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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

Novichok  5 | 7883
20 Jun 2024 #211
Nobody likes MAGA, except for MAGA themselves. Why are you surprised?

Why do conservative speakers need armed protection? Come again?

BTW, I agree with you about MAGA...Make America Great Again...what a disgusting thing to say...

How about: Make America All Leftist...Or Make America All Faggot...Which one is more appealing to you?
TheOther  6 | 3617
20 Jun 2024 #212
Make America Great Again...what a disgusting thing to say...

Not at all, because there's a lot of work to do here. What irritates me is that ReTrumplicans still use this slogan. Four years were not enough? Two years holding WH, House and Senate didn't offer enough opportunities? "Make America great again" has deteriorated into a criminal's call for money. How pathetic.
Ironside  50 | 12415
21 Jun 2024 #213
What an intelligent riposte!

Is it? I would think it is an obvious response given the fact you are projecting YOUR feelings there.
Is someone typing for you, can you even read and write?

Try to convince me that you are not a psycho...

Why? Do you need to like me know me and trust me before you can be able to make a coherent argument? Start making sense, stop spewing slogans, and stop being snarky because only intelligent people with good communication skills or with out-of-the-box creative thinking abilities can get away with it. Your flat snarkiness comes across as the toxic venom of a dullard who doesn't know better. in other words, it comes out flat and forced.
Novichok  5 | 7883
21 Jun 2024 #214
What irritates me is that ReTrumplicans still use this slogan

Get US citizenship first before you tell me what irritates you.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
21 Jun 2024 #215
Rich, we criticize foreign governments on a regular basis. Why shouldn't
foreigners aka non-US citizens feel as free to criticize us? That's a double standard.
Novichok  5 | 7883
21 Jun 2024 #216
That's a double standard.

Because I don't like it.

Memo to foreigners: Stay the fvck away from the US and PF US thread.
Lyzko  42 | 9525
21 Jun 2024 #217
Then I suppose you're referring to yourself with that last sentence, right?
You came from Poland, oh' sorry, that's right. I almost forgot. Only brown-skinned
"foreigners" should stay away, even if the original inhabitants of North America
were reddish or brown-skinned.

You don't like the double standard, Rich, or merely the fact that I called you on it?
Don't answer right away though. Think about your answer before making the usual ass
of yourself. LOL
TheOther  6 | 3617
21 Jun 2024 #218
Get US citizenship first before you tell me what irritates you.

I am a citizen and you irritate me.

Lots of yada yada

Ironside  50 | 12415
21 Jun 2024 #219

Is that a confession? Being both a moron and a psycho is notthing to be proud of.
Novichok  5 | 7883
21 Jun 2024 #220
I am a citizen

You are lying.
TheOther  6 | 3617
21 Jun 2024 #221
Is that a confession?

Psycho says what?

You are lying.

Believe what you want, clown.
Ironside  50 | 12415
21 Jun 2024 #222
Psycho says what?

Is that all you got, sad?


tsk tsk, are you unable to control your emotions? Maybe the PF is not good for your health?
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
21 Jun 2024 #223
Memo to foreigners: Stay the fvck away from the US and PF US thread.

But you are a foreigner!Albeit with American citizenship!

Then I suppose you're referring to yourself with that last sentence, right?

I rarely agree with you Lyzko but you have a good point here.

You came from Poland, oh' sorry, that's right. I almost forgot. Only brown-skinned "foreigners" should stay away, even if the original inhabitants of North America were reddish or brown-skinned.

And that is Rich's problem in a nutshell!
He sees himself as American, when he clearly isn't and the native Americans are the true Americans, not European invaders, like you Lyzko.... yeah, you are one of them too!

Give America back to the native Americans!

All people of European descent go home!
Novichok  5 | 7883
21 Jun 2024 #224
But you are a foreigner!Albeit with American citizenship!


Give America back to the native Americans!

Native Americans were frogs and cockroaches. Then came monkeys and Neanderthals...Now what?

BTW, Lyzko is not capable of making a point. If he succeeded this time, what is that point?
TheOther  6 | 3617
21 Jun 2024 #225
Is that all you got

Just for you, my little psycho...

Maybe the PF is not good for your health?

Stop drinking, Ironside. You had that problem before and it didn't end well.
Novichok  5 | 7883
22 Jun 2024 #226
Believe what you want, clown.

I don't believe it. I claim that you are a leftist liar.
TheOther  6 | 3617
22 Jun 2024 #227
Good for you. Thumbs up!
Lyzko  42 | 9525
22 Jun 2024 #228
Thanks, Milo! Appreciate all the hard won kudos I can get there, mate:-)
OP Alien  22 | 5456
29 Aug 2024 #229
And again elections, this time in Saxony and Thuringia. In both states the AfD could win, unfortunately.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
29 Aug 2024 #230
....but honestly, the current gov has only itself to blame!

The longer they do nothing regarding foreigner violence and murders on Germans the higher the numbers for the AfD will rise, it's not rocket science.
OP Alien  22 | 5456
29 Aug 2024 #231
, the current gov has only itself to blame

There remains the CDU as a real alternative.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
29 Aug 2024 #232
Merkel was CDU, remember? She started that craziness...

PS: It's not only Sachsen and Thü Brandenburg are elections too later in September, here the AfD leads too:
OP Alien  22 | 5456
29 Aug 2024 #233
here the AfD leads too:

A disaster, because it is not even known whether normal parties, even in a coalition, will have a majority enabling them to govern?
mafketis  38 | 10816
29 Aug 2024 #234
because it is not even known whether normal parties

Define 'normal'.... AfD (as much as I despise them) is the _only_ mainstream political party that agrees with a large majority of the population on an important issue.

Germany should follow Denmark's lead. A mainstream traditional party modified their platform to conform with majority opinion of Danes and the 'extreme' right party disappeared.

What's stopping them apart from cowardice and fecklessness?
OP Alien  22 | 5456
29 Aug 2024 #235
mainstream traditional party modified their platform to conform with majority

That's exactly what they're doing, or at least trying to do.
OP Alien  22 | 5456
1 Sep 2024 #236
There are no final election results in Saxony and Thuringia yet, but there is a chance that the AfD will only remain in opposition and will not govern in either of these states. God, keep us in your care.
pawian  220 | 24842
1 Sep 2024 #237
Merkel was CDU, remember? She started that craziness.

Was she the sole decision maker??? No, in a big coalition with SPD.
OP Alien  22 | 5456
2 Sep 2024 #238
In Görlitz 40% voted for the AfD and in Leipzig 12.5%.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
2 Sep 2024 #239
It looks like "Sperrminority" in both (Saxony AND Thuringia) for the AfD....they got it sweet now. No responsibility in a government (if nobody wants to build a coalition with them) but still lotsa blocking power out from the opposition benches....nothing important can be ruled now against Höcke's wishes!
mafketis  38 | 10816
2 Sep 2024 #240
the AfD....they got it sweet now.

German political impotence strikes again!

And the resistance with which 'center' and leftist Germans are opposed to deporting anyone (including criminals with multiple offenses) means AfD will simply grow....

Which sucks because they're funded and controlled by moscow....

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