A Polish government spokeswoman said there is no such thing as 'freezing a law' in Poland and that it will be implemented soon.
The rumours floating around suggested that they would simply not prosecute anyone for the crime, but what I don't understand is why the law comes into force despite it being referred to the Constitutional Tribunal. I mean - at this point - it's obvious that PiS and the Israeli government are looking for a mutually acceptable solution, but it's tough to see what PiS can do without opening themselves up for attack domestically. Declaring it as unconstitutional would be one way out, but would PiS supporters really buy that when they know that the TK is in their hands.
Apparently Ziobro told PAP that the law wouldn't be enforced, but what next? If someone comes here and openly accuses Poland of operating Auschwitz for the sole purpose of murdering Jews, will they really not prosecute someone despite it being on the books?
It was damage limitation with the apology I suppose.
Totally, and I hope no-one's bought it. It's becoming painfully obvious that he was at least partially responsible for this whole mess, and his attempts at damage limitation were pathetic to say the least.
Found this, BTW - i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/167818-180216-meet-jonny-daniels-the-man-behind-the-polish-holocaust-law-media-frenzy - but I think it's worth stressing that I don't want him here, regardless of which political faction he sides with. There's more here - wpolityce.pl/polityka/383132-kim-pan-jest-panie-daniels-w-nowym-numerze-sieci-prezes-fundacji-from-the-depths-mowi-co-robi-w-polsce-i-o-co-chodzi-w-sporze-z-izraelem - but I notice how he's saying one thing to the right wing media and then a completely different story online / internationally.
And - of course - twitter.com/MrJonnyDaniels/status/967485955669151744 - he's spreading the news about the law being 'frozen'. He doesn't seem to be taking into account that there's a clear demand for this law to be enacted and enforced, only celebrating because the Israelis have seemingly won this round.