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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
13 Jun 2024   #151
your politicians think that what is good for Germany is Good for Europe and that is not always the case. It doesn't consider the interests of other countries. Here lies a problem.

Novichok  4 | 8787
13 Jun 2024   #152
There are a couple dozen or so words of Yiddish that have entered daily US English

"I will double your money" and "You can trust me".
OP Alien  26 | 6565
14 Jun 2024   #153

I know that
Lyzko  44 | 9731
14 Jun 2024   #154
@TheOther, Southern German IS "High German" at least, Oberdeutsch/Upper German,
even if not High German Standard, that's true. Yiddish clearly derives though from the latter,
not from Low German.

Again Swabian for example has a number of Yiddish loan words used in daily
parlance such as "epis" for "etwas", just as in Yiddish.

"Willscht no' epis drinka?" = Moechtest du noch etwas zu trinken?
TheOther  6 | 3596
15 Jun 2024   #155
Hochdeutsch is certainly not Bavarian, Lyzko.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
15 Jun 2024   #156
Of course, we both know that. However, even if tangential to the current discussion,
what we speak today as High German developed in erstwhile "teutschen Landen" from
South to North rather than the other way round. The model, if you wish, for modern standard
German was Obersaechsisch or Upper Saxon from the Saxon Court in the late 17th, early 18th century, also referred jokingly to as "Kaffeesaechsisch"
That's all I was trying to say:-)

Returning to the thread topic, Saxony, like Thuringia, remains among the most politically reactionary
regions of the Federal Republic!
Ironside  51 | 13124
15 Jun 2024   #157

For whom? Not for Poland.

Of course,

really? Why don't you go and show off on some German forum about how little you know about Germany you can even start competitions.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Jun 2024   #158
For whom? Not for Poland. conclusion of yours....would "agreeable" have been a better choice of words?

I can't help it but it surely seems that this "Europa über alles" has been a kind of a sham....but delivered for Germans for decades....
Ironside  51 | 13124
15 Jun 2024   #159
delivered for Germans for decades...
@ Bratwurst Boy

Indeed and that is the crux of the matter we arguing about for a long time on PF. I don't deny that this is the case and that wouldn't be a problem, the problem is that Germany rigged the system in their favor and then rigged some more and then adjusted even more when it seemed less advantageous to Germany.

It is hardly fair and you can't expect you can (as in Germany) put this stunt for even. Yet seems there is no ounce of willingness for a compromise.

In such circumstances, you can hardly expect Poland to say that kind of the EU is rigged forever and set to be rigged in perpetuity in favor of one country.

As I said a level playing field and opportunity for everyone to shine is a good recipe for prosperity. The EU is anything but...and it is turning into some leftie BS with a German twist.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Jun 2024   #160
and it is turning into some leftie BS with a German twist.

.....I would say the contrary is happening! Did you follow the last european elections?

The nationalist parties gained nearly everywhere, also in Germany!

In Germany the AfD would be your party, but I don't know how a nationalist german party would make things better for Poland in the EU?

And also....the EU is not a Germany-only game but with many blame it all on Germany alone leaves everybody else in a sweet, flawless spot, doesn't it!
Novichok  4 | 8787
15 Jun 2024   #161
The nationalist parties gained nearly everywhere, also in Germany!

A guy with terminal Stage 4 lung cancer walks into the ER and says: me...cough...cough...

Dr Novi: Were you fvcking deaf when I was telling you to stop smoking, you dumb piece of woke white crap???

Instead, you listened to the Other, Lyzko, Atch, and Barney...FU!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Jun 2024   #162
Were you fvcking deaf when I was telling you.....

.....probably feeling no symptoms?

Leftism/Wokism is only something if all runs well....if people feel good, or at least not threatened by this crisis or's only human!

People are learning that in a crisis, when they need to pull together, it's back to the common roots....


Novichok  4 | 8787
15 Jun 2024   #163
People are learning that in a crisis,

Some things are so self-evident that "I didn't know" is no longer a credible defense.

The evil of unfiltered immigration is in that category.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Jun 2024   #164
Some things are so self-evident that "I didn't know"'s rather a "I don't care!"

And why should they if all is perceived running well? Most people are not naturally interested in politics, only want to be left alone, living their lives....

The evil of unfiltered immigration is in that category.

Thing is it didn't start that has been building up over many years...the turning point, where it becomes to much/to many, is different for many people.
Ironside  51 | 13124
15 Jun 2024   #166
I would say the contrary is happening!

Not really, so far it is a weak reaction to all the nonsense and Left craziness accumulated by the EU. It won't change much, maybe in the future but for now still, the same woke elite hold onto power with their zombie grip.


I don't know how a nationalist German party would make things better for Poland in the EU.

I don't know either, maybe they would revert the EU to the economic cooperation sphere with a level playing field.

The EU is not a Germany-only game but with many players.

Still, the main players were Germany and France and for the last 20 years, it was Germany I would say thanks to new markets in new EU members - mainly Poland.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Jun 2024   #167
Not really, so far it is a weak reaction

Not for has been a shock for the establishment!

Far right parties have never made it in the two-digit zone before was something german-specific, due our Nazi-past.

It won't change much, maybe in the future but for now still,

Yeah well...what do you expect? A revolution? A Putsch? It's the slow, sure way of democracy...fighting every election for the certain percents more which will give you power....

Not to mention Macron, who might see it differently, otherwise he wouldn't had called for new elections, risking his far right adversaries taking over Paris, very soon!

it was Germany I would say thanks to new markets in new EU members - mainly Poland.

Okay Iron, what are your ideas?

You have a country, or two, which made the EU working for have a country (you) which is kind of pissed and jealeous, because they feel left out. You had even a party ruling for a long time who embodied that feeling (PiS)....seemingly though even with all their political power and influence they couldn't change it for the better for Poland.

It's probably not working to demand from the members who use the EU for their advantages to give that up freely...

So, what would you do? How would a Poland look like which you would agree with....what exactly would need to be changed? Just blaming Germany all the time is not getting you anywhere!
Ironside  51 | 13124
15 Jun 2024   #168
what do you expect?

I don't think I expected anything. I rather look at the Tusk government and think that they will be doing what they are doing for a few more years unless there is a way to kick them out. The EU political situation makes it more difficult.


which made the EU work for them

How about making it so that it would work for everybody, for every country in the EU?

pissed and jealeous,

Every country deserves to develop and prosper, there is nothing wrong with it. What is wrong is using sinister tricks to stop them from it just so you keep going with your easy little money without effort.

Ideas? I told you meant times.
The EU should be about economics, There should be a level playing field without barriers inside EU borders. Let go of all those Brussels pen-pushers and corrupted lobbying machines.

Just countries representatives - very few of them would work on details and procedures and way to achieve it, they could move that new place to Germany, closer to other new EU states, and as Germany would remain for now an industrial center that would make sense,

I hope it is clear enough. A free competition without EU borders and protection from outside. ( not like now that German companies are making money in Poland by billions and are everywhere and if some Polish company makes it in Germany it would last long due to sinister action by German rulers.)

Also, no ideological policies to be forced on everyone, and no centralization, there is no need for an EU central government, Bank, or anything else of that kind.

If the economic union works in time there will be a possible drive to establish some kind of central body but not now and not in this manner and not this way. That is a travesty.

If not I would say that the only option would be Polexit.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
16 Jun 2024   #169
If not I would say that the only option would be Polexit.

Many agreeable things you said....and I said before many, many Europeans see it the same way.

But a Polexit would not change anything, nor would a the Brexit has proven!

The EU is not an alien thing forced on us by some monarch or dictator, it is made up by it's member states. Even the far right speaks no longer of "...exits" but tries to win elections at home and builds support groups in Brussels to change the things from the inside....hence the importance of such things like the last european elections.


Voting system
How does the Council vote?

Depending on the issue under discussion, the Council of the EU takes its decisions by:

simple majority (14 member states vote in favour)
qualified majority (55% of member states, representing at least 65% of the EU population, vote in favour)
unanimous vote (all votes are in favour)


Every member state has the same vote, it Germany or be it Poland!

Poland could become a big player, if it tries and works for his interests from the ground up for supporters, networking and such....things are already changing, maybe slowly but surely!

I never knew what the PiS was doing in Brussels...they had years to move things there...did they actually achieve something at all? Do you have more infos on that?
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Jun 2024   #170
The EU should be about economics, There should be a level playing field without barriers inside EU borders.

How can there be a level playing field when there are only a few net payers in the union who finance the competition by supporting the economies of net recipients? If you want a true level playing field, every country would need to fight for itself. But then we are back to pre-WW2 times, and we all know how that ended. The union was founded for a reason; it's not all about economics.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
16 Jun 2024   #171
The union was founded for a reason; it's not all about economics.

The most important reason was maintaining peace in Europe, and only then economic reasons, such as the abolition of customs barriers or the introduction of a common currency.
Ironside  51 | 13124
16 Jun 2024   #172
How can there be a level playing field when there are only a few net payers i

So how come the USA exists?

to change the things from the inside

What do you mean? If reasonable demands are not met then the only way is to say either you yield or we are out.
Negotiations, one vote, elections you sound rather nice, naive, or maybe cunning because it seems the current system is working for Germany. That system is rigged and that system needs to be fired and changed. Simple.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
16 Jun 2024   #173
If reasonable demands are not met then the only way is to say either you yield or we are out.

You mean "my way or the highway"?

Super powers can maybe act like this....not middle sized countries. We need to work for for alliances....make compromises..... For us it's more like "if you scratch my back i'll scratch yours".

For that the EU is the best place available....all together, constant meetings....every country has the same vote. Without the EU nobody would even ask for your opinion!

That system is rigged and that system needs to be fired and changed. Simple.

That voting system is actually truly a topic for discussion! Important decision need unanimity. That means a country can veto decisions, hence blocking the whole process, like Hungary did with EU funds for Ukraine.

There are many voices who want to change that to majority voting.....
Ironside  51 | 13124
16 Jun 2024   #174
ou mean "my way or the highway"?

No, I mean that system is rigged in a way that anything short of exit doesn't work.

There are many voices who want to change that to majority voting...

BB the whole system needs to be changed, meaning the existing system should be scraped and rewritten anew.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
16 Jun 2024   #175
No, I mean that system is rigged in a way that anything short of exit doesn't work.

....if it's the natural advantages of the older members, especially the founding members....yeah, they exist. You must'n forget that East-Germans like me are closer to Poland and other Eastern-Block members than West-Germans.

Many things that happened to Poles happened also to East-Germans...there are reasons the AfD is that strong in the former GDR-Territory, but still...I wouldn't call that rigged.

Especially not in the EU councils, where everyone has the same vote. It just needs more time and experiences and work to catch up to nearly 40 years more time for connections and networkings, IMHO!

BB the whole system needs to be changed, meaning the existing system should be scraped and rewritten anew.

There is only one way to go....look for supporters, develop the needed legal things and bring that cases to the voting. If you can convince enough others it will go through...

I don't know how these procedures should/could be rigged or changed!
Lyzko  44 | 9731
16 Jun 2024   #176
Well, Ironside! At least you and I both agree that a AfD victory would be as disastrous for
Poland as for Germany:-)
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Jun 2024   #177
The most important reason was maintaining peace in Europe


So how come the USA exists?

United States of America = one nation
European Union = many nations

I strongly believe that the EU will not be able to survive in its current form; especially if they continue to allow new countries in. Now they are considering Ukraine, which is crazy. Nobody can pay for that. In the end the EU will probably break apart and some core members in the west and north will establish a new, closer union instead.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
16 Jun 2024   #178
In the end the EU will probably break apart and some core members in the west and north will establish a new, closer union instead.

....wouldn't that end the main reasoning for its founding? Keeping the peace in Europe?

Two rivaling Unions in Europe is the main ingredient for bloc-building, including hostilities and in the end even war!
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Jun 2024   #179
wouldn't that end the main reasoning for its founding?

I hope not. The problem with the current version of the EU is that it is too big with too few net payers and too many net recipients. Not sustainable over a prolonged period of time. If the EU doesn't break apart over the immigration issue and the rise of the far right, financial issues will bring it to its knees in the end. They swallowed already more than they can chew. If Ukraine and some of the other ex Soviet republics are allowed in, that's a recipe for disaster.

Two rivaling Unions in Europe is the main ingredient for bloc-building

I wouldn't call it "rivaling unions", I would call it "Two-speed Europe". The concept is an old one and has been debated before. I believe that's the only sensible approach.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
16 Jun 2024   #180
I would call it "Two-speed Europe".

But rivalries are would for sure split Europe again into two's a human thing, like two local football clubs, tensions will be unavoidable!

Not sustainable over a prolonged period of time.

It isn't meant for always....the current net recipients are expected to put in their share into the common pot, sooner or later.

If the EU doesn't break apart over the immigration issue and the rise of the far right, guess is one will solve the other. With the rise of the far right the immigration issue will be tackled, they will make sure of that!

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