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Kaczyński stirs up hatred between Germans and Poles.

ifor bach  11 | 152
10 Dec 2012   #1
Kaczyński stirs up hatred between Germans and Poles.

Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of Poland's main opposition party, PiS, 'Law and Justice', during a visit to Opole in Silesia, which has a substantial German minority population, suggested that Poland has been far too 'idealistic' to its German minority.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
10 Dec 2012   #2
"Kaczyński is hoping to stage a March in Opole in May under the slogan Tu jest Polska, ‘Poland is here’."

Oh really, what desperate, hateful twat he is. He really needs to do Poland a favor and start using windows instead of doors... on his way out... from a very tall building.
berni23  7 | 377
10 Dec 2012   #3
Tu jest Polska, ‘Poland is here

I would translate it like: This is Poland!
Transports the intended message better.
TheOther  6 | 3596
10 Dec 2012   #4
Transports the intended message better.

...but doesn't make that dumbsh*t any more likable.
berni23  7 | 377
10 Dec 2012   #5
I didnt hint at that.
Hes a lame duck with a redneck flock.
rybnik  18 | 1444
10 Dec 2012   #6
Kaczyński is hoping to stage a March in Opole in May under the slogan Tu jest Polska, ‘Poland is here’

I don't think this kind of thinking is consistent with the values of most Poles
Ironside  51 | 13109
10 Dec 2012   #7
Oh really, what desperate, hateful twat he is.

how come?

but doesn't make that dumbsh*t any more likable

what do you care?

Hes a lame duck with a redneck flock.

come,whats your nationality?

I don't think this kind of thinking is consistent with the values of most Poles

What values?
rybnik  18 | 1444
12 Dec 2012   #8
What values?

tolerance, Ironside, tolerance, for one thing, of the minority.
Ironside  51 | 13109
12 Dec 2012   #9
That stunt is not about minority.
Zibi  - | 335
12 Dec 2012   #10
Why do you not like Germans, Ironside, who currently reside in Poland and are citizens of Poland?
Ironside  51 | 13109
12 Dec 2012   #11
I don't care about them, you may call it tolerance! I
I'm just explaining to people who do not understand that there is difference between newspapers article and reality. A Call for ending disparity between rights of German minority in Poland and Polish minority in Germany is not string up hatred.

The fact that posters in this thread did even bother to read a link started to express their hate to JK!

In his visit to Opole, on Saturday, 8th December, Jarosław Kaczyński stated that, “Germans in Poland should have the same rights as Poles in Germany.

Gee paragon of hate, siring, how dare he/ it is clear that Germans in Poland should enjoy privileges whereas Poles in Germany should be grateful that they are allowed to live there!
Zibi  - | 335
12 Dec 2012   #12
Jarosław Kaczyński stated that, “Germans in Poland should have the same rights as Poles in Germany.

Why JK is always so negative towards other people, is beyond my comprehension. If you reverse the logic of his statement (quoted above) I could actually agree with it.
Ironside  51 | 13109
12 Dec 2012   #13
Well, Germans in Poland enjoy rights Poles in Germany can only dream about!
Reverse how?
Zibi  - | 335
12 Dec 2012   #14
Reverse how?

Like that: Poles in Germany should have the same rights as Germans in Poland.

Doesn't that sound better?
rybnik  18 | 1444
12 Dec 2012   #15
Doesn't that sound better?

It does - racja
That particular wording makes it sound more Polonophillic than Germanophobic.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 May 2023   #16
Kaczyński stirs up hatred between Germans and Poles.

Rightists intentionally sow ferment and create conflicts, coz later they can boast they are the only ones who can deal with problems. To them it doesn`t matter they are lying - their propaganda will turn any disaster into a success.
Alien  26 | 6559
15 May 2023   #17
This thread is 11 years old but Kaczyński has not changed anything during this time.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 May 2023   #18
has not changed anything during this time.

Of course he did. For worse. 2010 tragedy to which he greatly contributed by ordering his President brother to land in the foggy airfield at any cost had a terrible impact on his psyche. I can say he became a monster seeking revenge on his political opponents for his own sins which he has been trying to sweep under the rug of his conscience for over a decade now.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
15 May 2023   #19
Whilst I can well understand Kaczynski's frustration, such loose, impetuous talk is inappropriate in a world in which conflict over small stuff can easily escalate into damaging public relations.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 May 2023   #20
such loose, impetuous talk is inappropriate in a world

We know about it and he does too. The difference is that we are decent people of liberal agenda while he isn`t coz he is a rightist. So he acts as a rightist and us, decent people,. have to protest and oppose.

The problem is that there are too many morons in current Poland. Intelligent people were exterminated by Nazis and Soviets - I mean both Jewish Poles and ethnic Poles. After decades it is still visible we lack this common wisdom in the nation when PiS is supported by about 30% despite all their blatant theft and scandals.

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