitimate targets inside their own borders
jon357  72 | 23490
22 May 2024   #402
Yes Russia suffers a strange national lust for might and prestige.

Time to thwart that. They have no right to either.

I doubt the USA voters are up for that

It's what the voters of the countries nearer to r*SSia think that counts. And if American business wants access to those markets to invest in and profit from, they have to respect that. If their voters want to go their own way geopolitically, they will find out very quickly that their corporations, financial markets and private equity companies will have to look elsewhere. Splendid isolation means just that. Withdraw from others and they withdraw access to their markets from you. The value of their investments will go down instead of up.

So time to focus their minds into the need for a withdrawal

Sooner or later they'll have to accept that and it will be a bitter pill for them to swallow.

That means more strikes on legitimate targets inside their own borders

This is so obvious it hardly needs stating but nevertheless has to be stated.
Korvinus  3 | 610
22 May 2024   #403
ignore the ramification of Russophobia

Korvinus  3 | 610
22 May 2024   #404
Remember that the soul of a Russian, if not every Russian, then almost every Russian, is consumed with the spirit of hatred towards every free Pole and the idea of a free Poland.

They are easy and capable of feeling even great friendship and they will love you sincerely and warmly, like a brother, until they feel that in your heart you are a free person and you are afraid of their love, in which the dominant element is the desire to take care of you, in other words : power.

This is a birth defect of their soul, hereditary and centuries-old, for their slavery, for the Tatars, for Ivan, for the oprichniki, for eternal rebellions drowned in blood.

If one's own freedom is unattainable, the freedom of others arouses envy and disgust. For centuries, we have been too painful an example for them, a denial of their own fate. I am afraid that it will take a long time before they understand that no one and nothing, except death, will take away our rights to freedom...

jon357  72 | 23490
22 May 2024   #405
the soul of a Russian

If they have them...
dannytoro1  5 | 102
23 May 2024   #406
@cms neuf

Who was being attacked before 2014 in Donetsk and Donbass? Ukraine at a minimum brought this on itself at least partially.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
23 May 2024   #407
Ukraine at a minimum brought this on itself

Poland is just itching to get involved in the war.
They want to shoot down Russian missiles that are not in Poland's airspace.

Next Russia said that they would strike Britsh territory if any of British made missiles were used inside Russian territory.

I am waiting to see which NATO country is going to drag NATO into war with Russia first.
Hopefully Trump will opt out of NATO and let Europe fight it's own war.
Novichok  4 | 8538
23 May 2024   #408
Poland is just itching to get involved in the war.

...and drag us in the process...
That Katyn thing is looking less bad by the day...

Hopefully Trump will opt out of NATO and let Europe fight it's own war.

You made my day with this sentence. That's how I and millions of Americans feel.

As the barbarian of this forum, I express this sentiment less politely: Euros, GFY!

Who was being attacked before 2014 in Donetsk and Donbass?

Danny...You will be waiting for a very long time for this answer.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
23 May 2024   #409
It's not going to get an answer because it's a stupid question. It's obvious who started this war
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
23 May 2024   #410
Who ? and why ? (in your opinion)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
24 May 2024   #411
Europe has no choice but to tighten their belts as the gravy train is over.
The U.S,A. by far NATO's biggest contributor could go from being its most steadfast member to its most unreliable.
Trump, long critical of the defensive alliance, recently made the unprecedented threat that he would encourage Russia to attack NATO members who weren't spending enough on defense.

Some of these countries refused to come up with 2% which isn't even close to what it is going to take to defeat Russia.
European NATO members better plan on at least 4% and soon.
That will put a crimp on the Europeans family pocketbooks.
I pray so hard that Trump will not allow one drop of American blood be spilled on what is coming to Europe.
This is Europe's war, not America's this time.
The outcome is going to be very interesting to say the least.
The U.S.A. will be busy fighting China and won't have resources to help Europe.
Novichok  4 | 8538
24 May 2024   #412
It's not going to get an answer because it's a stupid question.

To a Polish moron, all questions the moron doesn't want to answer are stupid.
In this sense, they are women with dicks.

Who ? and why ? (in your opinion)

Good luck, JR, with those questions...It's been 14 hours...

European NATO members better plan on at least 4% and soon.

I know what you mean but by asking these parasites to contribute 4% we would look like we are asking them for a favor.

My suggestion is simpler: Hey, Euros, go fvck yourself...No more US blood and money. Go die...
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 May 2024   #413
asking these parasites to contribute 4% we would look like we are asking them for a favor.

They really have no other choice Novi.
Trump already as much gave Russia the green light on invading these milk sopping countries that refuse to pay their 2% that they agreed on.
NATO pulls out these countries that have reengaged on the 2% will have no choice but to pay 4% or learn how to speak Russian

Hey, Euros, go fvck yourself...No more US blood and money.

I agree with you 100% Novi as in sh!t or get off the pot.
Novichok  4 | 8538
26 May 2024   #414
NATO pulls out these countries

Demark is claimed to be the happiest country in the world. It's easy when somebody else protects their Danish asses and the Danish ruling mob collects 60% in taxes but spends only 1.4% of GDP on the military. Quoting:

Denmark has come under pressure from Washington to bring military spending back up to a NATO target of 2% of GDP, from 1.4% last year.

Memo to Washington: Don't bother with the deadbeats. Get out of NATO and Europe. We have a problem at the border...
Alien  25 | 6424
26 May 2024   #415
happiest country in the world.

It's just because of their approach to sex.
Novichok  4 | 8538
26 May 2024   #416
What is their approach?
Alien  25 | 6424
26 May 2024   #417
The most open of all European countries. In short, they do it anytime, anywhere.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 May 2024   #418
In short, they do it anytime, anywhere.

So do dogs and most other animals.
Meanwhile Poland in the southeast get ready for some noise.
I have mentioned here how I live on an Airforce training flight path.
Those NATO jets practicing come over my house at tree top lever just screaming as they have no exhaust systems on them like commercial aircraft.

Very loud and scares people and animals alike with their extremely loud jet engines.
They have been known to stampede cows and horses and run them right through their fences.
Poland's Airforce is ratcheting it up in the southeast so get ready for some serious noise.
Novichok  4 | 8538
26 May 2024   #419
In short, they do it anytime, anywhere.

Are we talking about people or stray dogs?

JR, I see you beat me to it...
Crow  154 | 9548
26 May 2024   #420
How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

Before this crisis is over, Poland will:

* move out of NATO
* move out of EU
* declare neutrality on global military alliances
* show middle finger to the Pope
* enter in local alliance with Hungary and Serbia

If fail to do above mentioned, Poland will cease to exist as a state, when crisis is over.

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