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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #241
And the resistance with which 'center' and leftist Germans are opposed to deporting anyone's mindboggling, isn't it!

The Greens yesterday cried actually about the results but STILL denied that immigration was the main reason for the rise of the AfD (and their own downfall).

That is more than stubbornness or stupidity....that is ideology: "Things that are not allowed are not possible"!
mafketis  38 | 11284
2 Sep 2024   #242
STILL denied that immigration was the main reason for the rise of the AfD

Note this (via Andrew Hammel)

Everybody's happy that an afghan criminal is being deported except for a young woman working for a refugee rights group who's almost crying at the thought of a convicted rapist being deported....

There's no arguing with or convincing someone like that... you just have to ignore them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #243
except for a young woman working for a refugee rights group who's almost crying at the thought of a convicted rapist being deported


And these guys/gals sit in our government!!!! (Hard to ignore)'s mindboggling....even as I repeat myself here!
OP Alien  26 | 6565
2 Sep 2024   #244

Nobody will want to change the constitution. Maybe apart from the AfD.
amiga500  5 | 1547
2 Sep 2024   #245
On the plus side to AFD winning, they might deport shifty economic migrants like Alien back to where he came from.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
2 Sep 2024   #246
No German in their right mind could still have a taste for Nazism, Rich etc al!
mafketis  38 | 11284
2 Sep 2024   #247
AfD aren't nazis.... the single issue that makes them popular is Germany's dysfunctional and broken migration system.

Wanting to deport illegal alien criminals does not make them nazis....

I don't like them because of their russian ties but their popularity is entirely due to mainstream parties being out of touch with the population.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
2 Sep 2024   #248

AfD aren't nazi

Pretty much most of their leading politicians are known to either advocate for similar policies and/or downplay Nazi Germany and its' crimes.

If someone votes for a fascist like Höcke in Thuringia (as in, a court ruled that calling him a fascist is not a defamation because his actions and rhetoric support such a description) he can not claim to be a "concerned" citizen or something else. Especially now when there is another protest party with BSW. Which is also problematic in its' own ways, but they are at least not tying their anti-refugee policies with attempts to downplay Nazi Germany.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #249
....hmm.....that would make at least 30% Nazis in Saxony and Thuringia!

I always had my problems with this kind of "voter insulting"....the only party saying "THANK YOU" for that is the AfD! The same counts for these stupid "Kampf gegen Rechts" - wonder why the numbers for the AfD are always rising if potential voters are insulted and "fighted" against instead of wooed....but hey, they will know what they are doing, right? Riiiiiight!
Ironside  51 | 13124
2 Sep 2024   #250
That would make at least 30% Nazis in Saxony and Thuringia!

I'm sure some German pawian would post it here as a fact.
Should I play Polish BB? Oh really, but why do you have so many Nazis?
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2024   #251
but why do you have so many Nazis?

Poland has its own nationalists and the support for them is rising. Don`t call the pot black coz you are blacker.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #252
I'm sure some German pawian would post it here as a fact.

That would be very stupid and only explain the dramatic losses....not helping the losers one bit...not now and especially not for the future elections!
Ironside  51 | 13124
2 Sep 2024   #253
That would be very stupid

Indeed, now you get my drift.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
2 Sep 2024   #254
@Bratwurst Boy

I always had my problems with this kind of "voter insulting

That argument may have held some weight 10 or 5 years, when there were still doubts about the direction the AfD was heading towards and people could still feign ignorance about the nature of their politicians.

But at some point you need to call a kettle a kettle. There are plenty of information on Höcke out there. One can watch his videos, speeches and learn about his rhetoric and aims. If someone still votes for him in the full knowledge of what he is doing, he can not complain about being "insulted".

..that would make at least 30% Nazis in Saxony and Thuringia!

I am sure it is less than that if we talk about about people who are 100% on board with everything the AfD wants to do.

If we look at studies about the voters of the NSDAP, then we see that amongst their voters in 1932/1933, many of them may not have 100% on board with all of Hitlers' promised policies. They may not have agreed with murdering jews or starting another war. Yet they voted for him neverthess and helped him to power and in a position where he could implement those policies. That is a historical responsibility they had to live with. And it is something AfD voters may want to think about.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #255
That argument may have held some weight 10 or 5 years, when there were still doubts about the direction the AfD was heading

Remember the time of the foundation of just an "eurosceptic" party? I only remember mocking and/or insults! Nothing else...I never remember one time when the AfD was taken seriously....they had always been the "nuts" or the "natzies"!

But at some point you need to call a kettle a kettle.

The only problem I see here is that when Spiegel or ZON or Maischberger or whoever call a kettle a kettle it only gains the AfD new sympathisants! So bad has the standing of our elites, our mainstream media become!

So....the louder and shriller they "call the kettle" the more potential voter Höcke gets....what now?
mafketis  38 | 11284
2 Sep 2024   #256
whoever call a kettle a kettle it only gains the AfD new sympathisants!

Yes. Calling the AfD Nazis is understood by many as 'well.... I guess maybe the Nazis weren't so bad....' Not a smart strategy.

Change Germany's horrible dysfunctional migration policy (including rapid deportation of criminals and immediate deportation of those turned down for asylum who re-enter the country).

How such policies could be controversial is.... mind-boggling...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #257
The CDU seems to listen at last.....there is hope!
Tacitus  2 | 1274
2 Sep 2024   #258
@Bratwurst Boy

Remember the time of the foundation of just an "eurosceptic" party?

And because people may or may not have been too harsh on Lucke back then we should now be lenient on Höcke? If someone votes for Höcke, he is not a victim of circumstances or the mean media.

The CDU seems to listen at last

But due to the AfD the CDU is unlikely to get a majority to make significant changes. They'll be forced to form a coalition with the Green party or the SPD and we can all imagine how those will water down any reform of our amigration/asylum system.


including rapid deportation of criminals and immediate deportation of those turned down for asylum who re-enter the country

Sounds all nice and well in theory, but is often very difficult in practice. Countries often do not take their citizen backs, or even refuse to confirm their identity. Some countries are not considered safe for return which brings up legal hurdles for deportation.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #259
And because people may or may not have been too harsh on Lucke back then we should now be lenient on Höcke?

Frankly in our medial society where "Kampf gegen Rechts" is a viable slogan for mainstream parties and media everybody and his grandmom who is not directly left becomes right, meaning right extrem, meaning "wrong" !

That has become a problem with Merkel moving the CDU to the left and needs to change!

Just keeping on calling everybody not left "right extremist" blurres the line to the real Nazis and frankly people have stopped to care! At least I didn't get the impression the voters in Saxony and Thuringia felt influenced from the Nazi-insult (besides a "jetzt erst recht").
Tacitus  2 | 1274
2 Sep 2024   #260
For one I am a centrist (center-right) so I am not inclined to call everyone right to the left "Nazi".

How would you call Höcke?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #261
How would you call Höcke?

Good question....surely not a Nazi! But otherwise I don't know him at all....
mafketis  38 | 11284
2 Sep 2024   #262
Some countries are not considered safe for return which brings up legal hurdles for deportation.

Keep them in protective custody then. Germany does not owe them anything more.

One good solution: Make all announcements regarding asylum in person. If the person is rejected then they go into custody awaiting deportation.

You'd be amazed at how many will do what they can to return to their 'unsafe' countries in those conditions.

At present people are notified by mail and simply go underground so they can't be found if the decision doesn't go their way, like Herr Stabbby von Stabstab in Solingen.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
2 Sep 2024   #263
@Bratwurst Boy

surely not a Nazi

Then I suggest you read up him. Because once you do, you may change your mind about this.


Keep them in protective custody then. Germany does not owe them anything more.

So they basically have the choice between indefinite incarceration without trial or returning to a country where there life is in danger. Every decent lawyer would win this case in 5 minutes in front of the Supreme Court.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Sep 2024   #264
Then I suggest you read up him.

Do you have a link where he officially said: "I like Adolf Hitler and want the Third Reich back!" ?
mafketis  38 | 11284
2 Sep 2024   #265
where there life is in danger.

I'm talking about cases where it has been determined their life isn't in danger (and especially if they've committed crimes like rape in Germany).

Which is more important to you.... the 'human rights' of a rapist? The right of German girls and women to not be raped by pseudo-refugees?

Do you want a solution or not?

No solution will be acceptable to those who don't want a solution. What's your plan?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #266
@BB, @Tacitus

I have a good solution for Germany, guys:

1. Elect AfD to rule your country,
2. deport all the immigrants (including Alien),
3. in next elections elect mainstream party and say that you are good cuddly fluffy Germans again,
and that electing AfD was a mistake bound to happen in democracy every now and then,
4. say that you don't accept any immigrants because it might bring AfD to power back again.

Don't thank me.
Novichok  4 | 8788
2 Sep 2024   #267
Don't thank me.

I will.

Thank you, GK. You are a genius but you forgot one more item:

5. Shoot new migrants on the spot.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
2 Sep 2024   #268
@Bratwurst Boy

Do you have a link where he officially said

There are plenty of articles and videos about Höcke's ideology out there if you are interested.


the 'human rights' of a rapist?

Human rights are called human rights because they apply to all humans. Innocents, rapists and murderers included.

Solutions that respect our laws and values take time.


Elect AfD to rule your country

Did that once in our history, and Germany has never fully recovered from this.

Even if I believed that the AfD could be trusted with power and knew how to solve this issue and could actually pull it off (none of which could be said with sincerety) there other policy issues are simply too damaging for Germany to make it worth it.
Novichok  4 | 8788
2 Sep 2024   #269
there other policy issues are simply too damaging for Germany

...and will remain unnamed.

What a weasel...
OP Alien  26 | 6565
2 Sep 2024   #270
there other policy issues are simply too damaging for Germany to make it worth it.

If the AfD came to power, they would be the first to abolish democracy and free elections.

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