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Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023

pawian  224 | 27236
15 Oct 2023   #541
Poland is making German compensation for WWII a major election point.

Not really. There are far more important issues. :):):)

Celebrities use the elections to show off new outfits:

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mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Oct 2023   #542
According to the foreign press

Then the foreign press is wrong, that's hardly been mentioned in the campaign (and only by one party).

half of the queue was between 20 and 40 years old. Amasing!

Not great for the ruling party....
Lyzko  44 | 9745
15 Oct 2023   #543
Hmm.. the NYT mentioned it on the first page of the International Section.
I agree that there are far more important issues, I'm merely passing along what was in the Times.
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 Oct 2023   #544
the NYT mentioned it on the first page of the International Section

NYT had written nonsensical garbage about Poland in the past so it's no surprise

do you believe a biased Amercian soruce or a American source on the ground in Poland in the form of mafketis
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Oct 2023   #545
the NYT

An objectively bad newspaper. I'm not surprised it's misreporting the current election.
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Oct 2023   #546
And here's the news from the Polish community in Ireland.

Long queues have been forming since early this morning at 11 polling stations around Ireland. Thousands are queuing outside the Polish Embassy in Dublin. Voter registrations have increased by 10,000 since last year. However considering that there are about 120,000 Polish nationals living in Ireland, it's very disappointing that despite the increase only about 25,000 are registered to vote. But gradually I think Polish people are beginning to become less apathetic about the voting process and beginning to realize that your vote can actually make a difference.

Polish voters explained why they had turned out in such large numbers to vote.

"because we can lose access to be part of, the possibility to be part of the European Union, if the current government would be still in power."

"We're just trying to help all the people who are in Poland and my family and friends to change what their situation and what the political situation is in Poland right now, because its pretty bad and I think we're all here to change it."

"That referendum is a joke, I think is the best way to describe it, so I'm not planning to participate in that."

"Its a very decisive election so I think people turned out. I didn't bother in previous years but this year it just feels like it will make more of a difference."
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 Oct 2023   #547
"That referendum is a joke

those people don't think for themselves, sadly
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Oct 2023   #548
Well now Gumi, we have referendums all the time in Ireland but they're the real McCoy, not cheap gimmicks like the thing PIS has cobbled together. What PIS has done is to trivialize the referendum process - perhaps intentionally. If the Polish electorate thinks that's what a referendum looks like they're not likely to have much faith in the process for deciding important issues in the future. That way PIS can enact any legislation they like on the basis that 'the people don't want referendums'.
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Oct 2023   #549
And here's the news from the Polish community in Ireland.

As a typical Euro bootlicker, you safely play a reporter, leaving comments to others. Your comments are just safe bellyaching...

it's very disappointing that despite the increase


I think Polish people are beginning to become less apathetic

That was so edgy...Wow...
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Oct 2023   #550
The following is a very interesting article which hits the proverbial nail very firmly on the head:

@Novi, go away, the grown ups are talking. I'm Irish - we actually understand politics, real politics, not the joke pantomime act that you have in America. Come and visit us and you'll see what I mean.
Bobko  27 | 2130
15 Oct 2023   #551
Hello Poles!

How are we feeling today?

Anybody care to make a bet what the outcome will be tomorrow morning?
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Oct 2023   #552
By 17.00 over 57 per cent of those eligible had voted.... pictures from polling places showed lots of younger adults....
Korvinus  4 | 600
15 Oct 2023   #553
Well, I was just about to vote.

The queue is small, but 80%+ are retirees.

Our society is aging, yes, it is aging.
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Oct 2023   #554
Well then, you need to entice the young Polish demographic with children to return to their homeland. How would you suggest that could be done?
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Oct 2023   #555
I'm Irish

...and the most boring poster ever...Always playing it safe...Cargo is ten times more exciting...

#550 as a confirmation...Yes, Ms. Atch, we will read it and tomorrow will report our impressions...

Mine are ready now...Let's read the last paragraph:

The opposition may still win, but they have to fight a steep, uphill battle. They are in a boxing ring with a ruthless opponent armed with a knife and accompanied by his thugs, capable of changing the rules as the game progresses, and the umpire bought by his team.

Love those Polish metaphors...from a guy who doesn't like PiS' loaded referendum questions...Beyond ironic...

...and now the rules for comments:

2. We expect comments to be matter-of-fact, on-topic and free of sarcasm, innuendo and ad personam arguments.

Hey, Wojtek, did you read the comment rules before you started?
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Oct 2023   #556
How are we feeling today?

Optimistic. Why???

the outcome will be tomorrow morning?

The outcome will be at 9 pm.
Korvinus  4 | 600
15 Oct 2023   #557
Well then, you need to entice the young Polish demographic with children to return to their homeland.

What for?
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Oct 2023   #558
Because the Irish don't want them.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Oct 2023   #560
What for?

To improve Polish demographics at home, instead of abroad.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Oct 2023   #561
It is illegal to take the ballot papers out of the voting station. One can earn a fine or even two years.

Politicians eagerly exploit their kids in the voting show. :):):

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mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Oct 2023   #562
Turned on reżimowa tv for a few minutes and they were talking up 'irregularities' with referendum ballots and unstamped ballots...

Korvinus  4 | 600
15 Oct 2023   #563
To improve Polish demographics at home, instead of abroad.

You mean, we should lure young people with children and kill them? Why?
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Oct 2023   #564
'irregularities' with referendum ballots and unstamped ballots...

Yes, as if preparing the public for the annulment of the elections by PIS-controlled part of the Supreme Court if PiS doesn`t like the results. They are real gansgters, ready to do it.

You mean,

Why would I mean sth like it? You are sick today or what????
Korvinus  4 | 600
15 Oct 2023   #565
Why would I mean sth like it? You are sick today or what????

pawian  224 | 27236
15 Oct 2023   #566
A new saying in the Polish language:
Rich women vote more eagerly than poor men.


Don`t show me silly videos I don`t have time for. Talk to me.
Korvinus  4 | 600
15 Oct 2023   #567
You are sick today or what????

Ah thank you, everyone's healthy.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Oct 2023   #568
everyone's healthy.

Excellent. So now tell me why you mentioned killing Poles and their kids.
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 Oct 2023   #569
That way PIS can enact any legislation they like on the basis that 'the people don't want referendums

nomsense :P

Love those Polish metaphors...

these are not Polish metaphores: the article is on a German website (and the passage is nonsense - completely idiotic analogy demonizing PiS)
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Oct 2023   #570
demonizing PiS)

Exactly. Those demons don`t need any further demonising. hahahaha

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