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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #361
Bog Honor Ojczyzna!!!

Poland 1
Israel 0
gregy741  5 | 1226
6 Feb 2018   #362
Duda confirmed his readiness to sign law that forbidding use of term 'Polish death camps'

am surprised.Dudas is totaly surronded by jews.hes wife is jewish and one just need to look at the face of his spokesman

ohh that nose ,soooo not polish
Crow  155 | 9736
6 Feb 2018   #363
I`m not surprised that Israel complaints. Their problem I can understand. Whole topic, anything regard their truly enormous casualties during WWII, is `per se` taboo. Still, they should understand Polish stance, too. Poles also suffered in WWII themselves and for sure they don`t need to be stigmatized for something what they didn`t invent.

But that Germany complaints is worse then abominable.
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Feb 2018   #364
Were there any jewish battalions or regiments fighting for poland in the uprisings or ww1

Poland as a nation state did not exist during World War One.

They were quite a few jews fighting on german side in ww1 but not poland.

Part of Poland WAS fighting on the German side in World War One. As Poland was partitioned at the time, Poles fought for Russia on the allied side or Germany, Austria-Hungary on the other.
cms  9 | 1253
6 Feb 2018   #365
Dirk in 1939 there were more than 100.000 Jewish soldiers in the Polish army.

There were none in WWI because Poland did not have an army then.

Not sure why these racist rants are allowed really - for the first few pages of this thread there was a sensible discussion about the law. Then they cracked open the krupnik at the Red Apple buffet and all sorts of nonsense theories started.
Crow  155 | 9736
6 Feb 2018   #366

To add info here. Poles also fought on Serbian side during WWI. Poles, Czechs and Slovaks en masse (whole regiments and battalion strong formations) used to surrender to Serbian army and then asked to join in fight against common anti-Slavic German and A-H enemy.

Together, we killed many foe. But, obviously, nearly not enough.
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Feb 2018   #367
It should be added that the Serbian side was the Allied side and Poles living in the Russian part of Poland automatically fought on the Serbian side.

Oh and let's not forget the women of Scotland who were out in Serbia as nurses and doctors tending the wounded. They are still honoured in Serbia today.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #368
There were none in WWI because Poland did not have an army then.

The army was established towards the tail end of ww1 by pilsudzki, which resisted the Nazi and soviet invasion - the latter which the Jews were all to keen to take advantage of and plunder and murder Poles (over half of UB leadership after WW2 was Jewish)

nonsense theories started

There's no racism here. I am pointing out FACTS and facts don't have feelings. So do you deny that jews were kicked out of over 100 different countries, cities, principalities throughout Europe before Poland graciously took them in?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #369
So called 'Polish Jews' are not Poles. Poles are Slavic people, overwhelmingly Christian, who inhabited the same lands for thousands of years. The Jews did not - they are a fairly recent addition to Poland. They are foreigners who came into Poland during the commonwealth because they were kicked out of every single European country and often mixing with other races and people in the mix. They literally had nowhere else to go so they went to Poland and anyone can research these facts.

Kicked out of every single country in Europe, but no, Europeans are the problem of course...
Crow  155 | 9736
6 Feb 2018   #370
It should be added that the Serbian side was the Allied side and Poles living in the Russian part of Poland automatically fought on the Serbian side.

Yes. But, I here spoke about Poles that were subjects to A-H. They too, were loyal to Slavic cause.

After first (go google that, its official) Entente victory in WWI in epic Cer battle, where Serbian army killed in battle more then 25.000 A-H soldiers in just one day, while Serbian losses were less then 4.800 soldiers, A-H started to dissolve from within and Slavs in A-H army started massively to refuse to fight against their Serbian brethren. That was the day when Poland, Czechia and Slovakia won their independence. Yes, back in that day. Anyway, in that fateful Cer battle Serbians were killing their foes until Serbs were so exhausted that they were not able to stand and walk and just then they stooped to pursue fleeing, panicked and routing enemy. It was massacre, literally. Commander of A-H army Oskar Potiorek got letter from Vienna with suggestion to commit suicide and at least save anything of his dignity but, Potiorek refused stating that no Germanic commander wouldn`t be able to perform batter in that battle, how Serbians had strong moral and genuine guidance.

Atch  22 | 4299
6 Feb 2018   #371
Kicked out of every single country in Europe

They weren't kicked out of Ireland - I know we're small, but we're still a country. And there were 5,000 Jewish officers in the Polish army in 1939.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #372
Info on Jewish explusions throughout Europe - over 100 different places!

info on Israel's constant UN violations and various places/years which they were kicked out:

And there were 5,000 Jewish officers in the Polish army in 1939.

A miniscule figure considering the millions of them in Poland. It should've been closer to half a million at least serving in AK/Home Army considering almost every able bodied man was doing his part - and women too. But you can't expect people who's ancestors came in to a country because it was their 'last resort' to be of much help.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
6 Feb 2018   #373
Polish Jews most certainly ARE Poles, as are American Jews Americans (inspite of the tricky nomenclature of being associated with an essentially immigrant nation vs. one homogeneous nationality, I'll grant you), German Jews Germans etc..

The artificial distinctions of race vs. nationality vs. religion cannot deprive any citizen from their legal birthright to be counted as belonging to the country of their birth.

While it is true that the bulk of Polish Jewry once resided in shtettls, spoke exclusively Yiddish, not Polsh or even German, and were culturally isolated from their gentile neighbors (not by the former's consent, I might add), a large number became great contributors to the majority Polish society such as Julian Tuwim, Tadeusz Roziewicz etc., writing in a Polish which continues to set standards even to this this day.

It would therefore be a grave injustice to those Poles to associate the "average" Polish Jew of today with some Isaac Bashevis Singer characters of a bygone era!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #374
Yes, Polish born Jews are citizens of Poland - but they are NOT Poles, not in a national sense anyway. Poles are Christian Slavs who stayed in the same lands for thousands of years - not miscegnated wanderers with an entirely different religion who were kicked out of everywhere they went.

(not by the former's consent, I might add),

Absolutely by their own consent - they could've gone to any number of schools, they chose yeshivas. they could've studied Polish, they studied Hebrew. The only time Jews integrated themselves into Polish society was during PRL because they were so allied with the Soviet Jews leading the USSR. Once they were able to get into leadership positions like in the UB they immediately set out to killing AK members and other Poles.

The artificial distinctions of race vs. nationality vs. religion cannot deprive any citizen from their legal birthright to be counted as belonging to the country of their birth.

Absolutely, but that does not mean Jews are of the Polish nationality as they are an entirely different race and people and hence have an entirely different religion, language, customs, etc.

The point is this - Poland is for Poles - NOT for Jews - you have Israel for that, and same with Ukranians or any other non-Polish Catholic foreigners that are living within Poland's borders.
Crow  155 | 9736
6 Feb 2018   #375
Oh and let's not forget the women of Scotland who were out in Serbia as nurses and doctors tending the wounded. They are still honoured in Serbia today.

yes, that, too is truth. Scots as Celts always sides with Slavs. Give them chance and they would join in Slavic civilization. But, nasty Anglos don`t give them that chance.
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Feb 2018   #376
A miniscule figure

The Polish army in 1939 had one million men and 200,000 were Jews.

Give them chance and they would join in Slavic civilization.

Well the Irish wouldn't! We're Gaels and we'll stay that way thank you but you're always welcome to visit :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #377
The Polish army in 1939 had one million men and 200,000 were Jews.


Then why did the UB leadership (half of which was Jewish) kill so many people fighting for Poland if their fellow Jews accounted for 20% of ranks?
Lyzko  44 | 9731
6 Feb 2018   #378
Perhaps as an American, I see matters differently, but to be for example Polish, German, French etc. in the end means to feel, speak, act Polish, German or French in one's heart, despite the superficial differences between ethnic as compared with "naturalized" minorities.

Tell a Polish Jew who considered themselves lucky enough to be considered for the army etc. that they're not as Polish as a Christian Slav who never had to overcome the disadvantages of prejudice!

Tell a Black American who was a Tuskeegee airman that the color of his skin makes him less of an American than a white man.....I dare ya!!!
Crow  155 | 9736
6 Feb 2018   #379
Well the Irish wouldn't! We're Gaels and we'll stay that way thank you but you're always welcome to visit :)

Well, its enough to side with us, no need to join. We maybe aren`t same but are definitely most similar.

See, in Bosnia, too, Scots refused to fight side by side with Arab mujaheedines against Serbians, while, see, English chooses to fight alongside mujaheedines.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #380

America is a land of mixed people, races, religions, etc. Poland is not. Poland is a homogenous country overwhelmingly made of Polish Christians and it's been that way for a thousand years. Jews were a recent addition to the country by Kazimierz I and they only came because literally no other country wanted to take them.

but to be for example Polish, German, French etc. in the end means to feel, speak, act Polish, German or French in one's heart

Funny, because Israel considers someone to be a Jew who actually has Jewish DNA - especially from mothers side. In fact, in Israel it's common to have to take a DNA test to prove your 'Jewishness' to gain citizenship (too bad Poland won't do the same). I, like Israel, am basing Polish nationality based on blood - not a social construct. You can be a Polish citizen and be brown, black, yellow or whatever, but like a Jew, that black/brown/red person can never be a Pole in terms of nationality, blood, etc.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
6 Feb 2018   #381
Blood knows no nationality or the like, someone ought to have reminded Hitler......and Archie Bunker when he went in for a transfusionLOL
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #382
Blood knows no nationality or the like

Then why do so many people have to take DNA tests to become citizens of Israel?

Why do people born to Polish parents automatically receive Polish citizenship?

Why does society spend millions testing their blood to see exactly what nationality they are?

Tell a Polish Jew who considered themselves lucky enough to be considered for the army etc. that they're not as Polish as a Christian Slav who never had to overcome the disadvantages of prejudice!

Next time I meet one I will.

Rofl disadvantages of prejudice???!?!? hahahahha it's JEWS that were kicked out of EVERY COUNTRY they went to - not Poles. We didn't wander for thousands of years pissing off everyone in the world and getting kicked out of over 100 different places. If it was 1 country, 2 countries, okay fine - they're racist, anti-Semite or whatever... but when you get to over 100 different places over the span of a thousand years... well clearly its not the 100 countries/principalities/cities that are at fault.

again - from JEWISH author:
'.... it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel
SigSauer  4 | 377
6 Feb 2018   #383
You're all talking in circles. Israel has no business lecturing other countries about their laws while they recruit vigilantes to round up undesirable African migrants because they threaten the 'identity' of the Jewish state of Israel. So while they beat the war drum for an ethno-state, they cast aspersions on others as a rather blatant distraction. You know the saying, don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.
Crnogorac3  3 | 673
6 Feb 2018   #384
Dirk in 1939 there were more than 100.000 Jewish soldiers in the Polish army.

I believe in the Jewish struggle for Poland as much as in the desire of the penguins to live in Hawaii.

They only entered the ranks of the Polish army to take weapons from the Poles. And when the Poles armed them, they turned on the Poles and became one of their biggest executioners in those areas, of course, those that gave them arms were killed.ńska-Brus
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #385
The Jewish oppression of Polish people in the years after WW2 and all the way up until 1967/68 is well documented. After the 60's many Jews changed their names to conceal their identity and their deeds.

The UB was especially overrepresented by Jews, half of whom made up the leadership. They were the notorious enforcers of their fellow Soviet Jews in Moscow. There's thousands of people like Morel and Michnik that aren't famous yet their crimes against Polish people were just as bad.

Poland ought to have a day of remembrance of the vast crimes that Jews committed against Polish people.
mafketis  38 | 11284
6 Feb 2018   #386
smartass, I know what I'm talking about, you don't!

You're the polite one, aren't you? Want a medal?

She's a Polish citizen born and bred, just because she's not just like you doesn't make her any less Polish.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #387
I don't see any good Jewish sources showing any significant amounts of Jews serving in Poland's armies. In fact, I found the opposite -

This is a list of the Jewish partisans who operated in the Lublin district during the Holocaust
For example, a few hundred total partisans out of a population of 80,000 Jews in Lublin and 250k in the surrounding areas???.... some effort... pffftttt

The only Jews that did fight were in the commie Red army allied Armia Ludowa SCUM. There were NEVER hundreds of thousands of Jews in either NSZ or AK or any other force - they stuck to only tiny Jewish groups like ZOB or ZZW or communist groups like AL which were intent on subverting and dissolving Poland so it can become a puppet of USSR and were assisted in their efforts by the red army. Well, the Jews in Poland certainly helped USSR in that task as commie AL foot soldiers would become UB leaders in the PRL. Jews from the commie AL/red army/UB merely switched from fighting nazis to fighting AK/NSZ veterans who risked their neck for them just years before - all with the blessing of their commie friends back in Moscow. Even during the war Jews would steal hunting rifles or shotguns from Polish peasants only to kill them with their own gun later on.

After the 1939 invasion, Poland had 250k-400k total members in all organizations almost entirely Poles with AK's 250k being the largest force (followed by NSZ and then AL) so no, there were no 200k jews in our forces either at the beginning of the invasion or afterwards.

According to this book, there were 5K Jewish officers. A tiny number considering the millions of Jews living in Poland in 1939.

The two main all Jewish fighting forces were Zydowski Związek Wojskowy, which had a measly couple hundred men at its peak and around 40 at a low, and Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa which was even smaller - both were under AK command.

Hence their contribution in the defense of Poland was minimal at best. If it wasn't for Poles and Zegota there likely wouldn't even be any so called 'Polish Jews' today.

She's a Polish citizen born and bred, just because she's not just like you doesn't make her any less Polish.@ mafketis

She may be a Polish citizen but she is certainly no Pole. Poles are Slavic Christians - not Jews and it's been that way since 966 when our Polish king christened (not bar mitzvah'd) Poland. Jews only came to Poland after being kicked out of every single other European country and had no where else to go. That is the historical fact. They are of a totally different blood line as they are not Slavs.
mafketis  38 | 11284
6 Feb 2018   #388
Poles are Slavic Christians - not Jews

the two categories are mixed (not necessarily a majority but a very significant minority of Poles have some degree of Jewish ancestory (far more than realize they do)

Jewish(ethnic) and Christian are not mutually exclusive categories and neither are Jewish and Polish

The idea that Jewishness refers exclusive to an ethnic group is another straigh-from-Russia idea that goes along with your boy-crush on Putin....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #389
The idea that Jewishness refers exclusive to an ethnic group

It is absolutely both an ethnic and religious group and probably the only one that's like that - except maybe yazidis or small groups where the vast majority of the people of such an ethnicity have the same religious beliefs. Even under encyclopedia articles 'jewish' is cited as the nationality of the AL/UB red army allied scum listed above. In any case, so called Polish Jews are not Polish - unless their ancestors perhaps intermixed with actual Poles. Polish Jews are merely the descendants of the roving bands of nomads who wandered around for a thousand years getting kicked out of one country after another after another after another till they finally reached Poland because they had no where else to go. The only Polish blood they'd have is whatever was mixed in with all the other ethnicities as their ancestors wandered around all over Europe, Africa, asia, etc.
Casual Observer
6 Feb 2018   #390
Jesus Christ. I mention Agnieska Holland (for reason, see below), and it turns into a 'blood and soil' diatribe from the Idiot American and the other meatheads. Pitiful, and morons talking about noses. You lot should get together and practice your goose-steps and oil your callipers.

So, back to Holland, she was born in Warsaw to a Polish Catholic mother and Polish Jewish father (and seeing as 'Jewishness' follows the maternal line, that makes her an ethnic Polish Catholic, although she is apparently agnostic). Her mother participated in the Warsaw Uprising. Her father was murdered in Communist police custody. She made the true-story film, 'In Darkness' about Polish Catholics who protected Jews.

And yet, to the likes of Ironside and Dirk Dikhead (a Yankie-doodle-salesman), she is not 'Polish' enough.


Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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