Doug, the far right could be stopped dead in their friggin tracks if the left who is in power would put an end to resettling asylum seekers in European countries.
Not just that. They'd also have to learn to respect countries' sovereignty and not become involved in domestic political affairs. The average European views the purpose of the EU as a mainly economic and social institution that's supposed to bring the economies and societies of the EU nations closer together. However, the EU quickly started pushing far left wing agendas. Tens of millions of Europeans are very much against that - and it's not just right wingers and nationalists. Libertarians, centrists, and even quite a few people on the left feel the same way. Poles are sick and tired of having to abide by ridiculous dictates by the German dominated Brussels. Poles feel as if even though Germany caused a ton of problems during WW1 and WW2 and surrendered, they've ended up becoming the bully in Europe again. However, now instead of panzers and stukas they have dictates.
Want to stop the rise of the right and far right all over Europe? Simple - stop pushing far left dictates and forcing countries to take in people they don't want. Stop telling them how to run their court system. Stop pushing gay and tranny propaganda literally encouraging kindergarteners to dress up in different genders' clothing and play drag queen. Stop trying to dilute each nation's culture and Christianity. Then the left and right will be able to get along and you won't have things like Brexit, the rebellion of the V4 against Brusells, rise of the AfD, etc. Although, it's probably too late for that. Thanks to Merkel and the libtards in the EC and EP, Europe has faced a literal deluge of migrants from every sh1t hole country known to man. This is going to change the demographics forever. Well, we don't want that in Poland and neither do the citizens of many other European countries. We're not going to become Germany France or Sweden and have no-go zones surrounding our capital, were not going to allow Islamic terror attacks and preachers who praise things like suicide bombings and call for a total invasion of Europe and forced conversions. Yet despite all the problems they've caused, the left continues to apologize for the migrant crimes and rationalize all the terrible things that have happened ever since Merkel opened the floodgates.
Uganda and Zimbabwe, and other countries with struggling economies would be welcome to the idea of Europe footing the bill,
America has given billions to Africa. Well, since it's such a corrupt sh1thole most of that money was stolen by politicians and military officers. The Chinese are making greater in roads than anyone else. The reason why is instead of giving donations and hence causing the country to eventually become reliant on donations giving them no incentive to develop the country and clean up corruption, the Chinese instead built infrastructure, mines, factories, etc. THis is a WAY better long term strategy and the US should've done the same. Instead of repeatedly giving donations, it's not only more economical to build a factory or set up a gold mind and give Africans work at such a facility so they can feed themselves. Mugabe eventually relented and allowed the plantation owners to return - but not to become owners again and merely manage the farms. Meanwhile, Mugabe and his wife Gucci Grace travel around the world and spend hundreds of thousands on shopping trips in France - all money stolen from plantation owners and donations from western governments - which UK has cut off because of Mugabe's behavior. Thank goodness he's finally gone now. Although, it is highly likely that another guy that's just as corrupt will take his place and perhaps be even worse. Such is the story of sub Saharan Africa.
On the note of Zimbabwe, when Europeans ruled the country it's economy was in an infinitely better stage. Zimbabwe, aka Rhodesia, use to be the bread basket of Africa. Europeans knew how to run it and hence the average wages went way up, there were tons of exports especially food, unemployment was low, etc. But what happened? Mugabe and his African generals screwed it all up. They simply don't know how to run a country. Immediately the country went into a recession, Mugabe flat out stole the best plantations to give to himself and friends, and the country went from being a major food exporter to not only importing food - but relying on donations of food so the people don't starve. That is how so many pathetic African leaders are and very few actually care about their people. It's the same story with South Africa which use to be very prosperous. Poles even went there in the 70s and 80s for work. However, now the country is messed up, has among the highest violent crime rates in the world, upper middle class people have to live around barbed wire and armed security all the time, and the government is dominated by nepotism and corruption. This isn't what Mandela had in mind that's for sure.