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PiS politicians` mailboxes hacked. Russian intelligence suspected.

pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jun 2021   #1
I have waited with starting this thread to see how the situation develops. For a week the Russian site Telegram has been publishing classified mails that rightist politicians exchanged through their UNSECURED PRIVATE accounts.

The mails appear on the site with attached documents and professional commentary in Russian which proves the people who are doing it know a lot about current Poland and her rulers. That is why some experts point to Russian services.

Once PiS accused the previous government of running a state which exists only in theory. Now, the accusations can be reversed and we can say PiS is running a carboard state. Especially that some foreign intelligence, e.g, from Israel, warned Poles about the danger of having their accounts hacked. It took place in January but PiS politicians and their services ignored the warnings.

What could we read so far? E.g, that the government was discussing the possibility of sending National Guard to deal with Women`s Strike anti-abortion demonstratiions. Can you imagine it? The military against young women?

The case is in a developing stage and new, even more shocking mails, are expected to be revealed.
Paulina  19 | 4558
17 Jun 2021   #2
Can you imagine it?

Yes, I can, I even kind of wrote about it in your thread about Territorials :P
Ironside  51 | 13109
19 Jun 2021   #3
of sending National Guard to deal with Women`s Strike anti-

Yep, fake news if I ever seen one, well if you want to believe it you go ahead and believe - you are a low class morons so I'm won't surprised by the level of stupidity.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
19 Jun 2021   #4
JK actually commented publicly on this yesterday and not only admitted it happened but pointed at Russia.
Ironside  51 | 13109
19 Jun 2021   #5
JK actually commented publicly

Please pay attention. I'm not saying that mailbox of that or other person wasn't hacked. I'am Talking about specific info included in quote in my post.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
19 Jun 2021   #6
There is no info in your post. Just your statements.
mafketis  38 | 11274
19 Jun 2021   #7
The lede of course is that PiS officials either don't understand or don't care about cyber security and were using unsecured private accounts to discuss state business - a shocking display of incompetence (shades of Hillary Clinton....)

Hołownia suggested it's because of the paranoia found in the party - they don't trust each other and so they wanted as much as possible to be off the record and not on government servers....

Another triumph of incompetence.
Ironside  51 | 13109
19 Jun 2021   #8
There is no info in your post. Just your statements.

Stop being an ass. What you just said pertain to your own input on PF.
I'm talking about so called 'plans' to use Polish National Guard to shoot some obscure left activist. IT is clearly pulled from somebody's dirty anus. A fake news stupid people thrive on..

Another triumph of incompetence.

yep they are that but still better than sellouts from PO or soviets' or crazy left fringe. Only narodowcy..
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jun 2021   #9
Hołownia suggested it's because of the paranoia found in the party

That paranoia is called either Bareja or Mrożek. Both dealt with absurd humour

Stop being an ass

Cut down on this fascist aggression of yours, please.

A fake news stupid people thrive on..

Of course not. The leak has proven the ministers discussed such possibility.

Only narodowcy..

who will introduce the fascist regime? No, thanks, people still remember Nazi rule during WW2 or communist dictatorship after it. We don`t need the repetition of history. You can propose such a regime to the government of the country where you live as an expat. Ha!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Sep 2021   #10
A lot of mails have been published so far but the latest ones are exceptionally revealing. They prove that the head of Constitutional Tribunal, Mrs Przyłębska, cooperates closely with PiS despite her strong claims of being independent.

Btw, let me remind you that Mrs Przyłębska belonged to communist youth organisation, her father was a communist party member till its collapse and her current husband worked for communist secret police as an informer. She was nominated to her current position by PiS leader Kaczyński who knew about her past yet he didn`t mind.

Funny. Many people think that PiS is against communism and its stooges. Of course it is not true. PiS likes former communists on condition they vow utter loyalty to their new masters.
mafketis  38 | 11274
18 Sep 2021   #11
PiS likes former communists on condition they vow utter loyalty

Former party members have a track record of loyalty to party over anything else, of course PiS wants any they can claim...
amiga500  5 | 1544
20 Sep 2021   #12
mafketis and pawain boosting russian intelligence efforts to undermine poland. what a surprise.. we will have to deal with these traitors eventually.
mafketis  38 | 11274
20 Sep 2021   #13
what is the legal basis of this or do you hope to overturn the legal system and simply have mob rule?
amiga500  5 | 1544
20 Sep 2021   #14
why not? like with south africa and scandalous deals Mandela made in maintaining capitalism/status quo instead of staying true to ANC socialist ideals, a reckoning is needed in Poland. The czechs did it a lot better and it could have done a lot better.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Sep 2021   #15
that the government was discussing the possibility of sending National Guard to deal with Women`s Strike anti-abortion demonstratiions.

So what's the problem? The government regularly uses force to prevent demonstrations from getting too rowdy.

Can you imagine it?

If we let the feminists do as they please pretty soon we'll have streets named after nigerian prostitutes, like in Brussels....

You can't make this stuff up.... I guess a dead hooker from nigeria was a far better choice to name a street after than the hundreds of Belgian heroes - but of course that'd be "white supremacy" naming a Belgian street after a famous Belgian...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Sep 2021   #16
efforts to undermine poland

No, darling, not Poland, but PiS` government. Yes, I admit - I am striving hard to undermine those rightist bandits - it is my second favourite hobby after gardening. hahaha

we will have to deal with these traitors eventually.

You are too few neobolsheviks to deal with all patriots of Poland. :):)
Ironside  51 | 13109
21 Sep 2021   #17
who will introduce the fascist regime?

You and your soviet friends in the name of progress and EU values.

not Poland, but PiS` government

Such a distinction exists only in the deranged mind of the dumb rabble. In reality, it is against Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Sep 2021   #18
In reality, it is against Poland.

Only in your rabid fascist mind, darling. And amiga`s neobolshevik too. :):)
amiga500  5 | 1544
21 Sep 2021   #19
Yes, I admit - I am striving hard to undermine those rightist bandits -

By that reasoning you would work with anyone, including Putin and Lukashenko to bring down the PiS polish government. Oh wait you are a soviet traitor after all
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Sep 2021   #20
Putin and Lukashenko

They are your favourite buddies - the same neobolshevik orientation.
Novichok  4 | 8732
21 Sep 2021   #21
Hey, pawian, please explain to me how you became a Soviet traitor. I could accuse you of many things but not of being a traitor for a country that no longer exists.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Sep 2021   #22
please explain to me how you became

They don`t know what they write - to them, anybody who disagrees with their fascist or neobolshevik views on Poland is a traitor. Funny coz I consider them traitors to the Polish cause, too. They want Poland to drop the EU and Western style democracy and return to the dictatorship under the Kremlin patronage again. )
Novichok  4 | 8732
22 Sep 2021   #23
They don`t know what they write -

Give me the list. The worst first...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Sep 2021   #24
What list?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Sep 2021   #26
You are asking questions like sb who has just suffered amnesia. Have you ???

Let me help you:
Where did you get this idea of a traitor from?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Oct 2021   #27
One of latest curiosities from the PiS hacked mailbox - it surfaced that the mailbox owner put an old Nazi SS maxim in use: your honour is called loyalty' when he was verifying if some PiS members qualified for becoming ministers. He rejected the ones who weren`t loyal to PiS enough.

It would be funny if it wasn`t scary. Neobolsheviks from PiS resort to Nazi methods. Ribbentrop Molotov Pact reanimated in one single party.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jan 2022   #28
The latest leaks concern teachers` strike of 2019 among others. It turns out that PiS politicians requested PiS controlled media to run a hate campaign against teachers , especially on TV. Also, they were discussing what leverage they had on Mr Broniarz, the teachers` union chairman.

Neobolshevik PiS are using KGB methods. Tfu, svoloche.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jul 2022   #29
Another big one hit the fan last week.

Michał Dworczyk, the Head of the Prime Minister`s Chancellery, discussed the forthcoming decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal with its president - Julia Przyłębska. It is an amaSSing scandal which proves that the Tribunal isn`t an independent body. Przyłębska broke the law for which she will be held responsible in the future.

A politician visiting the Constitutional Tribunal? This is absolutely unacceptable practice, but recent years have shown that it is becoming increasingly common,' Wojciech Hermeliński, retired judge of the Constitutional Tribunal and former head of the State Electoral Committee tells Onet.
gumishu  15 | 6228
14 Jul 2022   #30
Tribunal isn`t an independent body.

it is fully independent - the president just chooses to cooperate with the government - what's not to understand here - if you don't know that such things happened in the past reach for the case of retirement funds case that was very favourable to the then PO government

Home / News / PiS politicians` mailboxes hacked. Russian intelligence suspected.

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