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Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023

Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2023   #361
Jaysus... and then you are surprised when I say something about margines społeczny!

Yes, because you talk nonsense. The fact that a guy has one job doesn't make him "a bum" or "margines społeczny", especially if his wife works too. What on Earth is wrong with you? o_O

While I do know of some man that may take a gig or two outside of their Jobs 95% of man I know and knew had 1 job.

Yup, it's the same where I live and it's considered to be perfectly normal and has nothing to do with any patologia lol

Usually both work.

OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #362
This whole conversation only proves what I always knew: every woman gets a man that she deserves* (and vice versa).


* apart from domestic abuse cases obviously
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2023   #363
I'd rather have less materiał things and have a father, partner etc that is actually there when I need him.

I feel the same as Lenka.

every woman gets a man that she deserves* (and vice versa)

Well, that would mean you and your wife got what you deserved too :))) Different strokes for different folks, I guess :))
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Sep 2023   #364
I think the lower retirement age for women reflects the fact

Which is not longer the case and if things will go in the direction you progressives want it to go it will not reflect reality at all.

In short plenty of women are lazy..lazying about..
In general, laws, and gov intrusion into a family life and issues should be stopped. Making some laws that makes no sense and are not helping anyone is stupidity of our times, a cheap populism.

The some with different retiemanet age of both sexes, it is a political decison, I don't see any practical or sane reason behing it. System of gov pension is faulty as it is.

But there's no conscription nowadays

There will be conscription in Poland sooner or later, I say this time should be done like in Isreal where women are conscripted too.
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2023   #365
if things will go in the direction you progressives want it to go it will not reflect reality at all.

Then maybe the laws will change then and they will reflect the new reality.

In short plenty of women are lazy..lazying about..

Majority of women aren't lazy or "lazying about". Far from it.

The some with different retiemanet age of both sexes (...) I don't see any practical or sane reason behing it.

I've already explained what are the sane and practical reasons for it here:

As for conscription to the military - the situation in Israel is completely different than in Poland - Israel is pretty much in a permanent state of military conflict/threat.
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Sep 2023   #366
you progressives

In what way am I a 'progressive' whatever that is? When did you ever take care of an elderly relative, feed them, wash them, help them on and off a commode, empty it afterwards? I've done it many times.

There will be conscription in Poland sooner or later,

Let's hope not.
Alien  25 | 6353
12 Sep 2023   #367
There will be conscription in Poland sooner or later,

Do you expect any war?
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #368
I feel the same as Lenka.

Brilliant. :)

So, for example, you live in a house/apartment that is too small for your family, and your kids can't go to a good private school, but at least the guy "is there for you"? In what sense though? Sharing the poverty and being there every minute of it, instead of getting his finger out and earning more? :) So, I guess Ferdynand Kiepski is you prince charming? ;)

you and your wife got what you deserved too

Oh, definitely! 100% :)
Alien  25 | 6353
12 Sep 2023   #369
A big house and a private school have never brought happiness to anyone
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #370
A big house and a private school have never brought happiness to anyone

They are not known to bring misery either.

My point is, a man should provide for all his family's needs to the best of his strengths and ability. If he doesn't, he's a bum.

End of.
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Sep 2023   #371
Why do you think such "expectations are too high"? If a man can do it for his family, why shouldn't he?

Material things don't always make for a happy family. What children need most is a stable home with loving parents who are good role models. They don't need private education, they don't need lots of toys, lots of extras. Families don't need two cars.
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Sep 2023   #372
A big house and a private school have never brought happiness to anyone

Apparently it makes up for going to park with your Daddy. To each their own.

And yes Kania, I would rather have my kids going to state school than have their father being basically gone from their life.
Alien  25 | 6353
12 Sep 2023   #373
Families don't need two cars.

Ours needs two.
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2023   #374
So, for example, you live in a house/apartment that is too small for your family

But both of us can work :))) You seem to fixate only on the guy's earnings.

Sharing the poverty and being there every minute of it

But I don't consider people who can't afford to send their kids to good private schools and kindergarten and a two-storey apartment in a big city to be poor lol

I went to a public school myself, there are plenty of good public schools in Poland. You're being too dramatic, imho :)

So, I guess Ferdynand Kiepski is you prince charming? ;)

Kania, there are professions in Poland that demand a lot of hard work, skills and expertise from people and at the same time don't pay much. And those are socially needed professions. You wouldn't call those guys "Ferdynand Kiepski", trust me.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #375
basically gone from their life


I work over 1.5 full-time and I still have time to read to my son and help my daughter with her homework in the evening. I don't work weekends anymore (or do it very rarely), so we can go shopping, to the zoo or ride a bike together. Working a lot doesn't exclude spending time with your family (nor is it a valid excuse not to). Balance is the key.

You're being too dramatic

It was just an example. When, and if, you ever have children of your own, then you will appreciate the amount of money that raising them requires. :) Until then everything you say is purely hypothetical, and I speak from my own experience and deep wisdom. :)
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Sep 2023   #376
I work over 1.5 full-time

I don't work weekends anymore

That means that Monday to Friday you work over 12 hours a day.
What time do you actually do that homework with them?

When, and if, you ever have children on your own,

Paulina never said if she has kids. It's possible she is a mother.
Alien  25 | 6353
12 Sep 2023   #377
What time do you actually do that homework with them?

He's probably doing home office.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #378
That means that Monday to Friday you work over 12 hours a day.

home office

I usually work 7:30-19:30 (21 two times a week), some of it indeed from home and an occasional weekend. That translates to slightly over 1.5 normal full-time (but these are academic jobs, so it's more like 3 full-time jobs in terms of pay). That means that three times a week I have time for my daughter's homework and/or reading to my son (which I enjoy a lot) and almost every weekend we have time only for ourselves. Matter of discipline and organisation.

Almost every man I know works similar hours. There's nothing unusual about it.
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2023   #379
I don't work weekends anymore

Oh God, I knew it... I knew it! lol No wonder you "can't understand" why women don't want to have kids or that they don't want to have many of them, or why they would want for men to share duties more, etc. That's because you've not been raising your own kids, your wife is doing that for you. You were barely spending any time with your kids.

Almost every man I know works similar hours. There's nothing unusual about it.

That's sad, to be honest... But who needs fathers, I guess... o_O

OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #380
who needs fathers, I guess

Now you are being dramatic.

A man has to do what a man has to do, a woman has to do what a woman has to do. Old school.

You like to talk about Japan so much. How much time do you think Japanese fathers spend with their kids when they are very young (and the father has to build his professional career)? "A good husband is healthy and absent", as Japanese wives' favourite proverb says. :)
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2023   #381
Now you are being dramatic.

No, I am not :(

A man has to do what a man has to do, a woman has to do what a woman has to do. Old school.

So f*cking sad...


How much time do you think Japanese fathers spend with their kids when they are very young

Yeah, and their kids seem so happy, right... Not suicidal at all... lol
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #382

What? You don't like Japan anymore??? lol

My family is quite happy, thank you. :)

Get back to me when you have a husband and children of your own and then lecture me on family life. :)
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Sep 2023   #383
usually work 7:30-19:30

So your kids do homework after 19:30?
In most homes I knew that was time when kids were having their bed time phase.

Get back to me when you have a husband and children of your own

How do you know she doesn't?
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2023   #384
What? You don't like Japan anymore??? lol

I never wrote whether I like it or not. And every country usually has its pluses and minuses.

My family is quite happy, thank you. :)

You think that now... What about your kids? Wouldn't your daughter be more happy if she got to spend more time with you rather than go to a private school? The girl's relationship with her father is very important for her future relationships with men (and not only) and her self-esteem. We'll see how your kids will fare in the future, I guess...

Get back to me when

First and foremost I don't need to have a family of my own to know what it's like to be a kid and how important a relationship with their father is for kids, especially for girls. I'm saying this from my own experience.

And I'm not saying this to put you down, Kania. It's just I'm not sure if you realise how important you are for your children...

I just don't want you to screw it up.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #385
do homework after

Sometimes. I don't always help my daughter with her homework (and my son is still in kindergarten) - that's not the point of homeworks anyway.

And I'm not saying this to put you down, Kania (...) I just don't want you to screw it up.

Fair enough. It's nice of you to say so.
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Sep 2023   #386
In what way am I a 'progressive' whatever that is?

Maybe you are not, but you are one of those 'good' women that for the least 50 years supported in one way of the other war on men in the west. Whinng how hard is women lot and how men are lacking ....blah blah

In that way we are here - there is no longer women accoring to the new trend. So what arwe you even talking about with you 'we'? Have you been elected as women representative? I think not! Why don't you get hold of yourslef.

(then she act supirsed if people take her for a progressive phew!,)

How do you know she doesn't?

Even if she does she talk nonsene and you are supporting it! So, what would you rather work 2 jobs and bring in a lot of money into your hosehold or have your hubby do all the chores and rise kids or the other way around.

Women seems to have a cake and eat it too. Home chores are not that hard. They are just like to complain and oft are lazy like F! If not they get those strange ideas ..I guess from other women or from some woman interenet pages.

realise how important you are for your children...

As a role model and quality time is more importand than the lenght of that time, I would say he is doing all right, Stop trying to fix men, fix yourself.
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Sep 2023   #387
that's not the point of homeworks anyway.

Of course not but you gave it as an example of how you have time for your kids.

rather work 2 jobs and bring in a lot of money into your hosehold or have your hubby do all the chores and rise kids

Neither. I'd rather we both worked and both took care of home and kids.

But tbh if the kids and cares were really taken care of I would rather work.

Somehow guys don't jumping on those 'not that hard chores'
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2023   #388
So, what would you rather work 2 jobs and bring in a lot of money into your hosehold or have your hubby do all the chores and rise kids or the other way around.

How about both spouses work 1 job each and share chores and raise kids.

Home chores are not that hard.

Why men don't want to do them then? lol

As a role model and quality time is more importand than the lenght of that time, I would say he is doing all right

You would say that, because you have no idea what you're talking about.
12 Sep 2023   #389
children of your own, then you will appreciate the amount of money that raising them requires. :)

No doubt that raising kids isn't cheap but you're giving me the impression that you consider yourself to be a good dad simply because you're a good provider. Time is one of the most important gifts that you can give children. As they get older they'll remember the things you did together, not that you bought the latest toy for them. My father was always working and hardly ever there. We weren't well off either. I wished he'd had more time for us so I speak from experience.

The main problem is that we live in such a materialistic society these days and parents seem to lack the ability to say no. Overindulged kids end up being entitled brats in my opinion. I'm talking generally, not about your children btw.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
12 Sep 2023   #390
you gave it as an example of how you have time for your kids

I only mentioned my daughter in relation to homeworks. And you said that at 19:30 she should be in bed. She's 14. How many teenagers do you know that go to sleep at 7.30pm? :)

I'd rather we both worked and both took care of home and kids.

How about both spouses work 1 job each and share chores and raise kids.

But men, in most cases, are absolutely atrocious when it comes to house chores. For example, if I cooked for my family, they would end up in a hospital with serious indigestion problems, whilst my wife is absolutely brilliant at it (just as my mother-in-law by the way :)). Why not let her do what she's good at and let me do what I'm good at? Why does it have to be this strange and unnatural "equal" division of earning and house chores? I consider it inefficient and illogical. Sorry.

we live in such a materialistic society

Which probably has something to do with the fact that we live in a material world and have material needs.

Look, people, I don't want to argue about it - it's not like I'm for rat race or mindless materialism/consumerism. If I were a bachelor, I'd be more than happy to live in a basement, drive an absolute beater car (or even better - take trams and buses) and spend my time reading books and praying. The point is, being a father changes your perspective. Difficult to explain to someone who isn't, I suppose.

Anyways, I'll take what you're all saying into account and come October - when my remaining classes start - I'll definitely be here less often and using every free moment to be with my family; and if I post here, you can be sure I'll be getting paid for it (labs when students do most of the work, consultation hours to which nobody comes, tests, okienka etc.) ;)

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