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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

G (undercover)
25 Feb 2018   #811
Laws can be easily enforced or not enforced depending on the situation.

Come on, If I report murder, they don't call Ziobro asking what to do, they must open an investigation.
mafketis  38 | 11284
25 Feb 2018   #812
They were involved in slave trade of Europeans.

And many Jewish families in the US South were slave holders, 75% of families in some places, though admittedly numbers of families were small and mostly urban so this didn't represent as many slaves but they owned slaves at a higher per capita rate than southern non-jewish whites.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Feb 2018   #813

Then explain why slave markers especially in south america and dutch provinces disproportionately run by jews? Slave markers in these places were closed on sabbath and all jewish holidays. Theres also tons of slave auction notices from s america and dutch colonies with jewish participant's last name written. But of course abraham silverstein amd solomon goldberg promotion of the '20 finest n3gro3s a man can own - to be seen this monday' jews dominated the trade esp in curacao suriname amd a few others. Thats a known fact. A jewish community moved there from europe in the 15 1600s to actively participate in the trade while many stayed in europe but became shareholders

Sorry lyzko, while.many things can be explained by antisemitism and are exagerrated (like this by some individuals like Farrakhan) this isnt one of them. A lot of jews were in the slave trade
Lyzko  44 | 9731
25 Feb 2018   #814
As I posted yesterday, both authors Stephen Birmingham and Eli Evans have attested to the fact that certain Jewish families in the Southern United States most certainly DID engage in the purchase of slaves, regrettable as this obviously was, it was the exception, not the rule!

In Latin America as well as the Indies, true enough, a number of European Jews were among the "successful" slave traders, unfortunately.
Even on our North American continent, and especially in the early years of Hollywood, messrs. Lasky, Goldwyn, and Mayer did regrettably aid in portraying African-Americans as part of the cinema in a most demeaning manner. This I never whitewashed, along with the sad number of financial abusers in the different venue of Wall St., such as Bosky, Millken, later Bernie Boy etc..

In attempting to overcome stereotypes and prejudice, I am the first to confess that many Jews jumped on the Great American Bandwagon of success and sold out their core values for a piece of the American Pie, including the landsmanschaften etc.

This is to be sure something of which I am not proud!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Feb 2018   #815
Yes in the overall trade jews were not the majoroty. But in curacao and a few others, jews dominated those markets. Not in the us though they focused more on s america
Lyzko  44 | 9731
25 Feb 2018   #816
...for the unflattering, but simple, reason that Jews were among the more numerous of the white settlers. As they were typically called upon as traders, small wonder again that they would have lent their skills to the slave trade, looked on as merely one more kind of transaction...UNFORTUNATELY.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Feb 2018   #817
Jewish law tells jewish males to be traders though. One command i recentlt.recall reading include invest a third of your money in land, a third save and keep as a reserve, a third invest in business. Agriculture js regarded as a lowly occupation. Being a trader was encouraged in fact most trade in jewidh communities up until fairly recentlt was conducted in amd around the synogague small towns.
gregy741  5 | 1226
25 Feb 2018   #818
Jonny Daniels doesn't even sound like a real name. What kind of a douche would take him in as an advice even informal one?

yea,,hes strange guy.
now he lied about exhumation,saying that Jewish faith forbid exhumation of bodies.which is not true.
more and more people in Poland demand exhumation of victims in Jedwabne. it was never carried ,and was blocked by jewish organizations.
i just listened interview with Jewish leader in Poland.they are mad opposing to carry investigation into Jedwabne and digging bodies out,to check if they had bullets in them.and their arguments against it are hilarious. he said "we know everything already,no point digging"

not many ppl know that Poland started exhumation in Jedwabne,and team found bullets near that place of murder.but Jews demanded to stop it and

L Kaczynski obliged .
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2018   #819
now he lied about exhumation,saying that Jewish faith forbid exhumation of bodies.which is not true.

Yet he was totally fine with taking a Torah scroll to Israel and treating it like a museum piece rather than burying it in the cemetery like they're supposed to. He also didn't see any problem with illegally exporting a historical relic despite not having permission from the relevant ministry to do so.

The guy is clearly here to push American-Israeli interests, I just wonder if he's a showman or a spy.
Ironside  51 | 13124
25 Feb 2018   #820
Yes in the overall trade jews were not the majoroty.

Oh they were majority of slave trader in early middle ages. caring out trade of slaves on behalf of Islamic rules, shipping them from Europe into Muslim Spain and Africa.

saying that Jewish faith forbid exhumation of bodies.

Who cares? As if Israeli or majority of Jews were so very religious eh?
Investigation - a proper one should be carried out in Jedwabne, unless some Jews the scummy one and those who slander and brazenly lie are afraid of the truth!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Feb 2018   #821
Shame on Israel for demanding whats basically extortion from Christian and Muslim Holy sites
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
26 Feb 2018   #822
Looks like Daniels was interviewed by the Karnowski brothers for Sieci. He claims there were some tough questions on who he is and what he is doing in Poland. They couldn't have been that tough, if he's happily advertising the interview. He obviously had a [bullsh-t] answer for everything.

He posted it on social media. Check out some of the comments of praise underneath it [screenshot attached]. Useful idiots.

  • Screen_Shot_201802.png
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Feb 2018   #823
You know i didnt really like johnny daniels at first, but i could see what hes doing. Hes a catalyst, a showman a sort of salesman. I salute the guy and more so pis for having such a court jew. Im sure given his contacts and what he does he has a 7 figure net worth. I salute him.
Crow  155 | 9736
26 Feb 2018   #824
Hitler finds out about Polish camps
Lyzko  44 | 9731
26 Feb 2018   #825
The Jews share this trading facility they acquired with that of the Chinese, one reason perhaps that the relationship over the centuries between those two peoples has been so cordial...and so free of anti-Jewish feeling among the Chinese people:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Feb 2018   #826
Maybe the Jews went their for the food? Idk why, but around here there's more Jews at high end Chinese restaurants on Saturdays than in the temple.

Indeed, in fact Chinese seek to emulate Jews' business success. But Jewish trading comes from religious teachings. It isn't something that most of them just happen to pick up as an occupation. Esp not in ancient times. Although due to Jews' history and culture and the fact they were always on the move and didn't really have permanent roots up (except for Poland for hundreds of years) until the past 50 years such a strategy makes sense.

One of the best-selling books in China is What's Behind Jewish Success by Tian Zaiwei and Sha Wen

In the US if a goy wrote such a book that'd be considered anti-Semitic, racist, supremacist and whatever other isms people whine about. But the Chinese dgaf!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Feb 2018   #827
He claims there were some tough questions on who he is and what he is doing in Poland.

I'm surprised the Karnowski brothers went there, given that he's pissed off so many people over the last few weeks. Could be crazy, but I wonder if they weren't asked to try and rehabilitate his image, especially as he was so blatantly sitting on the Israeli side and people were picking up on it.

I was hoping that this would be the end of him in Poland, but clearly he's valuable to PiS in some way.

Im sure given his contacts and what he does he has a 7 figure net worth.

Wouldn't shock me. He's almost certainly representing some powerful American-Israeli interests in Poland, and the more I dig up on him, the more it's becoming obvious that his foundation is a front for something else. He hasn't even bothered to submit the legally required accounts for the foundation, which rather says it all about him.
mafketis  38 | 11284
26 Feb 2018   #828
Jews share this trading facility they acquired with that of the Chinese

The term 'market dominant minority' is used for both (diaspora Chinese in SEAsia are widely despised for their monetary and other shenanigans).

Compare the Parsi minority in India widely admired for their philanthropy
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Feb 2018   #829
e powerful American-Israeli interests in Poland

Mainly republicans from the US - that's where he got his start in politics and where many of his contacts are. He's likely very involved with AIPAC or similar Jewish/Israeli lobbies. That's the main reason why he was put into that position. He's a mediator, a negotiator between Poland's nationalist populist government and US - which has a ton of Jews, even a few on the right, etc. I don't think that he has too many Israeli contacts except for people who hold perhaps US/Poland Israeli citizenship, or like Jewish US contacts that are close to Israel. I don't think he's representing Israel's interests directly but rather US interests which of course Israeli is going to be a part of... Of course I could be wrong - he could be a Mossad agent for all I know. I haven't done a whole lot of research on Johnny Daniels aside from a few articles
Lyzko  44 | 9731
26 Feb 2018   #830
Heck there, Delph! We in the US have tried, though alas unsuccessfully, to bar the Chinese from coming to our country since a law in around the 1880's, publically prohibiting Chinese from either living or working in the States.

Shenanigans? You bet. Undercutting their competitors by aggressively outbidding on cheap labor is but one of numerous dirty tricks up their sleeve.
Once upon a time, and only within two generations or so, such was seen as 'Unamerican". These days, I'm not so sure:-)
27 Feb 2018   #831
One of the obvious characteristics both Ashkenazi Jews and Han Chinese share is high IQ. Ashkenazi Jews are 2 standard deviations above the mean in IQ. America's Jewish population with the highest median income also has the highest IQ. This is followed by Asians, then the white European population.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Feb 2018   #832

It was to prevent a lot more from coming in. The us took a lot in to build railroads out west vut then a huge migration followed after millions of chinese were aware of the good jobs. If we had this problem with people flocking solely to work hard and build stuff then we wouldnt be in this mess in europe and other places. But millions came solely for the welfare benefits which exceeds average salaries back home free housing food etc.

Israeli Jews already extract concessions from the holy churches and mosques. They have no qualms about using these as a piggy bank and negotiating chip. Well orthodox and catholics together are sayijg no more. Israel was greedy and now wants more money. Chrisrians are going to shut the doors and their greed is going to cost them all revenues
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Feb 2018   #833
I haven't done a whole lot of research on Johnny Daniels aside from a few articles

It's worth doing, I don't believe he's who he says he is. What's curious about him is that his parents don't seem to exist - which is strange, given that he claims that his father was 'in business' and his mother was a party planner - which would show up *somewhere* online. The nationalists in Poland hate his guts, and they (I think rightfully) want to know who he is, where he came from and what he's really doing here.

WP - another link for you - what's your opinion of this?

I actually think it would be an interesting idea to put them under UN administration.

His Facebook wall is fascinating by the way, it seems to attract a huge amount of retards. I've just noticed one dick saying that there were "hundreds of Jedwabnes all over Poland" - I wonder why Jonny hasn't deleted such posts.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
27 Feb 2018   #834
Yep, that's a link to his interview with Sieci I was talking about - an interview which he himself is promoting, so he probably did a good job in bullsh-tting his way through it, as I imagine the Karnowski brothers would have asked him some tough questions [or at least that's what they are claiming. I haven't read it].

The more this Poland v Israel conflict goes on, the more I'm finding the most annoying and agitating part of it to be Jonny Daniels and it's pis-ing me off even more that the Polish media [mostly right wing media, sadly] seem intent on promoting him.

He's constantly doing interviews on TVP info, he did this interview with Sieci, he has done various other interviews too. Why? Why does what he has to say matter? He shouldn't have any say in what rules and laws made in Poland. He doesn't even speak any Polish. If he is supposed to be a go-between guy to improve Israeli-Polish relations - improve business between the two countries or whatever, that's one thing, but that can't be it, because he has way too much to say on what laws Poland should and should not bring in and how they should word it, what organisations the Polish government should ban etc.

I agree with you, he isn't who he portrays himself as, but it doesn't look like he is going to go away, and the Polish media, for one, are making sure of it.

It would be so easy for this guy to just fade away from public life in Poland. The media just have to stop constantly doing interviews with him and bringing him in to the limelight. Yet they do it and this is building his profile and making him a more and more significant figure in Poland. I just don't understand why.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
27 Feb 2018   #835
It's what I've been saying all along, Dirk! America never really wanted immigrants, it was merely under the aphrodisiac of cheap labor from abroad:-)

Being a capitalist society, if someone can get something for nothing, while making a killing in the process, few can or would resist such irresistible temptations, would they?
mafketis  38 | 11284
27 Feb 2018   #836
He shouldn't have any say in what rules and laws made in Poland. He doesn't even speak any Polish.

Maybe none of the Jews who can speak Polish know (or are willing to follow) the correct party line

I just don't understand why.

My guess is that he's supposed to be sowing dissent and dischord (while appearing to not be doing that).

The question is why is the government falling for it?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Feb 2018   #837
The more this Poland v Israel conflict goes on, the more I'm finding the most annoying and agitating part of it to be Jonny Daniels

Agreed. I might not agree with the Polish action/reaction, but at least it's been somewhat consistent - whereas Daniels is openly changing his tune according to the audience. Even while PiS supporters are demanding to know what he's doing here, the right wing media keeps pushing and pushing him. Meanwhile, he's telling that media what they want to hear, then he suddenly goes quiet and refuses to address the issue when the Israelis do something against Poland's interests.

Yet they do it and this is building his profile and making him a more and more significant figure in Poland. I just don't understand why.

I don't understand it at all. He's turning into a major figure (and as I found out, he's been working for LOT recently) - but what does he offer Poland? It's possible that he offers access to powerful American interests, but you'd think that Poland is big and powerful enough these days to deal directly with those interests.

Maybe none of the Jews who can speak Polish know (or are willing to follow) the correct party line

It's possible, but why would PiS embrace him while keeping Matthew Tyrmand at a distance, even though Tyrmand is almost constantly sucking up to the government and hasn't said anything contrary to their line, unlike Daniels?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Feb 2018   #838
Access is worth millions delph. Those are likely 'consulting' jobs he has with lot or some board position or something. Basically bs... fancy money laundry quid pro quo...

Tens and hundreds of millions for access if your hillary clinton
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Feb 2018   #839
I don't believe he's who he says he is. What's curious about him is that his parents don't seem to exist

To those with the right resources, there are a lot of checkable facts about him such as his claim that he attended the Hasmonean Secondary school in Hendon. It's not that big and I know people who went there myself but they're older than Daniels. Still any past pupils who were in his year would remember him. A determined journalist could easily ferret out the truth if they were bothered.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Feb 2018   #840
there are a lot of checkable facts about him such as his claim that he attended the Hasmonean Secondary school in Hendon.

I doubt he would lie about the secondary school he attended. He's from London and it is a Jewish Orthodox secondary school. Also, he probably knows how easy it would be to fact check it and figure out he was lying and that would put a dent in his credibility [not that he should have any credibility in the first place]. I do however think he is lying or at least not being fully truthful about particular organisations he is/was involved with in his adult life. It still baffles me that he is being given a voice in Poland.

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