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Abortion still under control in Poland - part 2

Alien  26 | 6565
21 Jun 2024   #31
Do you realize

Yes, all day long I deal with people who sometimes do not understand rational arguments. After some time, I stop arguing, I just nod and do my thing. Well, they had a chance.
OP Novichok  4 | 8785
21 Jun 2024   #32
Stop wiggling, weasel. Which is not true?

What is inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.

Live because it's not dead
Human because it's not a cat
Being is self-evident

Alien  26 | 6565
21 Jun 2024   #33
Last entry on this topic. Just as an egg on a frying pan is not a chicken, a human embryo is not a person. 🥱
OP Novichok  4 | 8785
21 Jun 2024   #34
a human embryo is not a person.

Nobody says it's a "person".

Inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.

Live because it's not dead
Human because it's not a cat
Being is self-evident

Since you didn't object, the above is true.
OP Novichok  4 | 8785
21 Jun 2024   #35
Hey, weasel, maybe this one will be less perplexing...

When does life begin? How many hours from conception? A reminder: A typical pregnancy is 6720 hours.

The answer to the above question is a number so take your chicken analogies and shove them up your weasel ass...
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jun 2024   #36
the above is true.

Yes. So what??? Women need to have their rights and one of them is terminating early pregnancy. Simple. Even if you spent two lives on this forum advocating against abortion, it wouldn`t change anything by iota. It is just the matter of time when Polish women gain all their rights at last. Nobody can stop it.
Ironside  51 | 13124
21 Jun 2024   #37
Women need to have their rights

what rights to kill their child? What about equality then? Shouldn't the father have the same rights? Why do you support sexist laws?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Jun 2024   #38
Just as an egg on a frying pan is not a chicken, a human embryo is not a person.

So now you are comparing an animals life with a humans life ?
A fertilized human embryo is most certainly a human in it's first stage.
OP Novichok  4 | 8785
21 Jun 2024   #39
Abortion is a great subject. It's binary and an easy winner for those who don't like it.

Since starting life is a joint decision, terminating should be, too, where abortions are legal.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Jun 2024   #40
But it is a womans body and a mans wallet.
Torq  10 | 1245
21 Jun 2024   #41
Women need to have their rights and one of them is terminating early pregnancy.

Why not terminating middle pregnancy? Or why not late pregnancy? In some "civilised" countries we do have so-called partial-birth abortions after all.

Come to think of it... if "early pregnancy" is OK, then why not "early childhood"? How do we judge when human life starts? Who has the right to decide such things?

So, maybe (just maybe) we should restrain our killer instincts and don't murder children whether it's "early pregnancy", "middle childhood" or "late adolescence". Just a thought.
OP Novichok  4 | 8785
21 Jun 2024   #42
According to feminazis and other morons, vaginas, in addition to making men very happy, have another magical property.

Vaginas bestow personhood on a blob of meat and bones - aka "fetus".

Just by sliding through it...Amazing...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Jun 2024   #43
we should restrain our killer instincts and don't murder INNOCENTchildren

Excellent post !
I fixed one word in it though.
OP Novichok  4 | 8785
21 Jun 2024   #44
A woman should be allowed to terminate the kid's life after birth. Say...within 30 days.

Just as some car dealers allow to buy cars and return them within X days or Y miles if not completely satisfied.

Novi, that was brilliant and so revolutionary...
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jun 2024   #45
Why do you support

Because women have been trampled on by males for millenia. It is high time they became the lordesses of their own bodies at last.

Shouldn't the father have the same rights?

No. 90% people who don`t pay alimony are males. Women are left alone with babies far too often for males to have a voice in this matter.

Why not terminating middle pregnancy?

If you like it so much, promote it.
Torq  10 | 1245
21 Jun 2024   #46
If you like it so much, promote it.

Read my post again, this time with understanding.
OP Novichok  4 | 8785
21 Jun 2024   #47
Women can do whatever they want to their bodies.

No law forces anyone to assist.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jun 2024   #48
this time with understanding.

I always read with understanding. :):):)

Yes, I know, you used sarcasm.
So did I. Amasing you overlooked it. :):):):)
Ironside  51 | 13124
21 Jun 2024   #49
Because women have been trampled on by males for millenia.

Really, why do you make stuff up and district from your support of sexist laws?

No. 90% people who don`t pay alimony are males.

We are not talking about alimony but about abortion if a woman can kill her child why does the father have not the same right?

Stop trying to gaslight people and answer simple questions, That's if you can. Seems you are not able to.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jun 2024   #50
make stuff up

The millenia long discrimination of women by males is made up to you??? AmaSSing!!!!

district from your support

Can you say it in proper English used by intelligent people???

We are not talking about alimony

Yes, you don`t want to talk about alimony coz you know it is a perfect argument for women to fight for the right to abortion on demand. Ha!!!

answer simple questions,

I am answering all the time. It is your problem you don`t like the answers, not mine. Ha!!!!
Ironside  51 | 13124
21 Jun 2024   #51
The millenia long discrimination of women by males is made up to you?

Is made up of HS. You are parroting it like a good parrot from cultish feminism nonsense.

Can you say it in proper English used by intelligent people???

Distract, you moron, intelligent people would have guessed that meant - distract.

Yes, you don`t want to talk about alimony

No, I don't want to talk about alimony because we are talking about abortion. If we talk about something else it changes the subject and you would like it because that would distract from the fact that you are supporting sexist law and do not care about equality.


I am answering all the time

No, you don't. But that's all right I know you are an intellectual zero. Keep proving it. So everybody can see it for themselves.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jun 2024   #52
Is made up of HS.

HS means Horska Sluzba. Why are you changing the subject???

intelligent people would have guessed that meant - distract.

No, they wouldn`t, my dyslexic friend. Coz you used this distract senselessly anyway. :):):)

No, I don't want to talk about alimony

Of course. Quite prudent of you to discard a major argument for women to have an abortion.

So everybody can see it for themselves.

Yes, everybody can see that I am offering you logical explanations based on facts and history but you reject them all due to your nationalist agenda. Ha!!!

It is your problem, not mine. Ha!!!
Lenka  5 | 3549
21 Jun 2024   #53
why does the father have not the same right?

Because it's not his body that is pregnant
AntV  3 | 670
21 Jun 2024   #54

So, if the woman decides to keep the baby and is no longer in a relationship with the father of child, the father can freely decide not to support child?
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jun 2024   #55
the father can freely decide not to support child?

We were waiting for an alimony evader to take voice. Thank you.
AntV  3 | 670
21 Jun 2024   #56
Alimony is wrong word, child support is what I'm talking about...and you are welcome.
Lenka  5 | 3549
21 Jun 2024   #57
can freely decide not to support child?

No. But once medicine allows embrion transplant he should have say in the abortion. Untill then, no, sorry ( not that most guys are that bothered and I heard more stories of them want9ng the abortion)
AntV  3 | 670
21 Jun 2024   #58
But, if the premise is a man is precluded in having any say in an abortion because it's not his body, then why should he have to support something that is not his body?
Ironside  51 | 13124
21 Jun 2024   #59
Because it's not his body that is pregnant

So if a woman according to you can decide freely what to do with a child in her belly, does it mean that a father doesn't have to take responsibility or pay for that child?



Aha, so a woman can do anything she wants to do with a child of a man she carried but a man can only go with her decisions and he has to pay anyway no matter what?

Thanks for your sexist, self-centered hypocritical view that is only expected from a woman. So, no way we let you murder your child with impunity. Forget about it!


everybody can see

That you have nothing to say, nothing to add abused a few old slogans and phrases you learned by heart coupled with feminist dogmas. In other words, your ideological beliefs have nothing to do with logic consistency, and reality.

What's more, you are unable to come up with an argument of your own to support your views or any creative approach to the issue. It is all flat simple and borrowed like your useless brain.

The only thing you happily debate is me. Pathetic.
OP Novichok  4 | 8785
21 Jun 2024   #60
Thanks for your sexist, self-centered hypocritical

Now the funny part...Women often discuss and expect the guy to be at least six feet tall. When the interviewer asks: How much do you weigh? What??? How dare you???

Even better...What I make is mine. What he makes we split 50-50.

The ultimate ...I need $10,000 a month just for me. I think I am lowballing...

Women are not capable of shame. Just look at what they wear...Chicago hookers are more modest...

I don't mind a nice ass and a pair of tits walking down the street but not in my face...Leave it covered...After 40, they are not as arousing anymore...

Home / News / Abortion still under control in Poland - part 2

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