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Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

Novichok  4 | 8509
15 Dec 2023   #211
Interesting that in Udmurtia there is no free press, free speech, free assembly, right to trial and yet the paid trolls come here to lecture us about democracy

...because, my stupid polak, democracy has nothing to do with free speech, free assembly, and right to trial. Just ask any inmate anywhere...

Democracy is about who controls who: When we control the ruling elites it's democracy. Today, you and I control sh*it. Go visit our Southern border to see how it works.

If you are the right sort of person...

WTF is that supposed to mean?
Alien  25 | 6409
15 Dec 2023   #212
you and I control sh*it.

Unfortunately, even this will change someday.
Novichok  4 | 8509
15 Dec 2023   #213
Words of wisdom, Allien...The EU is preparing a set of regulations to make all latrines Muslim-friendly: no water and you have to face Mecca. The opposite boddy orientation will earn you five years for hurting Muslims' feelings.
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #214
WTF is that supposed to mean?

I guess he means that when the Bill of Rights was drafted and ratified, women and blacks did not have the ability to vote.

The 15th Amendment granted blacks the right to vote. Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.

The 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote. Passed by Congress June 4, 1919. Ratified August 18, 1920.

Always been funny to me, that white men trusted former slaves to vote, before they trusted their wives.
Novichok  4 | 8509
15 Dec 2023   #215
Always been funny to me, that white men trusted former slaves to vote, before they trusted their wives.

I am wondering which mistake was worse ...Here is how we can correct both:

Amendment 28: Voting shall be limited to US-born citizens over the age of 30 who served in the US Armed Forces and currently pay US Federal Income taxes, having never been convicted of any crime or seen kneeling while the US National Anthem was in progress.
Lenka  5 | 3531
15 Dec 2023   #216
Amendment 29: Posters of PF will keep the US crap in the USA threads
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #217
Posters of PF will keep the US crap in the USA threads

Poles can benefit as much as Russians from learning about the genius of the US constitution.

This Braun idiot is a member of the Sejm, no?

We are discussing separation of Church and State. As well as freedom of speech.

Is the American Bill of Rights, as the first document in the history of this planet that managed to put everything into one container, irrelevant then?

I studied the Magna Carta, the Swiss compact, the French Revolution, and everything in between. There was nothing like the Bill of Rights. It is a revolutionary document. It's why everyone copies it to shield themselves with credibility before their populations.
Lenka  5 | 3531
15 Dec 2023   #218
irrelevant then?

Yes, completely.
And Novichok wet dreams about what rules he would like even more.
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #219
Yes, completely.

Well, maybe not completely, Lenka?
Lenka  5 | 3531
15 Dec 2023   #220
Can you explain how the last exchange with Novichok connects to the case of MP Braun?
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #221
I admit, I cannot explain this.

Not using normal protocols accepted amongst average statistical humans.
Novichok  4 | 8509
15 Dec 2023   #222
It is a revolutionary document

...and the gold standard. All else is lesser...

Can you explain how the last exchange with Novichok connects to the case of MP Braun?

Easy. The case of MP Braun revealed that Poland today is not one damn bit different from what it was when I was there in the fifties and sixties. Then, too, I could end up in a slammer for hurting feelings.

Here, on PF, it's still not the worst of it...

With the US First Amendment screaming at you, you, a-holes, still defend your fake Euro-style freedom of speech because, deep down, you are slaves - aka "subjects". If I posted in Europe what I posted here over the years, I would be serving 25 to life.

As I said so many times, once you develop the Stockholm disorder, it's forever...
cms neuf  2 | 1854
15 Dec 2023   #223
Shut about America - or alternatively go out do some American Friday night things - have a drink in a bar, watch some Basketball, have a deep pan.

In American you could certainly not spray a fire extinguisher in someone's face.
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #224
In American you could certainly not spray a fire extinguisher in someone's face.

They stormed their Capitol, and took selfies relaxing in Nancy Pelosi's office.

I'd say that's bigger than dousing someone with a fire extinguisher.

Americans have got the spirit, still.
cms neuf  2 | 1854
15 Dec 2023   #225
And for that they are getting long sentances - of course like pussies they are trying to get out of that by saying they are mentally incapacitated etc, same excuses as Lavrov and Medvedev will be using at the Hague.
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #226
And for that they are getting long sentances

Remind me why Russia is the Empire of the Unfree?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
15 Dec 2023   #227
@Przelotnyptak1, no, a person who denies reality and has faschist tendencies!
The Donald too denied reality behind the convenient "fake news", when the news
hit home too hard for his easily bruised, petty ego.
cms neuf  2 | 1854
15 Dec 2023   #228
Because you get poisoned or pushed out of a window for criticism of the government
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #229
I don't want to speculate over the reasons for a person's death.

I think it may be irresponsible for you to do so as well.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
15 Dec 2023   #230
Irresponsible?? How so?
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #231
Because it plants a certain idea in certain people's minds - without any awareness of the context.

Suicide is a miserable subject - I'd rather move on.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
15 Dec 2023   #232
Most commit suicide strictly for personal reasons.
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #233
Really? Expert Lyzko?

Did you interview each of them before they put a bullet in their heads?

An interesting sample - I would expect.

Jokes aside - people take their jobs surprisingly seriously, despite the games of the trolls at the top. A cynic would say it's no one's fault but theirs.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
15 Dec 2023   #234
Sounds like something a reactionary US Republican would say too.
cms neuf  2 | 1854
15 Dec 2023   #235
The reasons for death are clear

Standing too close to a window

Going shopping in Salisbury

Drinking tea in London

Going to your job as an air hostess on a plane containing Putler's enemy
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Dec 2023   #236
Going shopping in Salisbury

Being a traitor to your country's intelligence services. Not some average plumber. The homeless British people that suffered as a result are a tragedy - do not misunderstand.

Drinking tea in London

Having made a professional career out of selling Russian state secrets to oligarchs and foreign governments.

Going to your job as an air hostess on a plane containing Putler's enemy

Servicing the most infamous mercenary leader of the last 500 years.

Other than these criteria - most Russians are safe. I would think.
cms neuf  2 | 1854
15 Dec 2023   #237
Yes - but tragedy is the wrong word. It is murder and the murderers will one day be extradited by a democratic Udmurtian government.

Your attitude to the air hostess is no surprise - such an act would be unthinkable in democratic Poland. In Udmurtia it is her fault for serving coffee
pawian  226 | 27510
15 Dec 2023   #238
When you heroically helped a woman to put out electric car fire.

  • 63fbf45b84554846a.jpg
Alien  25 | 6409
15 Dec 2023   #239
When you heroically helped a woman

And she won't even thank you for it.
pawian  226 | 27510
15 Dec 2023   #240
she won't even thank

Natural - she is still in deep shock. Such things just can`t happen.

Home / News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

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