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Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

mafketis  38 | 11137
24 May 2018   #211
: What specifically did the Russians do to Poland?

It imposed communism for 45 years mr jagoff
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #212
Are you refering to me with that mr jagoff or yourself?

I asked for the specifics. Like, the Russians raped, executed, tortured, stole your food, used people for their body parts, you know s*** like that. Imposing communism is a catch all phrase which is meaningless. Unless one offers specifics.

In fact, I got free education, free medical care, was never imprisoned for my big mouth, was never forced to join PZPR. I was never homeless or hungry. Politechnika was free (za darmo). What else, my father was free to go to Western Europe to attend conferences, and was never a member of PZPR either.

What I do remember is that money was tight and that leaving Poland going west on a private passport was next to impossible. That's about it.

Almost forgot, in Poland we had two political parties: PZPR and another one I don't remember. And guess what, this is almost funny if it wasn't so sad: in the US, still the best place on earth, we also have two parties, corrupt to the core and faking being an opposition.

Now, instead of calling me names, could you kindly reciprocate and be as specific as I just was.

Just skip the insults. You see, here, in America we learned one thing: the first guy who uses "Hitler" or a profanity loses the argument.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 May 2018   #213
In fact, I got free education, free medical care, was never imprisoned

Sounds pretty sweet, why did you leave? Ohn yeah, because soviet imposed communism sucked @ss, just like anyone who defends it.

refering to me with that mr jagoff

Da tovarish
10iwonka10  - | 359
24 May 2018   #214
@Rich Mazur

and.... there were special shops for police, UB and other apparatchiks with all goods and commoners were treated like cattle fighting for some meat scraps in shops.

If you were not member of PZPR you could not have been promoted ....

It is true about education- it was free and for everyone. It is harder in capitalistic countries.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 May 2018   #215
I again see, you are all crazy
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #216
and.... there were special shops for police,

So? What does that have to do with the Russians? Did they force Polish communists to treat themselves better that others? Did the Russians force Polish communist thugs to open "sklepy za zoltymi firankami?"

All that s*** you are quoting was done by the Poles to other Poles. If the Russians were in charge of every crap, ALL Eastern bloc countries would be basically equally poor and oppressive. They were not. So before you try to hang some more s*** on the Russians, make sure that they were directly responsible or that they made such demands under threats.

I am asking for the last time: what did the RUSSIANS do to the individual Poles after 1946?

They behaved so well in Legnica, most of us didn't even know they were even there.

If you have any information about the Russians raping Polish women or looting Polish stores, please do share it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2018   #217
Interesting, you can read pretty much the same thing word-for-word on the Russian internet. The complete and total denial of Russian wrongoing in Poland is very, very characteristic of the new history being pushed about WW2 and afterwards by the Kremlin.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 May 2018   #218
RUSSIANS do to the individual Poles after 1946?

Oh not much... after 1946 just murdered a few thousand, raped tens of thousands, extorted a few million... you know business as usual under the USSR..

That's funny how you leave out the period of 1942-1945 which is when the worst massacres (Katyn) and rapes (Winter/Spring 1945 offensive) occurred.. At one point nearly 10% of Polish women had STD's passed on by Soviet rapists...

You left in Poland in 66 - right around the time my uncle was making his way back to Poland after being exiled to Smolensk for over a decade..

Ask just about any Polish WW2 survivor and they'll tell you the treatment under the Soviets, especially the years following the war and as they consolidated power was far, far worse than the Nazi occupation.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2018   #219
He's also conveniently left out the actions of the Soviet rulers in imprisoning and torturing Polish patriots after the war.

A nice little article to help him with history:

One of Mr Humer's co-defendants, Roman Laszkiewicz, is a former security policeman who held Soviet citizenship.

Let's not pretend here - until 1956, the Russians were behind the oppression of Poles.

Still, he told us that Katyń isn't a big deal, so it shows him to be what he really is.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 May 2018   #220
special shops

Don't forget the PEWEX's lol...

You know I still have our old families ration cards and PRL passports... I'll take pics of them next time I'm organizing the filing cabinet and post how they look

Still, he told us that Katyń isn't a big deal, so it shows him to be what he really is.

Yeah that really surprised me... I just read that.. I don't know how someone could justify an ethnic cleansing. Even those that are nationalist leaning may not like Zionists in Israel or the Salafis installing radical imams in European mosques, but that doesn't mean they'd ever support murdering them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2018   #221
You know I still have our old families ration cards and PRL passports...

Ooh! I'd love to see any stamps and visas (blur out the personal data!) from the passports - I'm a huge geek for that sort of thing :)

Yeah that really surprised me... I just read that.. I don't know how someone could justify an ethnic cleansing.

You can't, it was a clear war crime and I'd argue that it had the hallmarks of genocide, especially the way that it was a deliberate attempt to destroy the core of the Polish armed forces. For him to try and downplay it is an absolute joke, and proves that he isn't Polish.

Please back on topic
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #222
Still, he told us that Katyń isn't a big deal, so it shows him to be what he really is.

I never said that. I wrote that the Katyn casualties on the world scale is hardly noticable. 20,000 dead?

Civilian lossed in Vietnam: 627,000. In Iraq: about 1.2 million. Try to put 20,000 and 1,827,000 on the same scale and tell me what you see.

That's the only point I was trying to make. Now, who are the bad guys?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 May 2018   #223
well I actually took pics of them now but PF in all its infinite wisdom limits images to 100kb... so basically anything bigger than an avatar can't be uploaded.. if youre that interested in them I can email them to you

I just realized this - on the first page of the PRL passport it's first in Polish, the Russian, then French... so it says first 'Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa' in Polish, then the same in Russian, then in French (republique populaire de pologne).... then the polish logo and 'Paszport' then passport in Russian, and again in French (passeport) ... nothing in English though.. The Russian doesn't surprise me but the French was a bit odd... I'd sooner thought German or English would be used...

The one I found was for our polonez - it's actually a gasoline ration card - karta bezynowa. I know I have another one for food, alcohol and cigs. I find it quite funny that back in the day you could exchange lil paper stamp for vodka and cigarettes.

Another booklet is a ksiazeczka zdrowia dziecka

I wonder if they had problems with counterfeiting. It just seems so easy to reproduce these - even without a computer
Crow  154 | 9463
24 May 2018   #224
Crucial question here is why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland. Isn`t it obvious? Propaganda always goes as preparation of ground for some more open hostile move. Another attempt for partition of Poland? Did you consider this? I did and considering that EU leading powers don`t like Poland and Poles, everything is possible.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
24 May 2018   #225
It was in the end Communist Russian soldiers who murdered 25,000 or so unarmed Poles in 1941!
gregy741  5 | 1226
24 May 2018   #226
It was in the end Communist Russian soldiers who murdered 25,000

is it?from what i remember 2 Georgians and Ukrainian jew sign the for killing itself,it was done by might check this unit ethnic background..quite an interesting read.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #227
Now that Poland is free of the Soviet oppression, their crimes, like rapes and executions of Poles, should be made public and the relevant documents released.

Were they?

I wrote 1946 and forward as a point of reference to specifically exclude the war related activities. Yes, the Russians raped German women when the took Berlin. Did the rapes continue in East Germany under their control later on?

We can include 1942 through 1945 to show how bad the Soviet were. But then we have to include Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. There was no military justification to bomb any of them. Dresden was a purely terroristic act. Personally, my only regret is that we ran out of nukes and I don't feel sorry for the 50,000 Germans fried in Dresden who adored Hitler till his last day. If they changed their minds, it was probably because they lost the war. But a dispassionate observer of history has to keep things in perspective to retain his objectivity.

I saw Katyn. It was terrible but no more than Auschwitz. If Poland can hop into bed with those who gave it Auschwitz and the loses of 17% of the population, Poland should be able to play nice with the Russians. If the Germans today can say that it was not us, it was those bad NAZI's, then the Russian today should be allowed to say that it was not them but rather the bad Soviets, most of them dead by now, who did Katyn and other horrible things.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
25 May 2018   #228
The problem is, that unlike Germany, Russia has not broken with its' old ways and constitutes the biggest threat to Poland right now. It is lead by a man who openly regrets that the SU collapsed. No wonder Poland is suspicious towards Poland.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
25 May 2018   #229
Russia has not broken with its' old ways and constitutes the biggest threat to Poland right now.

"Its old ways" to me means excutions without trials, torture, gulags, millions starved to death, exploiting other countries economically, attempting to subjugate other countries, etc. They don't even have death penalty. Their economy is equal to that of Texas. The life expectancy is under 60. It's a total disaster.

That does not look to me like the old Soviet Union. The aggressor is NATO by expanding to the Baltics and Poland, for example. Imagine Warsaw Pact in Canada and Mexico. The US would do nuts.

Am I missing something?
25 May 2018   #230,Russia-waging-'great-hybrid-war'-against-Poland-report
cms neuf  1 | 1846
25 May 2018   #231
The bad guys are Russia, and despite your guff about free education communism was an unmitigated disaster for the country.

By the 1980s only Romania was poorer than Poland, people had to queue for basic necessities, there was no petrol, it was difficult to feed your kids, no luxuries unless you are Communist Or unless you had relatives in the richer, more compassionate west to able to help you.

People here are understandably very nervous about Russian interventions in Georgia and Ukraine because they do not want to return to those horrible times.

Are you still pretending to be an American or are you now concentrating all your energies on defending Russian criminality?
mafketis  38 | 11137
25 May 2018   #232
I find it quite funny that back in the day you could exchange lil paper stamp for vodka and cigarettes.

Actually, no, you couldn't. The idea was that you had to pay for the money but you couldn't buy more than the rationing system let you. You presented the ration card and paid and the store kept both. No more ration cards and you couldn't buy in state run stores no matter how much money you had, you had to go to the private market which was much more expensive.
25 May 2018   #233
. I wrote that the Katyn casualties on the world scale is hardly noticable. 20,000 dead?

At the same time 1.2 million Poles were deported to Siberia, from the Russian occupied zone and half of them died through starvation and disease.
LDeJongh  - | 30
25 May 2018   #234
To add my observations about anti-Polish propaganda as an expatriate now living in Poland, and visiting here regularly for many years, there are numerous left wing expats that reside in Poland that feel the need to criticise Poland and the Polish people at every opportunity.

This virtue signalling involves running down the country they choose to live in, implying that it is racist, backwards, out of touch with modern reality, should imitate Britain/France/Germany/Belgium/Sweden, is oppressive to women, needs more African/Muslim refugees and imply that it is a country filled with 'religious extremism'.

This is no exaggeration, it's what I read and have encountered.

Why these expats live here rather than return to the US, Canada or the UK and other countries where they come from is beyond me. But it is worth noting that this negative mentality is not absent from foreigners who live in one of the most peaceful, affordable, safe, beautiful countries in the world.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
25 May 2018   #235
@Rich Mazur - "Mine was not a denial. It was a question: What specifically did the Russians do to Poland?"

The list is too long for me to be bothered to post here now but how about the deportation in 1941 of over 1,000,000 Poles from Eastern Poland to Siberian Labour Camps?

Including my father and most of his family.
Crow  154 | 9463
25 May 2018   #236
Rome and Moscow now have good cooperation. That should help. But, it saddens me to see that we Slavs needs outside stimulation to establish better relations within Slavic world.
TheWizard  - | 217
25 May 2018   #237
And so Rome will burn again.
Crow  154 | 9463
25 May 2018   #238
Frankly, I think that Rome giving a try to avoid it.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
25 May 2018   #239
Dunno LDJongh but they might live there because their boss sent them to work there, or because their husband/wife wanted to be near ageing parents, or because they work for their home countrie's govt or because they are on a military posting. I lived in a few countries and it was always driven by personal circumstances rather than meaning I automatically sign up to the ruling classes views on say immigration, closing malls on Sunday, renationalizing business or free media.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 May 2018   #240
Interesting, yet another troll emerges with a stolen identity from someone else.

Home / News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

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