Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

Well, we have it on paper.
Oh, so it is on paper? How cute :) In PRL constitution we had it on paper too - freedom of speech, free press, freedom of assembly, etc. Imagine that lol
But I was asking if you'd like to have it in RuSSia for real, not only on paper.
I don't want to speculate over the reasons for a person's death.
I think it may be irresponsible for you to do so as well.
I think it may be irresponsible for you to do so as well.
Other than these criteria - most Russians are safe. I would think.
Sure, as long as they don't publicly criticise Putin and his cronies and the corruption and the RuSSian invasion of Ukraine, RuSSian army, etc. and they don't become a leader of real, democratic opposition or they try to go against Putin in elections with some chance of doing well, etc. :))
@Torq lol
Soon, hopefully :):
Amendment 28: Voting shall be limited to US-born citizens over the age of 30 who served in the US Armed Forces and currently pay US Federal Income taxes
Nothing new in your proposal. In the ancient polis, to be able to vote, you had to be a free citizen with property in that polis and sufficient income, and you had to show up to vote in combat gear and with your personal weapon to show that you were willing to defend the polis in which you wanted to vote.
Those were the days when democracy worked.....
@Velund, how do you know that it worked? lol
Wouldn't that exclude you? :))
Voting shall be limited to US-born citizens over the age of 30 who served in the US Armed Forces
Wouldn't that exclude you? :))
Wouldn't that exclude you? :))
Yes, it would. In fact, I should never be allowed to vote in any US elections primarily because I was not born here and because I am a dual national. That makes me suspect.
To prove that I actually mean it, I don't vote. I did once - for Reagan in 1980 - and never since.
The rule can be simplified to: If you are not willing to die for your country, STFU.
Hey, Velund, just to remind you about our free speech debate way back...You were right then and you are right even more now.
The First Amendment is a wonderful thing and I am glad it's there to keep me out of prison - but not much more. The "system" found better ways to fend off the attacks from the First Amendment patriots to neutralize its effectiveness to almost nothing.
The most egregious example of how it works is that US Supreme Court justice who was too afraid to answer the question of what is a woman. She had the full blessing of US Bolsheviks, the First Amendment protections, and US courts in her corner, and yet she was still too afraid of getting mobbed had she simply said: A woman is an adult human female.
That would be an unforgivable blasphemy in the Church of Woke Perversions.
Still, there are many here who believe that the US, along with Western Europe, are free speech zones. If they are, it's just to serve as a safety valve and to allow for early detection of who the rebels are. That's why the FBI and Facebook decided to give the First the middle finger.

Jewish guys in PL doing a traditional dance (to the tune of Hava Nagila
Hey Jon, No I woud love to tho, please PM or post it here :)
post it here
Here it is:
Former Konfederacja MP, Janusz Korwin Mikke, is starting a new party soon (which he announced at a press conference last week). His partners in the endeavour are Stanisław Michalkiewicz and a former Euro-MP, Robert Iwaszkiewicz...
... there are rumours floating about that the new party is where Grzegorz Braun will find shelter, after he is (most likely) kicked out of Konfederacja.
... there are rumours floating about that the new party is where Grzegorz Braun will find shelter, after he is (most likely) kicked out of Konfederacja.
Janusz Korwin Mikke, is starting a new party soon
That is, after all, his favourite hobby :)
starting a new party soon
Party of Firefighters?
Grzegorz Braun will find shelter, after he is (most likely) kicked out of Konfederacja.
I am not surprised by Bosak's and Mentzen's attempts to distance themselves from Braun. It was common belief in Poland since the last summer, when Konfederacja turned left and sidelined Braun, that he would part ways with centrist cucks after elections. Looks like he is leaving with a bang. Bosak, Mentzen and their lackeys are done for: they will either be eliminated from the parliament in next elections (likely in 2 years when Tusk's government collapses) or be absorbed by a bigger centrist party, like Trzecia Droga (Third Way).
The reaction to Braun's stunt has been largely positive among common people so now Tusk faces a dilemma: if he presses criminal charges while leftist activists get away with much worse offenses against Catholic church, he I going to create a martyr and pis*s off many ordinary people.
Hołownia is a hypocrite who demands criminal charges against Braun while 2,5 years ago he wanted to de-penalize insults to religious feelings:

Original tweet:
If he runs for president in 2025, voters will remind him about the candle lighting scene.
He shouldn't have pulled that stunt.
On the other hand what some hanukkash or whatnot were doing in the parliament?
On the other - why the hell are Polish politicians acting like butlers and apologizing left right and center?
After all, We don't need Israel and have no interest there, and the Jewish lobby in the US can go and F themselves. Biden already sold us to Germans who hide behind the EU. Now their fascist imperial policy is called European not German and they can hail as much as they liken to their new/old state.
On the other hand what some hanukkash or whatnot were doing in the parliament?
On the other - why the hell are Polish politicians acting like butlers and apologizing left right and center?
After all, We don't need Israel and have no interest there, and the Jewish lobby in the US can go and F themselves. Biden already sold us to Germans who hide behind the EU. Now their fascist imperial policy is called European not German and they can hail as much as they liken to their new/old state.
On the other hand what some hanukkash or whatnot were doing in the parliament?
At least the Chanukkah candles were eventually lit, and properly, by the Chief Rabbi of Poland!
Why don't you believe in the separation of synagogue and state?
For the same reason Poland openly rejects the separation between Church and state!
The US makes a big deal about the separation between the two, while repeatedly appointing
Supreme Court justices such as Comey Barrett who imposes her antiquated views on abortion.
You tell me why, Poloniusz.
The US makes a big deal about the separation between the two, while repeatedly appointing
Supreme Court justices such as Comey Barrett who imposes her antiquated views on abortion.
You tell me why, Poloniusz.
For the same reason Poland openly rejects the separation between Church and state!
You're wrong.
Poland's constitution makes clear that "The relationship between the State and churches and other religious organizations shall be based on the principle of respect for their autonomy and the mutual independence of each in its own sphere."
So, what can you tell us about Polish symbols being displayed on or in synagogues and yeshivas?
The US makes a big deal about the separation between the two, while repeatedly appointing Supreme Court justices such as Comey Barrett who imposes her antiquated views and abortion.
Nope. The US makes a big deal about the separation between the two while repeatedly appointing Supreme Court justices such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Stephen Breyer; Abe Fortas; Louis Brandeis; Benjamin Cardozo; Felix Frankfurter; Arthur Goldberg; and Elena Kagan all of whom have imposed their polarizing views on everyone.
Do you believe there should always be a "Jewish Seat" reserved on the Supreme Court even though there is nothing written in the US Constitution about this?
"An NPR report in 2009, detailed the mythical "Jewish seat"; four of the five previous Jewish justices had immediately succeeded each other, as if bestowing the spot to the next Jew."
So, what can you tell us about Polish symbols being displayed on or in synagogues and yeshivas?
Hey, Lyzko, here is your chance to impress this forum by answering his question.
who imposes her antiquated views on abortion.
What is the unantiquated view on abortion?
Hey, Lyzko, here is your chance to impress this forum by answering his question.
I know, right? Hours have passed and I can't wait for him to comeback on here and "educate" us all.
the Chanukkah candles were eventually lit, and properly, by the Chief Rabbi of Poland!
Whoa! You must think everyone is impressed by this! Clearly you are!
But did you know that "Jewish law provides no scriptural or Talmudic support for the post of a "chief rabbi." and "The position arose in Europe in the Middle Ages from governing authorities largely for secular administrative reasons such as collecting taxes and registering vital statistics."?
No, you obviously didn't know this.
Here is some more Hanukkah trivia:
"The earliest use of candles is often attributed to the Ancient Egyptians. While the Egyptians were using wicked candles in 3,000 B.C., the ancient Romans are generally credited with developing the wicked candle before that time by dipping rolled papyrus repeatedly in melted tallow or beeswax. Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights which centers on the lighting of candles, dates back to 165 B.C."
So, here's another question, how are candles "properly" lit?
Does it require someone with an unofficial bureaucratic quasi-religious title with origins in Medieval Europe to light a culturally appropriated waxed wick invented thousands of years before during the reigns of Egyptian pharaohs and Roman emperors?
Poland is traditionally, that is, historically, a Roman Catholic nation, Poloniusz et al.
The State which represents the religious convictions of her citizens might indeed separate
such a distinction on paper, though scarcely in practice.
George Washington was a Protestant by conviction, yet maintained a strict adherence to the
legal separation between Church and State, while at the same time, allowing both Jews and Catholics to peacefully co-exist. He permitted Jews to enter
the New World, so long as they neither required not exacted any financial assistance from our government.
Throughout Poland ever since she was Christianized, Jews were a barely tolerated, if scarcely "welcomed: group within
the borders of Poland. So long as they practiced their religion in private, made no demands on their gentile neighbors
by behaving themselves, they could even attend school as well as exist within their community.. A small number converted to Catholicism, a slightly larger number
still ended up becoming assimilated into Polish society, acknowledging their Jewish roots, simultaneously adopting to
national life. But it wasn't easy.
The State which represents the religious convictions of her citizens might indeed separate
such a distinction on paper, though scarcely in practice.
George Washington was a Protestant by conviction, yet maintained a strict adherence to the
legal separation between Church and State, while at the same time, allowing both Jews and Catholics to peacefully co-exist. He permitted Jews to enter
the New World, so long as they neither required not exacted any financial assistance from our government.
Throughout Poland ever since she was Christianized, Jews were a barely tolerated, if scarcely "welcomed: group within
the borders of Poland. So long as they practiced their religion in private, made no demands on their gentile neighbors
by behaving themselves, they could even attend school as well as exist within their community.. A small number converted to Catholicism, a slightly larger number
still ended up becoming assimilated into Polish society, acknowledging their Jewish roots, simultaneously adopting to
national life. But it wasn't easy.
At least the Chanukkah candles were eventually lit,
You can light it at home or somewhere else not the the Polish Parliament. What b'itches let it happen? Nobody should vote on them.
Jews were a barely tolerated
Was this or that ..that was long ago and now Jews have their state and their laws and rules and they discriminate in their state against others you are a Jew you should move over there rather than yapp from the sidelines and demand special privileges. Alternatively, you can be a good citizen of the country you live in and stand up for that country not any other.
Ideally yes, Ironside. However, history paints a somewhat different picture.
The US is basically Protestant, yet doesn't acknowledge America as a solely
Protestant nation, despite the preponderance of the latter.
Poland is nearly 99.9% staunch Roman Catholic, in practice, not only
nominally cf. with Austria. Poles will typically identify themselves as Catholic = Polish
The US is basically Protestant, yet doesn't acknowledge America as a solely
Protestant nation, despite the preponderance of the latter.
Poland is nearly 99.9% staunch Roman Catholic, in practice, not only
nominally cf. with Austria. Poles will typically identify themselves as Catholic = Polish
Poland is
Poland is a homeland of Poles and we like it that way. You seem to have a problem with it.
No. I do though adamantly take issue with anyone who denies that Polish-born Jews, such
as the Chief Rabbi of Poland Ber Stambler, have as much legal right to live in Poland as a
gentile Pole.
There will always be those among the former who maintain "I'm not a Pole! I'm a Jew who'
happens to have been born and lives in Poland." There will always be others who claim
"I'm a Pole of Jewish descent and proud of being both!"
Who's right? Fact is, they both are and there's nothing anybody can do about it, living as
we do in a post-Holocaust world! Anybody who has a problem with that will simply have to
deal with it in their own way, in their own time, period.
as the Chief Rabbi of Poland Ber Stambler, have as much legal right to live in Poland as a
gentile Pole.
There will always be those among the former who maintain "I'm not a Pole! I'm a Jew who'
happens to have been born and lives in Poland." There will always be others who claim
"I'm a Pole of Jewish descent and proud of being both!"
Who's right? Fact is, they both are and there's nothing anybody can do about it, living as
we do in a post-Holocaust world! Anybody who has a problem with that will simply have to
deal with it in their own way, in their own time, period.
Poland is a homeland of Poles and we like it that way.
Yes, Poles. Not only Catholics
Jews are not Poles. See: "Poles and Jews"...written a million times.
Jews are Polish citizens. Huge difference...
Jews are Polish citizens. Huge difference...
Jews are not Poles
And now as a percentage. How many Jews must there be in a Pole for him to stop being a Pole and become a Jew?
How many Jews must there be in a Pole for him to stop being a Pole and become a Jew?
That depends on how big they are.
how big they are.
The size of a dwarf?