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Poland adds Latin to core curriculum to help pupils understand foundation of Western civilisation

kondzior  11 | 1027
24 Jul 2020   #1
Latin had previously only been available as an extended-level subject for students to study across their four or five years of secondary education and was not part of the core curriculum, reports NaTemat.
Crow  154 | 9260
24 Jul 2020   #2
Why not add learning about Danubian Lepenski Vir and Vinca cultures in order to understand foundation of Western civilization?
OP kondzior  11 | 1027
24 Jul 2020   #3
There is no better way of learning new European languages than by first understanding Latin. I'm pretty sure the systematic removal of Latin from public consciousness is the number one reason why people today are so linguistically retarded compared to some one hundred years ago.
Crow  154 | 9260
24 Jul 2020   #4
People are retarded because of too much exposure to western Europe and because separated from knowladge about its own civilization.
pawian  219 | 24792
24 Jul 2020   #5
There is no better way of learning new European languages than by first understanding Latin.

Yes, Latin vocabulary exists in all European languages including Polish. Knowing it will allow students to get a wider view over many issues.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jul 2020   #6
The problem will be teaching it. I had a truly excellent Latin teacher when doing some post-diploma studies here, but he is one of a kind. If it's badly taught, it will do nothing for Polish children except turn them off even further.
Crow  154 | 9260
26 Jul 2020   #7
Vatican have about 800 residents, with citizenship. Aren`t they rich enough? Don`t they have enough influence in Poland? Why force Polish children to learn Latin? So that Polish children work more for Rome?
kaprys  3 | 2076
26 Jul 2020   #8
Where will they get Latin teachers from?

I remember my Latin classes at university which was learning the basics in the first semester and translating original poems from Latin into Polish in the second semester. ..

And we learnt that song that starts the academic year!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jul 2020   #9
Where will they get Latin teachers from?

Could it be really just a way of getting priests/nuns more hours in schools? Still, it's hard to see where they're going to find qualified teachers of Latin to turn up for a handful of hours a week.

I remember my Latin classes at university

Mine were actually quite good fun, because the guy teaching it knew how to make it interesting. He also understood that most people just wanted to get a pass and go away, so his condition of passing was that you had to attend and take part in the classes/exercises, but then the "final exam" consisted of turning up and having a chat with him about what you'd learnt during it.
kaprys  3 | 2076
26 Jul 2020   #10
Well, they may teach them how to sing Gaudeamus Igitur :)
Crow  154 | 9260
26 Jul 2020   #11
Could it be really just a way of getting priests/nuns more hours in schools

Not just that. It is way too simple for Vatican. Much better to earn money and strengthen influence in a same time what again lead to more money.

Idea is that Poland (tax payers) finance priests/nuns/monks to learn Latin. Then Poland (tax payers) pay them (ie Vatican) to learn Latin to Polish children.

Imagine what life have those 800 residents of Vatican. And they are usually very evil people.
pawian  219 | 24792
26 Jul 2020   #12
The problem will be teaching it.

Yes, I read experts` comments on the idea and indeed, though they acclaim it as a good concept, they are very sceptical about the practical side of it. They say it will remain on paper in fact.
Crow  154 | 9260
26 Jul 2020   #13
And plus what about Poles and other Slavs in Poland who do not trust to Vatican and wouldn`t like their children to learn Latin? I am sure even most Catholic Poles wouldn`t like Latin as something that is must. See, its not just learning some language. Its politics. Its oppression. Its forcing Rome`s influence on those who don`t wish it. Its the matter of entirety of Slavic culture and civilization. And Rome denied right to existence to ancestors of Poles. It even denied existence of independent Poland. Organized genocide on Slavs. If not for Gavrilo, back in that 1914, Rome would still prefer Austria and Germanics. Always prefer them.

Don`t give them more then they didn`t already take from you anyway, Poles. Preserve light in your souls, so you can meet you ancestors when your time comes, with dignity.

Home / News / Poland adds Latin to core curriculum to help pupils understand foundation of Western civilisation

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