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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

mafketis  38 | 11143
19 Feb 2018   #781
I don't see anything there about it being a criminal offense to say that some Poles collaborated with the Nazis

the intent (minus the quibbling over words): Polish people do not recognize any collective guilt over the holocaust.

The rejection of collective guilt is what drives many Israelis (and other Jewish people) crazy. They absolute want Polish people to feel the same kind of collective guilt that Germans feel (the better to make the case for financial restitution).

They would like for Russians/ex-Soviets to feel collective guilt too but they realize you can't squeeze blood from a turnip
Lyzko  45 | 9748
19 Feb 2018   #782
Our president ought to bear the latter in mind, don't you think?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Feb 2018   #783
The law doesnt criminalize saying some poles were complicit in the holocaust - they were. So were hungarians, ukranians, and even a few jews themselves like George soros amd others who looted and extorted Jews. This law states that as a nation, poles never built any concentration camps, which is historical fact.
G (undercover)
19 Feb 2018   #784

'I would be considered criminal for saying this': Son of Holocaust survivors confronts Polish leader over complicity bill

Poles who betrayed Jews by providing the Nazis with details about them, he said, referring to personal experiences of his mother. "After the war my mother swore that she would never speak Polish for the rest of her life."

Now guess what. The wanker was proved to be a liar :)) Another one ! This is too funny :)))
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
19 Feb 2018   #785
Certain facts certainly didn't seem to add up in what he said. Apparently his mother was responsible for getting her family to safety during the war when she heard their Polish neighbours plotting to turn them in [as he described it], but she would have been a little girl, so it's very strange that she would be able to save her family at such a young age.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Feb 2018   #786
WP - what's this about? Any idea?
gregy741  5 | 1226
19 Feb 2018   #787
Daniels- "Poles were collaborating cus of greed and hatred" and he posted this image as "evidence of "polish collaboration" but :
Kukiz answered that this image is shoving one pole and one jew executed by the nazis for helping jews.
beside,not many ppl know that Kukis grandfather was killed by communist Jew and hes father sent to gulag by NKVD jewish officer
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
19 Feb 2018   #788
Oh I didn't know he was responding to a picture originally posted by Daniels. Yep and he also mentioned Polish and Jewish people like that are the reason Jews like Daniels are alive today. Good for Kukiz.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Feb 2018   #789
It's interesting that even Kukiz has joined in with questioning what that clown Daniels is doing. He's (Daniels) blocking everyone that's questioning him on Twitter, and yet he still can't bring himself to explain exactly what Morawiecki meant by his comments.

What an absolute clown. He's been well and truly exposed by this whole affair, and I reckon he'll be gone from Poland soon now that his credibility has been torn to pieces.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
19 Feb 2018   #790
I hope he is gone soon but unfortunately there are still quite a few naive Polish people who appear to think he has received a harsh and unfairly reaction and are telling him to keep doing the 'good job' he is doing. My concern is that people like that will motivate him to stay.
gregy741  5 | 1226
19 Feb 2018   #791
can't bring himself to explain exactly what Morawiecki meant by his comments

Jews knows very well what Morawiecki meant by hes comment and what he said is true and based on facts...problem is that this is forbidden thing to say what he did.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Feb 2018   #792
who appear to think he has received a harsh and unfairly reaction and are telling him to keep doing the 'good job' he is doing.

I don't get it, what good job? If you support the government, then he's done an awful job at communicating the thoughts of the Polish government (including going completely silent when the **** was hitting the fan). If you don't support the government, then he either comes across as an Israeli/American stooge or simply incompetent and way out of his depth.

The reaction he received is entirely his own fault for pretending to be Polish and all the rest of it. He was quick to defend the government's POV on everything else, but now that they're fighting with Israel, he's suddenly incapable of supporting Poland. It's disgusting and shows what an opportunist he is.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 Feb 2018   #793
Serbian printing, online and TV media says a lot of these days about Polish brat PM Morawiecki. Brat Morawiecki is very popular here and media often gave his citations.

Title in Serbian newspaper Kurir >

POLJSKI PREMIJER: Samo Srbi, Grci, Jevreji i Poljaci nisu kao narod sarađivali s fašistima!
translation: Only Serbs, Greeks, Jews and Poles, as people, didn`t cooperate with fascists!


Poljski narod i poljska država nisu sarađivali s nacistima, već je bilo upravo suprotno: zajedno s jevrejskim narodom, Srbima i Grcima, jedini nisu bili kolaboranti Nemačke.

translation: Polish people and Polish state didn`t cooperate with Nazis, but exactly the opposite: together with Jewish people, Serbs and Greeks, only one that didn`t collaborated with Germany

The Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki

Let us kindly ask Jews to understand. Poland is right. There was no 'Polish death camps'. There were only 'German death camps' in Poland. Polish people resisted to Nazism and suffered greatly in holocaust.
kondzior  11 | 1026
24 Feb 2018   #794
We missed out on colonialism and slavery, you gotta give us something.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 Feb 2018   #795
me? to give you? Well yes, Jews took part in era of slavery. Together with Arabs and western Europeans. Nobody ever, from within Slavic world, ever asked for compensations for era of slavery. Neither moral, neither material compensation. Lives of our Slavic ancestors were very cheap. On the other side, on the base of past patterns, lives of today`s Slavs are same way cheap. We should learn from Jews and arise our voice on this. But, no, we Slavs are silent and, history repeats to us.

So, I f*** you all!
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
24 Feb 2018   #796
Not sure if this is confirmed, because it's in Israeli media and hasn't been mentioned in any Polish media yet [from what I can see], but if it is true, this is a very bad move by PiS, - going to Israel to 'reword' the law. They would lose support over this - it would be perfect for their political opponents.
Lyzko  45 | 9748
24 Feb 2018   #797
Jewish slave owners in our American South were few and far between, so let's be clear on that point! It is true that numerous wealthy Jewish merchants (most from Germany) often were, for example, the sole dry goods dealers in a given Southern town. This though in no way equates their influence or the extent of their slave holdings with that of their majority Protestant neighbors.

Eli Evans' treatise on this subject is most enlightening.

As far as the nomenclature issue in Poland, clearly Duda is getting mixed reviews.
mafketis  38 | 11143
24 Feb 2018   #798
Jewish slave owners in our American South were few and far between, so let's be clear on that point!

Not really, the reason that confederate symbolism never used crosses was not to offend Jewish confederates (the US south has always been very Jewish friendly overall, although they get almost nothing but contempt in returtn).
G (undercover)
24 Feb 2018   #799
If PiS bow down to the pressure of jewish psychos, they will lose at least 6-8% immediately. It's time they decide who they care about more. Poles or Jewish Polonophobes.

Jewish slave owners in our American South

Dude, Jews were heavily involved in the slave trade long before Americas were discovered.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 Feb 2018   #800
Exactly. But not only them. Germanics, Rome, Arabs... there was open season for hunt on Slavs (ie Sarmatians).

Effectively, Battle at Grunwald ended era of Slavic slavery. But, essentially, era of Slavic slavery never ended, all to the our time. In my opinion, only consolidation of Intermarium and Eurasian Union, as two great Slavic founded conglomerates, can result in end of era of Slavic slavery.

Sure, global slavery won`t end till the end of time.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2018   #801
WP - I've dug something up about our old friend -

But much more interestingly - the post links to a second article. The link doesn't work, but this does -

And this one thing immediately jumped out at me:

"Gdyby izraelskie media dowiedziały się, że minister kultury Polski traktuje szczątki Żydów jako zabytek, wybuchłby międzynarodowy skandal," straszy Jonny Daniels z fundacji From the Depths w najnowszym numerze Wprost.

My translation (others can improve it!) - "If the Israeli media was to find out, that the Polish Minister of Culture treats the remains of Jewish people like a historical monument, an international scandal would happen".

He was effectively threatening the Polish government in 2014 with massive bad PR if they didn't do what they wanted, even though what he wanted was completely at odds with the Jewish authorities in Poland. The article also mentions that he's been receiving financial support from mysterious "sponsors" that he doesn't want to disclose.

Another site worth a read:

I have no idea what the political leanings of the site are, I've just read the article. Either way, the "fake name" and "Mossad" allegation is repeated here.
mafketis  38 | 11143
25 Feb 2018   #802
My translation

Isn't that a back translation since Daniels doesn't speak Polish?
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
25 Feb 2018   #803
Looks like the Israeli media lied about the 'freezing' of the law until Polish and Israeli representatives meet to discuss the issue and possible rewording of it.

A Polish government spokeswoman said there is no such thing as 'freezing a law' in Poland and that it will be implemented soon.


As for Daniels, did you see his recent backslide, as he apologised on social media for things he has said? A few days before he made the apology, he wrote that Jews who collaborated, did so out of fear and because they had to, while Polish people who collaborated, did so out of hatred and greed. This caused much outrage in Poland [unsurprisingly].

I think he realised that less and less people in Poland were liking him. The left and far-right were already against him, and then he managed to turn the moderate PiS supporting right against him too - so there was almost nobody left on his side. It was damage limitation with the apology I suppose.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2018   #804
A Polish government spokeswoman said there is no such thing as 'freezing a law' in Poland and that it will be implemented soon.

The rumours floating around suggested that they would simply not prosecute anyone for the crime, but what I don't understand is why the law comes into force despite it being referred to the Constitutional Tribunal. I mean - at this point - it's obvious that PiS and the Israeli government are looking for a mutually acceptable solution, but it's tough to see what PiS can do without opening themselves up for attack domestically. Declaring it as unconstitutional would be one way out, but would PiS supporters really buy that when they know that the TK is in their hands.

Apparently Ziobro told PAP that the law wouldn't be enforced, but what next? If someone comes here and openly accuses Poland of operating Auschwitz for the sole purpose of murdering Jews, will they really not prosecute someone despite it being on the books?

It was damage limitation with the apology I suppose.

Totally, and I hope no-one's bought it. It's becoming painfully obvious that he was at least partially responsible for this whole mess, and his attempts at damage limitation were pathetic to say the least.

Found this, BTW - - but I think it's worth stressing that I don't want him here, regardless of which political faction he sides with. There's more here - - but I notice how he's saying one thing to the right wing media and then a completely different story online / internationally.

And - of course - - he's spreading the news about the law being 'frozen'. He doesn't seem to be taking into account that there's a clear demand for this law to be enacted and enforced, only celebrating because the Israelis have seemingly won this round.
Ironside  50 | 12918
25 Feb 2018   #805
The rumours floating around suggested

A, Dude is a fence sitter not a statesman. Sending this law to KT for not other reason other than to cover his insecure ass.

B, the law should be implemented.
C, Gross should be arrested and persecuted to the full extent of the law if he ever dare to show his face in Poland.

Jonny Daniels doesn't even sound like a real name. What kind of a douche would take him in as an advice even informal one? Its stinks, its stank and it has had a bad smell from the very start. One has to be devoid of a nose to not smell the coffee from the very start. Well, better late than never.
G (undercover)
25 Feb 2018   #806
Apparently Ziobro told PAP that the law wouldn't be enforced

The law of course should be applied only in extreme cases but how could it be "not enforced" ? It can't.
Lyzko  45 | 9748
25 Feb 2018   #807

This has never been seriously documented. While it is true that many black African tribes did in fact enslave their neighbors' tribespeople, fellow black Africans, Jews were often accused of slavery in order to justify the continuing bias against Jews as hucksters and cheats.
kaprys  3 | 2076
25 Feb 2018   #808
They were involved in slave trade of Europeans.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Feb 2018   #809
The law of course should be applied only in extreme cases but how could it be "not enforced" ? It can't.

Welcome to the world of having prosecution services under the control of government. Laws can be easily enforced or not enforced depending on the situation.
Ironside  50 | 12918
25 Feb 2018   #810
prosecution services

Better to have those services under the control of the gov than under an unelected clique as it has been for a while.

Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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